blob: 47aa4f05017f11c32cd2839544eb1c9664618787 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import csv
import logging
import math
import os
import pickle
import camera_properties_utils
import capture_request_utils
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import NullLocator, ScalarFormatter
import numpy as np
_BAYER_COLOR_PLANE = ('red', 'green_r', 'blue', 'green_b')
_LINEAR_FIT_NUM_SAMPLES = 100 # Number of samples to plot for the linear fit
_PLOT_AXIS_TICKS = 5 # Number of ticks to display on the plot axis
def create_and_save_csv_from_results(rn_data, iso_low, iso_high, cmap, file):
"""Creates a .csv file for the read noise results.
rn_data: Read noise data object from capture_read_noise_for_iso_range
iso_low: int; minimum iso value to include
iso_high: int; maximum iso value to include
cmap: str; string containing each color symbol
file: str; path to csv where this will be created
with open(file, 'w+') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
results = list(filter(
lambda x: x[0]['iso'] >= iso_low and x[0]['iso'] <= iso_high, rn_data
color_channels = range(len(cmap))
# Create headers for csv file
headers = ['iso', 'iso^2']
headers.extend([f'mean_{cmap[i]}' for i in color_channels])
headers.extend([f'var_{cmap[i]}' for i in color_channels])
headers.extend([f'norm_var_{cmap[i]}' for i in color_channels])
# Create data rows
for data_row in results:
row = [data_row[0]['iso']]
row.extend([data_row[i]['mean'] for i in color_channels])
row.extend([data_row[i]['var'] for i in color_channels])
row.extend([data_row[i]['norm_var'] for i in color_channels])
writer.writerow([]) # divider line
# Create row containing the offset coefficients calculated by np.polyfit
coeff_headers = ['', 'offset_coefficient_a', 'offset_coefficient_b']
coeff_a, coeff_b = get_read_noise_coefficients(results)
for i in range(len(cmap)):
writer.writerow([cmap[i], coeff_a[i], coeff_b[i]])
def create_read_noise_plots_from_results(rn_data, iso_low, iso_high, cmap,
"""Plot the read noise data for the given ISO range.
rn_data: Read noise data object from capture_read_noise_for_iso_range
iso_low: int; minimum iso value to include
iso_high: int; maximum iso value to include
cmap: str; string containing the Bayer format
file: str; file path for the plot image
# Get a list of color names and plot color arrangements for the given cmap.
# This will be used for chart labels and color schemes
bayer_color_list = []
plot_colors = ''
if cmap.lower() == 'grbg':
bayer_color_list = ['GR', 'R', 'B', 'GB']
plot_colors = 'grby'
elif cmap.lower() == 'rggb':
bayer_color_list = ['R', 'GR', 'GB', 'B']
plot_colors = 'rgyb'
elif cmap.lower() == 'bggr':
bayer_color_list = ['B', 'GB', 'GR', 'R']
plot_colors = 'bygr'
elif cmap.lower() == 'gbrg':
bayer_color_list = ['GB', 'B', 'R', 'GR']
plot_colors = 'ybrg'
raise AssertionError('cmap parameter does not match any known Bayer format')
# Create the figure for plotting the read noise to ISO^2 curve
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 11))
fig.suptitle('Read Noise to ISO^2', x=0.54, y=0.99)
iso_range = fig.add_subplot(111)
iso_range.set_ylabel('Read Noise')
# Get the ISO values for the current range
current_range = list(filter(
lambda x: x[0]['iso'] >= iso_low and x[0]['iso'] <= iso_high, rn_data
# Get X-axis values (ISO^2) for current_range
iso_sq = [data[0]['iso']**2 for data in current_range]
# Get X-axis values for the calculated linear fit for the read noise
iso_sq_values = np.linspace(iso_low**2, iso_high**2, _LINEAR_FIT_NUM_SAMPLES)
# Get the line fit coeff for plotting the linear fit of read noise to iso^2
coeff_a, coeff_b = get_read_noise_coefficients(current_range)
# Plot the read noise to iso^2 data
for pidx in range(len(bayer_color_list)):
norm_vars = [data[pidx]['norm_var'] for data in current_range]
# Plot the measured read noise to ISO^2 values
iso_range.plot(iso_sq, norm_vars, plot_colors[pidx]+'o',
label=f'{bayer_color_list[pidx]}', alpha=0.3)
# Plot the line fit calculated from the read noise values
iso_range.plot(iso_sq_values, coeff_a[pidx]*iso_sq_values + coeff_b[pidx],
# Create a numpy array containing all normalized variance values for the
# current range, this will be used for labelling the X-axis
y_values = np.array(
[[color['norm_var'] for color in x] for x in current_range])
x_ticks = np.linspace(iso_low**2, iso_high**2, _PLOT_AXIS_TICKS)
y_ticks = np.linspace(np.min(y_values), np.max(y_values), _PLOT_AXIS_TICKS)
def _generate_image_data_bayer(img, iso, white_level, cmap):
"""Generates read noise data for a given image.
Each element in the list corresponds to each color channel, and each dict
contains information relevant to the read noise calculation.
img: np.array; image for the given iso
iso: float; iso value which the
white_level: int; white level value for the sensor
cmap: str; color map of the sensor
list(dict) list containing information for each color channel
result = []
color_channel_img = np.empty((len(_BAYER_COLOR_PLANE),
# Create a dict of read noise values for each color channel in the image
for i, color_plane in enumerate(_BAYER_COLOR_PLANE):
color_channel_img[i] = _subsample(img, color_plane, cmap)
var = np.var(color_channel_img[i])
mean = np.mean(color_channel_img[i])
norm_var = var / ((white_level - mean)**2)
'iso': iso,
'mean': mean,
'var': var,
'norm_var': norm_var
return result
def _subsample(img, color_plane, cmap):
"""Subsample image array based on color_plane.
img: 2-D numpy array of image
color_plane: string; color to extract
cmap: list; color map of the sensor
img_subsample: 2-D numpy subarray of image with only color plane
subsample_img_2x = lambda img, x, h, v: img[int(x / 2):v:2, x % 2:h:2]
size_h = img.shape[1]
size_v = img.shape[0]
if color_plane == 'red':
cmap_index = cmap.index('R')
elif color_plane == 'blue':
cmap_index = cmap.index('B')
elif color_plane == 'green_r':
color_plane_map_index = {
'GRBG': 0,
'RGGB': 1,
'BGGR': 2,
'GBRG': 3
cmap_index = color_plane_map_index[cmap]
elif color_plane == 'green_b':
color_plane_map_index = {
'GBRG': 0,
'BGGR': 1,
'RGGB': 2,
'GRBG': 3
cmap_index = color_plane_map_index[cmap]
logging.error('Wrong color_plane entered!')
return None
return subsample_img_2x(img, cmap_index, size_h, size_v)
def get_read_noise_coefficients(rn_data, iso_low=0, iso_high=1000000):
"""Calculate the read noise coefficients from the read noise data.
rn_data: Read noise data object from capture_read_noise_for_iso_range
iso_low: int; minimum iso value to include
iso_high: int; maximum iso value to include
(list, list) Offset coefficients for the linear fit to read noise data
# Filter the values by the given ISO range
iso_range = list(filter(
lambda x: x[0]['iso'] >= iso_low and x[0]['iso'] <= iso_high, rn_data
read_noise_coefficients_a = []
read_noise_coefficients_b = []
# Get ISO^2 values used for X-axis in polyfit
iso_sq = [data[0]['iso']**2 for data in iso_range]
# Find the linear equation coefficients for each color channel
for i in range(len(iso_range[0])):
norm_var = [data[i]['norm_var'] for data in iso_range]
coeffs = np.polyfit(iso_sq, norm_var, 1)
return read_noise_coefficients_a, read_noise_coefficients_b
def capture_read_noise_for_iso_range(cam, low_iso, high_iso, steps, cmap,
"""Captures read noise data at the lowest advertised exposure value.
cam: ItsSession; camera for the current ItsSession
low_iso: int; lowest iso value in range
high_iso: int; highest iso value in range
steps: int; steps to take per stop
cmap: str; color map of the sensor
dest_file: str; path where the results should be saved
list(list(dict)) Read noise results for each frame
props = cam.get_camera_properties()
props = cam.override_with_hidden_physical_camera_props(props)
camera_properties_utils.raw16(props) and
camera_properties_utils.manual_sensor(props) and
camera_properties_utils.read_3a(props) and
min_exposure_ns, _ = props['']
min_fd = props['']
white_level = props['']
iso = low_iso
results = []
# This operation can last a very long time, if it happens to fail halfway
# through, this section of code will allow us to pick up where we left off
if os.path.exists(dest_file):
# If there already exists a results file, retrieve them
with open(dest_file, 'rb') as f:
results = pickle.load(f)
# Set the starting iso to the last iso of results
iso = results[-1][0]['iso']
iso *= math.pow(2, 1.0/steps)
while int(round(iso)) <= high_iso:
iso_int = int(iso)
req = capture_request_utils.manual_capture_request(iso_int, min_exposure_ns)
req['android.lens.focusDistance'] = min_fd
fmt = {'format': 'raw'}
cap = cam.do_capture(req, fmt)
w = cap['width']
h = cap['height']
img = np.ndarray(shape=(h*w,), dtype='<u2', buffer=cap['data'][0:w*h*2])
img = img.astype(dtype=np.uint16).reshape(h, w)
# Add values to results, organized as a dictionary
results.append(_generate_image_data_bayer(img, iso, white_level, cmap))'iso: %.2f, mean: %.2f, var: %.2f, min: %d, max: %d', iso,
np.mean(img), np.var(img), np.min(img), np.max(img))
with open(dest_file, 'wb+') as f:
pickle.dump(results, f)
iso *= math.pow(2, 1.0/steps)'Results pickled into file %s', dest_file)
return results