blob: 51e3632ba9b69c60207bca16d04dbd43a4807bd4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import android.platform.test.annotations.SecurityTest;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class TestMediaCodec extends SecurityTestCase {
final static int TIMEOUT_SEC = 9 * 60;
final static String RESOURCE_ROOT = "/";
final static String TMP_FILE_PATH = "/data/local/tmp/";
final static String HEVCDEC_BINARY = "testhevcdec";
final static String AVCDEC_BINARY = "testavcdec";
final static String MPEG2DEC_BINARY = "testmpeg2dec";
To prevent merge conflicts, add HEVC decoder tests for N
below this comment, before any existing test methods
public void testPocBug_73965867() throws Exception {
String inputFiles[] = {"bug_73965867.hevc"};
"-i " + TMP_FILE_PATH + "bug_73965867.hevc", getDevice(), null);
public void testPocBug_64380202() throws Exception {
String inputFiles[] = {"bug_64380202.hevc"};
runHevcDecodeTest(inputFiles, "--input " + TMP_FILE_PATH
+ "bug_64380202.hevc --num_frames -1 --num_cores 4",
getDevice(), null);
public void testPocBug_64380403() throws Exception {
String inputFiles[] = {"bug_64380403.hevc"};
runHevcDecodeTest(inputFiles, "--input " + TMP_FILE_PATH
+ "bug_64380403.hevc --num_frames -1 --num_cores 4",
getDevice(), null);
To prevent merge conflicts, add HEVC decoder tests for O
below this comment, before any existing test methods
To prevent merge conflicts, add AVC decoder tests for N
below this comment, before any existing test methods
public void testPocBug_33621215() throws Exception {
String inputFiles[] = {"bug_33621215.h264"};
"--input " + TMP_FILE_PATH
+ "bug_33621215.h264 --output /dev/null",
getDevice(), null);
To prevent merge conflicts, add AVC decoder tests for O
below this comment, before any existing test methods
To prevent merge conflicts, add MPEG2 decoder tests for N
below this comment, before any existing test methods
public void testPocBug_34203195() throws Exception {
String inputFiles[] = {"bug_34203195.m2v"};
"--input " + TMP_FILE_PATH + "bug_34203195.m2v --num_cores 2 "
+ "--output /dev/null --num_frames -1",
getDevice(), null);
public void testPocBug_37561455() throws Exception {
String inputFiles[] = {"bug_37561455.m2v"};
"--input " + TMP_FILE_PATH
+ "bug_37561455.m2v --output /dev/null --num_frames -1",
getDevice(), null);
public void testPocBug_63316255() throws Exception {
String inputFiles[] = {"bug_63316255.m2v"};
"--input " + TMP_FILE_PATH + "bug_63316255.m2v --num_frames -1",
getDevice(), null);
To prevent merge conflicts, add MPEG2 decoder tests for O
below this comment, before any existing test methods
* Calls runDecodeTest with HEVC decoder binary name as argument
* @param inputFiles files required as input
* @param arguments arguments for running the binary
* @param device device to be run on
* @param errPattern error patterns to be checked for
public static void runHevcDecodeTest(String inputFiles[], String arguments,
ITestDevice device, String errPattern[]) throws Exception {
runDecodeTest(HEVCDEC_BINARY, inputFiles, arguments, device, errPattern);
* Calls runDecodeTest with MPEG2 decoder binary name as argument
* @param inputFiles files required as input
* @param arguments arguments for running the binary
* @param device device to be run on
* @param errPattern error patterns to be checked for
public static void runMpeg2DecodeTest(String inputFiles[], String arguments,
ITestDevice device, String errPattern[]) throws Exception {
runDecodeTest(MPEG2DEC_BINARY, inputFiles, arguments, device, errPattern);
* Calls runDecodeTest with AVC decoder binary name as argument
* @param inputFiles files required as input
* @param arguments arguments for running the binary
* @param device device to be run on
* @param errPattern error patterns to be checked for
public static void runAvcDecodeTest(String inputFiles[], String arguments,
ITestDevice device, String errPattern[]) throws Exception {
runDecodeTest(AVCDEC_BINARY, inputFiles, arguments, device, errPattern);
* Checks for linker errors
* @param binaryName name of the decoder binary
* @param logcat String to be parsed
public static boolean isLinkerErrorPresent(String binaryName, String logcat)
throws Exception {
return Pattern.compile(".*CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE \""
+ TMP_FILE_PATH + binaryName + "\".*",
* Checks for codec crash
* @param binaryName Name of the decoder binary
* @param errPattern error patterns to be checked for
* @param logcat String to be parsed
public static void checkCodecCrash(String binaryName, String errPattern[],
String logcat) throws Exception {
String genericCrashPattern[] = {
".*name: " + binaryName + " >>> " + TMP_FILE_PATH + binaryName
+ " <<<.*SIGABRT.*",
".*name: " + binaryName + " >>> " + TMP_FILE_PATH + binaryName
+ " <<<.*SIGSEGV.*"};
AdbUtils.checkCrash(genericCrashPattern, logcat);
if (errPattern != null) {
AdbUtils.checkCrash(errPattern, logcat);
* Pushes input files, runs the PoC and checks for crash and hang
* @param binaryName name of the decoder binary
* @param inputFiles files required as input
* @param arguments arguments for running the binary
* @param device device to be run on
* @param errPattern error patterns to be checked for
public static void runDecodeTest(String binaryName, String inputFiles[],
String arguments, ITestDevice device, String errPattern[])
throws Exception {
if (inputFiles != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < inputFiles.length; i++) {
AdbUtils.pushResource(RESOURCE_ROOT + inputFiles[i],
TMP_FILE_PATH + inputFiles[i], device);
AdbUtils.runCommandLine("logcat -c", device);
AdbUtils.runWithTimeoutDeleteFiles(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
AdbUtils.runPocNoOutput(binaryName, device,
TIMEOUT_SEC + 30, arguments);
} catch (Exception e) {
CLog.w("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
}, TIMEOUT_SEC * 1000, device, inputFiles);
String logcatOut = AdbUtils.runCommandLine("logcat -d", device);
boolean linkerErrorFound = isLinkerErrorPresent(binaryName, logcatOut);
if (linkerErrorFound != true) {
checkCodecCrash(binaryName, errPattern, logcatOut);