blob: 29697537e0f9dfb837bff558da1c56cd35d00060 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware.camera2.cts;
import static;
import static android.hardware.camera2.cts.helpers.Preconditions.*;
import static android.hardware.camera2.cts.helpers.AssertHelpers.*;
import static android.hardware.camera2.cts.CameraTestUtils.*;
import static*;
import android.content.Context;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraManager;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraMetadata;
import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest;
import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult;
import android.hardware.camera2.TotalCaptureResult;
import android.hardware.camera2.params.ColorSpaceTransform;
import android.hardware.camera2.params.RggbChannelVector;
import android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap;
import android.util.Size;
import android.hardware.camera2.cts.helpers.MaybeNull;
import android.hardware.camera2.cts.helpers.StaticMetadata;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.HandlerThread;
import android.renderscript.Allocation;
import android.renderscript.Script.LaunchOptions;
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Rational;
import android.view.Surface;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Suite of tests for camera2 -> RenderScript APIs.
* <p>It uses CameraDevice as producer, camera sends the data to the surface provided by
* Allocation. Only the below format is tested:</p>
* <p>YUV_420_888: flexible YUV420, it is a mandatory format for camera.</p>
public class AllocationTest extends AndroidTestCase {
private static final String TAG = "AllocationTest";
private static final boolean VERBOSE = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE);
private CameraManager mCameraManager;
private CameraDevice mCamera;
private CameraCaptureSession mSession;
private BlockingStateCallback mCameraListener;
private BlockingSessionCallback mSessionListener;
private String[] mCameraIds;
private Handler mHandler;
private HandlerThread mHandlerThread;
private CameraIterable mCameraIterable;
private SizeIterable mSizeIterable;
private ResultIterable mResultIterable;
public synchronized void setContext(Context context) {
mCameraManager = (CameraManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE);
assertNotNull("Can't connect to camera manager!", mCameraManager);
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
mCameraIds = mCameraManager.getCameraIdList();
mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread("AllocationTest");
mHandler = new Handler(mHandlerThread.getLooper());
mCameraListener = new BlockingStateCallback();
mCameraIterable = new CameraIterable();
mSizeIterable = new SizeIterable();
mResultIterable = new ResultIterable();
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
mHandler = null;
* Update the request with a default manual request template.
* @param request A builder for a CaptureRequest
* @param sensitivity ISO gain units (e.g. 100)
* @param expTimeNs Exposure time in nanoseconds
private static void setManualCaptureRequest(CaptureRequest.Builder request, int sensitivity,
long expTimeNs) {
final Rational ONE = new Rational(1, 1);
final Rational ZERO = new Rational(0, 1);
if (VERBOSE) {
Log.v(TAG, String.format("Create manual capture request, sensitivity = %d, expTime = %f",
sensitivity, expTimeNs / (1000.0 * 1000)));
request.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_MODE, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_MODE_OFF);
request.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE_OFF);
request.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AWB_MODE, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AWB_MODE_OFF);
request.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE_OFF);
request.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_EFFECT_MODE, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_EFFECT_MODE_OFF);
request.set(CaptureRequest.SENSOR_FRAME_DURATION, 0L);
request.set(CaptureRequest.SENSOR_SENSITIVITY, sensitivity);
request.set(CaptureRequest.SENSOR_EXPOSURE_TIME, expTimeNs);
// Identity transform
new ColorSpaceTransform(new Rational[] {
// Identity gains
new RggbChannelVector(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ));
request.set(CaptureRequest.TONEMAP_MODE, CaptureRequest.TONEMAP_MODE_FAST);
* Calculate the absolute crop window from a {@link Size},
* and configure {@link LaunchOptions} for it.
// TODO: split patch crop window and the application against a particular size into 2 classes
public static class Patch {
* Create a new {@link Patch} from relative crop coordinates.
* <p>All float values must be normalized coordinates between [0, 1].</p>
* @param size Size of the original rectangle that is being cropped.
* @param xNorm The X coordinate defining the left side of the rectangle (in [0, 1]).
* @param yNorm The Y coordinate defining the top side of the rectangle (in [0, 1]).
* @param wNorm The width of the crop rectangle (normalized between [0, 1]).
* @param hNorm The height of the crop rectangle (normalized between [0, 1]).
* @throws NullPointerException if size was {@code null}.
* @throws AssertionError if any of the normalized coordinates were out of range
public Patch(Size size, float xNorm, float yNorm, float wNorm, float hNorm) {
checkNotNull("size", size);
assertInRange(xNorm, 0.0f, 1.0f);
assertInRange(yNorm, 0.0f, 1.0f);
assertInRange(wNorm, 0.0f, 1.0f);
assertInRange(hNorm, 0.0f, 1.0f);
wFull = size.getWidth();
hFull = size.getWidth();
xTile = (int)Math.ceil(xNorm * wFull);
yTile = (int)Math.ceil(yNorm * hFull);
wTile = (int)Math.ceil(wNorm * wFull);
hTile = (int)Math.ceil(hNorm * hFull);
mSourceSize = size;
* Get the original size used to create this {@link Patch}.
* @return source size
public Size getSourceSize() {
return mSourceSize;
* Get the cropped size after applying the normalized crop window.
* @return cropped size
public Size getSize() {
return new Size(wFull, hFull);
* Get the {@link LaunchOptions} that can be used with a {@link android.renderscript.Script}
* to apply a kernel over a subset of an {@link Allocation}.
* @return launch options
public LaunchOptions getLaunchOptions() {
return (new LaunchOptions())
.setX(xTile, xTile + wTile)
.setY(yTile, yTile + hTile);
* Get the cropped width after applying the normalized crop window.
* @return cropped width
public int getWidth() {
return wTile;
* Get the cropped height after applying the normalized crop window.
* @return cropped height
public int getHeight() {
return hTile;
* Convert to a {@link RectF} where each corner is represented by a
* normalized coordinate in between [0.0, 1.0] inclusive.
* @return a new rectangle
public RectF toRectF() {
return new RectF(
xTile * 1.0f / wFull,
yTile * 1.0f / hFull,
(xTile + wTile) * 1.0f / wFull,
(yTile + hTile) * 1.0f / hFull);
private final Size mSourceSize;
private final int wFull;
private final int hFull;
private final int xTile;
private final int yTile;
private final int wTile;
private final int hTile;
* Convert a single YUV pixel (3 byte elements) to an RGB pixel.
* <p>The color channels must be in the following order:
* <ul><li>Y - 0th channel
* <li>U - 1st channel
* <li>V - 2nd channel
* </ul></p>
* <p>Each channel has data in the range 0-255.</p>
* <p>Output data is a 3-element pixel with each channel in the range of [0,1].
* Each channel is saturated to avoid over/underflow.</p>
* <p>The conversion is done using JFIF File Interchange Format's "Conversion to and from RGB":
* <ul>
* <li>R = Y + 1.042 (Cr - 128)
* <li>G = Y - 0.34414 (Cb - 128) - 0.71414 (Cr - 128)
* <li>B = Y + 1.772 (Cb - 128)
* </ul>
* Where Cr and Cb are aliases of V and U respectively.
* </p>
* @param yuvData An array of a YUV pixel (at least 3 bytes large)
* @return an RGB888 pixel with each channel in the range of [0,1]
private static float[] convertPixelYuvToRgb(byte[] yuvData) {
final int CHANNELS = 3; // yuv
final float COLOR_RANGE = 255f;
assertTrue("YUV pixel must be at least 3 bytes large", CHANNELS <= yuvData.length);
float[] rgb = new float[CHANNELS];
float y = yuvData[0] & 0xFF; // Y channel
float cb = yuvData[1] & 0xFF; // U channel
float cr = yuvData[2] & 0xFF; // V channel
// convert YUV -> RGB (from JFIF's "Conversion to and from RGB" section)
float r = y + 1.402f * (cr - 128);
float g = y - 0.34414f * (cb - 128) - 0.71414f * (cr - 128);
float b = y + 1.772f * (cb - 128);
// normalize [0,255] -> [0,1]
rgb[0] = r / COLOR_RANGE;
rgb[1] = g / COLOR_RANGE;
rgb[2] = b / COLOR_RANGE;
// Clamp to range [0,1]
for (int i = 0; i < CHANNELS; ++i) {
rgb[i] = Math.max(0.0f, Math.min(1.0f, rgb[i]));
if (VERBOSE) {
Log.v(TAG, String.format("RGB calculated (r,g,b) = (%f, %f, %f)", rgb[0], rgb[1],
return rgb;
* Configure the camera with the target surface;
* create a capture request builder with {@code cameraTarget} as the sole surface target.
* <p>Outputs are configured with the new surface targets, and this function blocks until
* the camera has finished configuring.</p>
* <p>The capture request is created from the {@link CameraDevice#TEMPLATE_PREVIEW} template.
* No other keys are set.
* </p>
private CaptureRequest.Builder configureAndCreateRequestForSurface(Surface cameraTarget)
throws CameraAccessException {
List<Surface> outputSurfaces = new ArrayList<Surface>(/*capacity*/1);
assertNotNull("Failed to get Surface", cameraTarget);
mSessionListener = new BlockingSessionCallback();
mCamera.createCaptureSession(outputSurfaces, mSessionListener, mHandler);
mSession = mSessionListener.waitAndGetSession(SESSION_CONFIGURE_TIMEOUT_MS);
CaptureRequest.Builder captureBuilder =
assertNotNull("Fail to create captureRequest", captureBuilder);
if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "configureAndCreateRequestForSurface - done");
return captureBuilder;
* Submit a single request to the camera, block until the buffer is available.
* <p>Upon return from this function, script has been executed against the latest buffer.
* </p>
private void captureSingleShotAndExecute(CaptureRequest request, ScriptGraph graph)
throws CameraAccessException {
checkNotNull("request", request);
checkNotNull("graph", graph);
mSession.capture(request, new CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback() {
public void onCaptureCompleted(CameraCaptureSession session, CaptureRequest request,
TotalCaptureResult result) {
if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "Capture completed");
}, mHandler);
if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "Waiting for single shot buffer");
if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "Got the buffer");
private void stopCapture() throws CameraAccessException {
if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "Stopping capture and waiting for idle");
// Stop repeat, wait for captures to complete, and disconnect from surfaces
mSession = null;
mSessionListener = null;
* Extremely dumb validator. Makes sure there is at least one non-zero RGB pixel value.
private void validateInputOutputNotZeroes(ScriptGraph scriptGraph, Size size) {
final int BPP = 8; // bits per pixel
int width = size.getWidth();
int height = size.getHeight();
* Check the input allocation is sane.
* - Byte size matches what we expect.
* - The input is not all zeroes.
// Check that input data was updated first. If it wasn't, the rest of the test will fail.
byte[] data = scriptGraph.getInputData();
assertArrayNotAllZeroes("Input allocation data was not updated", data);
// Minimal required size to represent YUV 4:2:0 image
int packedSize =
width * height * ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(YUV_420_888) / BPP;
if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "Expected image size = " + packedSize);
int actualSize = data.length;
// Actual size may be larger due to strides or planes being non-contiguous
"YUV 420 packed size (%d) should be at least as large as the actual size " +
"(%d)", packedSize, actualSize), packedSize <= actualSize);
* Check the output allocation by converting to RGBA.
* - Byte size matches what we expect
* - The output is not all zeroes
final int RGBA_CHANNELS = 4;
int actualSizeOut = scriptGraph.getOutputAllocation().getBytesSize();
int packedSizeOut = width * height * RGBA_CHANNELS;
byte[] dataOut = scriptGraph.getOutputData();
assertEquals("RGB mismatched byte[] and expected size",
packedSizeOut, dataOut.length);
if (VERBOSE) {
Log.v(TAG, "checkAllocationByConvertingToRgba - RGB data size " + dataOut.length);
assertArrayNotAllZeroes("RGBA data was not updated", dataOut);
// RGBA8888 stride should be equal to the width
assertEquals("RGBA 8888 mismatched byte[] and expected size", packedSizeOut, actualSizeOut);
if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "validating Buffer , size = " + actualSize);
public void testAllocationFromCameraFlexibleYuv() throws Exception {
/** number of frame (for streaming requests) to be verified. */
final int NUM_FRAME_VERIFIED = 1;
mCameraIterable.forEachCamera(new CameraBlock() {
public void run(CameraDevice camera) throws CameraAccessException {
// Iterate over each size in the camera
mSizeIterable.forEachSize(YUV_420_888, new SizeBlock() {
public void run(final Size size) throws CameraAccessException {
// Create a script graph that converts YUV to RGB
try (ScriptGraph scriptGraph = ScriptGraph.create()
.configureInputWithSurface(size, YUV_420_888)
.buildGraph()) {
if (VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, "Prepared ScriptYuvToRgb for size " + size);
// Run the graph against camera input and validate we get some input
CaptureRequest request =
// Block until we get 1 result, then iterate over the result
request, NUM_FRAME_VERIFIED, new ResultBlock() {
public void run(CaptureResult result) throws CameraAccessException {
validateInputOutputNotZeroes(scriptGraph, size);
* Take two shots and ensure per-frame-control with exposure/gain is working correctly.
* <p>Takes a shot with very low ISO and exposure time. Expect it to be black.</p>
* <p>Take a shot with very high ISO and exposure time. Expect it to be white.</p>
* @throws Exception
public void testBlackWhite() throws CameraAccessException {
/** low iso + low exposure (first shot) */
final float THRESHOLD_LOW = 0.025f;
/** high iso + high exposure (second shot) */
final float THRESHOLD_HIGH = 0.975f;
mCameraIterable.forEachCamera(/*fullHwLevel*/false, new CameraBlock() {
public void run(CameraDevice camera) throws CameraAccessException {
final StaticMetadata staticInfo =
new StaticMetadata(mCameraManager.getCameraCharacteristics(camera.getId()));
// This test requires PFC and manual sensor control
if (!staticInfo.isCapabilitySupported(
!staticInfo.isPerFrameControlSupported()) {
final Size maxSize = getMaxSize(
getSupportedSizeForFormat(YUV_420_888, camera.getId(), mCameraManager));
try (ScriptGraph scriptGraph = createGraphForYuvCroppedMeans(maxSize)) {
CaptureRequest.Builder req =
// Take a shot with very low ISO and exposure time. Expect it to be black.
int minimumSensitivity = staticInfo.getSensitivityMinimumOrDefault();
long minimumExposure = staticInfo.getExposureMinimumOrDefault();
setManualCaptureRequest(req, minimumSensitivity, minimumExposure);
CaptureRequest lowIsoExposureShot =;
captureSingleShotAndExecute(lowIsoExposureShot, scriptGraph);
float[] blackMeans = convertPixelYuvToRgb(scriptGraph.getOutputData());
// Take a shot with very high ISO and exposure time. Expect it to be white.
int maximumSensitivity = staticInfo.getSensitivityMaximumOrDefault();
long maximumExposure = staticInfo.getExposureMaximumOrDefault();
setManualCaptureRequest(req, maximumSensitivity, maximumExposure);
CaptureRequest highIsoExposureShot =;
captureSingleShotAndExecute(highIsoExposureShot, scriptGraph);
float[] whiteMeans = convertPixelYuvToRgb(scriptGraph.getOutputData());
// low iso + low exposure (first shot)
assertArrayWithinUpperBound("Black means too high", blackMeans, THRESHOLD_LOW);
// high iso + high exposure (second shot)
assertArrayWithinLowerBound("White means too low", whiteMeans, THRESHOLD_HIGH);
* Test that the android.sensitivity.parameter is applied.
public void testParamSensitivity() throws CameraAccessException {
final float THRESHOLD_MAX_MIN_DIFF = 0.3f;
final float THRESHOLD_MAX_MIN_RATIO = 2.0f;
final int NUM_STEPS = 5;
final long EXPOSURE_TIME_NS = 2000000; // 2 seconds
final int RGB_CHANNELS = 3;
mCameraIterable.forEachCamera(/*fullHwLevel*/false, new CameraBlock() {
public void run(CameraDevice camera) throws CameraAccessException {
final StaticMetadata staticInfo =
new StaticMetadata(mCameraManager.getCameraCharacteristics(camera.getId()));
// This test requires PFC and manual sensor control
if (!staticInfo.isCapabilitySupported(
!staticInfo.isPerFrameControlSupported()) {
final List<float[]> rgbMeans = new ArrayList<float[]>();
final Size maxSize = getMaxSize(
getSupportedSizeForFormat(YUV_420_888, camera.getId(), mCameraManager));
final int sensitivityMin = staticInfo.getSensitivityMinimumOrDefault();
final int sensitivityMax = staticInfo.getSensitivityMaximumOrDefault();
// List each sensitivity from min-max in NUM_STEPS increments
int[] sensitivities = new int[NUM_STEPS];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STEPS; ++i) {
int delta = (sensitivityMax - sensitivityMin) / (NUM_STEPS - 1);
sensitivities[i] = sensitivityMin + delta * i;
try (ScriptGraph scriptGraph = createGraphForYuvCroppedMeans(maxSize)) {
CaptureRequest.Builder req =
// Take burst shots with increasing sensitivity one after other.
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STEPS; ++i) {
setManualCaptureRequest(req, sensitivities[i], EXPOSURE_TIME_NS);
captureSingleShotAndExecute(, scriptGraph);
float[] means = convertPixelYuvToRgb(scriptGraph.getOutputData());
if (VERBOSE) {
Log.v(TAG, "testParamSensitivity - captured image " + i +
" with RGB means: " + Arrays.toString(means));
// Test that every consecutive image gets brighter.
for (int i = 0; i < rgbMeans.size() - 1; ++i) {
float[] curMeans = rgbMeans.get(i);
float[] nextMeans = rgbMeans.get(i+1);
String.format("Shot with sensitivity %d should not have higher " +
"average means than shot with sensitivity %d",
sensitivities[i], sensitivities[i+1]),
curMeans, nextMeans);
// Test the min-max diff and ratios are within expected thresholds
float[] lastMeans = rgbMeans.get(NUM_STEPS - 1);
float[] firstMeans = rgbMeans.get(/*location*/0);
for (int i = 0; i < RGB_CHANNELS; ++i) {
String.format("Sensitivity max-min diff too small (max=%f, min=%f)",
lastMeans[i], firstMeans[i]),
lastMeans[i] - firstMeans[i] > THRESHOLD_MAX_MIN_DIFF);
String.format("Sensitivity max-min ratio too small (max=%f, min=%f)",
lastMeans[i], firstMeans[i]),
lastMeans[i] / firstMeans[i] > THRESHOLD_MAX_MIN_RATIO);
* Common script graph for manual-capture based tests that determine the average pixel
* values of a cropped sub-region.
* <p>Processing chain:
* <pre>
* input: YUV_420_888 surface
* output: mean YUV value of a central section of the image,
* YUV 4:4:4 encoded as U8_3
* steps:
* 1) crop [0.45,0.45] - [0.55, 0.55]
* 2) average columns
* 3) average rows
* </pre>
* </p>
private static ScriptGraph createGraphForYuvCroppedMeans(final Size size) {
ScriptGraph scriptGraph = ScriptGraph.create()
.configureInputWithSurface(size, YUV_420_888)
new Patch(size, /*x*/0.45f, /*y*/0.45f, /*w*/0.1f, /*h*/0.1f).toRectF())
// TODO: Make a script for YUV 444 -> RGB 888 conversion
return scriptGraph;
* TODO: Refactor below code into separate classes and to not depend on AllocationTest
* inner variables.
* TODO: add javadocs to below methods
* TODO: Figure out if there's some elegant way to compose these forEaches together, so that
* the callers don't have to do a ton of nesting
interface CameraBlock {
void run(CameraDevice camera) throws CameraAccessException;
class CameraIterable {
public void forEachCamera(CameraBlock runnable)
throws CameraAccessException {
forEachCamera(/*fullHwLevel*/false, runnable);
public void forEachCamera(boolean fullHwLevel, CameraBlock runnable)
throws CameraAccessException {
assertNotNull("No camera manager", mCameraManager);
assertNotNull("No camera IDs", mCameraIds);
for (int i = 0; i < mCameraIds.length; i++) {
// Don't execute the runnable against non-FULL cameras if FULL is required
CameraCharacteristics properties =
StaticMetadata staticInfo = new StaticMetadata(properties);
if (fullHwLevel && !staticInfo.isHardwareLevelAtLeastFull()) {
Log.i(TAG, String.format(
"Skipping this test for camera %s, needs FULL hw level",
if (!staticInfo.isColorOutputSupported()) {
Log.i(TAG, String.format(
"Skipping this test for camera %s, does not support regular outputs",
// Open camera and execute test
Log.i(TAG, "Testing Camera " + mCameraIds[i]);
try {
} finally {
private void openDevice(String cameraId) {
if (mCamera != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Already have open camera device");
try {
mCamera = openCamera(
mCameraManager, cameraId, mCameraListener, mHandler);
} catch (CameraAccessException e) {
fail("Fail to open camera synchronously, " + Log.getStackTraceString(e));
} catch (BlockingOpenException e) {
fail("Fail to open camera asynchronously, " + Log.getStackTraceString(e));
private void closeDevice(String cameraId) {
if (mCamera != null) {
mCamera = null;
interface SizeBlock {
void run(Size size) throws CameraAccessException;
class SizeIterable {
public void forEachSize(int format, SizeBlock runnable) throws CameraAccessException {
assertNotNull("No camera opened", mCamera);
assertNotNull("No camera manager", mCameraManager);
CameraCharacteristics properties =
assertNotNull("Can't get camera properties!", properties);
StreamConfigurationMap config =
int[] availableOutputFormats = config.getOutputFormats();
"availableOutputFormats should not be empty");
assertTrue("Can't find the format " + format + " in supported formats " +
Arrays.binarySearch(availableOutputFormats, format) >= 0);
Size[] availableSizes = getSupportedSizeForFormat(format, mCamera.getId(),
assertArrayNotEmpty(availableSizes, "availableSizes should not be empty");
for (Size size : availableSizes) {
if (VERBOSE) {
Log.v(TAG, "Testing size " + size.toString() +
" for camera " + mCamera.getId());
interface ResultBlock {
void run(CaptureResult result) throws CameraAccessException;
class ResultIterable {
public void forEachResultOnce(CaptureRequest request, ResultBlock block)
throws CameraAccessException {
forEachResult(request, /*count*/1, /*repeating*/false, block);
public void forEachResultRepeating(CaptureRequest request, int count, ResultBlock block)
throws CameraAccessException {
forEachResult(request, count, /*repeating*/true, block);
public void forEachResult(CaptureRequest request, int count, boolean repeating,
ResultBlock block) throws CameraAccessException {
// TODO: start capture, i.e. configureOutputs
SimpleCaptureCallback listener = new SimpleCaptureCallback();
if (!repeating) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
mSession.capture(request, listener, mHandler);
} else {
mSession.setRepeatingRequest(request, listener, mHandler);
// Assume that the device is already IDLE.
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (VERBOSE) {
Log.v(TAG, String.format("Testing with result %d of %d for camera %s",
i, count, mCamera.getId()));
CaptureResult result = listener.getCaptureResult(CAPTURE_RESULT_TIMEOUT_MS);;
if (repeating) {
// TODO: Make a Configure decorator or some such for configureOutputs