blob: be709b454c612646f68c4cacba0f15b1463790c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.SOURCE;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.PersistableBundle;
import androidx.annotation.ColorInt;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
* An immutable data store to control the behavior of {@link MockIme}.
public class ImeSettings {
private final String mClientPackageName;
private final String mEventCallbackActionName;
private static final String EVENT_CALLBACK_INTENT_ACTION_KEY = "eventCallbackActionName";
private static final String DATA_KEY = "data";
private static final String BACKGROUND_COLOR_KEY = "BackgroundColor";
private static final String NAVIGATION_BAR_COLOR_KEY = "NavigationBarColor";
private static final String INPUT_VIEW_HEIGHT =
private static final String DRAWS_BEHIND_NAV_BAR = "drawsBehindNavBar";
private static final String WINDOW_FLAGS = "WindowFlags";
private static final String WINDOW_FLAGS_MASK = "WindowFlagsMask";
private static final String FULLSCREEN_MODE_POLICY = "FullscreenModePolicy";
private static final String INPUT_VIEW_SYSTEM_UI_VISIBILITY = "InputViewSystemUiVisibility";
private static final String WATERMARK_ENABLED = "WatermarkEnabled";
private static final String WATERMARK_GRAVITY = "WatermarkGravity";
private static final String INLINE_SUGGESTIONS_ENABLED = "InlineSuggestionsEnabled";
private static final String INLINE_SUGGESTION_VIEW_CONTENT_DESC =
private static final String STRICT_MODE_ENABLED = "StrictModeEnabled";
private static final String VERIFY_CONTEXT_APIS_IN_ON_CREATE = "VerifyContextApisInOnCreate";
private final PersistableBundle mBundle;
@IntDef(value = {
public @interface FullscreenModePolicy {
* Let {@link MockIme} always return {@code false} from
* {@link android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService#onEvaluateFullscreenMode()}.
* <p>This is chosen to be the default behavior of {@link MockIme} to make CTS tests most
* deterministic.</p>
* Let {@link MockIme} always return {@code true} from
* {@link android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService#onEvaluateFullscreenMode()}.
* <p>This can be used to test the behaviors when a full-screen IME is running.</p>
* Let {@link MockIme} always return the default behavior of
* {@link android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService#onEvaluateFullscreenMode()}.
* <p>This can be used to test the default behavior of that public API.</p>
int OS_DEFAULT = 2;
ImeSettings(@NonNull String clientPackageName, @NonNull Bundle bundle) {
mClientPackageName = clientPackageName;
mEventCallbackActionName = bundle.getString(EVENT_CALLBACK_INTENT_ACTION_KEY);
mBundle = bundle.getParcelable(DATA_KEY);
String getEventCallbackActionName() {
return mEventCallbackActionName;
String getClientPackageName() {
return mClientPackageName;
public int fullscreenModePolicy() {
return mBundle.getInt(FULLSCREEN_MODE_POLICY);
public int getBackgroundColor(@ColorInt int defaultColor) {
return mBundle.getInt(BACKGROUND_COLOR_KEY, defaultColor);
public boolean hasNavigationBarColor() {
return mBundle.keySet().contains(NAVIGATION_BAR_COLOR_KEY);
public int getNavigationBarColor() {
return mBundle.getInt(NAVIGATION_BAR_COLOR_KEY);
public int getInputViewHeight(int defaultHeight) {
return mBundle.getInt(INPUT_VIEW_HEIGHT, defaultHeight);
public boolean getDrawsBehindNavBar() {
return mBundle.getBoolean(DRAWS_BEHIND_NAV_BAR, false);
public int getWindowFlags(int defaultFlags) {
return mBundle.getInt(WINDOW_FLAGS, defaultFlags);
public int getWindowFlagsMask(int defaultFlags) {
return mBundle.getInt(WINDOW_FLAGS_MASK, defaultFlags);
public int getInputViewSystemUiVisibility(int defaultFlags) {
return mBundle.getInt(INPUT_VIEW_SYSTEM_UI_VISIBILITY, defaultFlags);
public boolean isWatermarkEnabled(boolean defaultValue) {
return mBundle.getBoolean(WATERMARK_ENABLED, defaultValue);
public int getWatermarkGravity(int defaultValue) {
return mBundle.getInt(WATERMARK_GRAVITY, defaultValue);
public boolean getHardKeyboardConfigurationBehaviorAllowed(boolean defaultValue) {
return mBundle.getBoolean(HARD_KEYBOARD_CONFIGURATION_BEHAVIOR_ALLOWED, defaultValue);
public boolean getInlineSuggestionsEnabled() {
return mBundle.getBoolean(INLINE_SUGGESTIONS_ENABLED);
public String getInlineSuggestionViewContentDesc(@Nullable String defaultValue) {
return mBundle.getString(INLINE_SUGGESTION_VIEW_CONTENT_DESC, defaultValue);
public boolean isStrictModeEnabled() {
return mBundle.getBoolean(STRICT_MODE_ENABLED, false);
public boolean isVerifyContextApisInOnCreate() {
return mBundle.getBoolean(VERIFY_CONTEXT_APIS_IN_ON_CREATE, false);
static Bundle serializeToBundle(@NonNull String eventCallbackActionName,
@Nullable Builder builder) {
final Bundle result = new Bundle();
result.putString(EVENT_CALLBACK_INTENT_ACTION_KEY, eventCallbackActionName);
result.putParcelable(DATA_KEY, builder != null ? builder.mBundle : PersistableBundle.EMPTY);
return result;
* The builder class for {@link ImeSettings}.
public static final class Builder {
private final PersistableBundle mBundle = new PersistableBundle();
* Controls how MockIme reacts to
* {@link android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService#onEvaluateFullscreenMode()}.
* @param policy one of {@link FullscreenModePolicy}
* @see MockIme#onEvaluateFullscreenMode()
public Builder setFullscreenModePolicy(@FullscreenModePolicy int policy) {
mBundle.putInt(FULLSCREEN_MODE_POLICY, policy);
return this;
* Sets the background color of the {@link MockIme}.
* @param color background color to be used
public Builder setBackgroundColor(@ColorInt int color) {
mBundle.putInt(BACKGROUND_COLOR_KEY, color);
return this;
* Sets the color to be passed to {@link android.view.Window#setNavigationBarColor(int)}.
* @param color color to be passed to {@link android.view.Window#setNavigationBarColor(int)}
* @see android.view.View
public Builder setNavigationBarColor(@ColorInt int color) {
mBundle.putInt(NAVIGATION_BAR_COLOR_KEY, color);
return this;
* Sets the input view height measured from the bottom of the screen.
* @param height height of the soft input view. This includes the system window inset such
* as navigation bar.
public Builder setInputViewHeight(int height) {
mBundle.putInt(INPUT_VIEW_HEIGHT, height);
return this;
* Sets whether IME draws behind navigation bar.
public Builder setDrawsBehindNavBar(boolean drawsBehindNavBar) {
mBundle.putBoolean(DRAWS_BEHIND_NAV_BAR, drawsBehindNavBar);
return this;
* Sets window flags to be specified to {@link android.view.Window#setFlags(int, int)} of
* the main {@link MockIme} window.
* <p>When {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_OVERSCAN} is set,
* {@link MockIme} tries to render the navigation bar by itself.</p>
* @param flags flags to be specified
* @param flagsMask mask bits that specify what bits need to be cleared before setting
* {@code flags}
* @see android.view.WindowManager
public Builder setWindowFlags(int flags, int flagsMask) {
mBundle.putInt(WINDOW_FLAGS, flags);
mBundle.putInt(WINDOW_FLAGS_MASK, flagsMask);
return this;
* Sets flags to be specified to {@link android.view.View#setSystemUiVisibility(int)} of
* the main soft input view (the returned view from {@link MockIme#onCreateInputView()}).
* @param visibilityFlags flags to be specified
* @see android.view.View
public Builder setInputViewSystemUiVisibility(int visibilityFlags) {
mBundle.putInt(INPUT_VIEW_SYSTEM_UI_VISIBILITY, visibilityFlags);
return this;
* Sets whether a unique watermark image needs to be shown on the software keyboard or not.
* <p>This needs to be enabled to use</p>
* @param enabled {@code true} when such a watermark image is requested.
public Builder setWatermarkEnabled(boolean enabled) {
mBundle.putBoolean(WATERMARK_ENABLED, enabled);
return this;
* Sets the {@link android.view.Gravity} flags for the watermark image.
* <p>{@link android.view.Gravity#CENTER} will be used if not set.</p>
* @param gravity {@code true} {@link android.view.Gravity} flags to be set.
public Builder setWatermarkGravity(int gravity) {
mBundle.putInt(WATERMARK_GRAVITY, gravity);
return this;
* Controls whether {@link MockIme} is allowed to change the behavior based on
* {@link android.content.res.Configuration#keyboard} and
* {@link android.content.res.Configuration#hardKeyboardHidden}.
* <p>Methods in {@link android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService} such as
* {@link android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService#onEvaluateInputViewShown()} and
* {@link android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService#onShowInputRequested(int, boolean)}
* change their behaviors when a hardware keyboard is attached. This is confusing when
* writing tests so by default {@link MockIme} tries to cancel those behaviors. This
* settings re-enables such a behavior.</p>
* @param allowed {@code true} when {@link MockIme} is allowed to change the behavior when
* a hardware keyboard is attached
* @see android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService#onEvaluateInputViewShown()
* @see android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService#onShowInputRequested(int, boolean)
public Builder setHardKeyboardConfigurationBehaviorAllowed(boolean allowed) {
return this;
* Controls whether inline suggestions are enabled for {@link MockIme}. If enabled, a
* suggestion strip will be rendered at the top of the keyboard.
* @param enabled {@code true} when {@link MockIme} is enabled to show inline suggestions.
public Builder setInlineSuggestionsEnabled(boolean enabled) {
mBundle.putBoolean(INLINE_SUGGESTIONS_ENABLED, enabled);
return this;
* Controls whether inline suggestions are enabled for {@link MockIme}. If enabled, a
* suggestion strip will be rendered at the top of the keyboard.
* @param contentDesc content description to be set to the inline suggestion View.
public Builder setInlineSuggestionViewContentDesc(@NonNull String contentDesc) {
mBundle.putString(INLINE_SUGGESTION_VIEW_CONTENT_DESC, contentDesc);
return this;
/** Sets whether to enable {@link android.os.StrictMode} or not. */
public Builder setStrictModeEnabled(boolean enabled) {
mBundle.putBoolean(STRICT_MODE_ENABLED, enabled);
return this;
* Sets whether to verify below {@link android.content.Context} APIs or not:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService#getDisplay}</li>
* <li>{@link android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService#isUiContext}</li>
* </ul>
public Builder setVerifyUiContextApisInOnCreate(boolean enabled) {
mBundle.putBoolean(VERIFY_CONTEXT_APIS_IN_ON_CREATE, enabled);
return this;