blob: f2d1a0ba53c177963016f1317fba73f6fefb95b2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <jni.h>
#include <android/log.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <RenderScript.h>
#define LOG_TAG "rscpptest"
#define LOGI(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,LOG_TAG,__VA_ARGS__)
#define LOGE(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR,LOG_TAG,__VA_ARGS__)
#include "ScriptC_setelementat.h"
using namespace android::RSC;
static void createTypedHelper (const sp<RS> &rs, sp<const Element> e) {
Type::Builder typeBuilder(rs, e);
for (int mips = 0; mips <= 1; mips ++) {
bool useMips = (mips == 1);
for (int faces = 0; faces <= 1; faces++) {
bool useFaces = (faces == 1);
for (uint32_t x = 1; x < 8; x ++) {
for (uint32_t y = 1; y < 8; y ++) {
Allocation::createTyped(rs, typeBuilder.create());
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_android_cts_rscpp_RSAllocationTest_typedTest(JNIEnv * env,
jclass obj,
jstring pathObj)
const char * path = env->GetStringUTFChars(pathObj, NULL);
sp<RS> rs = new RS();
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(pathObj, path);
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::A_8(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::RGBA_4444(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::RGBA_5551(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::RGB_565(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::RGB_888(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::RGBA_8888(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::F32(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::F32_2(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::F32_3(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::F32_4(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::F64(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::F64_2(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::F64_3(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::F64_4(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::I8(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::I8_2(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::I8_3(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::I8_4(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::I16(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::I16_2(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::I16_3(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::I16_4(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::I32(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::I32_2(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::I32_3(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::I32_4(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::I64(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::I64_2(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::I64_3(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::I64_4(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::U8(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::U8_2(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::U8_3(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::U8_4(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::U16(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::U16_2(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::U16_3(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::U16_4(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::U32(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::U32_2(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::U32_3(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::U32_4(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::U64(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::U64_2(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::U64_3(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::U64_4(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::MATRIX_2X2(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::MATRIX_3X3(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::MATRIX_4X4(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::SAMPLER(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::SCRIPT(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::TYPE(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::BOOLEAN(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::ELEMENT(rs));
createTypedHelper(rs, Element::ALLOCATION(rs));
return true;
static sp<const Element> makeElement(const sp<RS> &rs, RsDataType dt, int vecSize) {
if (vecSize > 1) {
return Element::createVector(rs, dt, vecSize);
} else {
return Element::createUser(rs, dt);
* Test copyTo and copyFrom for all or part of a 1D Allocation.
* @param rs RS Context.
* @param cellCount Total number of elements in this Allocation.
* @param offset Offset of this Allocation for copy.
* @param count Number of elements need to copy.
* @param copyRange Copy the entire allocation or part of it (using different API).
* @param dt DataType intended to test.
* @param autoPadding Enable autoPadding or not.
template <class T>
static bool helperCopy1D(const sp<RS> &rs, int cellCount, int offset, int count, bool copyRange,
RsDataType dt, bool autoPadding = false) {
bool passed = true;
int arrLen = cellCount;
int copyCount = count;
int iOffset = offset;
sp<Allocation> alloc = nullptr;
if (autoPadding) {
arrLen = cellCount * 3;
copyCount = count * 3;
iOffset = offset * 3;
alloc = Allocation::createSized(rs, makeElement(rs, dt, 3), cellCount);
} else {
alloc = Allocation::createSized(rs, makeElement(rs, dt, 1), cellCount);
T* src = new T[arrLen];
T* dst = new T[arrLen];
for (int i = 0; i < copyCount; i++) {
src[i] = (T)rand();
dst[iOffset + i] = (T)(-1);
if (!copyRange) {
} else {
alloc->copy1DRangeFrom(offset, count, src);
for (int i = 0; i < copyCount; i++) {
if (dst[iOffset + i] != src[i]) {
passed = false;
delete[] src;
delete[] dst;
return passed;
//Corresponding 1D allocation to allocation copy.
static bool helperFloatAllocationCopy1D(const sp<RS> &rs, int cellCount, int offset, int count) {
bool passed = true;
sp<Allocation> srcA = Allocation::createSized(rs, Element::F32(rs), cellCount);
sp<Allocation> dstA = Allocation::createSized(rs, Element::F32(rs), cellCount);
float *src, *dst;
src = new float[cellCount];
dst = new float[cellCount];
for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) {
src[i] = (float)rand();
dst[i] = -1.0f;
// First populate the source allocation
// Now test allocation to allocation copy
dstA->copy1DRangeFrom(offset, count, srcA, offset);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (dst[offset + i] != src[offset + i]) {
passed = false;
delete[] src;
delete[] dst;
return passed;
* Test copyTo and copyFrom for all or part of a 2D Allocation.
* @param rs RS Context.
* @param xElems Number of elements in X dimension in this Allocation.
* @param yElems Number of elements in Y dimension in this Allocation.
* @param xOffset Offset in X dimension of this Allocation for copy.
* @param yOffset Offset in Y dimension of this Allocation for copy.
* @param xCount Number of elements in X dimension need to copy.
* @param yCount Number of elements in Y dimension need to copy.
* @param dt DataType intended to test.
* @param autoPadding Enable autoPadding or not.
template <class T>
static bool helperCopy2D(const sp<RS> &rs, int xElems, int yElems,
int xOffset, int yOffset, int xCount, int yCount,
RsDataType dt, bool autoPadding = false) {
bool passed = true;
int arrLen = xElems * yElems;
int copyCount = xCount * yCount;
sp<Allocation> alloc = nullptr;
if (autoPadding) {
arrLen = arrLen * 3;
copyCount = copyCount * 3;
alloc = Allocation::createSized2D(rs, makeElement(rs, dt, 3), xElems, yElems);
} else {
alloc = Allocation::createSized2D(rs, makeElement(rs, dt, 1), xElems, yElems);
T* src = new T[arrLen];
T* dst = new T[arrLen];
for (int i = 0; i < copyCount; i++) {
src[i] = (T)rand();
dst[i] = (T)(-1);
alloc->copy2DRangeFrom(xOffset, yOffset, xCount, yCount, src);
alloc->copy2DRangeTo(xOffset, yOffset, xCount, yCount, dst);
for (int i = 0; i < copyCount; i++) {
if (dst[i] != src[i]) {
passed = false;
delete[] src;
delete[] dst;
return passed;
//Corresponding 2D allocation to allocation copy.
static bool helperFloatAllocationCopy2D(const sp<RS> &rs, int xElems, int yElems,
int xOffset, int yOffset, int xCount, int yCount) {
bool passed = true;
sp<Allocation> srcA = Allocation::createSized2D(rs, Element::F32(rs), xElems, yElems);
sp<Allocation> dstA = Allocation::createSized2D(rs, Element::F32(rs), xElems, yElems);
float *src, *dst;
src = new float[xElems * yElems];
dst = new float[xElems * yElems];
for (int i = 0; i < xCount * yCount; i++) {
src[i] = (float)rand();
dst[i] = -1.0f;
// First populate the source allocation
srcA->copy2DRangeFrom(xOffset, yOffset, xCount, yCount, src);
// Now test allocation to allocation copy
dstA->copy2DRangeFrom(xOffset, yOffset, xCount, yCount, srcA, xOffset, yOffset);
dstA->copy2DRangeTo(xOffset, yOffset, xCount, yCount, dst);
for (int i = 0; i < xCount * yCount; i++) {
if (dst[i] != src[i]) {
passed = false;
delete[] src;
delete[] dst;
return passed;
* Test copyTo and copyFrom for all or part of a 2D Allocation.
* @param rs RS Context.
* @param xElems Number of elements in X dimension in this Allocation.
* @param yElems Number of elements in Y dimension in this Allocation.
* @param zElems Number of elements in Z dimension in this Allocation.
* @param xOffset Offset in X dimension of this Allocation for copy.
* @param yOffset Offset in Y dimension of this Allocation for copy.
* @param zOffset Offset in Z dimension of this Allocation for copy.
* @param xCount Number of elements in X dimension need to copy.
* @param yCount Number of elements in Y dimension need to copy.
* @param zCount Number of elements in Z dimension need to copy.
* @param dt DataType intended to test.
* @param autoPadding Enable autoPadding or not.
template <class T>
static bool helperCopy3D(const sp<RS> &rs, int xElems, int yElems, int zElems,
int xOffset, int yOffset, int zOffset,
int xCount, int yCount, int zCount,
RsDataType dt, bool autoPadding = false) {
bool passed = true;
int arrLen = xElems * yElems * zElems;
int copyCount = xCount * yCount * zCount;
sp<Allocation> alloc = nullptr;
if (autoPadding) {
arrLen = arrLen * 3;
copyCount = copyCount * 3;
Type::Builder typeBuilder(rs, makeElement(rs, dt, 3));
alloc = Allocation::createTyped(rs, typeBuilder.create());
} else {
Type::Builder typeBuilder(rs, makeElement(rs, dt, 1));
alloc = Allocation::createTyped(rs, typeBuilder.create());
T* src = new T[arrLen];
T* dst = new T[arrLen];
for (int i = 0; i < copyCount; i++) {
src[i] = (T)rand();
dst[i] = (T)(-1);
alloc->copy3DRangeFrom(xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, xCount, yCount, zCount, src);
alloc->copy3DRangeTo(xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, xCount, yCount, zCount, dst);
for (int i = 0; i < copyCount; i++) {
if (dst[i] != src[i]) {
passed = false;
delete[] src;
delete[] dst;
return passed;
//Corresponding 3D allocation to allocation copy.
static bool helperFloatAllocationCopy3D(const sp<RS> &rs, int xElems, int yElems, int zElems,
int xOffset, int yOffset, int zOffset,
int xCount, int yCount, int zCount) {
bool passed = true;
Type::Builder typeBuilder(rs, Element::F32(rs));
sp<Allocation> srcA = Allocation::createTyped(rs, typeBuilder.create());
sp<Allocation> dstA = Allocation::createTyped(rs, typeBuilder.create());
float *src, *dst;
src = new float[xElems * yElems * zElems];
dst = new float[xElems * yElems * zElems];
for (int i = 0; i < xCount * yCount * zCount; i++) {
src[i] = (float)rand();
dst[i] = -1.0f;
// First populate the source allocation
srcA->copy3DRangeFrom(xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, xCount, yCount, zCount, src);
// Now test allocation to allocation copy
dstA->copy3DRangeFrom(xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, xCount, yCount, zCount,
srcA, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset);
dstA->copy3DRangeTo(xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, xCount, yCount, zCount, dst);
for (int i = 0; i < xCount * yCount * zCount; i++) {
if (dst[i] != src[i]) {
passed = false;
delete[] src;
delete[] dst;
return passed;
static int elemsToTest = 20;
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_android_cts_rscpp_RSAllocationTest_test1DCopy(JNIEnv * env,
jclass obj,
jstring pathObj)
const char * path = env->GetStringUTFChars(pathObj, NULL);
sp<RS> rs = new RS();
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(pathObj, path);
bool passed = true;
for (int s = 8; s <= elemsToTest; s += 2) {
passed &= helperCopy1D<float>(rs, s, 0, s, false, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_32);
passed &= helperCopy1D<char>(rs, s, 0, s, false, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_8);
passed &= helperCopy1D<short>(rs, s, 0, s, false, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_16);
passed &= helperCopy1D<int>(rs, s, 0, s, false, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_32);
passed &= helperCopy1D<double>(rs, s, 0, s, false, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_64);
// now test copy range
for (int off = 0; off < s; off ++) {
for (int count = 1; count <= s - off; count ++) {
passed &= helperCopy1D<float>(rs, s, off, count, true, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_32);
passed &= helperCopy1D<char>(rs, s, off, count, true, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_8);
passed &= helperCopy1D<short>(rs, s, off, count, true, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_16);
passed &= helperCopy1D<int>(rs, s, off, count, true, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_32);
passed &= helperCopy1D<double>(rs, s, off, count, true, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_64);
for (int off = 0; off < s; off ++) {
for (int count = 1; count <= s - off; count ++) {
passed &= helperFloatAllocationCopy1D(rs, s, off, count);
return passed;
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_android_cts_rscpp_RSAllocationTest_test2DCopy(JNIEnv * env,
jclass obj,
jstring pathObj)
const char * path = env->GetStringUTFChars(pathObj, NULL);
sp<RS> rs = new RS();
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(pathObj, path);
bool passed = true;
for (int s = 8; s <= elemsToTest; s += 2) {
// now test copy range
for (int off = 0; off < s; off ++) {
for (int count = 1; count <= s - off; count ++) {
passed &= helperCopy2D<float>(rs, s, s, off, off, count, count, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_32);
passed &= helperCopy2D<char>(rs, s, s, off, off, count, count, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_8);
passed &= helperCopy2D<short>(rs, s, s, off, off, count, count, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_16);
passed &= helperCopy2D<int>(rs, s, s, off, off, count, count, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_32);
passed &= helperCopy2D<double>(rs, s, s, off, off, count, count, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_64);
for (int off = 0; off < s; off ++) {
for (int count = 1; count <= s - off; count ++) {
passed &= helperFloatAllocationCopy2D(rs, s, s, off, off, count, count);
return passed;
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_android_cts_rscpp_RSAllocationTest_test3DCopy(JNIEnv * env,
jclass obj,
jstring pathObj)
const char * path = env->GetStringUTFChars(pathObj, NULL);
sp<RS> rs = new RS();
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(pathObj, path);
bool passed = true;
for (int s = 8; s <= elemsToTest; s += 2) {
// now test copy range
for (int off = 0; off < s; off ++) {
for (int count = 1; count <= s - off; count ++) {
passed &= helperCopy3D<float>(rs, s, s, s, off, off, off, count, count, count, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_32);
passed &= helperCopy3D<char>(rs, s, s, s, off, off, off, count, count, count, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_8);
passed &= helperCopy3D<short>(rs, s, s, s, off, off, off, count, count, count, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_16);
passed &= helperCopy3D<int>(rs, s, s, s, off, off, off, count, count, count, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_32);
passed &= helperCopy3D<double>(rs, s, s, s, off, off, off, count, count, count, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_64);
for (int off = 0; off < s; off ++) {
for (int count = 1; count <= s - off; count ++) {
passed &= helperFloatAllocationCopy3D(rs, s, s, s, off, off, off, count, count, count);
return passed;
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_android_cts_rscpp_RSAllocationTest_test1DCopyPadded(JNIEnv * env,
jclass obj,
jstring pathObj)
const char * path = env->GetStringUTFChars(pathObj, NULL);
sp<RS> rs = new RS();
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(pathObj, path);
bool passed = true;
for (int s = 8; s <= elemsToTest; s += 2) {
passed &= helperCopy1D<float>(rs, s, 0, s, false, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_32, true);
passed &= helperCopy1D<char>(rs, s, 0, s, false, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_8, true);
passed &= helperCopy1D<short>(rs, s, 0, s, false, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_16, true);
passed &= helperCopy1D<int>(rs, s, 0, s, false, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_32, true);
passed &= helperCopy1D<double>(rs, s, 0, s, false, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_64, true);
// now test copy range
for (int off = 0; off < s; off ++) {
for (int count = 1; count <= s - off; count ++) {
passed &= helperCopy1D<float>(rs, s, off, count, true, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_32, true);
passed &= helperCopy1D<char>(rs, s, off, count, true, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_8, true);
passed &= helperCopy1D<short>(rs, s, off, count, true, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_16, true);
passed &= helperCopy1D<int>(rs, s, off, count, true, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_32, true);
passed &= helperCopy1D<double>(rs, s, off, count, true, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_64, true);
return passed;
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_android_cts_rscpp_RSAllocationTest_test2DCopyPadded(JNIEnv * env,
jclass obj,
jstring pathObj)
const char * path = env->GetStringUTFChars(pathObj, NULL);
sp<RS> rs = new RS();
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(pathObj, path);
bool passed = true;
for (int s = 8; s <= elemsToTest; s += 2) {
// now test copy range
for (int off = 0; off < s; off ++) {
for (int count = 1; count <= s - off; count ++) {
passed &= helperCopy2D<float>(rs, s, s, off, off, count, count, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_32, true);
passed &= helperCopy2D<char>(rs, s, s, off, off, count, count, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_8, true);
passed &= helperCopy2D<short>(rs, s, s, off, off, count, count, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_16, true);
passed &= helperCopy2D<int>(rs, s, s, off, off, count, count, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_32, true);
passed &= helperCopy2D<double>(rs, s, s, off, off, count, count, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_64, true);
return passed;
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_android_cts_rscpp_RSAllocationTest_test3DCopyPadded(JNIEnv * env,
jclass obj,
jstring pathObj)
const char * path = env->GetStringUTFChars(pathObj, NULL);
sp<RS> rs = new RS();
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(pathObj, path);
bool passed = true;
for (int s = 8; s <= elemsToTest; s += 2) {
// now test copy range
for (int off = 0; off < s; off ++) {
for (int count = 1; count <= s - off; count ++) {
passed &= helperCopy3D<float>(rs, s, s, s, off, off, off, count, count, count,
RS_TYPE_FLOAT_32, true);
passed &= helperCopy3D<char>(rs, s, s, s, off, off, off, count, count, count,
RS_TYPE_SIGNED_8, true);
passed &= helperCopy3D<short>(rs, s, s, s, off, off, off, count, count, count,
RS_TYPE_SIGNED_16, true);
passed &= helperCopy3D<int>(rs, s, s, s, off, off, off, count, count, count,
RS_TYPE_SIGNED_32, true);
passed &= helperCopy3D<double>(rs, s, s, s, off, off, off, count, count, count,
RS_TYPE_FLOAT_64, true);
return passed;
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_android_cts_rscpp_RSAllocationTest_testSetElementAt(JNIEnv * env,
jclass obj,
jstring pathObj)
const char * path = env->GetStringUTFChars(pathObj, NULL);
sp<RS> rs = new RS();
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(pathObj, path);
bool passed = true;
Type::Builder b(rs, Element::I32(rs));
sp<Allocation> largeArray = Allocation::createTyped(rs, b.create());
sp<Allocation> singleElement = Allocation::createTyped(rs, b.create());
sp<ScriptC_setelementat> script = new ScriptC_setelementat(rs);
int result = 0;
if (result != 2) {
passed = false;
return passed;