blob: 04f9366a1f4ef0c2c9775ea9ac7e30717a6578ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.text.cts;
import dalvik.annotation.TestLevel;
import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetClass;
import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetNew;
import dalvik.annotation.ToBeFixed;
import android.content.res.ColorStateList;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
import android.text.GetChars;
import android.text.Spannable;
import android.text.SpannableString;
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
import android.text.Spanned;
import android.text.SpannedString;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.text.TextUtils.EllipsizeCallback;
import android.text.TextUtils.TruncateAt;
import android.util.StringBuilderPrinter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Test {@link TextUtils}.
public class TextUtilsTest extends AndroidTestCase {
private static String mEllipsis;
private int mStart;
private int mEnd;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
mEllipsis = getEllipsis();
private void resetRange() {
mStart = -1;
mEnd = -1;
* Get the ellipsis from system.
* @return the string of ellipsis.
private String getEllipsis() {
String text = "xxxxx";
TextPaint p = new TextPaint();
float width = p.measureText(text.substring(1));
String re = TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, width, TruncateAt.START).toString();
return re.substring(0, re.indexOf("x"));
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "commaEllipsize",
args = {CharSequence.class, TextPaint.class, float.class, String.class, String.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1688347 ", explanation = "The javadoc for commaEllipsize() " +
"does not discuss any of the corner cases")
public void testCommaEllipsize() {
TextPaint p = new TextPaint();
String text = "long, string, to, truncate";
float textWidth = p.measureText("long, 3 plus");
// avail is shorter than text width for only one item plus the appropriate ellipsis.
// issue 1688347, the expected result for this case does not be described
// in the javadoc of commaEllipsize().
TextUtils.commaEllipsize(text, p, textWidth - 1, "plus 1", "%d plus").toString());
// avail is long enough for only one item plus the appropriate ellipsis.
assertEquals("long, 3 plus",
TextUtils.commaEllipsize(text, p, textWidth, "plus 1", "%d plus").toString());
// avail is long enough for two item plus the appropriate ellipsis.
textWidth = p.measureText("long, string, 2 more");
assertEquals("long, string, 2 more",
TextUtils.commaEllipsize(text, p, textWidth, "more 1", "%d more").toString());
// avail is long enough for the whole sentence.
textWidth = p.measureText("long, string, to, truncate");
assertEquals("long, string, to, truncate",
TextUtils.commaEllipsize(text, p, textWidth, "more 1", "%d more").toString());
// the sentence is extended, avail is NOT long enough for the whole sentence.
assertEquals("long, string, to, more 1", TextUtils.commaEllipsize(
text + "-extended", p, textWidth, "more 1", "%d more").toString());
// exceptional value
assertEquals("", TextUtils.commaEllipsize(text, p, -1f, "plus 1", "%d plus").toString());
assertEquals(text, TextUtils.commaEllipsize(
text, p, Float.MAX_VALUE, "more 1", "%d more").toString());
assertEquals("long, string, to, null", TextUtils.commaEllipsize(
text + "-extended", p, textWidth, null, "%d more").toString());
try {
TextUtils.commaEllipsize(null, p, textWidth, "plus 1", "%d plus");
fail("Should throw NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// issue 1688347, not clear what is supposed to happen if the text to truncate is null.
try {
TextUtils.commaEllipsize(text, null, textWidth, "plus 1", "%d plus");
fail("Should throw NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// issue 1688347, not clear what is supposed to happen if TextPaint is null.
try {
TextUtils.commaEllipsize(text, p, textWidth, "plus 1", null);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// issue 1688347, not clear what is supposed to happen
// if the string for "%d more" in the current locale is null.
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "concat",
args = {CharSequence[].class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for concat() is incomplete." +
"1. doesn't explain @param and @return" +
"2. doesn't describe the expected result when parameter is empty" +
"3. doesn't discuss the case that parameter is expectional.")
public void testConcat() {
// issue 1695243
// the javadoc for concat() doesn't describe the expected result when parameter is empty.
assertEquals("", TextUtils.concat().toString());
assertEquals("first", TextUtils.concat("first").toString());
assertEquals("first, second", TextUtils.concat("first", ", ", "second").toString());
SpannableString string1 = new SpannableString("first");
SpannableString string2 = new SpannableString("second");
final String url = "";
URLSpan urlSpan = new URLSpan(url);
string1.setSpan(urlSpan, 0, string1.length() - 1, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
BackgroundColorSpan bgColorSpan = new BackgroundColorSpan(Color.GREEN);
string2.setSpan(bgColorSpan, 0, string2.length() - 1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
final String comma = ", ";
Spanned strResult = (Spanned) TextUtils.concat(string1, comma, string2);
assertEquals(string1.toString() + comma + string2.toString(), strResult.toString());
Object spans[] = strResult.getSpans(0, strResult.length(), Object.class);
assertEquals(2, spans.length);
assertTrue(spans[0] instanceof URLSpan);
assertEquals(url, ((URLSpan) spans[0]).getURL());
assertTrue(spans[1] instanceof BackgroundColorSpan);
assertEquals(Color.GREEN, ((BackgroundColorSpan) spans[1]).getBackgroundColor());
assertEquals(0, strResult.getSpanStart(urlSpan));
assertEquals(string1.length() - 1, strResult.getSpanEnd(urlSpan));
assertEquals(string1.length() + comma.length(), strResult.getSpanStart(bgColorSpan));
assertEquals(strResult.length() - 1, strResult.getSpanEnd(bgColorSpan));
assertEquals(string1, TextUtils.concat(string1));
// issue 1695243, the javadoc for concat() doesn't describe
// the expected result when parameters are null.
assertEquals(null, TextUtils.concat((CharSequence) null));
try {
TextUtils.concat((CharSequence[]) null);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "copySpansFrom",
args = {Spanned.class, int.class, int.class, Class.class, Spannable.class, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1688347", explanation = "the javadoc for copySpansFrom() does not exist.")
public void testCopySpansFrom() {
Object[] spans;
String text = "content";
SpannableString source1 = new SpannableString(text);
int midPos = source1.length() / 2;
final String url = "";
URLSpan urlSpan = new URLSpan(url);
source1.setSpan(urlSpan, 0, midPos, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
BackgroundColorSpan bgColorSpan = new BackgroundColorSpan(Color.GREEN);
source1.setSpan(bgColorSpan, midPos - 1,
source1.length() - 1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
// normal test
SpannableString dest1 = new SpannableString(text);
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source1, 0, source1.length(), Object.class, dest1, 0);
spans = dest1.getSpans(0, dest1.length(), Object.class);
assertEquals(2, spans.length);
assertTrue(spans[0] instanceof URLSpan);
assertEquals(url, ((URLSpan) spans[0]).getURL());
assertTrue(spans[1] instanceof BackgroundColorSpan);
assertEquals(Color.GREEN, ((BackgroundColorSpan) spans[1]).getBackgroundColor());
assertEquals(0, dest1.getSpanStart(urlSpan));
assertEquals(midPos, dest1.getSpanEnd(urlSpan));
assertEquals(Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE, dest1.getSpanFlags(urlSpan));
assertEquals(midPos - 1, dest1.getSpanStart(bgColorSpan));
assertEquals(source1.length() - 1, dest1.getSpanEnd(bgColorSpan));
assertEquals(Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE, dest1.getSpanFlags(bgColorSpan));
SpannableString source2 = new SpannableString(text);
source2.setSpan(urlSpan, 0, source2.length() - 1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
SpannableString dest2 = new SpannableString(text);
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source2, 0, source2.length(), Object.class, dest2, 0);
spans = dest2.getSpans(0, dest2.length(), Object.class);
assertEquals(1, spans.length);
assertTrue(spans[0] instanceof URLSpan);
assertEquals(url, ((URLSpan) spans[0]).getURL());
assertEquals(0, dest2.getSpanStart(urlSpan));
assertEquals(source2.length() - 1, dest2.getSpanEnd(urlSpan));
assertEquals(Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE, dest2.getSpanFlags(urlSpan));
SpannableString dest3 = new SpannableString(text);
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source2, 0, source2.length(), BackgroundColorSpan.class, dest3, 0);
spans = dest3.getSpans(0, dest3.length(), Object.class);
assertEquals(0, spans.length);
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source2, 0, source2.length(), URLSpan.class, dest3, 0);
spans = dest3.getSpans(0, dest3.length(), Object.class);
assertEquals(1, spans.length);
SpannableString dest4 = new SpannableString("short");
try {
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source2, 0, source2.length(), Object.class, dest4, 0);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expected
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source2, 0, dest4.length(), Object.class, dest4, 0);
spans = dest4.getSpans(0, dest4.length(), Object.class);
assertEquals(1, spans.length);
assertEquals(0, dest4.getSpanStart(spans[0]));
// issue 1688347, not clear the expected result when 'start ~ end' only
// covered a part of the span.
assertEquals(dest4.length(), dest4.getSpanEnd(spans[0]));
SpannableString dest5 = new SpannableString("longer content");
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source2, 0, source2.length(), Object.class, dest5, 0);
spans = dest5.getSpans(0, 1, Object.class);
assertEquals(1, spans.length);
dest5 = new SpannableString("longer content");
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source2, 0, source2.length(), Object.class, dest5, 2);
spans = dest5.getSpans(0, 1, Object.class);
assertEquals(0, spans.length);
spans = dest5.getSpans(2, dest5.length(), Object.class);
assertEquals(1, spans.length);
try {
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source2, 0, source2.length(),
Object.class, dest5, dest5.length() - source2.length() + 2);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expected
// issue 1688347, no javadoc about the expected behavior of the exceptional argument.
// exceptional source start
SpannableString dest6 = new SpannableString("exceptional test");
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source2, -1, source2.length(), Object.class, dest6, 0);
spans = dest6.getSpans(0, dest6.length(), Object.class);
assertEquals(1, spans.length);
dest6 = new SpannableString("exceptional test");
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source2, Integer.MAX_VALUE, source2.length() - 1,
Object.class, dest6, 0);
spans = dest6.getSpans(0, dest6.length(), Object.class);
assertEquals(0, spans.length);
// exceptional source end
dest6 = new SpannableString("exceptional test");
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source2, 0, -1, Object.class, dest6, 0);
spans = dest6.getSpans(0, dest6.length(), Object.class);
assertEquals(0, spans.length);
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source2, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Object.class, dest6, 0);
spans = dest6.getSpans(0, dest6.length(), Object.class);
assertEquals(1, spans.length);
// exceptional class kind
dest6 = new SpannableString("exceptional test");
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source2, 0, source2.length(), null, dest6, 0);
spans = dest6.getSpans(0, dest6.length(), Object.class);
assertEquals(1, spans.length);
// exceptional destination offset
dest6 = new SpannableString("exceptional test");
try {
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source2, 0, source2.length(), Object.class, dest6, -1);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expect
try {
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source2, 0, source2.length(),
Object.class, dest6, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expect
// exceptional source
try {
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(null, 0, source2.length(), Object.class, dest6, 0);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expect
// exceptional destination
try {
TextUtils.copySpansFrom(source2, 0, source2.length(), Object.class, null, 0);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expect
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "ellipsize",
args = {CharSequence.class, TextPaint.class, float.class, TruncateAt.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1688347", explanation = "" +
"1. the javadoc for ellipsize() is incomplete." +
" - doesn't explain @param and @return" +
" - doesn't describe expected behavior if user pass an exceptional argument." +
"2. ellipsize() is not defined for TruncateAt.MARQUEE. " +
" In the code it looks like this does the same as MIDDLE. " +
" In other methods, MARQUEE is equivalent to END, except for the first line.")
public void testEllipsize() {
TextPaint p = new TextPaint();
// turn off kerning. with kerning enabled, different methods of measuring the same text
// produce different results.
p.setFlags(p.getFlags() & ~p.DEV_KERN_TEXT_FLAG);
CharSequence text = "long string to truncate";
float textWidth = p.measureText(mEllipsis + "uncate");
assertEquals(mEllipsis + "uncate",
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.START).toString());
textWidth = p.measureText("long str" + mEllipsis);
assertEquals("long str" + mEllipsis,
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.END).toString());
textWidth = p.measureText("long" + mEllipsis + "ate");
assertEquals("long" + mEllipsis + "ate",
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.MIDDLE).toString());
// issue 1688347, ellipsize() is not defined for TruncateAt.MARQUEE.
// In the code it looks like this does the same as MIDDLE.
// In other methods, MARQUEE is equivalent to END, except for the first line.
assertEquals("long" + mEllipsis + "ate",
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.MARQUEE).toString());
textWidth = p.measureText(mEllipsis);
assertEquals(mEllipsis, TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.END).toString());
assertEquals("", TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth - 1, TruncateAt.END).toString());
assertEquals("", TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, -1f, TruncateAt.END).toString());
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, Float.MAX_VALUE, TruncateAt.END).toString());
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.START).toString());
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.MIDDLE).toString());
try {
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, null, textWidth, TruncateAt.MIDDLE);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
try {
TextUtils.ellipsize(null, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.MIDDLE);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "ellipsize",
args = {CharSequence.class, TextPaint.class, float.class, TruncateAt.class,
boolean.class, EllipsizeCallback.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1688347", explanation = "" +
"1. the javadoc for ellipsize() is incomplete." +
" - doesn't explain @param and @return" +
" - doesn't describe expected behavior if user pass an exceptional argument." +
"2. ellipsize() is not defined for TruncateAt.MARQUEE. " +
" In the code it looks like this does the same as MIDDLE. " +
" In other methods, MARQUEE is equivalent to END, except for the first line.")
public void testEllipsizeCallback() {
TextPaint p = new TextPaint();
// turn off kerning. with kerning enabled, different methods of measuring the same text
// produce different results.
p.setFlags(p.getFlags() & ~p.DEV_KERN_TEXT_FLAG);
TextUtils.EllipsizeCallback callback = new TextUtils.EllipsizeCallback() {
public void ellipsized(final int start, final int end) {
mStart = start;
mEnd = end;
String text = "long string to truncate";
// TruncateAt.START, does not specify preserveLength
float textWidth = p.measureText(mEllipsis + "uncate");
assertEquals(mEllipsis + "uncate",
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.START, false,
assertEquals(0, mStart);
assertEquals(text.length() - "uncate".length(), mEnd);
// TruncateAt.START, specify preserveLength
int ellipsisNum = text.length() - "uncate".length();
assertEquals(getBlankString(true, ellipsisNum) + "uncate",
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.START, true,
assertEquals(0, mStart);
assertEquals(text.length() - "uncate".length(), mEnd);
// TruncateAt.END, specify preserveLength
textWidth = p.measureText("long str" + mEllipsis);
ellipsisNum = text.length() - "long str".length();
assertEquals("long str" + getBlankString(true, ellipsisNum),
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.END, true, callback).toString());
assertEquals("long str".length(), mStart);
assertEquals(text.length(), mEnd);
// TruncateAt.MIDDLE, specify preserveLength
textWidth = p.measureText("long" + mEllipsis + "ate");
ellipsisNum = text.length() - "long".length() - "ate".length();
assertEquals("long" + getBlankString(true, ellipsisNum) + "ate",
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.MIDDLE, true,
assertEquals("long".length(), mStart);
assertEquals(text.length() - "ate".length(), mEnd);
// TruncateAt.MIDDLE, specify preserveLength, but does not specify callback.
assertEquals("long" + getBlankString(true, ellipsisNum) + "ate",
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.MIDDLE, true,
assertEquals(-1, mStart);
assertEquals(-1, mEnd);
// TruncateAt.MARQUEE, specify preserveLength
// issue 1688347, ellipsize() is not defined for TruncateAt.MARQUEE.
// In the code it looks like this does the same as MIDDLE.
// In other methods, MARQUEE is equivalent to END, except for the first line.
textWidth = p.measureText("long" + mEllipsis + "ate");
ellipsisNum = text.length() - "long".length() - "ate".length();
assertEquals("long" + getBlankString(true, ellipsisNum) + "ate",
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.MARQUEE, true,
assertEquals("long".length(), mStart);
assertEquals(text.length() - "ate".length(), mEnd);
// avail is not long enough for ELLIPSIS, and preserveLength is specified.
textWidth = p.measureText(mEllipsis);
assertEquals(getBlankString(false, text.length()),
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth - 1f, TruncateAt.END, true,
assertEquals(0, mStart);
assertEquals(text.length(), mEnd);
// avail is not long enough for ELLIPSIS, and preserveLength doesn't be specified.
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth - 1f, TruncateAt.END, false,
assertEquals(0, mStart);
assertEquals(text.length(), mEnd);
// avail is long enough for ELLIPSIS, and preserveLength is specified.
assertEquals(getBlankString(true, text.length()),
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.END, true, callback).toString());
assertEquals(0, mStart);
assertEquals(text.length(), mEnd);
// avail is long enough for ELLIPSIS, and preserveLength doesn't be specified.
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.END, false,
assertEquals(0, mStart);
assertEquals(text.length(), mEnd);
// avail is long enough for the whole sentence.
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, p, Float.MAX_VALUE, TruncateAt.END, true,
assertEquals(0, mStart);
assertEquals(0, mEnd);
textWidth = p.measureText("long str" + mEllipsis);
try {
TextUtils.ellipsize(text, null, textWidth, TruncateAt.END, true, callback);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
try {
TextUtils.ellipsize(null, p, textWidth, TruncateAt.END, true, callback);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
* Get a blank string which is filled up by '\uFEFF'.
* @param isNeedStart - boolean whether need to start with char '\u2026' in the string.
* @param len - int length of string.
* @return a blank string which is filled up by '\uFEFF'.
private String getBlankString(boolean isNeedStart, int len) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0;
if (isNeedStart) {
for (; i < len; i++) {
return buf.toString();
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "equals",
args = {CharSequence.class, CharSequence.class}
public void testEquals() {
// compare with itself.
// String is a subclass of CharSequence and overrides equals().
String string = "same object";
assertTrue(TextUtils.equals(string, string));
// SpannableString is a subclass of CharSequence and does NOT override equals().
SpannableString spanString = new SpannableString("same object");
final String url = "";
spanString.setSpan(new URLSpan(url), 0, spanString.length(),
assertTrue(TextUtils.equals(spanString, spanString));
// compare with other objects which have same content.
assertTrue(TextUtils.equals("different object", "different object"));
SpannableString urlSpanString = new SpannableString("same content");
SpannableString bgColorSpanString = new SpannableString(
"same content");
URLSpan urlSpan = new URLSpan(url);
urlSpanString.setSpan(urlSpan, 0, urlSpanString.length(),
BackgroundColorSpan bgColorSpan = new BackgroundColorSpan(Color.GREEN);
bgColorSpanString.setSpan(bgColorSpan, 0, bgColorSpanString.length(),
assertTrue(TextUtils.equals(bgColorSpanString, urlSpanString));
// compare with other objects which have different content.
assertFalse(TextUtils.equals("different content A", "different content B"));
assertFalse(TextUtils.equals(spanString, urlSpanString));
assertFalse(TextUtils.equals(spanString, bgColorSpanString));
// compare with null
assertTrue(TextUtils.equals(null, null));
assertFalse(TextUtils.equals(spanString, null));
assertFalse(TextUtils.equals(null, string));
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "expandTemplate",
args = {CharSequence.class, CharSequence[].class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation =
"the javadoc for expandTemplate() is incomplete." +
"1. not clear what is supposed to happen if template or values is null." +
"2. doesn't discuss the case that ^0 in template string.")
public void testExpandTemplate() {
// ^1 at the start of template string.
assertEquals("value1 template to be expanded",
TextUtils.expandTemplate("^1 template to be expanded", "value1").toString());
// ^1 at the end of template string.
assertEquals("template to be expanded value1",
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template to be expanded ^1", "value1").toString());
// ^1 in the middle of template string.
assertEquals("template value1 to be expanded",
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template ^1 to be expanded", "value1").toString());
// ^1 followed by a '0'
assertEquals("template value10 to be expanded",
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template ^10 to be expanded", "value1").toString());
// ^1 followed by a 'a'
assertEquals("template value1a to be expanded",
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template ^1a to be expanded", "value1").toString());
// no ^1
assertEquals("template ^a to be expanded",
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template ^a to be expanded", "value1").toString());
assertEquals("template to be expanded",
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template to be expanded", "value1").toString());
// two consecutive ^ in the input to produce a single ^ in the output.
assertEquals("template ^ to be expanded",
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template ^^ to be expanded", "value1").toString());
// two ^ with a space in the middle.
assertEquals("template ^ ^ to be expanded",
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template ^ ^ to be expanded", "value1").toString());
// ^1 follow a '^'
assertEquals("template ^1 to be expanded",
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template ^^1 to be expanded", "value1").toString());
// ^1 followed by a '^'
assertEquals("template value1^ to be expanded",
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template ^1^ to be expanded", "value1").toString());
// 9 replacement values
CharSequence values[] = createCharSequenceArray(MAX_SUPPORTED_VALUES_NUM);
String expected = "value1 value2 template value3 value4 to value5 value6" +
" be value7 value8 expanded value9";
String template = "^1 ^2 template ^3 ^4 to ^5 ^6 be ^7 ^8 expanded ^9";
assertEquals(expected, TextUtils.expandTemplate(template, values).toString());
// only up to 9 replacement values are supported
values = createCharSequenceArray(MAX_SUPPORTED_VALUES_NUM + 1);
try {
TextUtils.expandTemplate(template, values);
fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException!");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// expect
// template string is ^0
try {
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template ^0 to be expanded", "value1");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// issue 1695243, doesn't discuss the case that ^0 in template string.
// template string is ^0
try {
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template ^0 to be expanded");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// issue 1695243, doesn't discuss the case that ^0 in template string.
// the template requests 2 values but only 1 is provided
try {
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template ^2 to be expanded", "value1");
fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException!");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// expect
// values is null
try {
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template ^2 to be expanded", (CharSequence[]) null);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
// the template requests 2 values but only one null value is provided
try {
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template ^2 to be expanded", (CharSequence) null);
fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException!");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// expect
// the template requests 2 values and 2 values is provided, but all values are null.
try {
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template ^2 to be expanded",
(CharSequence) null, (CharSequence) null);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
// the template requests 2 values but no value is provided.
try {
TextUtils.expandTemplate("template ^2 to be expanded");
fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException!");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// expected
// template is null
try {
TextUtils.expandTemplate(null, "value1");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
* Create a char sequence array with the specified length
* @param len the length of the array
* @return The char sequence array with the specified length.
* The value of each item is "value[index+1]"
private CharSequence[] createCharSequenceArray(int len) {
CharSequence array[] = new CharSequence[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
array[i] = "value" + (i + 1);
return array;
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "getChars",
args = {CharSequence.class, int.class, int.class, char[].class, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for getChars() does not exist.")
public void testGetChars() {
char[] destOriginal = "destination".toCharArray();
char[] destResult = destOriginal.clone();
// check whether GetChars.getChars() is called and with the proper parameters.
MockGetChars mockGetChars = new MockGetChars();
int start = 1;
int end = destResult.length;
int destOff = 2;
TextUtils.getChars(mockGetChars, start, end, destResult, destOff);
assertEquals(start, mockGetChars.ReadGetCharsParams().start);
assertEquals(end, mockGetChars.ReadGetCharsParams().end);
assertEquals(destResult, mockGetChars.ReadGetCharsParams().dest);
assertEquals(destOff, mockGetChars.ReadGetCharsParams().destoff);
// use MockCharSequence to do the test includes corner cases.
MockCharSequence mockCharSequence = new MockCharSequence("source string mock");
// get chars to place at the beginning of the destination except the latest one char.
destResult = destOriginal.clone();
start = 0;
end = destResult.length - 1;
destOff = 0;
TextUtils.getChars(mockCharSequence, start, end, destResult, destOff);
// chars before end are copied from the mockCharSequence.
for (int i = 0; i < end - start; i++) {
assertEquals(mockCharSequence.charAt(start + i), destResult[destOff + i]);
// chars after end doesn't be changed.
for (int i = destOff + (end - start); i < destOriginal.length; i++) {
assertEquals(destOriginal[i], destResult[i]);
// get chars to place at the end of the destination except the earliest two chars.
destResult = destOriginal.clone();
start = 0;
end = destResult.length - 2;
destOff = 2;
TextUtils.getChars(mockCharSequence, start, end, destResult, destOff);
// chars before start doesn't be changed.
for (int i = 0; i < destOff; i++) {
assertEquals(destOriginal[i], destResult[i]);
// chars after start are copied from the mockCharSequence.
for (int i = 0; i < end - start; i++) {
assertEquals(mockCharSequence.charAt(start + i), destResult[destOff + i]);
// get chars to place at the end of the destination except the earliest two chars
// and the latest one word.
destResult = destOriginal.clone();
start = 1;
end = destResult.length - 2;
destOff = 0;
TextUtils.getChars(mockCharSequence, start, end, destResult, destOff);
for (int i = 0; i < destOff; i++) {
assertEquals(destOriginal[i], destResult[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < end - start; i++) {
assertEquals(mockCharSequence.charAt(start + i), destResult[destOff + i]);
for (int i = destOff + (end - start); i < destOriginal.length; i++) {
assertEquals(destOriginal[i], destResult[i]);
// get chars to place the whole of the destination
destResult = destOriginal.clone();
start = 0;
end = destResult.length;
destOff = 0;
TextUtils.getChars(mockCharSequence, start, end, destResult, destOff);
for (int i = 0; i < end - start; i++) {
assertEquals(mockCharSequence.charAt(start + i), destResult[destOff + i]);
// exceptional start.
end = 2;
destOff = 0;
destResult = destOriginal.clone();
try {
TextUtils.getChars(mockCharSequence, -1, end, destResult, destOff);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expected
destResult = destOriginal.clone();
TextUtils.getChars(mockCharSequence, Integer.MAX_VALUE, end, destResult, destOff);
for (int i = 0; i < destResult.length; i++) {
assertEquals(destOriginal[i], destResult[i]);
// exceptional end.
destResult = destOriginal.clone();
start = 0;
destOff = 0;
try {
TextUtils.getChars(mockCharSequence, start, destResult.length + 1, destResult, destOff);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expected
destResult = destOriginal.clone();
TextUtils.getChars(mockCharSequence, start, -1, destResult, destOff);
for (int i = 0; i < destResult.length; i++) {
assertEquals(destOriginal[i], destResult[i]);
// exceptional destOff.
destResult = destOriginal.clone();
start = 0;
end = 2;
try {
TextUtils.getChars(mockCharSequence, start, end, destResult, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expect
try {
TextUtils.getChars(mockCharSequence, start, end, destResult, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expect
// exceptional source
start = 0;
end = 2;
destOff =0;
try {
TextUtils.getChars(null, start, end, destResult, destOff);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
// exceptional destination
try {
TextUtils.getChars(mockCharSequence, start, end, null, destOff);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
* MockGetChars for test.
private class MockGetChars implements GetChars {
private boolean mHasCalledGetChars;
private GetCharsParams mGetCharsParams = new GetCharsParams();
class GetCharsParams {
int start;
int end;
char[] dest;
int destoff;
public boolean hasCalledGetChars() {
return mHasCalledGetChars;
public void reset() {
mHasCalledGetChars = false;
public GetCharsParams ReadGetCharsParams() {
return mGetCharsParams;
public void getChars(int start, int end, char[] dest, int destoff) {
mHasCalledGetChars = true;
mGetCharsParams.start = start;
mGetCharsParams.end = end;
mGetCharsParams.dest = dest;
mGetCharsParams.destoff = destoff;
public char charAt(int arg0) {
return 0;
public int length() {
return 100;
public CharSequence subSequence(int arg0, int arg1) {
return null;
* MockCharSequence for test.
private class MockCharSequence implements CharSequence {
private char mText[];
public MockCharSequence() {
public MockCharSequence(String text) {
mText = text.toCharArray();
public char charAt(int arg0) {
if (arg0 >= 0 && arg0 < mText.length) {
return mText[arg0];
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
public int length() {
return mText.length;
public CharSequence subSequence(int arg0, int arg1) {
return null;
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "getOffsetAfter",
args = {CharSequence.class, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for getOffsetAfter() does not exist.")
public void testGetOffsetAfter() {
// the first '\uD800' is index 9, the second 'uD800' is index 16
// the '\uDBFF' is index 26
final int POS_FIRST_D800 = 9; // the position of the first '\uD800'.
final int POS_SECOND_D800 = 16;
final int POS_FIRST_DBFF = 26;
final int SUPPLEMENTARY_CHARACTERS_OFFSET = 2; // the offset for a supplementary characters
SpannableString text = new SpannableString(
"string to\uD800\uDB00 get \uD800\uDC00 offset \uDBFF\uDFFF after");
assertEquals(0 + 1, TextUtils.getOffsetAfter(text, 0));
assertEquals(text.length(), TextUtils.getOffsetAfter(text, text.length()));
assertEquals(text.length(), TextUtils.getOffsetAfter(text, text.length() - 1));
TextUtils.getOffsetAfter(text, POS_FIRST_D800));
TextUtils.getOffsetAfter(text, POS_SECOND_D800));
TextUtils.getOffsetAfter(text, POS_FIRST_DBFF));
// the CharSequence string has a span.
MockReplacementSpan mockReplacementSpan = new MockReplacementSpan();
text.setSpan(mockReplacementSpan, POS_FIRST_D800 - 1, text.length() - 1,
assertEquals(text.length() - 1, TextUtils.getOffsetAfter(text, POS_FIRST_D800));
try {
TextUtils.getOffsetAfter(text, -1);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
try {
TextUtils.getOffsetAfter(text, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
try {
TextUtils.getOffsetAfter(null, 0);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
* MockReplacementSpan for test.
private class MockReplacementSpan extends ReplacementSpan {
public void draw(Canvas canvas, CharSequence text, int start, int end, float x, int top,
int y, int bottom, Paint paint) {
public int getSize(Paint paint, CharSequence text, int start, int end, FontMetricsInt fm) {
return 0;
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "getOffsetBefore",
args = {CharSequence.class, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for getOffsetBefore() does not exist.")
public void testGetOffsetBefore() {
// the first '\uDC00' is index 10, the second 'uDC00' is index 17
// the '\uDFFF' is index 27
final int POS_FIRST_DC00 = 10;
final int POS_SECOND_DC00 = 17;
final int POS_FIRST_DFFF = 27;
SpannableString text = new SpannableString(
"string to\uD700\uDC00 get \uD800\uDC00 offset \uDBFF\uDFFF before");
assertEquals(0, TextUtils.getOffsetBefore(text, 0));
assertEquals(0, TextUtils.getOffsetBefore(text, 1));
assertEquals(text.length() - 1, TextUtils.getOffsetBefore(text, text.length()));
TextUtils.getOffsetBefore(text, POS_FIRST_DC00 + 1));
TextUtils.getOffsetBefore(text, POS_SECOND_DC00 + 1));
TextUtils.getOffsetBefore(text, POS_FIRST_DFFF + 1));
// the CharSequence string has a span.
MockReplacementSpan mockReplacementSpan = new MockReplacementSpan();
text.setSpan(mockReplacementSpan, 0, POS_FIRST_DC00 + 1,
assertEquals(0, TextUtils.getOffsetBefore(text, POS_FIRST_DC00));
try {
TextUtils.getOffsetBefore(text, -1);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
try {
TextUtils.getOffsetBefore(text, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
try {
TextUtils.getOffsetBefore(null, POS_FIRST_DC00);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "getReverse",
args = {CharSequence.class, int.class, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for getReverse() does not exist.")
public void testGetReverse() {
String source = "string to be reversed";
assertEquals("gnirts", TextUtils.getReverse(source, 0, "string".length()).toString());
TextUtils.getReverse(source, source.length() - "reversed".length(),
assertEquals("", TextUtils.getReverse(source, 0, 0).toString());
// issue 1695243, exception is thrown after the result of some cases
// convert to a string, is this expected?
CharSequence result = TextUtils.getReverse(source, -1, "string".length());
try {
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
TextUtils.getReverse(source, 0, source.length() + 1);
try {
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
TextUtils.getReverse(source, "string".length(), 0);
try {
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
TextUtils.getReverse(source, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
try {
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
TextUtils.getReverse(source, Integer.MIN_VALUE, "string".length());
try {
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
TextUtils.getReverse(null, 0, "string".length());
try {
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expected
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "getTrimmedLength",
args = {CharSequence.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for getReverse() is incomplete." +
"1. doesn't explain @param and @return." +
"2. doesn't discuss the case that parameter is expectional.")
public void testGetTrimmedLength() {
assertEquals("normalstring".length(), TextUtils.getTrimmedLength("normalstring"));
assertEquals("normal string".length(), TextUtils.getTrimmedLength("normal string"));
assertEquals("blank before".length(), TextUtils.getTrimmedLength(" \t blank before"));
assertEquals("blank after".length(), TextUtils.getTrimmedLength("blank after \n "));
assertEquals("blank both".length(), TextUtils.getTrimmedLength(" \t blank both \n "));
char[] allTrimmedChars = new char[] {
'\u0000', '\u0001', '\u0002', '\u0003', '\u0004', '\u0005', '\u0006', '\u0007',
'\u0008', '\u0009', '\u0010', '\u0011', '\u0012', '\u0013', '\u0014', '\u0015',
'\u0016', '\u0017', '\u0018', '\u0019', '\u0020'
assertEquals(0, TextUtils.getTrimmedLength(String.valueOf(allTrimmedChars)));
try {
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "htmlEncode",
args = {String.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for htmlEncode() is incomplete." +
"1. doesn't discuss the case that parameter is expectional.")
public void testHtmlEncode() {
assertEquals("&lt;_html_&gt;\\ &amp;&quot;&apos;string&apos;&quot;",
TextUtils.htmlEncode("<_html_>\\ &\"'string'\""));
try {
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "indexOf",
args = {CharSequence.class, char.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for indexOf() does not exist.")
public void testIndexOf1() {
String searchString = "string to be searched";
final int INDEX_OF_FIRST_R = 2; // first occurrence of 'r'
final int INDEX_OF_FIRST_T = 1;
final int INDEX_OF_FIRST_D = searchString.length() - 1;
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_FIRST_T, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, 't'));
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_FIRST_R, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, 'r'));
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_FIRST_D, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, 'd'));
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, 'f'));
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_FIRST_R, TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuffer, 'r'));
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_FIRST_R, TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuilder, 'r'));
MockGetChars mockGetChars = new MockGetChars();
TextUtils.indexOf(mockGetChars, 'r');
MockCharSequence mockCharSequence = new MockCharSequence(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_FIRST_R, TextUtils.indexOf(mockCharSequence, 'r'));
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "indexOf",
args = {CharSequence.class, char.class, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for indexOf() does not exist.")
public void testIndexOf2() {
String searchString = "string to be searched";
final int INDEX_OF_FIRST_R = 2;
final int INDEX_OF_SECOND_R = 16;
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_FIRST_R, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, 'r', 0));
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_R, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, 'r', INDEX_OF_FIRST_R + 1));
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, 'r', searchString.length()));
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_FIRST_R, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, 'r', Integer.MIN_VALUE));
assertEquals(2, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, 'r', Integer.MAX_VALUE));
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_R, TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuffer, 'r', INDEX_OF_FIRST_R + 1));
try {
TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuffer, 'r', Integer.MIN_VALUE);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expect
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuffer, 'r', Integer.MAX_VALUE));
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(searchString);
TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuilder, 'r', INDEX_OF_FIRST_R + 1));
MockGetChars mockGetChars = new MockGetChars();
TextUtils.indexOf(mockGetChars, 'r', INDEX_OF_FIRST_R + 1);
MockCharSequence mockCharSequence = new MockCharSequence(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_R, TextUtils.indexOf(mockCharSequence, 'r',
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "indexOf",
args = {CharSequence.class, char.class, int.class, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for indexOf() does not exist.")
public void testIndexOf3() {
String searchString = "string to be searched";
final int INDEX_OF_FIRST_R = 2;
final int INDEX_OF_SECOND_R = 16;
TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, 'r', 0, searchString.length()));
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_R, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, 'r',
INDEX_OF_FIRST_R + 1, searchString.length()));
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, 'r',
try {
TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, 'r', Integer.MIN_VALUE, INDEX_OF_SECOND_R);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expect
TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, 'r', Integer.MAX_VALUE, INDEX_OF_SECOND_R));
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, 'r', 0, Integer.MIN_VALUE));
try {
TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, 'r', 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expect
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_R, TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuffer, 'r',
INDEX_OF_FIRST_R + 1, searchString.length()));
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_R, TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuilder, 'r',
INDEX_OF_FIRST_R + 1, searchString.length()));
MockGetChars mockGetChars = new MockGetChars();
TextUtils.indexOf(mockGetChars, 'r', INDEX_OF_FIRST_R + 1, searchString.length());
MockCharSequence mockCharSequence = new MockCharSequence(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_R, TextUtils.indexOf(mockCharSequence, 'r',
INDEX_OF_FIRST_R + 1, searchString.length()));
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "indexOf",
args = {CharSequence.class, CharSequence.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for indexOf() does not exist.")
public void testIndexOf4() {
String searchString = "string to be searched by string";
final int SEARCH_INDEX = 13;
assertEquals(0, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "string"));
assertEquals(SEARCH_INDEX, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "search"));
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "tobe"));
assertEquals(0, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, ""));
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(searchString);
assertEquals(SEARCH_INDEX, TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuffer, "search"));
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(searchString);
assertEquals(SEARCH_INDEX, TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuilder, "search"));
MockGetChars mockGetChars = new MockGetChars();
TextUtils.indexOf(mockGetChars, "search");
MockCharSequence mockCharSequence = new MockCharSequence(searchString);
assertEquals(SEARCH_INDEX, TextUtils.indexOf(mockCharSequence, "search"));
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "indexOf",
args = {CharSequence.class, CharSequence.class, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for indexOf() does not exist.")
public void testIndexOf5() {
String searchString = "string to be searched by string";
final int INDEX_OF_FIRST_STRING = 0;
final int INDEX_OF_SECOND_STRING = 25;
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_FIRST_STRING, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "string", 0));
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_STRING, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "string",
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "string", INDEX_OF_SECOND_STRING + 1));
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_FIRST_STRING, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "string",
assertEquals(0, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "string", Integer.MAX_VALUE));
assertEquals(1, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "", 1));
assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "", Integer.MAX_VALUE));
assertEquals(0, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, searchString, 0));
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, searchString + "longer needle", 0));
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_STRING, TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuffer, "string",
try {
TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuffer, "string", Integer.MIN_VALUE);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expect
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuffer, "string", Integer.MAX_VALUE));
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_STRING, TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuilder, "string",
MockGetChars mockGetChars = new MockGetChars();
TextUtils.indexOf(mockGetChars, "string", INDEX_OF_FIRST_STRING + 1);
MockCharSequence mockCharSequence = new MockCharSequence(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_STRING, TextUtils.indexOf(mockCharSequence, "string",
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "indexOf",
args = {CharSequence.class, CharSequence.class, int.class, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for indexOf() does not exist.")
public void testIndexOf6() {
String searchString = "string to be searched by string";
final int INDEX_OF_FIRST_STRING = 0;
final int INDEX_OF_SECOND_STRING = 25;
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_FIRST_STRING, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "string", 0,
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_STRING, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "string",
INDEX_OF_FIRST_STRING + 1, searchString.length()));
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "string", INDEX_OF_FIRST_STRING + 1,
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_FIRST_STRING, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "string",
assertEquals(0, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "string", Integer.MAX_VALUE,
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_STRING, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "string",
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_STRING, TextUtils.indexOf(searchString, "string",
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_STRING, TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuffer, "string",
INDEX_OF_FIRST_STRING + 1, searchString.length()));
try {
TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuffer, "string", Integer.MIN_VALUE,
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expect
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuffer, "string", Integer.MAX_VALUE,
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_STRING, TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuffer,
"string", INDEX_OF_FIRST_STRING + 1, Integer.MIN_VALUE));
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_STRING, TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuffer,
"string", INDEX_OF_FIRST_STRING + 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_STRING, TextUtils.indexOf(stringBuilder, "string",
INDEX_OF_FIRST_STRING + 1, searchString.length()));
MockGetChars mockGetChars = new MockGetChars();
TextUtils.indexOf(mockGetChars, "string", INDEX_OF_FIRST_STRING + 1, searchString.length());
MockCharSequence mockCharSequence = new MockCharSequence(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_STRING, TextUtils.indexOf(mockCharSequence, "string",
INDEX_OF_FIRST_STRING + 1, searchString.length()));
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "isDigitsOnly",
args = {CharSequence.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for isDigitsOnly() is incomplete.")
public void testIsDigitsOnly() {
assertFalse(TextUtils.isDigitsOnly("no digit"));
assertFalse(TextUtils.isDigitsOnly("character and 56 digits"));
assertFalse(TextUtils.isDigitsOnly("1234 56789"));
try {
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// issue 1695243, not clear what is supposed result if the CharSequence is null.
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "isEmpty",
args = {CharSequence.class}
public void testIsEmpty() {
assertFalse(TextUtils.isEmpty("not empty"));
assertFalse(TextUtils.isEmpty(" "));
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "isGraphic",
args = {char.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for isGraphic() is incomplete.")
public void testIsGraphicChar() {
try {
assertFalse(TextUtils.isGraphic((Character) null));
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "isGraphic",
args = {CharSequence.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for isGraphic() is incomplete.")
public void testIsGraphicCharSequence() {
assertTrue(TextUtils.isGraphic("printable characters"));
try {
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "join",
args = {CharSequence.class, Iterable.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for join() is incomplete.")
public void testJoin1() {
ArrayList<CharSequence> charTokens = new ArrayList<CharSequence>();
assertEquals("string1|string2|string3", TextUtils.join("|", charTokens));
assertEquals("string1; string2; string3", TextUtils.join("; ", charTokens));
assertEquals("string1string2string3", TextUtils.join("", charTokens));
// issue 1695243, not clear what is supposed result if the delimiter or tokens are null.
assertEquals("string1nullstring2nullstring3", TextUtils.join(null, charTokens));
try {
TextUtils.join("|", (Iterable) null);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expect
ArrayList<SpannableString> spannableStringTokens = new ArrayList<SpannableString>();
spannableStringTokens.add(new SpannableString("span 1"));
spannableStringTokens.add(new SpannableString("span 2"));
spannableStringTokens.add(new SpannableString("span 3"));
assertEquals("span 1;span 2;span 3", TextUtils.join(";", spannableStringTokens));
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "join",
args = {CharSequence.class, Object[].class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for join() is incomplete.")
public void testJoin2() {
CharSequence[] charTokens = new CharSequence[] { "string1", "string2", "string3" };
assertEquals("string1|string2|string3", TextUtils.join("|", charTokens));
assertEquals("string1; string2; string3", TextUtils.join("; ", charTokens));
assertEquals("string1string2string3", TextUtils.join("", charTokens));
// issue 1695243, not clear what is supposed result if the delimiter or tokens are null.
assertEquals("string1nullstring2nullstring3", TextUtils.join(null, charTokens));
try {
TextUtils.join("|", (Object[]) null);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expect
SpannableString[] spannableStringTokens = new SpannableString[] {
new SpannableString("span 1"),
new SpannableString("span 2"),
new SpannableString("span 3") };
assertEquals("span 1;span 2;span 3", TextUtils.join(";", spannableStringTokens));
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "lastIndexOf",
args = {CharSequence.class, char.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for lastIndexOf() does not exist.")
public void testLastIndexOf1() {
String searchString = "string to be searched";
final int INDEX_OF_LAST_R = 16;
final int INDEX_OF_LAST_T = 7;
final int INDEX_OF_LAST_D = searchString.length() - 1;
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_LAST_T, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(searchString, 't'));
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_LAST_R, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(searchString, 'r'));
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_LAST_D, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(searchString, 'd'));
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(searchString, 'f'));
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_LAST_R, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(stringBuffer, 'r'));
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_LAST_R, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(stringBuilder, 'r'));
MockGetChars mockGetChars = new MockGetChars();
TextUtils.lastIndexOf(mockGetChars, 'r');
MockCharSequence mockCharSequence = new MockCharSequence(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_LAST_R, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(mockCharSequence, 'r'));
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "lastIndexOf",
args = {CharSequence.class, char.class, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for lastIndexOf() does not exist.")
public void testLastIndexOf2() {
String searchString = "string to be searched";
final int INDEX_OF_FIRST_R = 2;
final int INDEX_OF_SECOND_R = 16;
TextUtils.lastIndexOf(searchString, 'r', searchString.length()));
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(searchString, 'r', 0));
TextUtils.lastIndexOf(searchString, 'r', INDEX_OF_FIRST_R));
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(searchString, 'r', Integer.MIN_VALUE));
TextUtils.lastIndexOf(searchString, 'r', Integer.MAX_VALUE));
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(searchString);
TextUtils.lastIndexOf(stringBuffer, 'r', INDEX_OF_FIRST_R));
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(stringBuffer, 'r', Integer.MIN_VALUE));
TextUtils.lastIndexOf(stringBuffer, 'r', Integer.MAX_VALUE));
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(searchString);
TextUtils.lastIndexOf(stringBuilder, 'r', INDEX_OF_FIRST_R));
MockGetChars mockGetChars = new MockGetChars();
TextUtils.lastIndexOf(mockGetChars, 'r', INDEX_OF_FIRST_R);
MockCharSequence mockCharSequence = new MockCharSequence(searchString);
TextUtils.lastIndexOf(mockCharSequence, 'r', INDEX_OF_FIRST_R));
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "lastIndexOf",
args = {CharSequence.class, char.class, int.class, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for lastIndexOf() does not exist.")
public void testLastIndexOf3() {
String searchString = "string to be searched";
final int INDEX_OF_FIRST_R = 2;
final int INDEX_OF_SECOND_R = 16;
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_R, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(searchString, 'r', 0,
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_FIRST_R, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(searchString, 'r', 0,
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(searchString, 'r', 0, INDEX_OF_FIRST_R - 1));
try {
TextUtils.lastIndexOf(searchString, 'r', Integer.MIN_VALUE, INDEX_OF_SECOND_R - 1);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expect
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(searchString, 'r', Integer.MAX_VALUE,
assertEquals(-1, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(searchString, 'r', 0, Integer.MIN_VALUE));
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_SECOND_R, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(searchString, 'r', 0,
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_FIRST_R, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(stringBuffer, 'r', 0,
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_FIRST_R, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(stringBuilder, 'r', 0,
MockGetChars mockGetChars = new MockGetChars();
TextUtils.lastIndexOf(mockGetChars, 'r', 0, INDEX_OF_SECOND_R - 1);
MockCharSequence mockCharSequence = new MockCharSequence(searchString);
assertEquals(INDEX_OF_FIRST_R, TextUtils.lastIndexOf(mockCharSequence, 'r', 0,
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "regionMatches",
args = {CharSequence.class, int.class, CharSequence.class, int.class, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for regionMatches() does not exist.")
public void testRegionMatches() {
assertFalse(TextUtils.regionMatches("one", 0, "two", 0, "one".length()));
assertTrue(TextUtils.regionMatches("one", 0, "one", 0, "one".length()));
try {
TextUtils.regionMatches("one", 0, "one", 0, "one".length() + 1);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
String one = "Hello Android, hello World!";
String two = "Hello World";
// match "Hello"
assertTrue(TextUtils.regionMatches(one, 0, two, 0, "Hello".length()));
// match "Hello A" and "Hello W"
assertFalse(TextUtils.regionMatches(one, 0, two, 0, "Hello A".length()));
// match "World"
assertTrue(TextUtils.regionMatches(one, "Hello Android, hello ".length(),
two, "Hello ".length(), "World".length()));
assertFalse(TextUtils.regionMatches(one, "Hello Android, hello ".length(),
two, 0, "World".length()));
try {
TextUtils.regionMatches(one, Integer.MIN_VALUE, two, 0, "Hello".length());
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
try {
TextUtils.regionMatches(one, Integer.MAX_VALUE, two, 0, "Hello".length());
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
try {
TextUtils.regionMatches(one, 0, two, Integer.MIN_VALUE, "Hello".length());
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
try {
TextUtils.regionMatches(one, 0, two, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Hello".length());
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
try {
TextUtils.regionMatches(one, 0, two, 0, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
try {
TextUtils.regionMatches(one, 0, two, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
try {
TextUtils.regionMatches(null, 0, two, 0, "Hello".length());
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expect
try {
TextUtils.regionMatches(one, 0, null, 0, "Hello".length());
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expect
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "replace",
args = {CharSequence.class, String[].class, CharSequence[].class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for replace() is incomplete.")
public void testReplace() {
String template = "this is a string to be as the template for replacement";
String sources[] = new String[] { "string" };
CharSequence destinations[] = new CharSequence[] { "text" };
SpannableStringBuilder replacedString = (SpannableStringBuilder) TextUtils.replace(template,
sources, destinations);
assertEquals("this is a text to be as the template for replacement",
sources = new String[] {"is", "the", "for replacement"};
destinations = new CharSequence[] {"was", "", "to be replaced"};
replacedString = (SpannableStringBuilder)TextUtils.replace(template, sources, destinations);
assertEquals("thwas is a string to be as template to be replaced",
sources = new String[] {"is", "for replacement"};
destinations = new CharSequence[] {"was", "", "to be replaced"};
replacedString = (SpannableStringBuilder)TextUtils.replace(template, sources, destinations);
assertEquals("thwas is a string to be as the template ", replacedString.toString());
sources = new String[] {"is", "the", "for replacement"};
destinations = new CharSequence[] {"was", "to be replaced"};
try {
TextUtils.replace(template, sources, destinations);
fail("Should throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expected
try {
TextUtils.replace(null, sources, destinations);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
try {
TextUtils.replace(template, null, destinations);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
try {
TextUtils.replace(template, sources, null);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "split",
args = {String.class, Pattern.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for split() is incomplete." +
"1. not clear what is supposed result if the pattern string is empty.")
public void testSplitPattern() {
String testString = "abccbadecdebz";
assertEquals(calculateCharsCount(testString, "c") + 1,
TextUtils.split(testString, Pattern.compile("c")).length);
assertEquals(calculateCharsCount(testString, "a") + 1,
TextUtils.split(testString, Pattern.compile("a")).length);
assertEquals(calculateCharsCount(testString, "z") + 1,
TextUtils.split(testString, Pattern.compile("z")).length);
assertEquals(calculateCharsCount(testString, "de") + 1,
TextUtils.split(testString, Pattern.compile("de")).length);
int totalCount = 1 + calculateCharsCount(testString, "a")
+ calculateCharsCount(testString, "b") + calculateCharsCount(testString, "c");
TextUtils.split(testString, Pattern.compile("[a-c]")).length);
assertEquals(0, TextUtils.split("", Pattern.compile("a")).length);
// issue 1695243, not clear what is supposed result if the pattern string is empty.
assertEquals(testString.length() + 2,
TextUtils.split(testString, Pattern.compile("")).length);
try {
TextUtils.split(null, Pattern.compile("a"));
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expect
try {
TextUtils.split("abccbadecdebz", (Pattern) null);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expect
* return the appearance count of searched chars in text.
private int calculateCharsCount(CharSequence text, CharSequence searches) {
int count = 0;
int start = TextUtils.indexOf(text, searches, 0);
while (start != -1) {
start = TextUtils.indexOf(text, searches, start + 1);
return count;
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "split",
args = {String.class, String.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for split() is incomplete." +
"1. not clear what is supposed result if the pattern string is empty.")
public void testSplitString() {
String testString = "abccbadecdebz";
assertEquals(calculateCharsCount(testString, "c") + 1,
TextUtils.split("abccbadecdebz", "c").length);
assertEquals(calculateCharsCount(testString, "a") + 1,
TextUtils.split("abccbadecdebz", "a").length);
assertEquals(calculateCharsCount(testString, "z") + 1,
TextUtils.split("abccbadecdebz", "z").length);
assertEquals(calculateCharsCount(testString, "de") + 1,
TextUtils.split("abccbadecdebz", "de").length);
assertEquals(0, TextUtils.split("", "a").length);
// issue 1695243, not clear what is supposed result if the pattern string is empty.
assertEquals(testString.length() + 2,
TextUtils.split("abccbadecdebz", "").length);
try {
TextUtils.split(null, "a");
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expect
try {
TextUtils.split("abccbadecdebz", (String) null);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expect
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "stringOrSpannedString",
args = {CharSequence.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for" +
" stringOrSpannedString() does not exist.")
public void testStringOrSpannedString() {
SpannedString spannedString = new SpannedString("Spanned String");
assertSame(spannedString, TextUtils.stringOrSpannedString(spannedString));
SpannableString spannableString = new SpannableString("Spannable String");
assertEquals("Spannable String",
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer("String Buffer");
assertEquals("String Buffer",
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "substring",
args = {CharSequence.class, int.class, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for substring() is incomplete." +
"1. doesn't explain @param and @return" +
"2. not clear what is supposed to happen if source is null." +
"3. doesn't explain the thrown IndexOutOfBoundsException")
public void testSubString() {
String string = "String";
assertSame(string, TextUtils.substring(string, 0, string.length()));
assertEquals("Strin", TextUtils.substring(string, 0, string.length() - 1));
assertEquals("", TextUtils.substring(string, 1, 1));
try {
TextUtils.substring(string, string.length(), 0);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expected
try {
TextUtils.substring(string, -1, string.length());
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expected
try {
TextUtils.substring(string, Integer.MAX_VALUE, string.length());
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expected
try {
TextUtils.substring(string, 0, -1);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expected
try {
TextUtils.substring(string, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expected
try {
TextUtils.substring(null, 0, string.length());
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer("String Buffer");
assertEquals("Strin", TextUtils.substring(stringBuffer, 0, string.length() - 1));
assertEquals("", TextUtils.substring(stringBuffer, 1, 1));
MockGetChars mockGetChars = new MockGetChars();
TextUtils.substring(mockGetChars, 0, string.length());
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "writeToParcel",
args = {CharSequence.class, Parcel.class, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for writeToParcel() is incomplete." +
"1. doesn't explain @param and @return" +
"2. not clear is it the supposed result when the CharSequence is null.")
public void testWriteToParcel() {
Parcel p = Parcel.obtain();
Parcelable.Creator<CharSequence> creator = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR;
String string = "String";
TextUtils.writeToParcel(string, p, 0);
assertEquals(string, creator.createFromParcel(p).toString());
p = Parcel.obtain();
TextUtils.writeToParcel(null, p, 0);
p = Parcel.obtain();
SpannableString spannableString = new SpannableString("Spannable String");
URLSpan urlSpan = new URLSpan("URL Span");
int urlSpanStart = spannableString.length() >> 1;
int urlSpanEnd = spannableString.length();
spannableString.setSpan(urlSpan, urlSpanStart, urlSpanEnd,
TextUtils.writeToParcel(spannableString, p, 0);
SpannableString ret = (SpannableString) creator.createFromParcel(p);
assertEquals("Spannable String", ret.toString());
Object[] spans = ret.getSpans(0, ret.length(), Object.class);
assertEquals(1, spans.length);
assertEquals("URL Span", ((URLSpan) spans[0]).getURL());
assertEquals(urlSpanStart, ret.getSpanStart(spans[0]));
assertEquals(urlSpanEnd, ret.getSpanEnd(spans[0]));
assertEquals(Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE, ret.getSpanFlags(spans[0]));
p = Parcel.obtain();
ColorStateList colors = new ColorStateList(new int[][] {
new int[] {android.R.attr.state_focused}, new int[0]},
new int[] {Color.rgb(0, 255, 0), Color.BLACK});
int textSize = 20;
TextAppearanceSpan textAppearanceSpan = new TextAppearanceSpan(
null, Typeface.ITALIC, textSize, colors, null);
int textAppearanceSpanStart = 0;
int textAppearanceSpanEnd = spannableString.length() >> 1;
spannableString.setSpan(textAppearanceSpan, textAppearanceSpanStart,
textAppearanceSpanEnd, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
TextUtils.writeToParcel(spannableString, p, -1);
ret = (SpannableString) creator.createFromParcel(p);
assertEquals("Spannable String", ret.toString());
spans = ret.getSpans(0, ret.length(), Object.class);
assertEquals(2, spans.length);
assertEquals("URL Span", ((URLSpan) spans[0]).getURL());
assertEquals(urlSpanStart, ret.getSpanStart(spans[0]));
assertEquals(urlSpanEnd, ret.getSpanEnd(spans[0]));
assertEquals(Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE, ret.getSpanFlags(spans[0]));
assertEquals(null, ((TextAppearanceSpan) spans[1]).getFamily());
assertEquals(Typeface.ITALIC, ((TextAppearanceSpan) spans[1]).getTextStyle());
assertEquals(textSize, ((TextAppearanceSpan) spans[1]).getTextSize());
assertEquals(colors.toString(), ((TextAppearanceSpan) spans[1]).getTextColor().toString());
assertEquals(null, ((TextAppearanceSpan) spans[1]).getLinkTextColor());
assertEquals(textAppearanceSpanStart, ret.getSpanStart(spans[1]));
assertEquals(textAppearanceSpanEnd, ret.getSpanEnd(spans[1]));
assertEquals(Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE, ret.getSpanFlags(spans[1]));
try {
TextUtils.writeToParcel(spannableString, null, 0);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "getCapsMode",
args = {CharSequence.class, int.class, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1586346", explanation = "return cap mode which is NOT set in reqModes")
public void testGetCapsMode() {
String testString = "Start. Sentence word!No space before\n\t" +
"Paragraph? (\"\'skip begin\'\"). skip end";
// CAP_MODE_SENTENCES should be in effect in the whole text.
for (int i = 0; i < testString.length(); i++) {
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, i, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_CHARACTERS));
// all modes should be in effect at the start of the text.
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, 0, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_WORDS));
// issue 1586346
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, 0, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_SENTENCES));
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, 0, CAP_MODE_ALL));
// all mode should be in effect at the position after "." or "?" or "!" + " ".
int offset = testString.indexOf("Sentence word!");
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_WORDS));
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_SENTENCES));
// issue 1586346
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, 0, CAP_MODE_ALL));
// CAP_MODE_SENTENCES should NOT be in effect at the position after other words + " ".
offset = testString.indexOf("word!");
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_WORDS));
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_SENTENCES));
// issue 1586346
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, CAP_MODE_ALL));
// if no space after "." or "?" or "!", CAP_MODE_SENTENCES and CAP_MODE_WORDS
// should NOT be in effect.
offset = testString.indexOf("No space before");
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_WORDS));
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_SENTENCES));
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, CAP_MODE_ALL));
// all mode should be in effect at a beginning of a new paragraph.
offset = testString.indexOf("Paragraph");
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_WORDS));
// issue 1586346
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_SENTENCES));
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, CAP_MODE_ALL));
// some special word which means the start of a sentence should be skipped.
offset = testString.indexOf("skip begin");
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_WORDS));
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_SENTENCES));
// issue 1586346
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, CAP_MODE_ALL));
// some special word which means the end of a sentence should be skipped.
offset = testString.indexOf("skip end");
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_WORDS));
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_SENTENCES));
// issue 1586346
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, offset, CAP_MODE_ALL));
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "getCapsMode",
args = {CharSequence.class, int.class, int.class}
@ToBeFixed(bug = "1695243", explanation = "the javadoc for substring() is incomplete." +
"1. doesn't describe the expected result when parameter is exceptional.")
public void testGetCapsModeException() {
String testString = "Start. Sentence word!No space before\n\t" +
"Paragraph? (\"\'skip begin\'\"). skip end";
int offset = testString.indexOf("Sentence word!");
TextUtils.getCapsMode(null, offset, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_CHARACTERS));
try {
TextUtils.getCapsMode(null, offset, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_SENTENCES);
fail("Should throw NullPointerException!");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
assertEquals(0, TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, -1, TextUtils.CAP_MODE_SENTENCES));
try {
TextUtils.getCapsMode(testString, testString.length() + 1,
fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException!");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// expected
level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
method = "dumpSpans",
args = {java.lang.CharSequence.class, android.util.Printer.class, java.lang.String.class}
public void testDumpSpans() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilderPrinter printer = new StringBuilderPrinter(builder);
CharSequence source = "test dump spans";
String prefix = "prefix";
assertEquals(0, builder.length());
TextUtils.dumpSpans(source, printer, prefix);
assertTrue(builder.length() > 0);
builder = new StringBuilder();
printer = new StringBuilderPrinter(builder);
assertEquals(0, builder.length());
SpannableString spanned = new SpannableString(source);
spanned.setSpan(new Object(), 0, source.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
TextUtils.dumpSpans(spanned, printer, prefix);
assertTrue(builder.length() > 0);