blob: 2957f437907dda04c14eb0c3601e50b3b96e3e9c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.telephony.cts;
import android.content.Context;
import android.telephony.CellInfo;
import android.telephony.CellInfoCdma;
import android.telephony.CellInfoGsm;
import android.telephony.CellInfoLte;
import android.telephony.CellInfoWcdma;
import android.telephony.CellSignalStrengthLte;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.List;
* Test TelephonyManager.getAllCellInfo()
* <p>
* TODO(chesnutt): test onCellInfoChanged() once the implementation
* of async callbacks is complete (see http://b/13788638)
public class CellInfoTest extends AndroidTestCase{
private final Object mLock = new Object();
private TelephonyManager mTelephonyManager;
private static ConnectivityManager mCm;
private static final String TAG = "android.telephony.cts.CellInfoTest";
// Maximum and minimum possible RSSI values(in dbm).
private static final int MAX_RSSI = -10;
private static final int MIN_RSSI = -150;
// Maximum and minimum possible RSSP values(in dbm).
private static final int MAX_RSRP = -44;
private static final int MIN_RSRP = -140;
// Maximum and minimum possible RSSQ values.
private static final int MAX_RSRQ = -3;
private static final int MIN_RSRQ = -35;
// Maximum and minimum possible RSSNR values.
private static final int MAX_RSSNR = 50;
private static final int MIN_RSSNR = 0;
// Maximum and minimum possible CQI values.
private static final int MAX_CQI = 30;
private static final int MIN_CQI = 0;
private PackageManager mPm;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
mTelephonyManager =
mCm = (ConnectivityManager)getContext().getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
mPm = getContext().getPackageManager();
public void testCellInfo() throws Throwable {
if(! (mPm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_TELEPHONY))) {
Log.d(TAG, "Skipping test that requires FEATURE_TELEPHONY");
if (mCm.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) == null) {
Log.d(TAG, "Skipping test that requires ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE");
// getAllCellInfo should never return null, and there should
// be at least one entry.
List<CellInfo> allCellInfo = mTelephonyManager.getAllCellInfo();
assertNotNull("TelephonyManager.getAllCellInfo() returned NULL!", allCellInfo);
assertTrue("TelephonyManager.getAllCellInfo() returned zero-length list!",
allCellInfo.size() > 0);
int numRegisteredCells = 0;
for (CellInfo cellInfo : allCellInfo) {
if (cellInfo.isRegistered()) {
if (cellInfo instanceof CellInfoLte) {
verifyLteInfo((CellInfoLte) cellInfo);
} else if (cellInfo instanceof CellInfoWcdma) {
verifyWcdmaInfo((CellInfoWcdma) cellInfo);
} else if (cellInfo instanceof CellInfoGsm) {
verifyGsmInfo((CellInfoGsm) cellInfo);
} else if (cellInfo instanceof CellInfoCdma) {
verifyCdmaInfo((CellInfoCdma) cellInfo);
//FIXME: The maximum needs to be calculated based on the number of
// radios and the technologies used (ex SRLTE); however, we have
// not hit any of these cases yet.
assertTrue("None or too many registered cells : " + numRegisteredCells,
numRegisteredCells > 0 && numRegisteredCells <= 2);
private void verifyCdmaInfo(CellInfoCdma cdma) {
int level = cdma.getCellSignalStrength().getLevel();
assertTrue("getLevel() out of range [0,4], level=" + level, level >=0 && level <= 4);
// Verify lte cell information is within correct range.
private void verifyLteInfo(CellInfoLte lte) {
// Verify LTE physical cell id information.
// Only physical cell id is available for LTE neighbor.
int pci = lte.getCellIdentity().getPci();
// Physical cell id should be within [0, 503].
assertTrue("getPci() out of range [0, 503], pci=" + pci, pci >= 0 && pci <= 503);
int earfcn = lte.getCellIdentity().getEarfcn();
// Reference 3GPP 36.101 Table 5.7.3-1
assertTrue("getEarfcn() out of range [0,47000], earfcn=" + earfcn,
earfcn >= 0 && earfcn <= 47000);
CellSignalStrengthLte cellSignalStrengthLte = lte.getCellSignalStrength();
//Integer.MAX_VALUE indicates an unavailable field
int rsrp = cellSignalStrengthLte.getRsrp();
// RSRP is being treated as RSSI in LTE (they are similar but not quite right)
// so reusing the constants here.
assertTrue("getRsrp() out of range, rsrp=" + rsrp, rsrp >= MIN_RSRP && rsrp <= MAX_RSRP);
int rsrq = cellSignalStrengthLte.getRsrq();
assertTrue("getRsrq() out of range | Integer.MAX_VALUE, rsrq=" + rsrq,
rsrq == Integer.MAX_VALUE || (rsrq >= MIN_RSRQ && rsrq <= MAX_RSRQ));
int rssnr = cellSignalStrengthLte.getRssnr();
assertTrue("getRssnr() out of range | Integer.MAX_VALUE, rssnr=" + rssnr,
rssnr == Integer.MAX_VALUE || (rssnr >= MIN_RSSNR && rssnr <= MAX_RSSNR));
int cqi = cellSignalStrengthLte.getCqi();
assertTrue("getCqi() out of range | Integer.MAX_VALUE, cqi=" + cqi,
cqi == Integer.MAX_VALUE || (cqi >= MIN_CQI && cqi <= MAX_CQI));
int ta = cellSignalStrengthLte.getTimingAdvance();
assertTrue("getTimingAdvance() invalid [0-1282] | Integer.MAX_VALUE, ta=" + ta,
ta == Integer.MAX_VALUE || (ta >= 0 && ta <=1282));
int level = cellSignalStrengthLte.getLevel();
assertTrue("getLevel() out of range [0,4], level=" + level, level >=0 && level <= 4);
// Verify wcdma cell information is within correct range.
private void verifyWcdmaInfo(CellInfoWcdma wcdma) {
// Verify wcdma primary scrambling code information.
// Primary scrambling code should be within [0, 511].
int psc = wcdma.getCellIdentity().getPsc();
assertTrue("getPsc() out of range [0, 511], psc=" + psc, psc >= 0 && psc <= 511);
int uarfcn = wcdma.getCellIdentity().getUarfcn();
// Reference 3GPP 25.101 Table 5.2
assertTrue("getUarfcn() out of range [400,11000], uarfcn=" + uarfcn,
uarfcn >= 400 && uarfcn <= 11000);
int level = wcdma.getCellSignalStrength().getLevel();
assertTrue("getLevel() out of range [0,4], level=" + level, level >=0 && level <= 4);
// Verify gsm cell information is within correct range.
private void verifyGsmInfo(CellInfoGsm gsm) {
// Verify gsm local area code and cellid.
// Local area code and cellid should be with [0, 65535].
int lac = gsm.getCellIdentity().getLac();
assertTrue("getLac() out of range [0, 65535], lac=" + lac, !gsm.isRegistered() ||
lac >= 0 && lac <= 65535);
int cid = gsm.getCellIdentity().getCid();
assertTrue("getCid() out range [0, 65535], cid=" + cid, !gsm.isRegistered() ||
cid >= 0 && cid <= 65535);
int arfcn = gsm.getCellIdentity().getArfcn();
// Reference 3GPP 45.005 Table 2-2
assertTrue("getArfcn() out of range [0,1024], arfcn=" + arfcn,
arfcn >= 0 && arfcn <= 1024);
int level = gsm.getCellSignalStrength().getLevel();
assertTrue("getLevel() out of range [0,4], level=" + level, level >=0 && level <= 4);
int bsic = gsm.getCellIdentity().getBsic();
// TODO(b/32774471) - Bsic should always be valid
//assertTrue("getBsic() out of range [0,63]", bsic >=0 && bsic <=63);
// Rssi(in dbm) should be within [MIN_RSSI, MAX_RSSI].
private void verifyRssiDbm(int dbm) {
assertTrue("getCellSignalStrength().getDbm() out of range, dbm=" + dbm,
dbm >= MIN_RSSI && dbm <= MAX_RSSI);