blob: b767b53a1045cf447d303f06bd506ba586f4a07a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class AdbUtils {
final static String TMP_PATH = "/data/local/tmp/";
final static int TIMEOUT_SEC = 9 * 60;
final static String RESOURCE_ROOT = "/";
final static String regexSpecialChars = "<([{\\^-=$!|]})?*+.>";
@SuppressWarnings("InvalidPatternSyntax") // the errorprone test is incorrect for the following
final static String regexSpecialCharsEscaped = regexSpecialChars.replaceAll(".", "\\\\$0");
final static Pattern regexSpecialCharsEscapedPattern =
Pattern.compile("[" + regexSpecialCharsEscaped + "]");
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
public static class pocConfig {
String binaryName;
String arguments;
Map<String, String> envVars;
String inputFilesDestination;
ITestDevice device;
CrashUtils.Config config;
List<String> inputFiles = Collections.emptyList();
boolean checkCrash = true;
pocConfig(String binaryName, ITestDevice device) {
this.binaryName = binaryName;
this.device = device;
* Runs a commandline on the specified device
* @deprecated Use {@link CommandUtil} instead.
* @param command the command to be ran
* @param device device for the command to be ran on
* @return the console output from running the command
public static String runCommandLine(String command, ITestDevice device) throws Exception {
if ("reboot".equals(command)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"You called a forbidden command! Please fix your tests.");
return device.executeShellCommand(command);
* Pushes and runs a binary to the selected device
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName name of the poc binary
* @param device device to be ran on
* @return the console output from the binary
public static String runPoc(String pocName, ITestDevice device) throws Exception {
return runPoc(pocName, device, SecurityTestCase.TIMEOUT_NONDETERMINISTIC);
* Pushes and runs a binary to the selected device
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName name of the poc binary
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param timeout time to wait for output in seconds
* @return the console output from the binary
public static String runPoc(String pocName, ITestDevice device, int timeout) throws Exception {
return runPoc(pocName, device, timeout, null);
* Pushes and runs a binary to the selected device
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName name of the poc binary
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param timeout time to wait for output in seconds
* @param arguments the input arguments for the poc
* @return the console output from the binary
public static String runPoc(String pocName, ITestDevice device, int timeout, String arguments)
throws Exception {
CollectingOutputReceiver receiver = new CollectingOutputReceiver();
runPoc(pocName, device, timeout, arguments, receiver);
return receiver.getOutput();
* Pushes and runs a binary to the selected device and ignores any of its output.
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName name of the poc binary
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param timeout time to wait for output in seconds
public static void runPocNoOutput(String pocName, ITestDevice device, int timeout)
throws Exception {
runPocNoOutput(pocName, device, timeout, null);
* Pushes and runs a binary with arguments to the selected device and ignores any of its output.
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName name of the poc binary
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param timeout time to wait for output in seconds
* @param arguments input arguments for the poc
public static void runPocNoOutput(
String pocName, ITestDevice device, int timeout, String arguments) throws Exception {
runPoc(pocName, device, timeout, arguments, null);
* Pushes and runs a binary with arguments to the selected device and ignores any of its output.
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName name of the poc binary
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param timeout time to wait for output in seconds
* @param arguments input arguments for the poc
* @param receiver the type of receiver to run against
public static int runPoc(
String pocName,
ITestDevice device,
int timeout,
String arguments,
IShellOutputReceiver receiver)
throws Exception {
return runPoc(pocName, device, timeout, arguments, null, receiver);
* Pushes and runs a binary with arguments to the selected device and ignores any of its output.
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName name of the poc binary
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param timeout time to wait for output in seconds
* @param arguments input arguments for the poc
* @param envVars run the poc with environment variables
* @param receiver the type of receiver to run against
public static int runPoc(
String pocName,
ITestDevice device,
int timeout,
String arguments,
Map<String, String> envVars,
IShellOutputReceiver receiver)
throws Exception {
String remoteFile = String.format("%s%s", TMP_PATH, pocName);
SecurityTestCase.getPocPusher(device).pushFile(pocName + "_sts", remoteFile);
assertPocExecutable(pocName, device);
if (receiver == null) {
receiver = new NullOutputReceiver();
if (arguments == null) {
arguments = "";
String env = "";
if (envVars != null) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : envVars.entrySet()) {
.append(' ');
env = sb.toString();
CLog.i("Running poc '%s' with env variables '%s'", pocName, env);
// since we have to return the exit status AND the poc stdout+stderr we redirect the exit
// status to a file temporarily
String exitStatusFilepath = TMP_PATH + "exit_status";
runCommandLine("rm " + exitStatusFilepath, device); // remove any old exit status
env + TMP_PATH + pocName + " " + arguments +
"; echo $? > " + exitStatusFilepath, // echo exit status to file
receiver, timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS, 0);
// cat the exit status
String exitStatusString = runCommandLine("cat " + exitStatusFilepath, device).trim();
MetricsReportLog reportLog = SecurityTestCase.buildMetricsReportLog(device);
reportLog.addValue("poc_name", pocName, ResultType.NEUTRAL, ResultUnit.NONE);
int exitStatus = -1;
try {
exitStatus = Integer.parseInt(exitStatusString);
reportLog.addValue("exit_status", exitStatus, ResultType.NEUTRAL, ResultUnit.NONE);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Getting the exit status is a bonus. We can continue without it.
CLog.w("Could not parse exit status to int: %s", exitStatusString);
runCommandLine("rm " + exitStatusFilepath, device);
return exitStatus;
* Assert the poc is executable
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName name of the poc binary
* @param device device to be ran on
private static void assertPocExecutable(String pocName, ITestDevice device) throws Exception {
String fullPocPath = TMP_PATH + pocName;
device.executeShellCommand("chmod 777 " + fullPocPath);
assertEquals("'" + pocName + "' must exist and be readable.", 0,
runCommandGetExitCode("test -r " + fullPocPath, device));
assertEquals("'" + pocName + "'poc must exist and be writable.", 0,
runCommandGetExitCode("test -w " + fullPocPath, device));
assertEquals("'" + pocName + "'poc must exist and be executable.", 0,
runCommandGetExitCode("test -x " + fullPocPath, device));
* Pushes and installs an apk to the selected device
* @param pathToApk a string path to apk from the /res folder
* @param device device to be ran on
* @return the output from attempting to install the apk
public static String installApk(String pathToApk, ITestDevice device) throws Exception {
String fullResourceName = pathToApk;
File apkFile = File.createTempFile("apkFile", ".apk");
try {
apkFile = extractResource(fullResourceName, apkFile);
return device.installPackage(apkFile, true);
} finally {
* Extracts a resource and pushes it to the device
* @param fullResourceName a string path to resource from the res folder
* @param deviceFilePath the remote destination absolute file path
* @param device device to be ran on
public static void pushResource(String fullResourceName, String deviceFilePath,
ITestDevice device) throws Exception {
File resFile = File.createTempFile("CTSResource", "");
try {
resFile = extractResource(fullResourceName, resFile);
device.pushFile(resFile, deviceFilePath);
} finally {
* Pushes the specified files to the specified destination directory
* @param inputFiles files required as input
* @param inputFilesDestination destination directory to which input files are
* pushed
* @param device device to be run on
public static void pushResources(String[] inputFiles, String inputFilesDestination,
ITestDevice device) throws Exception {
if (inputFiles == null || inputFilesDestination == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Can't push resources: input files or destination is null");
for (String tempFile : inputFiles) {
pushResource(RESOURCE_ROOT + tempFile, inputFilesDestination + tempFile, device);
* Removes the specified files from the specified destination directory
* @param inputFiles files required as input
* @param inputFilesDestination destination directory where input files are
* present
* @param device device to be run on
public static void removeResources(String[] inputFiles, String inputFilesDestination,
ITestDevice device) throws Exception {
if (inputFiles == null || inputFilesDestination == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Can't remove resources: input files or destination is null");
for (String tempFile : inputFiles) {
runCommandLine("rm " + inputFilesDestination + tempFile, device);
* Extracts the binary data from a resource and writes it to a temp file
private static File extractResource(String fullResourceName, File file) throws Exception {
try (InputStream in = AdbUtils.class.getResourceAsStream(fullResourceName);
OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file))) {
if (in == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resource not found: " + fullResourceName);
byte[] buf = new byte[65536];
int chunkSize;
while ((chunkSize = != -1) {
out.write(buf, 0, chunkSize);
return file;
* Utility function to help check the exit code of a shell command
* @deprecated Use {@link CommandUtil} instead.
public static int runCommandGetExitCode(String cmd, ITestDevice device) throws Exception {
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
String exitStatusString = runCommandLine(
"(" + cmd + ") > /dev/null 2>&1; echo $?", device).trim();
time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
try {
int exitStatus = Integer.parseInt(exitStatusString);
MetricsReportLog reportLog = SecurityTestCase.buildMetricsReportLog(device);
reportLog.addValue("command", cmd, ResultType.NEUTRAL, ResultUnit.NONE);
reportLog.addValue("exit_status", exitStatus, ResultType.NEUTRAL, ResultUnit.NONE);
return exitStatus;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"Could not get the exit status (%s) for '%s' (%d ms).",
exitStatusString, cmd, time));
* Pushes and runs a binary to the selected device and checks exit code Return code 113 is used
* to indicate the vulnerability
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName a string path to poc from the /res folder
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param timeout time to wait for output in seconds
public static boolean runPocCheckExitCode(String pocName, ITestDevice device, int timeout)
throws Exception {
//Refer to go/asdl-sts-guide Test section for knowing the significance of 113 code
return runPocGetExitStatus(pocName, device, timeout) == 113;
* Pushes and runs a binary to the device and returns the exit status.
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName a string path to poc from the /res folder
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param timeout time to wait for output in seconds
public static int runPocGetExitStatus(String pocName, ITestDevice device, int timeout)
throws Exception {
return runPocGetExitStatus(pocName, null, device, timeout);
* Pushes and runs a binary to the device and returns the exit status.
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName a string path to poc from the /res folder
* @param arguments input arguments for the poc
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param timeout time to wait for output in seconds
public static int runPocGetExitStatus(
String pocName, String arguments, ITestDevice device, int timeout) throws Exception {
return runPocGetExitStatus(pocName, arguments, null, device, timeout);
* Pushes and runs a binary to the device and returns the exit status.
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName name of the poc binary
* @param arguments input arguments for the poc
* @param envVars run the poc with environment variables
* @param device device to be run on
* @param timeout time to wait for output in seconds
public static int runPocGetExitStatus(
String pocName,
String arguments,
Map<String, String> envVars,
ITestDevice device,
int timeout)
throws Exception {
return runPoc(pocName, device, timeout, arguments, envVars, null);
* Pushes and runs a binary and asserts that the exit status isn't 113: vulnerable.
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName a string path to poc from the /res folder
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param timeout time to wait for output in seconds
public static void runPocAssertExitStatusNotVulnerable(
String pocName, ITestDevice device, int timeout) throws Exception {
runPocAssertExitStatusNotVulnerable(pocName, null, device, timeout);
* Pushes and runs a binary and asserts that the exit status isn't 113: vulnerable.
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName a string path to poc from the /res folder
* @param arguments input arguments for the poc
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param timeout time to wait for output in seconds
public static void runPocAssertExitStatusNotVulnerable(
String pocName, String arguments, ITestDevice device, int timeout) throws Exception {
runPocAssertExitStatusNotVulnerable(pocName, arguments, null, device, timeout);
* Pushes and runs a binary and asserts that the exit status isn't 113: vulnerable.
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName name of the poc binary
* @param arguments input arguments for the poc
* @param envVars run the poc with environment variables
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param timeout time to wait for output in seconds
public static void runPocAssertExitStatusNotVulnerable(
String pocName,
String arguments,
Map<String, String> envVars,
ITestDevice device,
int timeout)
throws Exception {
assertTrue("PoC returned exit status 113: vulnerable",
runPocGetExitStatus(pocName, arguments, envVars, device, timeout) != 113);
* Runs the poc binary and asserts that there are no security crashes that match the expected
* process pattern.
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName a string path to poc from the /res folder
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param processPatternStrings a Pattern string to match the crash tombstone process
public static void runPocAssertNoCrashes(
String pocName, ITestDevice device, String... processPatternStrings) throws Exception {
runPocAssertNoCrashes(pocName, device,
new CrashUtils.Config().setProcessPatterns(processPatternStrings));
* Runs the poc binary and asserts that there are no security crashes that match the expected
* process pattern.
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName a string path to poc from the /res folder
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param config a crash parser configuration
public static void runPocAssertNoCrashes(
String pocName, ITestDevice device, CrashUtils.Config config) throws Exception {
runPocAssertNoCrashes(pocName, device, null, config);
* Runs the poc binary and asserts that there are no security crashes that match the expected
* process pattern, including arguments when running.
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param pocName a string path to poc from the /res folder
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param arguments input arguments for the poc
* @param config a crash parser configuration
public static void runPocAssertNoCrashes(
String pocName, ITestDevice device, String arguments, CrashUtils.Config config)
throws Exception {
AdbUtils.runCommandLine("logcat -c", device);
AdbUtils.runPocNoOutput(pocName, device,
SecurityTestCase.TIMEOUT_NONDETERMINISTIC, arguments);
assertNoCrashes(device, config);
* Runs the poc binary and asserts following 2 conditions. 1. There are no security crashes in
* the binary. 2. The exit status isn't 113 (Code 113 is used to indicate the vulnerability
* condition).
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param binaryName name of the binary
* @param arguments arguments for running the binary
* @param device device to be run on
public static void runPocAssertNoCrashesNotVulnerable(
String binaryName, String arguments, ITestDevice device) throws Exception {
runPocAssertNoCrashesNotVulnerable(binaryName, arguments, null, null, device, null);
* Runs the poc binary and asserts following 2 conditions. 1. There are no security crashes in
* the binary. 2. The exit status isn't 113 (Code 113 is used to indicate the vulnerability
* condition).
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param binaryName name of the binary
* @param arguments arguments for running the binary
* @param device device to be run on
* @param processPatternStrings a Pattern string to match the crash tombstone process
public static void runPocAssertNoCrashesNotVulnerable(
String binaryName, String arguments, ITestDevice device, String processPatternStrings[])
throws Exception {
runPocAssertNoCrashesNotVulnerable(binaryName, arguments, null, null, device,
* Runs the poc binary and asserts following 2 conditions. 1. There are no security crashes in
* the binary. 2. The exit status isn't 113 (Code 113 is used to indicate the vulnerability
* condition).
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param binaryName name of the binary
* @param arguments arguments for running the binary
* @param inputFiles files required as input
* @param inputFilesDestination destination directory to which input files are pushed
* @param device device to be run on
public static void runPocAssertNoCrashesNotVulnerable(
String binaryName,
String arguments,
String inputFiles[],
String inputFilesDestination,
ITestDevice device)
throws Exception {
runPocAssertNoCrashesNotVulnerable(binaryName, arguments, inputFiles, inputFilesDestination,
device, null);
* Runs the poc binary and asserts following 3 conditions. 1. There are no security crashes in
* the binary. 2. There are no security crashes that match the expected process pattern. 3. The
* exit status isn't 113 (Code 113 is used to indicate the vulnerability condition).
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param binaryName name of the binary
* @param arguments arguments for running the binary
* @param inputFiles files required as input
* @param inputFilesDestination destination directory to which input files are pushed
* @param device device to be run on
* @param processPatternStrings a Pattern string to match the crash tombstone process
public static void runPocAssertNoCrashesNotVulnerable(
String binaryName,
String arguments,
String inputFiles[],
String inputFilesDestination,
ITestDevice device,
String processPatternStrings[])
throws Exception {
runPocAssertNoCrashesNotVulnerable(binaryName, arguments, null,
inputFiles, inputFilesDestination, device, processPatternStrings);
* Runs the poc binary and asserts following 3 conditions. 1. There are no security crashes in
* the binary. 2. There are no security crashes that match the expected process pattern. 3. The
* exit status isn't 113 (Code 113 is used to indicate the vulnerability condition).
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param binaryName name of the binary
* @param arguments arguments for running the binary
* @param envVars run the poc with environment variables
* @param inputFiles files required as input
* @param inputFilesDestination destination directory to which input files are pushed
* @param device device to be run on
* @param processPatternStrings a Pattern string (other than binary name) to match the crash
* tombstone process
public static void runPocAssertNoCrashesNotVulnerable(
String binaryName,
String arguments,
Map<String, String> envVars,
String inputFiles[],
String inputFilesDestination,
ITestDevice device,
String... processPatternStrings)
throws Exception {
pocConfig testConfig = new pocConfig(binaryName, device);
testConfig.arguments = arguments;
testConfig.envVars = envVars;
if (inputFiles != null) {
testConfig.inputFiles = Arrays.asList(inputFiles);
testConfig.inputFilesDestination = inputFilesDestination;
List<String> processPatternList = new ArrayList<>();
if (processPatternStrings != null) {
String[] processPatternStringsWithSelf = new String[processPatternList.size()];
testConfig.config =
new CrashUtils.Config().setProcessPatterns(processPatternStringsWithSelf);
* Runs the poc binary and asserts following 3 conditions. 1. There are no security crashes in
* the binary. 2. There are no security crashes that match the expected process pattern. 3. The
* exit status isn't 113 (Code 113 is used to indicate the vulnerability condition).
* @deprecated Use {@link NativePoc} instead.
* @param testConfig test configuration
public static void runPocAssertNoCrashesNotVulnerable(pocConfig testConfig) throws Exception {
String[] inputFiles = null;
if(!testConfig.inputFiles.isEmpty()) {
inputFiles = testConfig.inputFiles.toArray(new String[testConfig.inputFiles.size()]);
pushResources(inputFiles, testConfig.inputFilesDestination, testConfig.device);
runCommandLine("logcat -c", testConfig.device);
try {
runPocAssertExitStatusNotVulnerable(testConfig.binaryName, testConfig.arguments,
testConfig.envVars, testConfig.device, TIMEOUT_SEC);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
* Since 'runPocGetExitStatus' method raises IllegalArgumentException upon
* hang/timeout, catching the exception here and ignoring it. Hangs are of
* Moderate severity and hence patches may not be ported. This piece of code can
* be removed once 'runPocGetExitStatus' is updated to handle hangs.
CLog.w("Ignoring IllegalArgumentException: " + e);
} finally {
if (!testConfig.inputFiles.isEmpty()) {
removeResources(inputFiles, testConfig.inputFilesDestination, testConfig.device);
if(testConfig.checkCrash) {
if (testConfig.config == null) {
testConfig.config = new CrashUtils.Config();
assertNoCrashes(testConfig.device, testConfig.config);
* Dumps logcat and asserts that there are no security crashes that match the expected process.
* By default, checks min crash addresses pattern. Ensure that adb logcat -c is called
* beforehand.
* @deprecated Use {@link TombstoneUtils} instead.
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param processPatternStrings a Pattern string to match the crash tombstone process
public static void assertNoCrashes(ITestDevice device, String... processPatternStrings)
throws Exception {
assertNoCrashes(device, new CrashUtils.Config().setProcessPatterns(processPatternStrings));
* Dumps logcat and asserts that there are no security crashes that match the expected process
* pattern. Ensure that adb logcat -c is called beforehand.
* @param device device to be ran on
* @param config a crash parser configuration
* @deprecated Use {@link TombstoneUtils} instead.
public static void assertNoCrashes(ITestDevice device, CrashUtils.Config config)
throws Exception {
String logcat = AdbUtils.runCommandLine("logcat -d *:S DEBUG:V", device);
JSONArray crashes = CrashUtils.addAllCrashes(logcat, new JSONArray());
JSONArray securityCrashes = CrashUtils.matchSecurityCrashes(crashes, config);
MetricsReportLog reportLog = SecurityTestCase.buildMetricsReportLog(device);
reportLog.addValue("all_crashes", crashes.toString(), ResultType.NEUTRAL, ResultUnit.NONE);
reportLog.addValue("security_crashes", securityCrashes.toString(),
ResultType.NEUTRAL, ResultUnit.NONE);
if (securityCrashes.length() == 0) {
return; // no security crashes detected
StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder();
error.append("Security crash detected:\n");
error.append("Process patterns:");
for (Pattern pattern : config.getProcessPatterns()) {
error.append(String.format(" '%s'", pattern.toString()));
for (int i = 0; i < crashes.length(); i++) {
try {
JSONObject crash = crashes.getJSONObject(i);
error.append(String.format("%s\n", crash));
} catch (JSONException e) {}
public static void assumeHasNfc(ITestDevice device) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
assumeTrue("nfc not available on device", device.hasFeature("android.hardware.nfc"));
* Escapes regex special characters in the given string
* @param testString string for which special characters need to be escaped
* @return string with escaped special charcters
public static String escapeRegexSpecialChars(String testString) {
Matcher m = regexSpecialCharsEscapedPattern.matcher(testString);
return m.replaceAll("\\\\$0");