Parallelize Test Description Generalization

Shaves off 1 minute from the CTS build process on my machine.
Instead of serially creating an XML for each framework package
create them in parallel to distribute the JavaDoc processes
across the CPU's cores.

Change-Id: Ie4a14d7821a7206a5b189fab46e391c99b066c51
diff --git a/tools/utils/ b/tools/utils/
index 35a3a11..4daf48e 100755
--- a/tools/utils/
+++ b/tools/utils/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 import sys
 import xml.dom.minidom as dom
 from cts import tools
+from multiprocessing import Pool
 def GetSubDirectories(root):
   """Return all directories under the given root directory."""
@@ -72,173 +72,24 @@
     self.test_repository = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'repository/testcases')
     self.plan_repository = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'repository/plans')
-  def __LogGenerateDescription(self, name):
-    print 'Generating test description for package %s' % name
-  def RunDescriptionGeneratorDoclet(self, source_root, output_file):
-    """Generate a test package description by running the DescriptionGenerator doclet.
-    Args:
-      source_root: Directory under which tests should be searched.
-      output_file: Name of the file where the description gets written.
-    Returns:
-      The exit code of the DescriptionGenerator doclet run.
-    """
-    # Make sure sourceRoot is relative to  self.android_root
-    source_root = self.RelPath(source_root, self.android_root)
-    # To determine whether a class is a JUnit test, the Doclet needs to have all intermediate
-    # subclasses of TestCase as well as the JUnit framework itself on the source path.
-    # Annotation classes are also required, since test annotations go into the description.
-    source_path = [
-        'frameworks/base/core/java',            # android test classes
-        'frameworks/base/test-runner/src',      # test runner
-        'libcore/junit/src/main/java',          # junit classes
-        'development/tools/hosttestlib/src',    # hosttestlib TestCase extensions
-        'libcore/dalvik/src/main/java',         # test annotations
-        'cts/tests/src',                        # cts test stubs
-        source_root                             # the source for this package
-    ]
-    source_path = [os.path.join(self.android_root, x) for x in source_path]
-    cmd = ('javadoc -o %s -J-Xmx512m -quiet -doclet DescriptionGenerator -docletpath %s'
-           ' -sourcepath %s ') % (output_file, self.doclet_path, ':'.join(source_path))
-    sources = []
-    def AddFile(sources, folder, names):
-      """Find *.java."""
-      sources.extend([os.path.join(folder, name) for name in names if name.endswith('.java')])
-    os.path.walk(os.path.join(self.android_root, source_root), AddFile, sources)
-    cmd += ' '.join(sources)
-    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-    # read and discard any output
-    proc.communicate()
-    # wait for process to terminate and return exit value
-    return proc.wait()
-  def GenerateSignatureCheckDescription(self):
-    """Generate the test description for the signature check."""
-    self.__LogGenerateDescription('android.tests.sigtest')
-    package = tools.TestPackage('SignatureTest', 'android.tests.sigtest')
-    package.AddAttribute('appNameSpace', 'android.tests.sigtest')
-    package.AddAttribute('signatureCheck', 'true')
-    package.AddAttribute('runner', '.InstrumentationRunner')
-    package.AddTest('android.tests.sigtest.SignatureTest.signatureTest')
-    description = open(os.path.join(self.test_repository, 'SignatureTest.xml'), 'w')
-    package.WriteDescription(description)
-    description.close()
-  def GenerateReferenceAppDescription(self):
-    """Generate the test description for the reference app tests."""
-    self.__LogGenerateDescription('android.apidemos.cts')
-    package = tools.TestPackage('ApiDemosReferenceTest', 'android.apidemos.cts')
-    package.AddAttribute('appNameSpace', 'android.apidemos.cts')
-    package.AddAttribute('packageToTest', '')
-    package.AddAttribute('apkToTestName', 'ApiDemos')
-    package.AddAttribute('runner', 'android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner')
-    package.AddAttribute('referenceAppTest', 'true')
-    package.AddTest('android.apidemos.cts.ApiDemosTest.testNumberOfItemsInListView')
-    description = open(os.path.join(self.test_repository, 'ApiDemosReferenceTest.xml'), 'w')
-    package.WriteDescription(description)
-    description.close()
-  def GenerateAppSecurityDescription(self):
-    """Generate the test description for the application security tests."""
-    test_root = 'cts/tests/appsecurity-tests'
-    makefile_name = os.path.join(test_root, '')
-    makefile_vars = GetMakeFileVars(makefile_name)
-    name = makefile_vars['LOCAL_MODULE']
-    package_name = 'android.tests.appsecurity'
-    self.__LogGenerateDescription(package_name)
-    temp_desc = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'description.xml')
-    self.RunDescriptionGeneratorDoclet(os.path.join(test_root, 'src'), temp_desc)
-    doc = dom.parse(temp_desc)
-    test_description = doc.getElementsByTagName('TestPackage')[0]
-    test_description.setAttribute('name', package_name)
-    test_description.setAttribute('appPackageName', package_name)
-    test_description.setAttribute('hostSideOnly', 'true')
-    test_description.setAttribute('jarPath', name + '.jar')
-    description = open(os.path.join(self.test_repository, package_name + '.xml'), 'w')
-    doc.writexml(description, addindent='    ', encoding='UTF-8')
-    description.close()
-  @staticmethod
-  def RelPath(path, start=os.getcwd()):
-    """Get a relative version of a path.
-    This is equivalent to os.path.relpath, which is only available since Python 2.6.
-    Args:
-      path: The path to transform.
-      start: The base path. Defaults to the current working directory.
-    Returns:
-      A transformed path that is relative to start.
-    """
-    path_dirs = os.path.abspath(path).split(os.path.sep)
-    start_dirs = os.path.abspath(start).split(os.path.sep)
-    num_common = len(os.path.commonprefix([start_dirs, path_dirs]))
-    result_dirs = ['..'] * (len(start_dirs) - num_common) + path_dirs[num_common:]
-    if result_dirs:
-      return os.path.join(*result_dirs)
-    return start
   def GenerateTestDescriptions(self):
     """Generate test descriptions for all packages."""
+    pool = Pool(processes=16)
     # individually generate descriptions not following conventions
-    self.GenerateSignatureCheckDescription()
-    self.GenerateReferenceAppDescription()
-    self.GenerateAppSecurityDescription()
+    pool.apply_async(GenerateSignatureCheckDescription, [self.test_repository])
+    pool.apply_async(GenerateReferenceAppDescription, [self.test_repository])
+    pool.apply_async(GenerateAppSecurityDescription, [self.temp_dir,
+        self.test_repository, self.android_root, self.doclet_path])
     # generate test descriptions for android tests
     android_packages = GetSubDirectories(self.test_root)
     for package in android_packages:
-      app_package_name = 'android.' + package
-      package_root = os.path.join(self.test_root, package)
+      pool.apply_async(GenerateTestDescription, [self.test_root, self.temp_dir,
+          self.test_repository, self.android_root, self.doclet_path, package])
-      makefile_name = os.path.join(package_root, '')
-      if not os.path.exists(makefile_name):
-        print 'Skipping directory "%s" due to missing' % package_root
-        continue
-      makefile_vars = GetMakeFileVars(makefile_name)
-      manifest_name = os.path.join(package_root, 'AndroidManifest.xml')
-      if not os.path.exists(manifest_name):
-        print 'Skipping directory "%s" due to missing AndroidManifest.xml' % package_root
-        continue
-      manifest = tools.XmlFile(manifest_name)
-      self.__LogGenerateDescription(app_package_name)
-      # Run the description generator doclet to get the test package structure
-      # TODO: The Doclet does not currently add all required attributes. Instead of rewriting
-      # the document below, additional attributes should be passed to the Doclet as arguments.
-      temp_desc = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'description.xml')
-      self.RunDescriptionGeneratorDoclet(package_root, temp_desc)
-      # obtain missing attribute values from the makefile and manifest
-      package_name = makefile_vars['LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME']
-      runner = manifest.GetAndroidAttr('instrumentation', 'name')
-      target_package = manifest.GetAndroidAttr('instrumentation', 'targetPackage')
-      target_binary_name = makefile_vars.get('LOCAL_INSTRUMENTATION_FOR')
-      # add them to the document
-      doc = dom.parse(temp_desc)
-      test_description = doc.getElementsByTagName('TestPackage')[0]
-      test_description.setAttribute('name', package_name)
-      test_description.setAttribute('runner', runner)
-      test_package = manifest.GetAttr('manifest', 'package')
-      test_description.setAttribute('appNameSpace', test_package)
-      test_description.setAttribute('appPackageName', app_package_name)
-      if not test_package == target_package:
-        test_description.setAttribute('targetNameSpace', target_package)
-        test_description.setAttribute('targetBinaryName', target_binary_name)
-      description = open(os.path.join(self.test_repository, package_name + '.xml'), 'w')
-      doc.writexml(description, addindent='    ', encoding='UTF-8')
-      description.close()
+    pool.close()
+    pool.join()
   def __WritePlan(self, plan, plan_name):
     print 'Generating test plan %s' % plan_name
@@ -285,6 +136,170 @@
     self.__WritePlan(plan, 'AppSecurity')
+def LogGenerateDescription(name):
+  print 'Generating test description for package %s' % name
+def GenerateSignatureCheckDescription(test_repository):
+  """Generate the test description for the signature check."""
+  LogGenerateDescription('android.tests.sigtest')
+  package = tools.TestPackage('SignatureTest', 'android.tests.sigtest')
+  package.AddAttribute('appNameSpace', 'android.tests.sigtest')
+  package.AddAttribute('signatureCheck', 'true')
+  package.AddAttribute('runner', '.InstrumentationRunner')
+  package.AddTest('android.tests.sigtest.SignatureTest.signatureTest')
+  description = open(os.path.join(test_repository, 'SignatureTest.xml'), 'w')
+  package.WriteDescription(description)
+  description.close()
+def GenerateReferenceAppDescription(test_repository):
+  """Generate the test description for the reference app tests."""
+  LogGenerateDescription('android.apidemos.cts')
+  package = tools.TestPackage('ApiDemosReferenceTest', 'android.apidemos.cts')
+  package.AddAttribute('appNameSpace', 'android.apidemos.cts')
+  package.AddAttribute('packageToTest', '')
+  package.AddAttribute('apkToTestName', 'ApiDemos')
+  package.AddAttribute('runner', 'android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner')
+  package.AddAttribute('referenceAppTest', 'true')
+  package.AddTest('android.apidemos.cts.ApiDemosTest.testNumberOfItemsInListView')
+  description = open(os.path.join(test_repository, 'ApiDemosReferenceTest.xml'), 'w')
+  package.WriteDescription(description)
+  description.close()
+def GenerateAppSecurityDescription(temp_dir, test_repository, android_root, doclet_path):
+  """Generate the test description for the application security tests."""
+  test_root = 'cts/tests/appsecurity-tests'
+  makefile_name = os.path.join(test_root, '')
+  makefile_vars = GetMakeFileVars(makefile_name)
+  name = makefile_vars['LOCAL_MODULE']
+  package_name = 'android.tests.appsecurity'
+  LogGenerateDescription(package_name)
+  temp_desc = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'description.xml')
+  RunDescriptionGeneratorDoclet(android_root, doclet_path,
+      os.path.join(test_root, 'src'), temp_desc)
+  doc = dom.parse(temp_desc)
+  test_description = doc.getElementsByTagName('TestPackage')[0]
+  test_description.setAttribute('name', package_name)
+  test_description.setAttribute('appPackageName', package_name)
+  test_description.setAttribute('hostSideOnly', 'true')
+  test_description.setAttribute('jarPath', name + '.jar')
+  description = open(os.path.join(test_repository, package_name + '.xml'), 'w')
+  doc.writexml(description, addindent='    ', encoding='UTF-8')
+  description.close()
+def GenerateTestDescription(test_root, temp_dir, test_repository, android_root,
+                            doclet_path, package):
+  app_package_name = 'android.' + package
+  package_root = os.path.join(test_root, package)
+  makefile_name = os.path.join(package_root, '')
+  if not os.path.exists(makefile_name):
+    print 'Skipping directory "%s" due to missing' % package_root
+    return
+  makefile_vars = GetMakeFileVars(makefile_name)
+  manifest_name = os.path.join(package_root, 'AndroidManifest.xml')
+  if not os.path.exists(manifest_name):
+    print 'Skipping directory "%s" due to missing AndroidManifest.xml' % package_root
+    return
+  manifest = tools.XmlFile(manifest_name)
+  LogGenerateDescription(app_package_name)
+  # Run the description generator doclet to get the test package structure
+  # TODO: The Doclet does not currently add all required attributes. Instead of rewriting
+  # the document below, additional attributes should be passed to the Doclet as arguments.
+  temp_desc = os.path.join(temp_dir, app_package_name + '-description.xml')
+  RunDescriptionGeneratorDoclet(android_root, doclet_path, package_root, temp_desc)
+  # obtain missing attribute values from the makefile and manifest
+  package_name = makefile_vars['LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME']
+  runner = manifest.GetAndroidAttr('instrumentation', 'name')
+  target_package = manifest.GetAndroidAttr('instrumentation', 'targetPackage')
+  target_binary_name = makefile_vars.get('LOCAL_INSTRUMENTATION_FOR')
+  # add them to the document
+  doc = dom.parse(temp_desc)
+  test_description = doc.getElementsByTagName('TestPackage')[0]
+  test_description.setAttribute('name', package_name)
+  test_description.setAttribute('runner', runner)
+  test_package = manifest.GetAttr('manifest', 'package')
+  test_description.setAttribute('appNameSpace', test_package)
+  test_description.setAttribute('appPackageName', app_package_name)
+  if not test_package == target_package:
+    test_description.setAttribute('targetNameSpace', target_package)
+    test_description.setAttribute('targetBinaryName', target_binary_name)
+  description = open(os.path.join(test_repository, package_name + '.xml'), 'w')
+  doc.writexml(description, addindent='    ', encoding='UTF-8')
+  description.close()
+def RunDescriptionGeneratorDoclet(android_root, doclet_path, source_root, output_file):
+  """Generate a test package description by running the DescriptionGenerator doclet.
+  Args:
+    android_root: Root directory of the Android source tree.
+    doclet_path: Class path where the DescriptionGenerator doclet can be found.
+    source_root: Directory under which tests should be searched.
+    output_file: Name of the file where the description gets written.
+  Returns:
+    The exit code of the DescriptionGenerator doclet run.
+  """
+  # Make sure sourceRoot is relative to  self.android_root
+  source_root = RelPath(source_root, android_root)
+  # To determine whether a class is a JUnit test, the Doclet needs to have all intermediate
+  # subclasses of TestCase as well as the JUnit framework itself on the source path.
+  # Annotation classes are also required, since test annotations go into the description.
+  source_path = [
+      'frameworks/base/core/java',            # android test classes
+      'frameworks/base/test-runner/src',      # test runner
+      'libcore/junit/src/main/java',          # junit classes
+      'development/tools/hosttestlib/src',    # hosttestlib TestCase extensions
+      'libcore/dalvik/src/main/java',         # test annotations
+      'cts/tests/src',                        # cts test stubs
+      source_root                             # the source for this package
+  ]
+  source_path = [os.path.join(android_root, x) for x in source_path]
+  cmd = ('javadoc -o %s -J-Xmx512m -quiet -doclet DescriptionGenerator -docletpath %s'
+         ' -sourcepath %s ') % (output_file, doclet_path, ':'.join(source_path))
+  sources = []
+  def AddFile(sources, folder, names):
+    """Find *.java."""
+    sources.extend([os.path.join(folder, name) for name in names if name.endswith('.java')])
+  os.path.walk(os.path.join(android_root, source_root), AddFile, sources)
+  cmd += ' '.join(sources)
+  proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+  # read and discard any output
+  proc.communicate()
+  # wait for process to terminate and return exit value
+  return proc.wait()
+def RelPath(path, start=os.getcwd()):
+  """Get a relative version of a path.
+  This is equivalent to os.path.relpath, which is only available since Python 2.6.
+  Args:
+    path: The path to transform.
+    start: The base path. Defaults to the current working directory.
+  Returns:
+    A transformed path that is relative to start.
+  """
+  path_dirs = os.path.abspath(path).split(os.path.sep)
+  start_dirs = os.path.abspath(start).split(os.path.sep)
+  num_common = len(os.path.commonprefix([start_dirs, path_dirs]))
+  result_dirs = ['..'] * (len(start_dirs) - num_common) + path_dirs[num_common:]
+  if result_dirs:
+    return os.path.join(*result_dirs)
+  return start
 if __name__ == '__main__':
   builder = CtsBuilder(sys.argv)