blob: f0008eb4a3c6c1fd2f9cc55f9d186a9bec6e9762 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.server.cts;
import java.lang.Exception;
import java.lang.String;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import android.server.cts.WindowManagerState.WindowState;
import android.server.cts.WindowManagerState.Display;
import static;
public class ActivityManagerManifestLayoutTests extends ActivityManagerTestBase {
// Clone of android DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT (DENSITY_MEDIUM)
// (Needed in host-side test to convert dp to px.)
private static final int DISPLAY_DENSITY_DEFAULT = 160;
// Test parameters
private static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH_DP = 160;
private static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT_DP = 160;
private static final float DEFAULT_WIDTH_FRACTION = 0.25f;
private static final float DEFAULT_HEIGHT_FRACTION = 0.25f;
private static final int MINIMAL_SIZE_DP = 80;
private static final int GRAVITY_VER_CENTER = 0x01;
private static final int GRAVITY_VER_TOP = 0x02;
private static final int GRAVITY_VER_BOTTOM = 0x04;
private static final int GRAVITY_HOR_CENTER = 0x10;
private static final int GRAVITY_HOR_LEFT = 0x20;
private static final int GRAVITY_HOR_RIGHT = 0x40;
private List<WindowState> mTempWindowList = new ArrayList();
private Display mDisplay;
private WindowState mWindowState;
public void testGravityAndDefaultSizeTopLeft() throws Exception {
testLayout(GRAVITY_VER_TOP, GRAVITY_HOR_LEFT, false /*fraction*/);
public void testGravityAndDefaultSizeTopRight() throws Exception {
testLayout(GRAVITY_VER_TOP, GRAVITY_HOR_RIGHT, true /*fraction*/);
public void testGravityAndDefaultSizeBottomLeft() throws Exception {
testLayout(GRAVITY_VER_BOTTOM, GRAVITY_HOR_LEFT, true /*fraction*/);
public void testGravityAndDefaultSizeBottomRight() throws Exception {
testLayout(GRAVITY_VER_BOTTOM, GRAVITY_HOR_RIGHT, false /*fraction*/);
public void testMinimalSizeFreeform() throws Exception {
if (!supportsFreeform()) {
CLog.logAndDisplay(INFO, "Skipping test: no freeform support");
public void testMinimalSizeDocked() throws Exception {
private void testMinimalSize(int stackId) throws Exception {
final String activityName = "BottomRightLayoutActivity";
// Issue command to resize to <0,0,1,1>. We expect the size to be floored at
launchActivityInStack(activityName, stackId);
resizeActivityTask(activityName, 0, 0, 1, 1);
} else { // stackId == DOCKED_STACK_ID
resizeDockedStack(1, 1, 1, 1);
final int minimalSize = dpToPx(MINIMAL_SIZE_DP, mDisplay.getDpi());
final Rectangle containingRect = mWindowState.getContainingFrame();
final int actualSize = Math.min(containingRect.width, containingRect.height);
// The shorter of width, height should be the minimal size.
Assert.assertEquals("Minimum size is incorrect", minimalSize, actualSize);
private void testLayout(
int vGravity, int hGravity, boolean fraction) throws Exception {
if (!supportsFreeform()) {
CLog.logAndDisplay(INFO, "Skipping test: no freeform support");
final String activityName = (vGravity == GRAVITY_VER_TOP ? "Top" : "Bottom")
+ (hGravity == GRAVITY_HOR_LEFT ? "Left" : "Right") + "LayoutActivity";
// Launch in freeform stack
launchActivityInStack(activityName, FREEFORM_WORKSPACE_STACK_ID);
final Rectangle containingRect = mWindowState.getContainingFrame();
final Rectangle appRect = mDisplay.getAppRect();
final int expectedWidthPx, expectedHeightPx;
// Evaluate the expected window size in px. If we're using fraction dimensions,
// calculate the size based on the app rect size. Otherwise, convert the expected
// size in dp to px.
if (fraction) {
expectedWidthPx = (int) (appRect.width * DEFAULT_WIDTH_FRACTION);
expectedHeightPx = (int) (appRect.height * DEFAULT_HEIGHT_FRACTION);
} else {
final int densityDpi = mDisplay.getDpi();
expectedWidthPx = dpToPx(DEFAULT_WIDTH_DP, densityDpi);
expectedHeightPx = dpToPx(DEFAULT_HEIGHT_DP, densityDpi);
vGravity, hGravity, expectedWidthPx, expectedHeightPx, containingRect, appRect);
private void getDisplayAndWindowState(String activityName) throws Exception {
final String windowName = getWindowName(activityName);
mAmWmState.computeState(mDevice, true /* visibleOnly */, new String[] {activityName});
mAmWmState.assertFocusedWindow("Test window must be the front window.", windowName);
mAmWmState.getWmState().getMatchingWindowState(windowName, mTempWindowList);
Assert.assertEquals("Should have exactly one window state for the activity.",
1, mTempWindowList.size());
mWindowState = mTempWindowList.get(0);
Assert.assertNotNull("Should have a valid window", mWindowState);
mDisplay = mAmWmState.getWmState().getDisplay(mWindowState.getDisplayId());
Assert.assertNotNull("Should be on a display", mDisplay);
private void verifyFrameSizeAndPosition(
int vGravity, int hGravity, int expectedWidthPx, int expectedHeightPx,
Rectangle containingFrame, Rectangle parentFrame) {
Assert.assertEquals("Width is incorrect", expectedWidthPx, containingFrame.width);
Assert.assertEquals("Height is incorrect", expectedHeightPx, containingFrame.height);
if (vGravity == GRAVITY_VER_TOP) {
Assert.assertEquals("Should be on the top", parentFrame.y, containingFrame.y);
} else if (vGravity == GRAVITY_VER_BOTTOM) {
Assert.assertEquals("Should be on the bottom",
parentFrame.y + parentFrame.height, containingFrame.y + containingFrame.height);
if (hGravity == GRAVITY_HOR_LEFT) {
Assert.assertEquals("Should be on the left", parentFrame.x, containingFrame.x);
} else if (hGravity == GRAVITY_HOR_RIGHT){
Assert.assertEquals("Should be on the right",
parentFrame.x + parentFrame.width, containingFrame.x + containingFrame.width);
private static int dpToPx(float dp, int densityDpi){
return (int) (dp * densityDpi / DISPLAY_DENSITY_DEFAULT + 0.5f);