blob: afab2f34f91ef847783f918dbce8e52c550f89a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package {
// See: http://go/android-license-faq
default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"],
java_library {
name: "cts-api-signature-multilib-test",
srcs: ["src/**/*.java"],
sdk_version: "test_current",
static_libs: [
android_test {
name: "CtsSharedLibsApiSignatureTestCases",
defaults: ["cts_defaults"],
// Ensure that any android.test and junit classes embedded within this test do not conflict with
// the classes provided by the android.test.base or android.test.runner shared libraries.
jarjar_rules: ":cts-android-test-jarjar-rules",
java_resources: [
static_libs: [
test_suites: [
sdk_version: "current",
jni_libs: ["libclassdescriptors"],
compile_multilib: "both",
dex_preopt: {
enabled: false,
optimize: {
enabled: false,
use_embedded_native_libs: false,
srcs: ["src/**/*.java"],
// Generates a zip file containing the current public and system API files for shared libraries.
genrule {
name: "CtsSharedLibsApiSignatureTestCases_cts-shared-libs-all-current.api",
srcs: [
tools: [
out: [
cmd: "mkdir -p $(genDir)/list && " +
"for f in $(in); do " +
// Extract the module name from the path.
" fileName=$$(basename $${f} .txt) && " +
" fileName=$${fileName%%.stubs.source*} && " +
// Extract the api level, i.e. public|system from the path.
" apiLevel=$${f##*.stubs.source} && " +
" apiLevel=$${apiLevel#.} && " +
" apiLevel=$${apiLevel%_api.txt} && " +
" if [ -z $${apiLevel} ]; then apiLevel=public; fi && " +
// Convert the .txt file into its XML representation.
" $(location metalava) -J--add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --no-banner " +
" -convert2xmlnostrip $${f} $(genDir)/list/$${fileName}-current-$${apiLevel}.api; " +
"done && " +
"$(location soong_zip) -o $(out) -C $(genDir)/list -D $(genDir)/list",
// Generates a zip file containing all the API files from previous releases >= 28 excluding the
// android.txt and removed files.
genrule {
name: "CtsSharedLibsApiSignatureTestCases_cts-shared-libs-all-previous.api",
srcs: [
tools: [
out: [
cmd: "for f in $(in); do " +
" fileName=$$(basename $${f} .txt) && " +
" if [ $${fileName} == android ] || [[ $${fileName} =~ removed ]] || [[ $${fileName} =~ incompatibilities ]]; " +
" then continue; fi && " +
" platformSdkVersion=$$(echo $${f} | awk -F/ '{print $$(3)}') && " +
" if [ $${platformSdkVersion} -lt 28 ]; then continue; fi && " +
" apiLevel=$$(echo $${f} | awk -F/ '{print $$(4)}') && " +
" $(location metalava) -J--add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --no-banner " +
" -convert2xmlnostrip $${f} $(genDir)/list/$${fileName}-$${platformSdkVersion}-$${apiLevel}.api; " +
"done && " +
"$(location soong_zip) -o $(out) -C $(genDir)/list -D $(genDir)/list",