blob: ced09d68f2a577e74e73bb69b1fdb03fab2f9f07 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
package android.provider.cts.contacts;
import static android.provider.cts.contacts.DatabaseAsserts.ContactIdPair;
import android.accounts.Account;
import android.accounts.AccountManager;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.provider.cts.contacts.CommonDatabaseUtils;
import android.provider.cts.contacts.ContactUtil;
import android.provider.cts.contacts.DataUtil;
import android.provider.cts.contacts.DatabaseAsserts;
import android.provider.cts.contacts.DeletedContactUtil;
import android.provider.cts.contacts.RawContactUtil;
import android.provider.cts.contacts.account.StaticAccountAuthenticator;
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class ContactsProvider2_AccountRemovalTest extends AndroidTestCase {
private static long ASYNC_TIMEOUT_LIMIT_MS = 1000 * 60 * 1; // 3 minutes
private static long SLEEP_BETWEEN_POLL_MS = 1000 * 10; // 10 seconds
private static int NOT_MERGED = -1;
// Not re-using StaticAcountAuthenticator.ACCOUNT_1 because this test may break
// other tests running when the account is removed. No other tests should use the following
// accounts.
private static final Account ACCT_1 = new Account("cp removal acct 1",
private static final Account ACCT_2 = new Account("cp removal acct 2",
private ContentResolver mResolver;
private AccountManager mAccountManager;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
mResolver = getContext().getContentResolver();
mAccountManager = AccountManager.get(getContext());
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void testAccountRemoval_deletesContacts() {
mAccountManager.addAccountExplicitly(ACCT_1, null, null);
mAccountManager.addAccountExplicitly(ACCT_2, null, null);
ArrayList<ContactIdPair> acc1Ids = createContacts(ACCT_1, 5);
ArrayList<ContactIdPair> acc2Ids = createContacts(ACCT_2, 15);
mAccountManager.removeAccount(ACCT_2, null, null);
assertContactsDeletedEventually(System.currentTimeMillis(), acc2Ids);
mAccountManager.removeAccount(ACCT_1, null, null);
assertContactsDeletedEventually(System.currentTimeMillis(), acc1Ids);
public void testAccountRemoval_hasDeleteLogsForContacts() {
mAccountManager.addAccountExplicitly(ACCT_1, null, null);
mAccountManager.addAccountExplicitly(ACCT_2, null, null);
ArrayList<ContactIdPair> acc1Ids = createContacts(ACCT_1, 5);
ArrayList<ContactIdPair> acc2Ids = createContacts(ACCT_2, 15);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
mAccountManager.removeAccount(ACCT_2, null, null);
assertContactsInDeleteLogEventually(start, acc2Ids);
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
mAccountManager.removeAccount(ACCT_1, null, null);
assertContactsInDeleteLogEventually(start, acc1Ids);
* Contact has merged raw contacts from a single account. Contact should be deleted upon
* account removal.
public void testAccountRemovalWithMergedContact_deletesContacts() {
mAccountManager.addAccountExplicitly(ACCT_1, null, null);
ArrayList<ContactIdPair> idList = createAndAssertMergedContact(ACCT_1, ACCT_1);
mAccountManager.removeAccount(ACCT_1, null, null);
assertContactsDeletedEventually(System.currentTimeMillis(), idList);
* Contact has merged raw contacts from different accounts. Contact should not be deleted when
* one account is removed. But contact should have last updated timestamp updated.
public void testAccountRemovalWithMergedContact_doesNotDeleteContactAndTimestampUpdated() {
mAccountManager.addAccountExplicitly(ACCT_1, null, null);
mAccountManager.addAccountExplicitly(ACCT_2, null, null);
ArrayList<ContactIdPair> idList = createAndAssertMergedContact(ACCT_1, ACCT_2);
long contactId = idList.get(0).mContactId;
long baseTime = ContactUtil.queryContactLastUpdatedTimestamp(mResolver, contactId);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
mAccountManager.removeAccount(ACCT_1, null, null);
while (ContactUtil.queryContactLastUpdatedTimestamp(mResolver, contactId) == baseTime) {
"Contact " + contactId + " last updated timestamp has not been updated.");
mAccountManager.removeAccount(ACCT_2, null, null);
public void testAccountRemovalWithMergedContact_hasDeleteLogsForContacts() {
mAccountManager.addAccountExplicitly(ACCT_1, null, null);
ArrayList<ContactIdPair> idList = createAndAssertMergedContact(ACCT_1, ACCT_1);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
mAccountManager.removeAccount(ACCT_1, null, null);
assertContactsInDeleteLogEventually(start, idList);
private ArrayList<ContactIdPair> createAndAssertMergedContact(Account acct, Account acct2) {
ContactIdPair ids1 = DatabaseAsserts.assertAndCreateContactWithName(mResolver, acct,
"merge me");
DataUtil.insertPhoneNumber(mResolver, ids1.mRawContactId, "555-5555");
ContactIdPair ids2 = DatabaseAsserts.assertAndCreateContactWithName(mResolver, acct2,
"merge me");
DataUtil.insertPhoneNumber(mResolver, ids2.mRawContactId, "555-5555");
// Check merge before continuing. Merge process is async.
long mergedContactId = assertMerged(System.currentTimeMillis(), ids1.mRawContactId,
// Update the contact id to the newly merged contact id.
ids1.mContactId = mergedContactId;
ids2.mContactId = mergedContactId;
return Lists.newArrayList(ids1, ids2);
private long assertMerged(long start, long rawContactId, long rawContactId2) {
long contactId = NOT_MERGED;
while (contactId == NOT_MERGED) {
"Raw contact " + rawContactId + " and " + rawContactId2 + " are not merged.");
contactId = checkMerged(rawContactId, rawContactId2);
return contactId;
private long checkMerged(long rawContactId, long rawContactId2) {
long contactId = RawContactUtil.queryContactIdByRawContactId(mResolver, rawContactId);
long contactId2 = RawContactUtil.queryContactIdByRawContactId(mResolver, rawContactId2);
if (contactId == contactId2) {
return contactId;
return NOT_MERGED;
private void assertContactsInDeleteLogEventually(long start, ArrayList<ContactIdPair> idList) {
// Can not use newArrayList() because the version that accepts size is missing.
ArrayList<ContactIdPair> remaining = new ArrayList<ContactIdPair>(idList.size());
while (!remaining.isEmpty()) {
// Account cleanup is asynchronous, wait a bit before checking.
assertWithinTimeoutLimit(start, "Contacts " + Arrays.toString(remaining.toArray()) +
" are not in delete log after account removal.");
// Need a second list to remove since we can't remove from the list while iterating.
ArrayList<ContactIdPair> toBeRemoved = Lists.newArrayList();
for (ContactIdPair ids : remaining) {
long deletedTime = DeletedContactUtil.queryDeletedTimestampForContactId(mResolver,
if (deletedTime != CommonDatabaseUtils.NOT_FOUND) {
assertTrue("Deleted contact was found in delete log but insert time is before"
+ " start time", deletedTime > start);
// All contacts in delete log. Pass.
* Polls every so often to see if all contacts have been deleted. If not deleted in the
* pre-defined threshold, fails.
private void assertContactsDeletedEventually(long start, ArrayList<ContactIdPair> idList) {
// Can not use newArrayList() because the version that accepts size is missing.
ArrayList<ContactIdPair> remaining = new ArrayList<ContactIdPair>(idList.size());
while (!remaining.isEmpty()) {
// Account cleanup is asynchronous, wait a bit before checking.
assertWithinTimeoutLimit(start, "Contacts have not been deleted after account"
+ " removal.");
ArrayList<ContactIdPair> toBeRemoved = Lists.newArrayList();
for (ContactIdPair ids : remaining) {
if (!RawContactUtil.rawContactExistsById(mResolver, ids.mRawContactId)) {
// All contacts deleted. Pass.
private void assertWithinTimeoutLimit(long start, String message) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long elapsed = now - start;
if (elapsed > ASYNC_TIMEOUT_LIMIT_MS) {
fail(elapsed + "ms has elapsed. The limit is " + ASYNC_TIMEOUT_LIMIT_MS + "ms. " +
* Creates a given number of contacts for an account.
private ArrayList<ContactIdPair> createContacts(Account account, int numContacts) {
ArrayList<ContactIdPair> accountIds = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; i++) {
accountIds.add(DatabaseAsserts.assertAndCreateContact(mResolver, account));
return accountIds;