blob: 2c1f19669f1a52f9860edac019c3cc4af94ff87c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
package android.hardware.cts.helpers.sensorverification;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import android.hardware.SensorEvent;
import android.hardware.cts.helpers.SensorStats;
import android.hardware.cts.helpers.TestSensorEnvironment;
import android.hardware.cts.helpers.TestSensorEvent;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* A {@link ISensorVerification} which verifies that the timestamp of the {@link SensorEvent} is
* synchronized with {@link SystemClock#elapsedRealtimeNanos()}, based on a given threshold.
public class EventTimestampSynchronizationVerification extends AbstractSensorVerification {
public static final String PASSED_KEY = "timestamp_synchronization_passed";
// number of indices to print in assertion message before truncating
private static final int TRUNCATE_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 3;
private static final long DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_NS = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(500);
private final ArrayList<TestSensorEvent> mCollectedEvents = new ArrayList<TestSensorEvent>();
private final long mMaximumSynchronizationErrorNs;
private final long mReportLatencyNs;
* Constructs an instance of {@link EventTimestampSynchronizationVerification}.
* @param maximumSynchronizationErrorNs The valid threshold for timestamp synchronization.
* @param reportLatencyNs The latency on which batching events are received
public EventTimestampSynchronizationVerification(
long maximumSynchronizationErrorNs,
long reportLatencyNs) {
mMaximumSynchronizationErrorNs = maximumSynchronizationErrorNs;
mReportLatencyNs = reportLatencyNs;
* Gets a default {@link EventTimestampSynchronizationVerification}.
* @param environment The test environment
* @return The verification or null if the verification is not supported in the given
* environment.
public static EventTimestampSynchronizationVerification getDefault(
TestSensorEnvironment environment) {
long reportLatencyUs = environment.getMaxReportLatencyUs();
long fifoMaxEventCount = environment.getSensor().getFifoMaxEventCount();
int maximumExpectedSamplingPeriodUs = environment.getMaximumExpectedSamplingPeriodUs();
if (fifoMaxEventCount > 0 && maximumExpectedSamplingPeriodUs != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
long fifoBasedReportLatencyUs = fifoMaxEventCount * maximumExpectedSamplingPeriodUs;
reportLatencyUs = Math.min(reportLatencyUs, fifoBasedReportLatencyUs);
long reportLatencyNs = TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.toNanos(reportLatencyUs);
return new EventTimestampSynchronizationVerification(DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_NS, reportLatencyNs);
public void verify(TestSensorEnvironment environment, SensorStats stats) {
StringBuilder errorMessageBuilder =
new StringBuilder(" event timestamp synchronization failures: ");
List<IndexedEvent> failures = verifyTimestampSynchronization(errorMessageBuilder);
int failuresCount = failures.size();
stats.addValue(SensorStats.EVENT_TIME_SYNCHRONIZATION_COUNT_KEY, failuresCount);
boolean success = failures.isEmpty();
stats.addValue(PASSED_KEY, success);
errorMessageBuilder.insert(0, failuresCount);
Assert.assertTrue(errorMessageBuilder.toString(), success);
* {@inheritDoc}
public EventTimestampSynchronizationVerification clone() {
return new EventTimestampSynchronizationVerification(
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void addSensorEventInternal(TestSensorEvent event) {
* Verifies timestamp synchronization for all sensor events.
* The verification accounts for a lower and upper threshold, such thresholds are adjusted for
* batching cases.
* @param builder A string builder to store error messaged found in the collected sensor events.
* @return A list of events tha failed the verification.
private List<IndexedEvent> verifyTimestampSynchronization(StringBuilder builder) {
int collectedEventsCount = mCollectedEvents.size();
ArrayList<IndexedEvent> failures = new ArrayList<IndexedEvent>();
for (int i = 0; i < collectedEventsCount; ++i) {
TestSensorEvent event = mCollectedEvents.get(i);
long eventTimestampNs = event.timestamp;
long receivedTimestampNs = event.receivedTimestamp;
long upperThresholdNs = receivedTimestampNs;
long lowerThresholdNs = receivedTimestampNs - mMaximumSynchronizationErrorNs
- mReportLatencyNs;
if (eventTimestampNs < lowerThresholdNs || eventTimestampNs > upperThresholdNs) {
if (failures.size() < TRUNCATE_MESSAGE_LENGTH) {
builder.append(", timestamp=").append(eventTimestampNs).append("ns");
builder.append(", expected=[").append(lowerThresholdNs);
builder.append(", ").append(upperThresholdNs).append("]ns; ");
failures.add(new IndexedEvent(i, event));
if (failures.size() >= TRUNCATE_MESSAGE_LENGTH) {
builder.append("more; ");
return failures;