blob: 0bbc9c72b78641ce9f310b740761073c67cde543 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.theme.cts;
* A set of color-related utility methods, building upon those available in {@code Color}.
public class ColorUtils {
private static final double XYZ_WHITE_REFERENCE_X = 95.047;
private static final double XYZ_WHITE_REFERENCE_Y = 100;
private static final double XYZ_WHITE_REFERENCE_Z = 108.883;
private static final double XYZ_EPSILON = 0.008856;
private static final double XYZ_KAPPA = 903.3;
private ColorUtils() {}
* Performs alpha blending of two colors using Porter-Duff SRC_OVER.
* @param src
* @param dst
public static int blendSrcOver(int src, int dst) {
int x = 255 - a(src);
int Ar = clamp(a(src) + a(dst) * x);
int Rr = clamp(r(src) + r(dst) * x);
int Gr = clamp(g(src) + g(dst) * x);
int Br = clamp(b(src) + b(dst) * x);
return argb(Ar, Rr, Gr, Br);
private static int clamp(int value) {
return value > 255 ? 255 : value < 0 ? 0 : value;
* Return a color-int from alpha, red, green, blue components.
* These component values should be \([0..255]\), but there is no
* range check performed, so if they are out of range, the
* returned color is undefined.
* @param alpha Alpha component \([0..255]\) of the color
* @param red Red component \([0..255]\) of the color
* @param green Green component \([0..255]\) of the color
* @param blue Blue component \([0..255]\) of the color
public static int argb(int alpha, int red, int green, int blue) {
return (alpha << 24) | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
* Return the alpha component of a color int. This is the same as saying
* color >>> 24
public static int a(int color) {
return color >>> 24;
* Return the red component of a color int. This is the same as saying
* (color >> 16) & 0xFF
public static int r(int color) {
return (color >> 16) & 0xFF;
* Return the green component of a color int. This is the same as saying
* (color >> 8) & 0xFF
public static int g(int color) {
return (color >> 8) & 0xFF;
* Return the blue component of a color int. This is the same as saying
* color & 0xFF
public static int b(int color) {
return color & 0xFF;
* Convert the ARGB color to its CIE Lab representative components.
* @param color the ARGB color to convert. The alpha component is ignored
* @param outLab 3-element array which holds the resulting LAB components
public static void colorToLAB(int color, double[] outLab) {
RGBToLAB(r(color), g(color), b(color), outLab);
* Convert RGB components to its CIE Lab representative components.
* <ul>
* <li>outLab[0] is L [0 ...1)</li>
* <li>outLab[1] is a [-128...127)</li>
* <li>outLab[2] is b [-128...127)</li>
* </ul>
* @param r red component value [0..255]
* @param g green component value [0..255]
* @param b blue component value [0..255]
* @param outLab 3-element array which holds the resulting LAB components
public static void RGBToLAB(int r, int g, int b, double[] outLab) {
// First we convert RGB to XYZ
RGBToXYZ(r, g, b, outLab);
// outLab now contains XYZ
XYZToLAB(outLab[0], outLab[1], outLab[2], outLab);
// outLab now contains LAB representation
* Convert RGB components to its CIE XYZ representative components.
* <p>The resulting XYZ representation will use the D65 illuminant and the CIE
* 2° Standard Observer (1931).</p>
* <ul>
* <li>outXyz[0] is X [0 ...95.047)</li>
* <li>outXyz[1] is Y [0...100)</li>
* <li>outXyz[2] is Z [0...108.883)</li>
* </ul>
* @param r red component value [0..255]
* @param g green component value [0..255]
* @param b blue component value [0..255]
* @param outXyz 3-element array which holds the resulting XYZ components
public static void RGBToXYZ(int r, int g, int b, double[] outXyz) {
if (outXyz.length != 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("outXyz must have a length of 3.");
double sr = r / 255.0;
sr = sr < 0.04045 ? sr / 12.92 : Math.pow((sr + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
double sg = g / 255.0;
sg = sg < 0.04045 ? sg / 12.92 : Math.pow((sg + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
double sb = b / 255.0;
sb = sb < 0.04045 ? sb / 12.92 : Math.pow((sb + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
outXyz[0] = 100 * (sr * 0.4124 + sg * 0.3576 + sb * 0.1805);
outXyz[1] = 100 * (sr * 0.2126 + sg * 0.7152 + sb * 0.0722);
outXyz[2] = 100 * (sr * 0.0193 + sg * 0.1192 + sb * 0.9505);
* Converts a color from CIE XYZ to CIE Lab representation.
* <p>This method expects the XYZ representation to use the D65 illuminant and the CIE
* 2° Standard Observer (1931).</p>
* <ul>
* <li>outLab[0] is L [0 ...1)</li>
* <li>outLab[1] is a [-128...127)</li>
* <li>outLab[2] is b [-128...127)</li>
* </ul>
* @param x X component value [0...95.047)
* @param y Y component value [0...100)
* @param z Z component value [0...108.883)
* @param outLab 3-element array which holds the resulting Lab components
public static void XYZToLAB(double x, double y, double z, double[] outLab) {
if (outLab.length != 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("outLab must have a length of 3.");
x = pivotXyzComponent(x / XYZ_WHITE_REFERENCE_X);
y = pivotXyzComponent(y / XYZ_WHITE_REFERENCE_Y);
z = pivotXyzComponent(z / XYZ_WHITE_REFERENCE_Z);
outLab[0] = Math.max(0, 116 * y - 16);
outLab[1] = 500 * (x - y);
outLab[2] = 200 * (y - z);
private static double pivotXyzComponent(double component) {
return component > XYZ_EPSILON
? Math.pow(component, 1 / 3.0)
: (XYZ_KAPPA * component + 16) / 116;