blob: 9dafaca41f12205c9923fba909c73cdc442a0f1c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import android.system.ErrnoException;
import android.system.Os;
import android.system.OsConstants;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
public class BitmapFactoryTest {
// height and width of start.jpg
private static final int START_HEIGHT = 31;
private static final int START_WIDTH = 31;
// The test images, including baseline JPEG, a PNG, a GIF, a BMP AND a WEBP.
private static final int[] RES_IDS = new int[] {
R.drawable.baseline_jpeg, R.drawable.png_test, R.drawable.gif_test,
R.drawable.bmp_test, R.drawable.webp_test
// The width and height of the above image.
private static final int WIDTHS[] = new int[] { 1280, 640, 320, 320, 640 };
private static final int HEIGHTS[] = new int[] { 960, 480, 240, 240, 480 };
// Configurations for BitmapFactory.Options
private static final Config[] COLOR_CONFIGS = new Config[] {Config.ARGB_8888, Config.RGB_565};
private static final int[] COLOR_TOLS = new int[] {16, 49, 576};
private static final Config[] COLOR_CONFIGS_RGBA = new Config[] {Config.ARGB_8888};
private static final int[] COLOR_TOLS_RGBA = new int[] {72, 124};
private static final int[] RAW_COLORS = new int[] {
// raw data from R.drawable.premul_data
Color.argb(255, 0, 0, 0),
Color.argb(128, 255, 0, 0),
Color.argb(128, 25, 26, 27),
Color.argb(2, 255, 254, 253),
private static final int[] DEPREMUL_COLORS = new int[] {
// data from R.drawable.premul_data, after premultiplied store + un-premultiplied load
Color.argb(255, 0, 0, 0),
Color.argb(128, 255, 0, 0),
Color.argb(128, 26, 26, 28),
Color.argb(2, 255, 255, 255),
private Resources mRes;
// opt for non-null
private BitmapFactory.Options mOpt1;
// opt for null
private BitmapFactory.Options mOpt2;
private int mDefaultDensity;
private int mTargetDensity;
public void setup() {
mRes = InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext().getResources();
mDefaultDensity = DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT;
mTargetDensity = mRes.getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi;
mOpt1 = new BitmapFactory.Options();
mOpt1.inScaled = false;
mOpt2 = new BitmapFactory.Options();
mOpt2.inScaled = false;
mOpt2.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
public void testConstructor() {
new BitmapFactory();
public void testDecodeResource1() {
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.start,
// Test the bitmap size
assertEquals(START_HEIGHT, b.getHeight());
assertEquals(START_WIDTH, b.getWidth());
// Test if no bitmap
assertNull(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.start, mOpt2));
public void testDecodeResource2() {
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.start);
// Test the bitmap size
assertEquals(START_HEIGHT * mTargetDensity / mDefaultDensity, b.getHeight(), 1.1);
assertEquals(START_WIDTH * mTargetDensity / mDefaultDensity, b.getWidth(), 1.1);
public void testDecodeResourceStream() {
InputStream is = obtainInputStream();
Rect r = new Rect(1, 1, 1, 1);
TypedValue value = new TypedValue();
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeResourceStream(mRes, value, is, r, mOpt1);
// Test the bitmap size
assertEquals(START_HEIGHT, b.getHeight());
assertEquals(START_WIDTH, b.getWidth());
public void testDecodeByteArray1() {
byte[] array = obtainArray();
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(array, 0, array.length, mOpt1);
// Test the bitmap size
assertEquals(START_HEIGHT, b.getHeight());
assertEquals(START_WIDTH, b.getWidth());
// Test if no bitmap
assertNull(BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(array, 0, array.length, mOpt2));
public void testDecodeByteArray2() {
byte[] array = obtainArray();
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(array, 0, array.length);
// Test the bitmap size
assertEquals(START_HEIGHT, b.getHeight());
assertEquals(START_WIDTH, b.getWidth());
public void testDecodeStream1() {
InputStream is = obtainInputStream();
Rect r = new Rect(1, 1, 1, 1);
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is, r, mOpt1);
// Test the bitmap size
assertEquals(START_HEIGHT, b.getHeight());
assertEquals(START_WIDTH, b.getWidth());
// Test if no bitmap
assertNull(BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is, r, mOpt2));
public void testDecodeStream2() {
InputStream is = obtainInputStream();
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
// Test the bitmap size
assertEquals(START_HEIGHT, b.getHeight());
assertEquals(START_WIDTH, b.getWidth());
public void testDecodeStream3() {
for (int i = 0; i < RES_IDS.length; ++i) {
InputStream is = obtainInputStream(RES_IDS[i]);
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
// Test the bitmap size
assertEquals(WIDTHS[i], b.getWidth());
assertEquals(HEIGHTS[i], b.getHeight());
public void testDecodeStream4() {
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
for (int k = 0; k < COLOR_CONFIGS.length; ++k) {
options.inPreferredConfig = COLOR_CONFIGS[k];
// Decode the PNG & WebP test images. The WebP test image has been encoded from PNG test
// image and should have same similar (within some error-tolerance) Bitmap data.
InputStream iStreamPng = obtainInputStream(R.drawable.png_test);
Bitmap bPng = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(iStreamPng, null, options);
assertEquals(bPng.getConfig(), COLOR_CONFIGS[k]);
InputStream iStreamWebp1 = obtainInputStream(R.drawable.webp_test);
Bitmap bWebp1 = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(iStreamWebp1, null, options);
compareBitmaps(bPng, bWebp1, COLOR_TOLS[k], true, bPng.isPremultiplied());
// Compress the PNG image to WebP format (Quality=90) and decode it back.
// This will test end-to-end WebP encoding and decoding.
ByteArrayOutputStream oStreamWebp = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
assertTrue(bPng.compress(CompressFormat.WEBP, 90, oStreamWebp));
InputStream iStreamWebp2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(oStreamWebp.toByteArray());
Bitmap bWebp2 = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(iStreamWebp2, null, options);
compareBitmaps(bPng, bWebp2, COLOR_TOLS[k], true, bPng.isPremultiplied());
public void testDecodeStream5() {
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
for (int k = 0; k < COLOR_CONFIGS_RGBA.length; ++k) {
options.inPreferredConfig = COLOR_CONFIGS_RGBA[k];
// Decode the PNG & WebP (google_logo) images. The WebP image has
// been encoded from PNG image.
InputStream iStreamPng = obtainInputStream(R.drawable.google_logo_1);
Bitmap bPng = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(iStreamPng, null, options);
assertEquals(bPng.getConfig(), COLOR_CONFIGS_RGBA[k]);
// Decode the corresponding WebP (transparent) image (google_logo_2.webp).
InputStream iStreamWebP1 = obtainInputStream(R.drawable.google_logo_2);
Bitmap bWebP1 = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(iStreamWebP1, null, options);
assertEquals(bWebP1.getConfig(), COLOR_CONFIGS_RGBA[k]);
compareBitmaps(bPng, bWebP1, COLOR_TOLS_RGBA[k], true, bPng.isPremultiplied());
// Compress the PNG image to WebP format (Quality=90) and decode it back.
// This will test end-to-end WebP encoding and decoding.
ByteArrayOutputStream oStreamWebp = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
assertTrue(bPng.compress(CompressFormat.WEBP, 90, oStreamWebp));
InputStream iStreamWebp2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(oStreamWebp.toByteArray());
Bitmap bWebP2 = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(iStreamWebp2, null, options);
assertEquals(bWebP2.getConfig(), COLOR_CONFIGS_RGBA[k]);
compareBitmaps(bPng, bWebP2, COLOR_TOLS_RGBA[k], true, bPng.isPremultiplied());
public void testDecodeFileDescriptor1() throws IOException {
ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = obtainParcelDescriptor(obtainPath());
FileDescriptor input = pfd.getFileDescriptor();
Rect r = new Rect(1, 1, 1, 1);
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor(input, r, mOpt1);
// Test the bitmap size
assertEquals(START_HEIGHT, b.getHeight());
assertEquals(START_WIDTH, b.getWidth());
// Test if no bitmap
assertNull(BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor(input, r, mOpt2));
public void testDecodeFileDescriptor2() throws IOException {
ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = obtainParcelDescriptor(obtainPath());
FileDescriptor input = pfd.getFileDescriptor();
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor(input);
// Test the bitmap size
assertEquals(START_HEIGHT, b.getHeight());
assertEquals(START_WIDTH, b.getWidth());
public void testDecodeFileDescriptor3() throws IOException {
// Arbitrary offsets to use. If the offset of the FD matches the offset of the image,
// decoding should succeed, but if they do not match, decoding should fail.
long ACTUAL_OFFSETS[] = new long[] { 0, 17 };
for (int RES_ID : RES_IDS) {
for (int j = 0; j < ACTUAL_OFFSETS.length; ++j) {
// FIXME: The purgeable test should attempt to purge the memory
// to force a re-decode.
for (boolean TEST_PURGEABLE : new boolean[] { false, true }) {
BitmapFactory.Options opts = new BitmapFactory.Options();
opts.inPurgeable = TEST_PURGEABLE;
opts.inInputShareable = TEST_PURGEABLE;
long actualOffset = ACTUAL_OFFSETS[j];
String path = obtainPath(RES_ID, actualOffset);
RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(path, "r");
FileDescriptor fd = file.getFD();
// Set the offset to ACTUAL_OFFSET;
assertEquals(file.getFilePointer(), actualOffset);
// Now decode. This should be successful and leave the offset
// unchanged.
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor(fd, null, opts);
assertEquals(file.getFilePointer(), actualOffset);
// Now use the other offset. It should fail to decode, and
// the offset should remain unchanged.
long otherOffset = ACTUAL_OFFSETS[(j + 1) % ACTUAL_OFFSETS.length];
assertFalse(otherOffset == actualOffset);;
assertEquals(file.getFilePointer(), otherOffset);
b = BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor(fd, null, opts);
assertEquals(file.getFilePointer(), otherOffset);
public void testDecodeFile1() throws IOException {
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(obtainPath(), mOpt1);
// Test the bitmap size
assertEquals(START_HEIGHT, b.getHeight());
assertEquals(START_WIDTH, b.getWidth());
// Test if no bitmap
assertNull(BitmapFactory.decodeFile(obtainPath(), mOpt2));
public void testDecodeFile2() throws IOException {
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(obtainPath());
// Test the bitmap size
assertEquals(START_HEIGHT, b.getHeight());
assertEquals(START_WIDTH, b.getWidth());
public void testDecodeReuseBasic() {
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inMutable = true;
options.inSampleSize = 0; // treated as 1
options.inScaled = false;
Bitmap start = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.start, options);
int originalSize = start.getByteCount();
assertEquals(originalSize, start.getAllocationByteCount());
options.inBitmap = start;
options.inMutable = false; // will be overridden by non-null inBitmap
options.inSampleSize = -42; // treated as 1
Bitmap pass = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.pass, options);
assertEquals(originalSize, pass.getByteCount());
assertEquals(originalSize, pass.getAllocationByteCount());
assertSame(start, pass);
* Create bitmap sized to load unscaled resources: start, pass, and alpha
private Bitmap createBitmapForReuse(int pixelCount) {
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(pixelCount, 1, Config.ARGB_8888);
return bitmap;
* Decode resource with ResId into reuse bitmap without scaling, verifying expected hasAlpha
private void decodeResourceWithReuse(Bitmap reuse, int resId, boolean hasAlpha) {
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inMutable = true;
options.inSampleSize = 1;
options.inScaled = false;
options.inBitmap = reuse;
Bitmap output = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, resId, options);
assertSame(reuse, output);
assertEquals(output.hasAlpha(), hasAlpha);
public void testDecodeReuseHasAlpha() {
final int bitmapSize = 31; // size in pixels of start, pass, and alpha resources
final int pixelCount = bitmapSize * bitmapSize;
// Test reuse, hasAlpha false and true
Bitmap bitmap = createBitmapForReuse(pixelCount);
decodeResourceWithReuse(bitmap, R.drawable.start, false);
decodeResourceWithReuse(bitmap, R.drawable.alpha, true);
// Test pre-reconfigure, hasAlpha false and true
bitmap = createBitmapForReuse(pixelCount);
bitmap.reconfigure(bitmapSize, bitmapSize, Config.ARGB_8888);
decodeResourceWithReuse(bitmap, R.drawable.start, false);
bitmap = createBitmapForReuse(pixelCount);
bitmap.reconfigure(bitmapSize, bitmapSize, Config.ARGB_8888);
decodeResourceWithReuse(bitmap, R.drawable.alpha, true);
public void testDecodeReuseFormats() {
// reuse should support all image formats
for (int i = 0; i < RES_IDS.length; ++i) {
Bitmap reuseBuffer = Bitmap.createBitmap(1000000, 1, Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8);
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inBitmap = reuseBuffer;
options.inSampleSize = 4;
options.inScaled = false;
Bitmap decoded = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, RES_IDS[i], options);
assertSame(reuseBuffer, decoded);
public void testDecodeReuseFailure() {
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inMutable = true;
options.inScaled = false;
options.inSampleSize = 4;
Bitmap reduced = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.robot, options);
options.inBitmap = reduced;
options.inSampleSize = 1;
try {
BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.robot, options);
fail("should throw exception due to lack of space");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
public void testDecodeReuseScaling() {
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inMutable = true;
options.inScaled = false;
Bitmap original = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.robot, options);
int originalSize = original.getByteCount();
assertEquals(originalSize, original.getAllocationByteCount());
options.inBitmap = original;
options.inSampleSize = 4;
Bitmap reduced = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.robot, options);
assertSame(original, reduced);
assertEquals(originalSize, reduced.getAllocationByteCount());
assertEquals(originalSize, reduced.getByteCount() * 16);
public void testDecodeReuseDoubleScaling() {
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inMutable = true;
options.inScaled = false;
options.inSampleSize = 1;
Bitmap original = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.robot, options);
int originalSize = original.getByteCount();
// Verify that inSampleSize and density scaling both work with reuse concurrently
options.inBitmap = original;
options.inScaled = true;
options.inSampleSize = 2;
options.inDensity = 2;
options.inTargetDensity = 4;
Bitmap doubleScaled = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.robot, options);
assertSame(original, doubleScaled);
assertEquals(4, doubleScaled.getDensity());
assertEquals(originalSize, doubleScaled.getByteCount());
public void testDecodeReuseEquivalentScaling() {
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inMutable = true;
options.inScaled = true;
options.inDensity = 4;
options.inTargetDensity = 2;
Bitmap densityReduced = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.robot, options);
assertEquals(2, densityReduced.getDensity());
options.inBitmap = densityReduced;
options.inDensity = 0;
options.inScaled = false;
options.inSampleSize = 2;
Bitmap scaleReduced = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.robot, options);
// verify that density isn't incorrectly carried over during bitmap reuse
assertFalse(densityReduced.getDensity() == 2);
assertFalse(densityReduced.getDensity() == 0);
assertSame(densityReduced, scaleReduced);
public void testDecodePremultipliedDefault() {
Bitmap simplePremul = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.premul_data);
public void testDecodePremultipliedData() {
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inScaled = false;
Bitmap premul = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.premul_data, options);
options.inPremultiplied = false;
Bitmap unpremul = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.premul_data, options);
assertEquals(premul.getConfig(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
assertEquals(unpremul.getConfig(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
assertTrue(premul.getHeight() == 1 && unpremul.getHeight() == 1);
assertTrue(premul.getWidth() == unpremul.getWidth() &&
DEPREMUL_COLORS.length == RAW_COLORS.length &&
premul.getWidth() == DEPREMUL_COLORS.length);
// verify pixel data - unpremul should have raw values, premul will have rounding errors
for (int i = 0; i < premul.getWidth(); i++) {
assertEquals(premul.getPixel(i, 0), DEPREMUL_COLORS[i]);
assertEquals(unpremul.getPixel(i, 0), RAW_COLORS[i]);
public void testDecodeInPurgeableAllocationCount() {
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inSampleSize = 1;
options.inJustDecodeBounds = false;
options.inPurgeable = true;
options.inInputShareable = false;
byte[] array = obtainArray();
Bitmap purgeableBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(array, 0, array.length, options);
assertFalse(purgeableBitmap.getAllocationByteCount() == 0);
private int mDefaultCreationDensity;
private void verifyScaled(Bitmap b) {
assertEquals(b.getWidth(), START_WIDTH * 2);
assertEquals(b.getDensity(), 2);
private void verifyUnscaled(Bitmap b) {
assertEquals(b.getWidth(), START_WIDTH);
assertEquals(b.getDensity(), mDefaultCreationDensity);
public void testDecodeScaling() {
BitmapFactory.Options defaultOpt = new BitmapFactory.Options();
BitmapFactory.Options unscaledOpt = new BitmapFactory.Options();
unscaledOpt.inScaled = false;
BitmapFactory.Options scaledOpt = new BitmapFactory.Options();
scaledOpt.inScaled = true;
scaledOpt.inDensity = 1;
scaledOpt.inTargetDensity = 2;
mDefaultCreationDensity = Bitmap.createBitmap(1, 1, Config.ARGB_8888).getDensity();
byte[] bytes = obtainArray();
verifyUnscaled(BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.length));
verifyUnscaled(BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.length, null));
verifyUnscaled(BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.length, unscaledOpt));
verifyUnscaled(BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.length, defaultOpt));
verifyUnscaled(BitmapFactory.decodeStream(obtainInputStream(), null, null));
verifyUnscaled(BitmapFactory.decodeStream(obtainInputStream(), null, unscaledOpt));
verifyUnscaled(BitmapFactory.decodeStream(obtainInputStream(), null, defaultOpt));
// scaling should only occur if Options are passed with inScaled=true
verifyScaled(BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.length, scaledOpt));
verifyScaled(BitmapFactory.decodeStream(obtainInputStream(), null, scaledOpt));
// Test that writing an index8 bitmap to a Parcel succeeds.
public void testParcel() {
// Turn off scaling, which would convert to an 8888 bitmap, which does not expose
// the bug.
BitmapFactory.Options opts = new BitmapFactory.Options();
opts.inScaled = false;
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.gif_test, opts);
// index8 has no Java equivalent, so the Config will be null.
Parcel p = Parcel.obtain();
b.writeToParcel(p, 0);
Bitmap b2 = Bitmap.CREATOR.createFromParcel(p);
compareBitmaps(b, b2, 0, true, true);
// When this failed previously, the bitmap was missing a colortable, resulting in a crash
// attempting to compress by dereferencing a null pointer. Compress to verify that we do
// not crash, but succeed instead.
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
assertTrue(b2.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 50, baos));
public void testConfigs() {
// The output Config of a BitmapFactory decode depends on the request from the
// client and the properties of the image to be decoded.
// Options.inPreferredConfig = Config.ARGB_8888
// This is the default value of inPreferredConfig. In this case, the image
// will always be decoded to Config.ARGB_8888.
// Options.inPreferredConfig = Config.RGB_565
// If the encoded image is opaque, we will decode to Config.RGB_565,
// otherwise we will decode to whichever color type is the most natural match
// for the encoded data.
// Options.inPreferredConfig = Config.ARGB_4444
// This is deprecated and will always decode to Config.ARGB_8888.
// Options.inPreferredConfig = Config.ALPHA_8
// If the encoded image is gray, we will decode to 8-bit grayscale values
// and indicate that the output bitmap is Config.ALPHA_8. This is somewhat
// misleading because the image is really opaque and grayscale, but we are
// labeling each pixel as if it is a translucency (alpha) value. If the
// encoded image is not gray, we will decode to whichever color type is the
// most natural match for the encoded data.
// Options.inPreferredConfig = null
// We will decode to whichever Config is the most natural match with the
// encoded data. This could be 8-bit indices into a color table (call this
// INDEX_8), ALPHA_8 (gray), or ARGB_8888.
// This test ensures that images are decoded to the intended Config and that the
// decodes match regardless of the Config.
decodeConfigs(R.drawable.alpha, 31, 31, true, false, false);
decodeConfigs(R.drawable.baseline_jpeg, 1280, 960, false, false, false);
decodeConfigs(R.drawable.bmp_test, 320, 240, false, false, false);
decodeConfigs(R.drawable.scaled2, 6, 8, false, false, true);
decodeConfigs(R.drawable.grayscale_jpg, 128, 128, false, true, false);
decodeConfigs(R.drawable.grayscale_png, 128, 128, false, true, false);
public void testMutableHardwareInDecodeResource() {
Options options = new Options();
options.inMutable = true;
options.inPreferredConfig = Config.HARDWARE;
BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.alpha, options);
public void testMutableHardwareInDecodeByteArray() {
Options options = new Options();
options.inMutable = true;
options.inPreferredConfig = Config.HARDWARE;
BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(new byte[100], 1, 20, options);
public void testMutableHardwareInDecodeFile() {
Options options = new Options();
options.inMutable = true;
options.inPreferredConfig = Config.HARDWARE;
BitmapFactory.decodeFile("barely/care.jpg", options);
public void testMutableHardwareInDecodeFileDescriptor() {
Options options = new Options();
options.inMutable = true;
options.inPreferredConfig = Config.HARDWARE;
BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor(null, new Rect(), options);
public void testMutableHardwareInDecodeResourceStream() {
Options options = new Options();
options.inMutable = true;
options.inPreferredConfig = Config.HARDWARE;
TypedValue value = new TypedValue();
BitmapFactory.decodeResourceStream(mRes, value,
new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[20]), new Rect(), options);
public void testDecodeHardwareBitmap() {
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.HARDWARE;
Bitmap hardwareBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.robot, options);
// Test that checks that correct bitmap was obtained is in uirendering/HardwareBitmapTests
assertEquals(Config.HARDWARE, hardwareBitmap.getConfig());
public void testDecodePngFromPipe() {
// This test verifies that we can send a PNG over a pipe and
// successfully decode it. This behavior worked in N, so this
// verifies that do not break it for backwards compatibility.
// This was already not supported for the other Bitmap.CompressFormats
// (JPEG and WEBP), so we do not test those.
Bitmap source = Bitmap.createBitmap(100, 100, Config.ARGB_8888);
try {
Bitmap result = sendOverPipe(source, CompressFormat.PNG);
} catch (Exception e) {
private Bitmap sendOverPipe(Bitmap source, CompressFormat format)
throws IOException, ErrnoException, InterruptedException {
FileDescriptor[] pipeFds = Os.pipe();
final FileDescriptor readFd = pipeFds[0];
final FileDescriptor writeFd = pipeFds[1];
final Throwable[] compressErrors = new Throwable[1];
final CountDownLatch writeFinished = new CountDownLatch(1);
final CountDownLatch readFinished = new CountDownLatch(1);
final Bitmap[] decodedResult = new Bitmap[1];
Thread writeThread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(writeFd);
source.compress(format, 100, output);
} catch (Throwable t) {
compressErrors[0] = t;
// Try closing the FD to unblock the test thread
try {
} catch (Throwable ignore) {}
} finally {
Thread readThread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
decodedResult[0] = BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor(readFd);
if (compressErrors[0] != null) {
if (readThread.isAlive()) {
// Test failure, try to clean up
fail("Read timed out");
assertValidFd("readFd", readFd);
assertValidFd("writeFd", writeFd);
return decodedResult[0];
private static void assertValidFd(String name, FileDescriptor fd) {
try {
// Hacky check to test that the underlying FD is still valid without using
// the private fcntlVoid to do F_GETFD
} catch (ErrnoException ex) {
fail(name + " is invalid: " + ex.getMessage());
private void decodeConfigs(int id, int width, int height, boolean hasAlpha, boolean isGray,
boolean hasColorTable) {
Options opts = new BitmapFactory.Options();
opts.inScaled = false;
assertEquals(Config.ARGB_8888, opts.inPreferredConfig);
Bitmap reference = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, id, opts);
assertEquals(width, reference.getWidth());
assertEquals(height, reference.getHeight());
assertEquals(Config.ARGB_8888, reference.getConfig());
opts.inPreferredConfig = Config.ARGB_4444;
Bitmap argb4444 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, id, opts);
assertEquals(width, argb4444.getWidth());
assertEquals(height, argb4444.getHeight());
// ARGB_4444 is deprecated and we should decode to ARGB_8888.
assertEquals(Config.ARGB_8888, argb4444.getConfig());
compareBitmaps(reference, argb4444, 0, true, true);
opts.inPreferredConfig = Config.RGB_565;
Bitmap rgb565 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, id, opts);
assertEquals(width, rgb565.getWidth());
assertEquals(height, rgb565.getHeight());
if (!hasAlpha) {
assertEquals(Config.RGB_565, rgb565.getConfig());
// Convert the RGB_565 bitmap to ARGB_8888 and test that it is similar to
// the reference. We lose information when decoding to 565, so there must
// be some tolerance. The tolerance is intentionally loose to allow us some
// flexibility regarding if we dither and how we color convert.
compareBitmaps(reference, rgb565.copy(Config.ARGB_8888, false), 30, true, true);
opts.inPreferredConfig = Config.ALPHA_8;
Bitmap alpha8 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, id, opts);
assertEquals(width, reference.getWidth());
assertEquals(height, reference.getHeight());
if (isGray) {
assertEquals(Config.ALPHA_8, alpha8.getConfig());
// Convert the ALPHA_8 bitmap to ARGB_8888 and test that it is identical to
// the reference. We must do this manually because we are abusing ALPHA_8
// in order to represent grayscale.
compareBitmaps(reference, grayToARGB(alpha8), 0, true, true);
// Setting inPreferredConfig to null selects the most natural color type for
// the encoded data. If the image has a color table, this should be INDEX_8.
// If we decode to INDEX_8, the output bitmap will report that the Config is
// null.
opts.inPreferredConfig = null;
Bitmap index8 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, id, opts);
assertEquals(width, index8.getWidth());
assertEquals(height, index8.getHeight());
if (hasColorTable) {
assertEquals(null, index8.getConfig());
// Convert the INDEX_8 bitmap to ARGB_8888 and test that it is identical to
// the reference.
compareBitmaps(reference, index8.copy(Config.ARGB_8888, false), 0, true, true);
private static Bitmap grayToARGB(Bitmap gray) {
Bitmap argb = Bitmap.createBitmap(gray.getWidth(), gray.getHeight(), Config.ARGB_8888);
for (int y = 0; y < argb.getHeight(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < argb.getWidth(); x++) {
int grayByte = Color.alpha(gray.getPixel(x, y));
argb.setPixel(x, y, Color.rgb(grayByte, grayByte, grayByte));
return argb;
private byte[] obtainArray() {
ByteArrayOutputStream stm = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Options opt = new BitmapFactory.Options();
opt.inScaled = false;
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.start, opt);
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 0, stm);
private InputStream obtainInputStream() {
return mRes.openRawResource(R.drawable.start);
private InputStream obtainInputStream(int resId) {
return mRes.openRawResource(resId);
private static ParcelFileDescriptor obtainParcelDescriptor(String path) throws IOException {
File file = new File(path);
return, ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_ONLY);
private String obtainPath() throws IOException {
return obtainPath(R.drawable.start, 0);
* Create a new file and return a path to it.
* @param resId Original file. It will be copied into the new file.
* @param offset Number of zeroes to write to the new file before the
* copied file. This allows testing decodeFileDescriptor
* with an offset. Must be less than or equal to 1024
private String obtainPath(int resId, long offset) throws IOException {
File dir = InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext().getFilesDir();
// The suffix does not necessarily represent theactual file type.
File file = new File(dir, "test.jpg");
if (!file.createNewFile()) {
if (!file.exists()) {
fail("Failed to create new File!");
InputStream is = obtainInputStream(resId);
FileOutputStream fOutput = new FileOutputStream(file);
byte[] dataBuffer = new byte[1024];
// Write a bunch of zeroes before the image.
assertTrue(offset <= 1024);
fOutput.write(dataBuffer, 0, (int) offset);
int readLength = 0;
while ((readLength = != -1) {
fOutput.write(dataBuffer, 0, readLength);
return (file.getPath());
// Compare expected to actual to see if their diff is less then mseMargin.
// lessThanMargin is to indicate whether we expect the mean square error
// to be "less than" or "no less than".
private static void compareBitmaps(Bitmap expected, Bitmap actual,
int mseMargin, boolean lessThanMargin, boolean isPremultiplied) {
final int width = expected.getWidth();
final int height = expected.getHeight();
assertEquals("mismatching widths", width, actual.getWidth());
assertEquals("mismatching heights", height, actual.getHeight());
assertEquals("mismatching configs", expected.getConfig(),
double mse = 0;
int[] expectedColors = new int [width * height];
int[] actualColors = new int [width * height];
// Bitmap.getPixels() returns colors with non-premultiplied ARGB values.
expected.getPixels(expectedColors, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);
actual.getPixels(actualColors, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);
for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < width; ++col) {
int idx = row * width + col;
mse += distance(expectedColors[idx], actualColors[idx], isPremultiplied);
mse /= width * height;
if (lessThanMargin) {
assertTrue("MSE " + mse + "larger than the threshold: " + mseMargin,
mse <= mseMargin);
} else {
assertFalse("MSE " + mse + "smaller than the threshold: " + mseMargin,
mse <= mseMargin);
private static int multiplyAlpha(int color, int alpha) {
return (color * alpha + 127) / 255;
// For the Bitmap with Alpha, multiply the Alpha values to get the effective
// RGB colors and then compute the color-distance.
private static double distance(int expect, int actual, boolean isPremultiplied) {
if (isPremultiplied) {
final int a1 = Color.alpha(actual);
final int a2 = Color.alpha(expect);
final int r = multiplyAlpha(, a1) -
multiplyAlpha(, a2);
final int g = multiplyAlpha(, a1) -
multiplyAlpha(, a2);
final int b = multiplyAlpha(, a1) -
multiplyAlpha(, a2);
return r * r + g * g + b * b;
} else {
final int r = -;
final int g = -;
final int b = -;
return r * r + g * g + b * b;