blob: 2397a37f4c9196c017ffc6b7c620fa266f6a948b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.server.wm.jetpack;
import static android.server.wm.jetpack.utils.ActivityEmbeddingUtil.DEFAULT_SPLIT_RATIO;
import static android.server.wm.jetpack.utils.ActivityEmbeddingUtil.UNEVEN_CONTAINERS_DEFAULT_SPLIT_RATIO;
import static android.server.wm.jetpack.utils.ActivityEmbeddingUtil.assertValidSplit;
import static android.server.wm.jetpack.utils.ActivityEmbeddingUtil.createSplitPairRuleBuilderWithJava8Predicate;
import static android.server.wm.jetpack.utils.ActivityEmbeddingUtil.startActivityAndVerifySplit;
import static android.server.wm.jetpack.utils.ActivityEmbeddingUtil.waitAndAssertNotVisible;
import static android.server.wm.jetpack.utils.ActivityEmbeddingUtil.waitForFillsTask;
import static android.server.wm.jetpack.utils.TestActivityLauncher.KEY_ACTIVITY_ID;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.platform.test.annotations.FlakyTest;
import android.platform.test.annotations.Presubmit;
import android.server.wm.jetpack.utils.TestActivity;
import android.server.wm.jetpack.utils.TestActivityWithId;
import android.server.wm.jetpack.utils.TestConfigChangeHandlingActivity;
import android.util.LayoutDirection;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.util.Size;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4;
import androidx.window.extensions.embedding.SplitPairRule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
* Tests for the {@link androidx.window.extensions} implementation provided on the device (and only
* if one is available) for the Activity Embedding functionality. Specifically tests activity
* split bounds.
* Build/Install/Run:
* atest CtsWindowManagerJetpackTestCases:ActivityEmbeddingBoundsTests
public class ActivityEmbeddingBoundsTests extends ActivityEmbeddingTestBase {
* Tests that when two activities are in a split and the parent bounds shrink such that
* they can no longer support split activities, then the activities become stacked.
public void testParentWindowMetricsPredicate() {
// Launch primary activity
final Activity primaryActivity = startActivityNewTask(
// Set split pair rule such that if the parent bounds is any smaller than it is now, then
// the parent cannot support a split.
final int originalTaskWidth = getTaskWidth();
final int originalTaskHeight = getTaskHeight();
final SplitPairRule splitPairRule = createSplitPairRuleBuilderWithJava8Predicate(
activityActivityPair -> true /* activityPairPredicate */,
activityIntentPair -> true /* activityIntentPredicate */,
parentWindowMetrics -> parentWindowMetrics.getBounds().width() >= originalTaskWidth
&& parentWindowMetrics.getBounds().height() >= originalTaskHeight)
// Launch the secondary activity
final String secondaryActivityId = "secondaryActivityId";
final TestActivity secondaryActivity = (TestActivity) startActivityAndVerifySplit(
primaryActivity, TestActivityWithId.class, splitPairRule, secondaryActivityId,
// Resize the display multiple times to verify that the activities are correctly split or
// stacked depending on the parent bounds. Resizing multiple times simulates a foldable
// display is that folded and unfolded multiple times while running the same app.
final int numTimesToResize = 2;
final Size originalDisplaySize = mReportedDisplayMetrics.getSize();
for (int i = 0; i < numTimesToResize; i++) {
// Shrink the display by 10% to make the activities stacked
mReportedDisplayMetrics.setSize(new Size((int) (originalDisplaySize.getWidth() * 0.9),
(int) (originalDisplaySize.getHeight() * 0.9)));
// Return the display to its original size and verify that the activities are split
assertValidSplit(primaryActivity, secondaryActivity, splitPairRule);
* Tests that the activity bounds for activities in a split match the LTR layout direction
* provided in the {@link SplitPairRule}.
public void testLayoutDirection_LTR() {
// Create a split pair rule with layout direction LTR and a split ratio that results in
// uneven bounds between the primary and secondary containers.
final SplitPairRule splitPairRule = createUnevenWidthSplitPairRule(LayoutDirection.LTR);
// Start activities in a split and verify that the layout direction is LTR, which is
// checked in {@link ActivityEmbeddingUtil#startActivityAndVerifySplit}.
Activity primaryActivity = startActivityNewTask(TestConfigChangeHandlingActivity.class);
startActivityAndVerifySplit(primaryActivity, TestActivityWithId.class, splitPairRule,
"secondaryActivityId", mSplitInfoConsumer);
* Tests that the activity bounds for activities in a split match the RTL layout direction
* provided in the {@link SplitPairRule}.
public void testLayoutDirection_RTL() {
// Create a split pair rule with layout direction RTL and a split ratio that results in
// uneven bounds between the primary and secondary containers.
final SplitPairRule splitPairRule = createUnevenWidthSplitPairRule(LayoutDirection.RTL);
// Start activities in a split and verify that the layout direction is RTL, which is
// checked in {@link ActivityEmbeddingUtil#startActivityAndVerifySplit}.
Activity primaryActivity = startActivityNewTask(TestConfigChangeHandlingActivity.class);
startActivityAndVerifySplit(primaryActivity, TestActivityWithId.class, splitPairRule,
"secondaryActivityId", mSplitInfoConsumer);
* Tests that the activity bounds for activities in a split match the Locale layout direction
* provided in the {@link SplitPairRule}.
public void testLayoutDirection_Locale() {
// Create a split pair rule with layout direction LOCALE and a split ratio that results in
// uneven bounds between the primary and secondary containers.
final SplitPairRule splitPairRule = createUnevenWidthSplitPairRule(LayoutDirection.LOCALE);
// Start activities in a split and verify that the layout direction is the device locale,
// which is checked in {@link ActivityEmbeddingUtil#startActivityAndVerifySplit}.
Activity primaryActivity = startActivityNewTask(TestConfigChangeHandlingActivity.class);
startActivityAndVerifySplit(primaryActivity, TestActivityWithId.class, splitPairRule,
"secondaryActivityId", mSplitInfoConsumer);
* Tests that when two activities enter a split, then their split ratio matches what is in their
* {@link SplitPairRule}, and is not assumed to be 0.5 or match the split ratio of the previous
* top-most activity split.
@FlakyTest(bugId = 213322133)
public void testSplitRatio() {
final String activityAId = "activityA";
final String activityBId = "activityB";
final String activityCId = "activityC";
final float activityABSplitRatio = 0.37f;
final float activityBCSplitRatio = 0.85f;
// Create a split rule for activity A and activity B where the split ratio is 0.37.
final SplitPairRule splitPairRuleAB = createSplitPairRuleBuilderWithJava8Predicate(
activityActivityPair -> false /* activityPairPredicate */,
activityIntentPair -> matchesActivityIntentPair(activityIntentPair, activityAId,
activityBId) /* activityIntentPredicate */,
parentWindowMetrics -> true /* parentWindowMetricsPredicate */)
// Create a split rule for activity B and activity C where the split ratio is 0.65.
final SplitPairRule splitPairRuleBC = createSplitPairRuleBuilderWithJava8Predicate(
activityActivityPair -> false /* activityPairPredicate */,
activityIntentPair -> matchesActivityIntentPair(activityIntentPair, activityBId,
activityCId) /* activityIntentPredicate */,
parentWindowMetrics -> true /* parentWindowMetricsPredicate */)
// Register the two split pair rules
mActivityEmbeddingComponent.setEmbeddingRules(Set.of(splitPairRuleAB, splitPairRuleBC));
// Launch the activity A and B split and verify that the split ratio is 0.37 in
// {@link ActivityEmbeddingUtil#startActivityAndVerifySplit}.
Activity activityA = startActivityNewTask(TestActivityWithId.class, activityAId);
Activity activityB = startActivityAndVerifySplit(activityA, TestActivityWithId.class,
splitPairRuleAB, activityBId, mSplitInfoConsumer);
// Launch the activity B and C split and verify that the split ratio is 0.65 in
// {@link ActivityEmbeddingUtil#startActivityAndVerifySplit}.
Activity activityC = startActivityAndVerifySplit(activityB, TestActivityWithId.class,
splitPairRuleBC, activityCId, mSplitInfoConsumer);
// Finish activity C so that activity A and B are in a split again. Verify that the split
// ratio returns to 0.37 in {@link ActivityEmbeddingUtil#assertValidSplit}.
assertValidSplit(activityA, activityB, splitPairRuleAB);
private SplitPairRule createUnevenWidthSplitPairRule(int layoutDir) {
return createSplitPairRuleBuilderWithJava8Predicate(
activityActivityPair -> true /* activityPairPredicate */,
activityIntentPair -> true /* activityIntentPredicate */,
parentWindowMetrics -> true /* parentWindowMetricsPredicate */)
private boolean matchesActivityIntentPair(@NonNull Pair<Activity, Intent> activityIntentPair,
@NonNull String primaryActivityId, @NonNull String secondaryActivityId) {
if (!(activityIntentPair.first instanceof TestActivityWithId)) {
return false;
return primaryActivityId.equals(((TestActivityWithId) activityIntentPair.first).getId())
&& secondaryActivityId.equals(activityIntentPair.second.getStringExtra(