blob: db292dbadca1f187417979924b59148f5555bc03 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.text.cts;
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
import android.text.Spanned;
import android.text.StaticLayout;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.text.Layout.Alignment;
public class StaticLayoutLineBreakingTest extends AndroidTestCase {
// Span test are currently not supported because text measurement uses the MeasuredText
// internal mWorkPaint instead of the provided MockTestPaint.
private static final boolean SPAN_TESTS_SUPPORTED = true;
private static final float SPACE_MULTI = 1.0f;
private static final float SPACE_ADD = 0.0f;
private static final int WIDTH = 100;
private static final Alignment ALIGN = Alignment.ALIGN_LEFT;
final static char SURR_FIRST = '\uD800';
final static char SURR_SECOND = '\uDF31';
private static final int[] NO_BREAK = new int[] {};
private static final TextPaint mTextPaint = new MockTextPaint();
private static class MockTextPaint extends TextPaint {
public float getTextRunAdvances(char[] chars, int index, int count,
int contextIndex, int contextCount, int flags, float[] advances,
int advancesIndex, int reserved) {
// Conditions copy pasted from Paint
if (chars == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("text cannot be null");
if (flags != DIRECTION_LTR && flags != DIRECTION_RTL) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown flags value: " + flags);
if ((index | count | contextIndex | contextCount | advancesIndex
| (index - contextIndex) | (contextCount - count)
| ((contextIndex + contextCount) - (index + count))
| (chars.length - (contextIndex + contextCount))
| (advances == null ? 0 :
(advances.length - (advancesIndex + count)))) < 0) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
float res = 0.0f;
if (advances != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
float width = getCharWidth(chars[index + i]);
advances[advancesIndex + i] = width;
res += width;
return res;
private static float getCharWidth(char c) {
switch (Character.toUpperCase(c)) {
// Roman figures
case 'I': return 1.0f;
case 'V': return 5.0f;
case 'X': return 10.0f;
case 'L': return 50.0f;
case 'C': return 100.0f; // equals to WIDTH
case ' ': return 10.0f;
case '.': return 0.0f; // 0-width character
case SURR_FIRST: return 7.0f;
case SURR_SECOND: return 3.0f; // Sum of SURR_FIRST-SURR_SECOND is 10
default: return 10.0f;
private static StaticLayout getStaticLayout(CharSequence source, int width) {
return new StaticLayout(source, mTextPaint, width, ALIGN, SPACE_MULTI, SPACE_ADD, false);
private static StaticLayout getStaticLayout(CharSequence source) {
return getStaticLayout(source, WIDTH);
private static int[] getBreaks(StaticLayout staticLayout) {
int[] breaks = new int[staticLayout.getLineCount() - 1];
for (int line = 0; line < breaks.length; line++) {
breaks[line] = staticLayout.getLineEnd(line);
return breaks;
private static void layout(CharSequence source, int[] breaks) {
StaticLayout staticLayout = getStaticLayout(source);
layout(staticLayout, source, breaks);
private static void layout(StaticLayout staticLayout, CharSequence source, int[] breaks) {
//Log.i("StaticLayoutLineWrappingTest", "String " + source.toString() + "; " +
// staticLayout.getLineCount() + " lines");
int lineCount = breaks.length + 1;
assertEquals("Number of lines", lineCount, staticLayout.getLineCount());
for (int line = 0; line < lineCount; line++) {
int lineStart = staticLayout.getLineStart(line);
int lineEnd = staticLayout.getLineEnd(line);
//Log.i("StaticLayoutLineWrappingTest", "Line " + line + " [" + lineStart + ".." +
// lineEnd + "]\t" + source.subSequence(lineStart, lineEnd));
if (line == 0) {
assertEquals("Line start for first line", 0, lineStart);
} else {
assertEquals("Line start for line " + line, breaks[line - 1], lineStart);
if (line == lineCount - 1) {
assertEquals("Line end for last line", source.length(), lineEnd);
} else {
assertEquals("Line end for line " + line, breaks[line], lineEnd);
final static int MAX_SPAN_COUNT = 10;
final static int[] spanStarts = new int[MAX_SPAN_COUNT];
final static int[] spanEnds = new int[MAX_SPAN_COUNT];
private static MetricAffectingSpan getMetricAffectingSpan() {
return new MetricAffectingSpan() {
public void updateDrawState(TextPaint tp) { /* empty */ }
public void updateMeasureState(TextPaint p) { /* empty */ }
* Replaces the "<...>" blocks by spans, assuming non overlapping, correctly defined spans
* @param text
* @return A CharSequence with '<' '>' replaced by MetricAffectingSpan
private static CharSequence spanify(String text) {
int startIndex = text.indexOf('<');
if (startIndex < 0) return text;
int spanCount = 0;
do {
int endIndex = text.indexOf('>');
if (endIndex < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unbalanced span markers");
text = text.substring(0, startIndex) + text.substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex) +
text.substring(endIndex + 1);
spanStarts[spanCount] = startIndex;
spanEnds[spanCount] = endIndex - 2;
startIndex = text.indexOf('<');
} while (startIndex >= 0);
SpannableStringBuilder result = new SpannableStringBuilder(text);
for (int i = 0; i < spanCount; i++) {
result.setSpan(getMetricAffectingSpan(), spanStarts[i], spanEnds[i],
return result;
public void testNoLineBreak() {
// Width lower than WIDTH
layout("", NO_BREAK);
layout("I", NO_BREAK);
layout("V", NO_BREAK);
layout("X", NO_BREAK);
layout("L", NO_BREAK);
layout("I VILI", NO_BREAK);
layout("XXXX", NO_BREAK);
layout("LXXXX", NO_BREAK);
// Width equal to WIDTH
layout("C", NO_BREAK);
layout("LL", NO_BREAK);
layout("L XXXX", NO_BREAK);
layout("XXX XXXX X", NO_BREAK);
layout("XXX XXXXX ", NO_BREAK);
layout(" XXXXXXXX ", NO_BREAK);
layout(" XX XXX ", NO_BREAK);
// 0123456789
// Width greater than WIDTH, but no break
layout(" XX XXX ", NO_BREAK);
layout("XX XXX XXX ", NO_BREAK);
layout("XX XXX XXX ", NO_BREAK);
layout("XXXXXXXXXX ", new int[] {10}); // Bug, should be NO_BREAK as above
// 01234567890
public void testOneLineBreak() {
// 01234567890
layout("XX XXX XXXX", new int[] {7});
layout("XX XXXX XXX", new int[] {8});
layout("XX XXXXX XX", new int[] {9});
layout("XX XXXXXX X", new int[] {10});
// 01234567890
layout("XXXXXXXXXXX", new int[] {10});
layout("XXXXXXXXX X", new int[] {10});
layout("XXXXXXXX XX", new int[] {9});
layout("XXXXXXX XXX", new int[] {8});
layout("XXXXXX XXXX", new int[] {7});
// 01234567890
layout("LL LL", new int[] {2, 3}); // Bug: should be {3}
layout("LLLL", new int[] {2});
layout("C C", new int[] {1, 2}); // Bug: should be {2}
layout("CC", new int[] {1});
public void testSpaceAtBreak() {
// 0123456789012
layout("XXXX XXXXX X", new int[] {11});
layout("XXXXXXXXXX X", new int[] {10}); // Bug: should be {11}. Consume spaces in the non ok case too
layout("XXXXXXXXXV X", new int[] {10}); // Bug: should be {11}
layout("C X", new int[] {1}); // Should be 2
public void testMultipleSpacesAtBreak() {
// 0123456789012
layout("LXX XXXX", new int[] {4});
layout("LXX XXXX", new int[] {5});
layout("LXX XXXX", new int[] {6});
layout("LXX XXXX", new int[] {7});
layout("LXX XXXX", new int[] {8});
public void testZeroWidthCharacters() {
// 0123456789012345678901234
layout("X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X", NO_BREAK);
layout("...X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X...", NO_BREAK);
layout("C.X", new int[] {2});
layout("C..X", new int[] {3});
* Note that when the text has spans, StaticLayout does not use the provided TextPaint to
* measure text runs anymore. This is probably a bug.
* To be able to use the fake mTextPaint and make this test pass, use mPaint instead of
* mWorkPaint in MeasuredText#addStyleRun
public void testWithSpans() {
layout(spanify("<012 456 89>"), NO_BREAK);
layout(spanify("012 <456> 89"), NO_BREAK);
layout(spanify("<012> <456>< 89>"), NO_BREAK);
layout(spanify("<012> <456> <89>"), NO_BREAK);
layout(spanify("<012> <456> <89>012"), new int[] {8});
layout(spanify("<012> <456> 89<012>"), new int[] {8});
layout(spanify("<012> <456> <89><012>"), new int[] {8});
layout(spanify("<012> <456> 89 <123>"), new int[] {11});
layout(spanify("<012> <456> 89< 123>"), new int[] {11});
layout(spanify("<012> <456> <89> <123>"), new int[] {11});
layout(spanify("012 456 89 <LXX> XX XX"), new int[] {11, 18});
public void testWithOverlappingSpans() {
// TODO Also try overlapping spans. The current implementation does not care, but would be
// good to have before any serious refactoring.
* Adding a span to the string should not change the layout, since the metrics are unchanged.
public void testWithOneSpan() {
String[] texts = new String[] { "0123", "012 456", "012 456 89 123", "012 45678 012",
"012 456 89012 456 89012", "0123456789012" };
MetricAffectingSpan metricAffectingSpan = getMetricAffectingSpan();
for (String text : texts) {
// Get the line breaks without any span
StaticLayout sl = getStaticLayout(text);
int[] breaks = getBreaks(sl);
// Add spans on all possible offsets
for (int spanStart = 0; spanStart < text.length(); spanStart++) {
for (int spanEnd = spanStart; spanEnd < text.length(); spanEnd++) {
SpannableStringBuilder ssb = new SpannableStringBuilder(text);
ssb.setSpan(metricAffectingSpan, spanStart, spanEnd,
layout(ssb, breaks);
public void testWithTwoSpans() {
String[] texts = new String[] { "0123", "012 456", "012 456 89 123", "012 45678 012",
"012 456 89012 456 89012", "0123456789012" };
MetricAffectingSpan metricAffectingSpan1 = getMetricAffectingSpan();
MetricAffectingSpan metricAffectingSpan2 = getMetricAffectingSpan();
for (String text : texts) {
// Get the line breaks without any span
StaticLayout sl = getStaticLayout(text);
int[] breaks = getBreaks(sl);
// Add spans on all possible offsets
for (int spanStart1 = 0; spanStart1 < text.length(); spanStart1++) {
for (int spanEnd1 = spanStart1; spanEnd1 < text.length(); spanEnd1++) {
SpannableStringBuilder ssb = new SpannableStringBuilder(text);
ssb.setSpan(metricAffectingSpan1, spanStart1, spanEnd1,
for (int spanStart2 = 0; spanStart2 < text.length(); spanStart2++) {
for (int spanEnd2 = spanStart2; spanEnd2 < text.length(); spanEnd2++) {
ssb.setSpan(metricAffectingSpan2, spanStart2, spanEnd2,
layout(ssb, breaks);
public void testBreakCondition() {
// Try all the different line break characters, space, tab, ','...
public void testReplacementSpan() {
// Add ReplacementSpan to the string
public void testParagraphs() {
// Add \n to the text
public void testWithEmoji() {
// Surrogate emoji characters get replaced by a bitmap
public void testWithSurrogate() {
// LXXXXI (91) + SURR_FIRST (7) fits. But we should not break the surrogate pair
// Bug: surrogate pair is broken, should be 6 (breaking after the 'V')
// Maybe not: may be ok if the second character of a pair always has a 0-width
layout("LXXXXI" + SURR_FIRST + SURR_SECOND, new int[] {7});
// LXXXXI (95) + SURR_SECOND (3) fits, but this is not a valid surrogate pair, breaking it
layout("LXXXXV" + SURR_SECOND + SURR_FIRST, new int[] {7});
layout("C" + SURR_FIRST + SURR_SECOND, new int[] {1});
public void testNarrowWidth() {
int[] widths = new int[] { 0, 4, 10 };
String[] texts = new String[] { "", "X", " ", "XX", "XX ", "X ", "XXX", "XXX ", "X X",
" X X " /* Bug "X X", ".X..", " ", "XX ", "X." should work too */ };
for (String text: texts) {
// 15 is such that only one character will fit
StaticLayout reference = getStaticLayout(text, 15);
int[] breaks = getBreaks(reference);
// Width under 15 should all lead to the same line break
for (int width: widths) {
StaticLayout sl = getStaticLayout(text, width);
layout(sl, text, breaks);