blob: b135f897ba0266dc5b2ee4b2c4e87171152c7384 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.platform.test.annotations.AppModeFull;
import android.platform.test.annotations.Presubmit;
import android.platform.test.annotations.RequiresDevice;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.util.Range;
import android.util.Size;
import android.view.Surface;
import androidx.test.filters.SmallTest;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
@AppModeFull(reason = "TODO: evaluate and port to instant")
public class VideoEncoderTest extends MediaPlayerTestBase {
private static final int MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE = 256 * 1024;
private static final String TAG = "VideoEncoderTest";
private static final long FRAME_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000;
// use larger delay before we get first frame, some encoders may need more time
private static final long INIT_TIMEOUT_MS = 2000;
private static final String SOURCE_URL =
private final boolean DEBUG = false;
class VideoStorage {
private LinkedList<Pair<ByteBuffer, BufferInfo>> mStream;
private MediaFormat mFormat;
private int mInputBufferSize;
// Media buffers(no CSD, no EOS) enqueued.
private int mMediaBuffersEnqueuedCount;
// Media buffers decoded.
private int mMediaBuffersDecodedCount;
private final AtomicReference<String> errorMsg = new AtomicReference(null);
public VideoStorage() {
mStream = new LinkedList<Pair<ByteBuffer, BufferInfo>>();
public void setFormat(MediaFormat format) {
mFormat = format;
public void addBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, BufferInfo info) {
ByteBuffer savedBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(info.size);
if (info.size > mInputBufferSize) {
mInputBufferSize = info.size;
BufferInfo savedInfo = new BufferInfo();
savedInfo.set(0, savedBuffer.position(), info.presentationTimeUs, info.flags);
mStream.addLast(Pair.create(savedBuffer, savedInfo));
if (info.size > 0 && (info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) == 0) {
private void play(MediaCodec decoder, Surface surface) {
final Object condition = new Object();
final Iterator<Pair<ByteBuffer, BufferInfo>> it = mStream.iterator();
decoder.setCallback(new MediaCodec.Callback() {
public void onOutputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec codec, int ix, BufferInfo info) {
if (info.size > 0) {
codec.releaseOutputBuffer(ix, info.size > 0);
if ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
synchronized (condition) {
public void onInputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec codec, int ix) {
if (it.hasNext()) {
Pair<ByteBuffer, BufferInfo> el =;
try {
} catch (java.nio.BufferOverflowException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "cannot fit " + el.first.limit()
+ "-byte encoded buffer into "
+ codec.getInputBuffer(ix).remaining()
+ "-byte input buffer of " + codec.getName()
+ " configured for " + codec.getInputFormat());
throw e;
BufferInfo info = el.second;
ix, 0, info.size, info.presentationTimeUs, info.flags);
public void onError(MediaCodec codec, MediaCodec.CodecException e) {
Log.i(TAG, "got codec exception", e);
errorMsg.set("received codec error during decode" + e);
synchronized (condition) {
public void onOutputFormatChanged(MediaCodec codec, MediaFormat format) {
Log.i(TAG, "got output format " + format);
mFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE, mInputBufferSize);
decoder.configure(mFormat, surface, null /* crypto */, 0 /* flags */);
synchronized (condition) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
fail("playback interrupted");
assertNull(errorMsg.get(), errorMsg.get());
// All enqueued media data buffers should have got decoded.
if (mMediaBuffersEnqueuedCount != mMediaBuffersDecodedCount) {
Log.i(TAG, "mMediaBuffersEnqueuedCount:" + mMediaBuffersEnqueuedCount);
Log.i(TAG, "mMediaBuffersDecodedCount:" + mMediaBuffersDecodedCount);
fail("not all enqueued encoded media buffers were decoded");
mMediaBuffersDecodedCount = 0;
public boolean playAll(Surface surface) {
boolean skipped = true;
if (mFormat == null) {
Log.i(TAG, "no stream to play");
return !skipped;
String mime = mFormat.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME);
MediaCodecList mcl = new MediaCodecList(MediaCodecList.REGULAR_CODECS);
for (MediaCodecInfo info : mcl.getCodecInfos()) {
if (info.isEncoder() || info.isAlias()) {
MediaCodec codec = null;
try {
CodecCapabilities caps = info.getCapabilitiesForType(mime);
if (!caps.isFormatSupported(mFormat)) {
codec = MediaCodec.createByCodecName(info.getName());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IOException e) {
play(codec, surface);
skipped = false;
return !skipped;
abstract class VideoProcessorBase extends MediaCodec.Callback {
private static final String TAG = "VideoProcessorBase";
* Set this to true to save the encoding results to /data/local/tmp
* You will need to make /data/local/tmp writeable, run "setenforce 0",
* and remove files left from a previous run.
private boolean mSaveResults = false;
private static final String FILE_DIR = "/data/local/tmp";
protected int mMuxIndex = -1;
protected String mProcessorName = "VideoProcessor";
private MediaExtractor mExtractor;
protected MediaMuxer mMuxer;
private ByteBuffer mBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE);
protected int mTrackIndex = -1;
private boolean mSignaledDecoderEOS;
protected boolean mCompleted;
protected boolean mEncoderIsActive;
protected boolean mEncodeOutputFormatUpdated;
protected final Object mCondition = new Object();
protected final Object mCodecLock = new Object();
protected MediaFormat mDecFormat;
protected MediaCodec mDecoder, mEncoder;
private VideoStorage mEncodedStream;
protected int mFrameRate = 0;
protected int mBitRate = 0;
protected Function<MediaFormat, Boolean> mUpdateConfigFormatHook;
protected Function<MediaFormat, Boolean> mCheckOutputFormatHook;
public void setProcessorName(String name) {
mProcessorName = name;
public void setUpdateConfigHook(Function<MediaFormat, Boolean> hook) {
mUpdateConfigFormatHook = hook;
public void setCheckOutputFormatHook(Function<MediaFormat, Boolean> hook) {
mCheckOutputFormatHook = hook;
protected void open(String path) throws IOException {
mExtractor = new MediaExtractor();
if (path.startsWith("android.resource://")) {
mExtractor.setDataSource(mContext, Uri.parse(path), null);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < mExtractor.getTrackCount(); i++) {
MediaFormat fmt = mExtractor.getTrackFormat(i);
String mime = fmt.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME).toLowerCase();
if (mime.startsWith("video/")) {
mTrackIndex = i;
mDecFormat = fmt;
mEncodedStream = new VideoStorage();
assertTrue("file " + path + " has no video", mTrackIndex >= 0);
// returns true if encoder supports the size
protected boolean initCodecsAndConfigureEncoder(
String videoEncName, String outMime, int width, int height,
int colorFormat) throws IOException {
mDecFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, colorFormat);
MediaCodecList mcl = new MediaCodecList(MediaCodecList.REGULAR_CODECS);
String videoDecName = mcl.findDecoderForFormat(mDecFormat);
Log.i(TAG, "decoder for " + mDecFormat + " is " + videoDecName);
mDecoder = MediaCodec.createByCodecName(videoDecName);
mEncoder = MediaCodec.createByCodecName(videoEncName);
VideoCapabilities encCaps =
if (!encCaps.isSizeSupported(width, height)) {
Log.i(TAG, videoEncName + " does not support size: " + width + "x" + height);
return false;
MediaFormat outFmt = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(outMime, width, height);
int bitRate = 0;
MediaUtils.setMaxEncoderFrameAndBitrates(encCaps, outFmt, 30);
if (mFrameRate > 0) {
outFmt.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_FRAME_RATE, mFrameRate);
if (mBitRate > 0) {
outFmt.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, mBitRate);
outFmt.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_I_FRAME_INTERVAL, 1);
outFmt.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, colorFormat);
// Some extra configure before starting the encoder.
if (mUpdateConfigFormatHook != null) {
if (!mUpdateConfigFormatHook.apply(outFmt)) {
return false;
mEncoder.configure(outFmt, null, null, MediaCodec.CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE);
Log.i(TAG, "encoder input format " + mEncoder.getInputFormat() + " from " + outFmt);
if (mSaveResults) {
try {
String outFileName =
FILE_DIR + mProcessorName + "_" + bitRate + "bps";
if (outMime.equals(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP8) ||
outMime.equals(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP9)) {
mMuxer = new MediaMuxer(
outFileName + ".webm", MediaMuxer.OutputFormat.MUXER_OUTPUT_WEBM);
} else {
mMuxer = new MediaMuxer(
outFileName + ".mp4", MediaMuxer.OutputFormat.MUXER_OUTPUT_MPEG_4);
// The track can't be added until we have the codec specific data
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.i(TAG, "couldn't create muxer: " + e);
return true;
protected void close() {
synchronized (mCodecLock) {
if (mDecoder != null) {
mDecoder = null;
if (mEncoder != null) {
mEncoder = null;
if (mExtractor != null) {
mExtractor = null;
if (mMuxer != null) {
mMuxer = null;
// returns true if filled buffer
protected boolean fillDecoderInputBuffer(int ix) {
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "decoder received input #" + ix);
while (!mSignaledDecoderEOS) {
int track = mExtractor.getSampleTrackIndex();
if (track >= 0 && track != mTrackIndex) {
int size = mExtractor.readSampleData(mBuffer, 0);
if (size < 0) {
// queue decoder input EOS
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "queuing decoder EOS");
ix, 0, 0, 0, MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM);
mSignaledDecoderEOS = true;
} else {
BufferInfo info = new BufferInfo();
0, mBuffer.limit(), mExtractor.getSampleTime(),
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "queing input #" + ix + " for decoder with timestamp "
+ info.presentationTimeUs);
ix, 0, mBuffer.limit(), info.presentationTimeUs, 0);
return true;
return false;
protected void emptyEncoderOutputBuffer(int ix, BufferInfo info) {
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "encoder received output #" + ix
+ " (sz=" + info.size + ", f=" + info.flags
+ ", ts=" + info.presentationTimeUs + ")");
ByteBuffer outputBuffer = mEncoder.getOutputBuffer(ix);
mEncodedStream.addBuffer(outputBuffer, info);
if (mMuxer != null) {
// reset position as addBuffer() modifies it
outputBuffer.limit(info.offset + info.size);
mMuxer.writeSampleData(mMuxIndex, outputBuffer, info);
if (!mCompleted) {
mEncoder.releaseOutputBuffer(ix, false);
if ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
Log.d(TAG, "encoder received output EOS");
synchronized(mCondition) {
mCompleted = true;
mCondition.notifyAll(); // condition is always satisfied
} else {
synchronized(mCondition) {
mEncoderIsActive = true;
protected void saveEncoderFormat(MediaFormat format) {
if (mCheckOutputFormatHook != null) {
if (mMuxer != null) {
if (mMuxIndex < 0) {
mMuxIndex = mMuxer.addTrack(format);
public boolean playBack(Surface surface) { return mEncodedStream.playAll(surface); }
public void setFrameAndBitRates(int frameRate, int bitRate) {
mFrameRate = frameRate;
mBitRate = bitRate;
public void onInputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec mediaCodec, int ix) {
synchronized (mCodecLock) {
if (mEncoder != null && mDecoder != null) {
onInputBufferAvailableLocked(mediaCodec, ix);
public void onOutputBufferAvailable(
MediaCodec mediaCodec, int ix, BufferInfo info) {
synchronized (mCodecLock) {
if (mEncoder != null && mDecoder != null) {
onOutputBufferAvailableLocked(mediaCodec, ix, info);
public abstract boolean processLoop(
String path, String outMime, String videoEncName,
int width, int height, boolean optional);
protected abstract void onInputBufferAvailableLocked(
MediaCodec mediaCodec, int ix);
protected abstract void onOutputBufferAvailableLocked(
MediaCodec mediaCodec, int ix, BufferInfo info);
class VideoProcessor extends VideoProcessorBase {
private static final String TAG = "VideoProcessor";
private boolean mWorkInProgress;
private boolean mGotDecoderEOS;
private boolean mSignaledEncoderEOS;
private LinkedList<Pair<Integer, BufferInfo>> mBuffersToRender =
new LinkedList<Pair<Integer, BufferInfo>>();
private LinkedList<Integer> mEncInputBuffers = new LinkedList<Integer>();
private int mEncInputBufferSize = -1;
private final AtomicReference<String> errorMsg = new AtomicReference(null);
public boolean processLoop(
String path, String outMime, String videoEncName,
int width, int height, boolean optional) {
boolean skipped = true;
try {
if (!initCodecsAndConfigureEncoder(
videoEncName, outMime, width, height,
CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Flexible)) {
assertTrue("could not configure encoder for supported size", optional);
return !skipped;
skipped = false;
mDecoder.configure(mDecFormat, null /* surface */, null /* crypto */, 0);
// main loop - process GL ops as only main thread has GL context
while (!mCompleted && errorMsg.get() == null) {
Pair<Integer, BufferInfo> decBuffer = null;
int encBuffer = -1;
synchronized (mCondition) {
try {
// wait for an encoder input buffer and a decoder output buffer
// Use a timeout to avoid stalling the test if it doesn't arrive.
if (!haveBuffers() && !mCompleted) {
mCondition.wait(mEncodeOutputFormatUpdated ?
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
fail("wait interrupted"); // shouldn't happen
if (mCompleted) {
if (!haveBuffers()) {
if (mEncoderIsActive) {
mEncoderIsActive = false;
Log.d(TAG, "No more input but still getting output from encoder.");
fail("timed out after " + mBuffersToRender.size()
+ " decoder output and " + mEncInputBuffers.size()
+ " encoder input buffers");
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "got image");
decBuffer = mBuffersToRender.removeFirst();
encBuffer = mEncInputBuffers.removeFirst();
if (isEOSOnlyBuffer(decBuffer)) {
queueEncoderEOS(decBuffer, encBuffer);
mWorkInProgress = true;
if (mWorkInProgress) {
renderDecodedBuffer(decBuffer, encBuffer);
synchronized(mCondition) {
mWorkInProgress = false;
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("received exception " + e);
} finally {
assertNull(errorMsg.get(), errorMsg.get());
return !skipped;
public void onInputBufferAvailableLocked(MediaCodec mediaCodec, int ix) {
if (mediaCodec == mDecoder) {
// fill input buffer from extractor
} else if (mediaCodec == mEncoder) {
synchronized(mCondition) {
if (haveBuffers()) {
} else {
fail("received input buffer on " + mediaCodec.getName());
public void onOutputBufferAvailableLocked(
MediaCodec mediaCodec, int ix, BufferInfo info) {
if (mediaCodec == mDecoder) {
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "decoder received output #" + ix
+ " (sz=" + info.size + ", f=" + info.flags
+ ", ts=" + info.presentationTimeUs + ")");
// render output buffer from decoder
if (!mGotDecoderEOS) {
boolean eos = (info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0;
// can release empty buffers now
if (info.size == 0) {
mDecoder.releaseOutputBuffer(ix, false /* render */);
ix = -1; // dummy index used by render to not render
synchronized(mCondition) {
if (ix < 0 && eos && mBuffersToRender.size() > 0) {
// move lone EOS flag to last buffer to be rendered
mBuffersToRender.peekLast().second.flags |=
} else if (ix >= 0 || eos) {
mBuffersToRender.addLast(Pair.create(ix, info));
if (eos) {
mGotDecoderEOS = true;
if (haveBuffers()) {
} else if (mediaCodec == mEncoder) {
emptyEncoderOutputBuffer(ix, info);
} else {
fail("received output buffer on " + mediaCodec.getName());
private void renderDecodedBuffer(Pair<Integer, BufferInfo> decBuffer, int encBuffer) {
// process heavyweight actions under instance lock
Image encImage = mEncoder.getInputImage(encBuffer);
Image decImage = mDecoder.getOutputImage(decBuffer.first);
assertNotNull("could not get encoder image for " + mEncoder.getInputFormat(), encImage);
assertNotNull("could not get decoder image for " + mDecoder.getInputFormat(), decImage);
assertEquals("incorrect decoder format",decImage.getFormat(), ImageFormat.YUV_420_888);
assertEquals("incorrect encoder format", encImage.getFormat(), ImageFormat.YUV_420_888);
CodecUtils.copyFlexYUVImage(encImage, decImage);
// TRICKY: need this for queueBuffer
if (mEncInputBufferSize < 0) {
mEncInputBufferSize = mEncoder.getInputBuffer(encBuffer).capacity();
Log.d(TAG, "queuing input #" + encBuffer + " for encoder (sz="
+ mEncInputBufferSize + ", f=" + decBuffer.second.flags
+ ", ts=" + decBuffer.second.presentationTimeUs + ")");
encBuffer, 0, mEncInputBufferSize, decBuffer.second.presentationTimeUs,
if ((decBuffer.second.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
mSignaledEncoderEOS = true;
mDecoder.releaseOutputBuffer(decBuffer.first, false /* render */);
public void onError(MediaCodec mediaCodec, MediaCodec.CodecException e) {
String codecName = null;
try {
codecName = mediaCodec.getName();
} catch (Exception ex) {
codecName = "(error getting codec name)";
errorMsg.set("received error on " + codecName + ": " + e);
public void onOutputFormatChanged(MediaCodec mediaCodec, MediaFormat mediaFormat) {
Log.i(TAG, mediaCodec.getName() + " got new output format " + mediaFormat);
if (mediaCodec == mEncoder) {
mEncodeOutputFormatUpdated = true;
// next methods are synchronized on mCondition
private boolean haveBuffers() {
return mEncInputBuffers.size() > 0 && mBuffersToRender.size() > 0
&& !mSignaledEncoderEOS;
private boolean isEOSOnlyBuffer(Pair<Integer, BufferInfo> decBuffer) {
return decBuffer.first < 0 || decBuffer.second.size == 0;
protected void tryToPropagateEOS() {
if (!mWorkInProgress && haveBuffers() && isEOSOnlyBuffer(mBuffersToRender.getFirst())) {
Pair<Integer, BufferInfo> decBuffer = mBuffersToRender.removeFirst();
int encBuffer = mEncInputBuffers.removeFirst();
queueEncoderEOS(decBuffer, encBuffer);
void queueEncoderEOS(Pair<Integer, BufferInfo> decBuffer, int encBuffer) {
Log.d(TAG, "signaling encoder EOS");
mEncoder.queueInputBuffer(encBuffer, 0, 0, 0, MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM);
mSignaledEncoderEOS = true;
if (decBuffer.first >= 0) {
mDecoder.releaseOutputBuffer(decBuffer.first, false /* render */);
class SurfaceVideoProcessor extends VideoProcessorBase
implements SurfaceTexture.OnFrameAvailableListener {
private static final String TAG = "SurfaceVideoProcessor";
private boolean mFrameAvailable;
private boolean mGotDecoderEOS;
private boolean mSignaledEncoderEOS;
private InputSurface mEncSurface;
private OutputSurface mDecSurface;
private BufferInfo mInfoOnSurface;
private LinkedList<Pair<Integer, BufferInfo>> mBuffersToRender =
new LinkedList<Pair<Integer, BufferInfo>>();
private final AtomicReference<String> errorMsg = new AtomicReference(null);
public boolean processLoop(
String path, String outMime, String videoEncName,
int width, int height, boolean optional) {
boolean skipped = true;
try {
if (!initCodecsAndConfigureEncoder(
videoEncName, outMime, width, height,
CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatSurface)) {
assertTrue("could not configure encoder for supported size", optional);
return !skipped;
skipped = false;
mEncSurface = new InputSurface(mEncoder.createInputSurface());
mDecSurface = new OutputSurface(this);
mDecoder.configure(mDecFormat, mDecSurface.getSurface(), null /* crypto */, 0);
// main loop - process GL ops as only main thread has GL context
while (!mCompleted && errorMsg.get() == null) {
BufferInfo info = null;
synchronized (mCondition) {
try {
// wait for mFrameAvailable, which is set by onFrameAvailable().
// Use a timeout to avoid stalling the test if it doesn't arrive.
if (!mFrameAvailable && !mCompleted && !mEncoderIsActive) {
mCondition.wait(mEncodeOutputFormatUpdated ?
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
fail("wait interrupted"); // shouldn't happen
if (mCompleted) {
if (mEncoderIsActive) {
mEncoderIsActive = false;
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "encoder is still active, continue");
assertTrue("still waiting for image", mFrameAvailable);
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "got image");
info = mInfoOnSurface;
if (info == null) {
if (info.size > 0) {
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "latched image");
mFrameAvailable = false;
Log.d(TAG, "encoding frame at " + info.presentationTimeUs * 1000);
mEncSurface.setPresentationTime(info.presentationTimeUs * 1000);
if ((info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
mSignaledEncoderEOS = true;
Log.d(TAG, "signaling encoder EOS");
synchronized (mCondition) {
mInfoOnSurface = null;
if (mBuffersToRender.size() > 0 && mInfoOnSurface == null) {
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "handling postponed frame");
Pair<Integer, BufferInfo> nextBuffer = mBuffersToRender.removeFirst();
renderDecodedBuffer(nextBuffer.first, nextBuffer.second);
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("received exception " + e);
} finally {
if (mEncSurface != null) {
mEncSurface = null;
if (mDecSurface != null) {
mDecSurface = null;
assertNull(errorMsg.get(), errorMsg.get());
return !skipped;
public void onFrameAvailable(SurfaceTexture st) {
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "new frame available");
synchronized (mCondition) {
assertFalse("mFrameAvailable already set, frame could be dropped", mFrameAvailable);
mFrameAvailable = true;
public void onInputBufferAvailableLocked(MediaCodec mediaCodec, int ix) {
if (mediaCodec == mDecoder) {
// fill input buffer from extractor
} else {
fail("received input buffer on " + mediaCodec.getName());
public void onOutputBufferAvailableLocked(
MediaCodec mediaCodec, int ix, BufferInfo info) {
if (mediaCodec == mDecoder) {
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "decoder received output #" + ix
+ " (sz=" + info.size + ", f=" + info.flags
+ ", ts=" + info.presentationTimeUs + ")");
// render output buffer from decoder
if (!mGotDecoderEOS) {
boolean eos = (info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0;
if (eos) {
mGotDecoderEOS = true;
// can release empty buffers now
if (info.size == 0) {
mDecoder.releaseOutputBuffer(ix, false /* render */);
ix = -1; // dummy index used by render to not render
if (eos || info.size > 0) {
synchronized(mCondition) {
if (mInfoOnSurface != null || mBuffersToRender.size() > 0) {
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "postponing render, surface busy");
mBuffersToRender.addLast(Pair.create(ix, info));
} else {
renderDecodedBuffer(ix, info);
} else if (mediaCodec == mEncoder) {
emptyEncoderOutputBuffer(ix, info);
synchronized(mCondition) {
if (!mCompleted) {
mEncoderIsActive = true;
} else {
fail("received output buffer on " + mediaCodec.getName());
private void renderDecodedBuffer(int ix, BufferInfo info) {
boolean eos = (info.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0;
mInfoOnSurface = info;
if (info.size > 0) {
Log.d(TAG, "rendering frame #" + ix + " at " + info.presentationTimeUs * 1000
+ (eos ? " with EOS" : ""));
mDecoder.releaseOutputBuffer(ix, info.presentationTimeUs * 1000);
if (eos && info.size == 0) {
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "decoder output EOS available");
mFrameAvailable = true;
public void onError(MediaCodec mediaCodec, MediaCodec.CodecException e) {
String codecName = null;
try {
codecName = mediaCodec.getName();
} catch (Exception ex) {
codecName = "(error getting codec name)";
errorMsg.set("received error on " + codecName + ": " + e);
public void onOutputFormatChanged(MediaCodec mediaCodec, MediaFormat mediaFormat) {
Log.i(TAG, mediaCodec.getName() + " got new output format " + mediaFormat);
if (mediaCodec == mEncoder) {
mEncodeOutputFormatUpdated = true;
class Encoder {
final private String mName;
final private String mMime;
final private CodecCapabilities mCaps;
final private VideoCapabilities mVideoCaps;
final private Map<Size, Set<Size>> mMinMax; // extreme sizes
final private Map<Size, Set<Size>> mNearMinMax; // sizes near extreme
final private Set<Size> mArbitraryW; // arbitrary widths in the middle
final private Set<Size> mArbitraryH; // arbitrary heights in the middle
final private Set<Size> mSizes; // all non-specifically tested sizes
final private int xAlign;
final private int yAlign;
Encoder(String name, String mime, CodecCapabilities caps) {
mName = name;
mMime = mime;
mCaps = caps;
mVideoCaps = caps.getVideoCapabilities();
/* calculate min/max sizes */
mMinMax = new HashMap<Size, Set<Size>>();
mNearMinMax = new HashMap<Size, Set<Size>>();
mArbitraryW = new HashSet<Size>();
mArbitraryH = new HashSet<Size>();
mSizes = new HashSet<Size>();
xAlign = mVideoCaps.getWidthAlignment();
yAlign = mVideoCaps.getHeightAlignment();
private void initializeSizes() {
for (int x = 0; x < 2; ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < 2; ++y) {
addExtremeSizesFor(x, y);
// initialize arbitrary sizes
for (int i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) {
int j = ((7 * i) % 11) + 1;
int width, height;
try {
width = alignedPointInRange(i * 0.125, xAlign, mVideoCaps.getSupportedWidths());
height = alignedPointInRange(
j * 0.077, yAlign, mVideoCaps.getSupportedHeightsFor(width));
mArbitraryW.add(new Size(width, height));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
height = alignedPointInRange(i * 0.125, yAlign, mVideoCaps.getSupportedHeights());
width = alignedPointInRange(j * 0.077, xAlign, mVideoCaps.getSupportedWidthsFor(height));
mArbitraryH.add(new Size(width, height));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "arbitrary=" + mArbitraryW + "/" + mArbitraryH);
private void addExtremeSizesFor(int x, int y) {
Set<Size> minMax = new HashSet<Size>();
Set<Size> nearMinMax = new HashSet<Size>();
for (int dx = 0; dx <= xAlign; dx += xAlign) {
for (int dy = 0; dy <= yAlign; dy += yAlign) {
Set<Size> bucket = (dx + dy == 0) ? minMax : nearMinMax;
try {
int width = getExtreme(mVideoCaps.getSupportedWidths(), x, dx);
int height = getExtreme(mVideoCaps.getSupportedHeightsFor(width), y, dy);
bucket.add(new Size(width, height));
// try max max with more reasonable ratio if too skewed
if (x + y == 2 && width >= 4 * height) {
Size wideScreen = getLargestSizeForRatio(16, 9);
width = getExtreme(
.intersect(0, wideScreen.getWidth()), x, dx);
height = getExtreme(mVideoCaps.getSupportedHeightsFor(width), y, 0);
bucket.add(new Size(width, height));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
int height = getExtreme(mVideoCaps.getSupportedHeights(), y, dy);
int width = getExtreme(mVideoCaps.getSupportedWidthsFor(height), x, dx);
bucket.add(new Size(width, height));
// try max max with more reasonable ratio if too skewed
if (x + y == 2 && height >= 4 * width) {
Size wideScreen = getLargestSizeForRatio(9, 16);
height = getExtreme(
.intersect(0, wideScreen.getHeight()), y, dy);
width = getExtreme(mVideoCaps.getSupportedWidthsFor(height), x, dx);
bucket.add(new Size(width, height));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// keep unique sizes
mMinMax.put(new Size(x, y), minMax);
mNearMinMax.put(new Size(x, y), nearMinMax);
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, x + "x" + y + ": minMax=" + mMinMax + ", near=" + mNearMinMax);
private int alignInRange(double value, int align, Range<Integer> range) {
return range.clamp(align * (int)Math.round(value / align));
/* point should be between 0. and 1. */
private int alignedPointInRange(double point, int align, Range<Integer> range) {
return alignInRange(
range.getLower() + point * (range.getUpper() - range.getLower()), align, range);
private int getExtreme(Range<Integer> range, int i, int delta) {
int dim = i == 1 ? range.getUpper() - delta : range.getLower() + delta;
if (delta == 0
|| (dim > range.getLower() && dim < range.getUpper())) {
return dim;
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
private Size getLargestSizeForRatio(int x, int y) {
Range<Integer> widthRange = mVideoCaps.getSupportedWidths();
Range<Integer> heightRange = mVideoCaps.getSupportedHeightsFor(widthRange.getUpper());
final int xAlign = mVideoCaps.getWidthAlignment();
final int yAlign = mVideoCaps.getHeightAlignment();
// scale by alignment
int width = alignInRange(
Math.sqrt(widthRange.getUpper() * heightRange.getUpper() * (double)x / y),
xAlign, widthRange);
int height = alignInRange(
width * (double)y / x, yAlign, mVideoCaps.getSupportedHeightsFor(width));
return new Size(width, height);
public boolean testExtreme(int x, int y, boolean flexYUV, boolean near) {
boolean skipped = true;
for (Size s : (near ? mNearMinMax : mMinMax).get(new Size(x, y))) {
if (test(s.getWidth(), s.getHeight(), false /* optional */, flexYUV)) {
skipped = false;
return !skipped;
public boolean testArbitrary(boolean flexYUV, boolean widths) {
boolean skipped = true;
for (Size s : (widths ? mArbitraryW : mArbitraryH)) {
if (test(s.getWidth(), s.getHeight(), false /* optional */, flexYUV)) {
skipped = false;
return !skipped;
public boolean testSpecific(int width, int height, boolean flexYUV) {
// already tested by one of the min/max tests
if (mSizes.contains(new Size(width, height))) {
return false;
return test(width, height, true /* optional */, flexYUV);
public boolean testIntraRefresh(int width, int height) {
if (!mCaps.isFeatureSupported(CodecCapabilities.FEATURE_IntraRefresh)) {
return false;
final int refreshPeriod[] = new int[] {10, 13, 17, 22, 29, 38, 50, 60};
// Test the support of refresh periods in the range of 10 - 60 frames
for (int period : refreshPeriod) {
Function<MediaFormat, Boolean> updateConfigFormatHook =
new Function<MediaFormat, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(MediaFormat fmt) {
// set i-frame-interval to 10000 so encoded video only has 1 i-frame.
fmt.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_I_FRAME_INTERVAL, 10000);
fmt.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_INTRA_REFRESH_PERIOD, period);
return true;
Function<MediaFormat, Boolean> checkOutputFormatHook =
new Function<MediaFormat, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(MediaFormat fmt) {
int intraPeriod = fmt.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_INTRA_REFRESH_PERIOD);
// Make sure intra period is correct and carried in the output format.
// intraPeriod must be larger than 0 and operate within 20% of refresh period.
if (intraPeriod > 1.2 * period || intraPeriod < 0.8 * period) {
throw new RuntimeException("Intra period mismatch");
return true;
String testName =
mName + '_' + width + "x" + height + '_' + "flexYUV_intraRefresh";
Consumer<VideoProcessorBase> configureVideoProcessor =
new Consumer<VideoProcessorBase>() {
public void accept(VideoProcessorBase processor) {
if (!test(width, height, 0 /* frameRate */, 0 /* bitRate */, true /* optional */,
true /* flex */, configureVideoProcessor)) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean testDetailed(
int width, int height, int frameRate, int bitRate, boolean flexYUV) {
String testName =
mName + '_' + width + "x" + height + '_' + (flexYUV ? "flexYUV" : " surface");
Consumer<VideoProcessorBase> configureVideoProcessor =
new Consumer<VideoProcessorBase>() {
public void accept(VideoProcessorBase processor) {
return test(width, height, frameRate, bitRate, true /* optional */, flexYUV,
public boolean testSupport(int width, int height, int frameRate, int bitRate) {
return mVideoCaps.areSizeAndRateSupported(width, height, frameRate) &&
private boolean test(
int width, int height, boolean optional, boolean flexYUV) {
String testName =
mName + '_' + width + "x" + height + '_' + (flexYUV ? "flexYUV" : " surface");
Consumer<VideoProcessorBase> configureVideoProcessor =
new Consumer<VideoProcessorBase>() {
public void accept(VideoProcessorBase processor) {
return test(width, height, 0 /* frameRate */, 0 /* bitRate */,
optional, flexYUV, configureVideoProcessor);
private boolean test(
int width, int height, int frameRate, int bitRate, boolean optional,
boolean flexYUV, Consumer<VideoProcessorBase> configureVideoProcessor) {
Log.i(TAG, "testing " + mMime + " on " + mName + " for " + width + "x" + height
+ (flexYUV ? " flexYUV" : " surface"));
VideoProcessorBase processor =
flexYUV ? new VideoProcessor() : new SurfaceVideoProcessor();
processor.setFrameAndBitRates(frameRate, bitRate);
// We are using a resource URL as an example
boolean success = processor.processLoop(
SOURCE_URL, mMime, mName, width, height, optional);
if (success) {
success = processor.playBack(getActivity().getSurfaceHolder().getSurface());
return success;
private Encoder[] googH265() { return goog(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC); }
private Encoder[] googH264() { return goog(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC); }
private Encoder[] googH263() { return goog(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_H263); }
private Encoder[] googMpeg4() { return goog(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4); }
private Encoder[] googVP8() { return goog(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP8); }
private Encoder[] googVP9() { return goog(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP9); }
private Encoder[] otherH265() { return other(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC); }
private Encoder[] otherH264() { return other(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC); }
private Encoder[] otherH263() { return other(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_H263); }
private Encoder[] otherMpeg4() { return other(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4); }
private Encoder[] otherVP8() { return other(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP8); }
private Encoder[] otherVP9() { return other(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP9); }
private Encoder[] goog(String mime) {
return encoders(mime, true /* goog */);
private Encoder[] other(String mime) {
return encoders(mime, false /* goog */);
private Encoder[] combineArray(Encoder[] a, Encoder[] b) {
Encoder[] all = new Encoder[a.length + b.length];
System.arraycopy(a, 0, all, 0, a.length);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, all, a.length, b.length);
return all;
private Encoder[] h264() {
return combineArray(googH264(), otherH264());
private Encoder[] vp8() {
return combineArray(googVP8(), otherVP8());
private Encoder[] encoders(String mime, boolean goog) {
MediaCodecList mcl = new MediaCodecList(MediaCodecList.REGULAR_CODECS);
ArrayList<Encoder> result = new ArrayList<Encoder>();
for (MediaCodecInfo info : mcl.getCodecInfos()) {
if (!info.isEncoder() || !info.isVendor() != goog || info.isAlias()) {
CodecCapabilities caps = null;
try {
caps = info.getCapabilitiesForType(mime);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // mime is not supported
assertNotNull(info.getName() + " capabilties for " + mime + " returned null", caps);
result.add(new Encoder(info.getName(), mime, caps));
return result.toArray(new Encoder[result.size()]);
public void testGoogH265FlexMinMin() { minmin(googH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265SurfMinMin() { minmin(googH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264FlexMinMin() { minmin(googH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264SurfMinMin() { minmin(googH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263FlexMinMin() { minmin(googH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263SurfMinMin() { minmin(googH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4FlexMinMin() { minmin(googMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4SurfMinMin() { minmin(googMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8FlexMinMin() { minmin(googVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8SurfMinMin() { minmin(googVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9FlexMinMin() { minmin(googVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9SurfMinMin() { minmin(googVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265FlexMinMin() { minmin(otherH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265SurfMinMin() { minmin(otherH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264FlexMinMin() { minmin(otherH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264SurfMinMin() { minmin(otherH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263FlexMinMin() { minmin(otherH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263SurfMinMin() { minmin(otherH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4FlexMinMin() { minmin(otherMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4SurfMinMin() { minmin(otherMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8FlexMinMin() { minmin(otherVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8SurfMinMin() { minmin(otherVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9FlexMinMin() { minmin(otherVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9SurfMinMin() { minmin(otherVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265FlexMinMax() { minmax(googH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265SurfMinMax() { minmax(googH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264FlexMinMax() { minmax(googH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264SurfMinMax() { minmax(googH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263FlexMinMax() { minmax(googH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263SurfMinMax() { minmax(googH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4FlexMinMax() { minmax(googMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4SurfMinMax() { minmax(googMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8FlexMinMax() { minmax(googVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8SurfMinMax() { minmax(googVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9FlexMinMax() { minmax(googVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9SurfMinMax() { minmax(googVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265FlexMinMax() { minmax(otherH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265SurfMinMax() { minmax(otherH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264FlexMinMax() { minmax(otherH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264SurfMinMax() { minmax(otherH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263FlexMinMax() { minmax(otherH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263SurfMinMax() { minmax(otherH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4FlexMinMax() { minmax(otherMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4SurfMinMax() { minmax(otherMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8FlexMinMax() { minmax(otherVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8SurfMinMax() { minmax(otherVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9FlexMinMax() { minmax(otherVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9SurfMinMax() { minmax(otherVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265FlexMaxMin() { maxmin(googH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265SurfMaxMin() { maxmin(googH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264FlexMaxMin() { maxmin(googH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264SurfMaxMin() { maxmin(googH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263FlexMaxMin() { maxmin(googH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263SurfMaxMin() { maxmin(googH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4FlexMaxMin() { maxmin(googMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4SurfMaxMin() { maxmin(googMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8FlexMaxMin() { maxmin(googVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8SurfMaxMin() { maxmin(googVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9FlexMaxMin() { maxmin(googVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9SurfMaxMin() { maxmin(googVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265FlexMaxMin() { maxmin(otherH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265SurfMaxMin() { maxmin(otherH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264FlexMaxMin() { maxmin(otherH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264SurfMaxMin() { maxmin(otherH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263FlexMaxMin() { maxmin(otherH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263SurfMaxMin() { maxmin(otherH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4FlexMaxMin() { maxmin(otherMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4SurfMaxMin() { maxmin(otherMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8FlexMaxMin() { maxmin(otherVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8SurfMaxMin() { maxmin(otherVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9FlexMaxMin() { maxmin(otherVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9SurfMaxMin() { maxmin(otherVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265FlexMaxMax() { maxmax(googH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265SurfMaxMax() { maxmax(googH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264FlexMaxMax() { maxmax(googH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264SurfMaxMax() { maxmax(googH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263FlexMaxMax() { maxmax(googH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263SurfMaxMax() { maxmax(googH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4FlexMaxMax() { maxmax(googMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4SurfMaxMax() { maxmax(googMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8FlexMaxMax() { maxmax(googVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8SurfMaxMax() { maxmax(googVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9FlexMaxMax() { maxmax(googVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9SurfMaxMax() { maxmax(googVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265FlexMaxMax() { maxmax(otherH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265SurfMaxMax() { maxmax(otherH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264FlexMaxMax() { maxmax(otherH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264SurfMaxMax() { maxmax(otherH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263FlexMaxMax() { maxmax(otherH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263SurfMaxMax() { maxmax(otherH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4FlexMaxMax() { maxmax(otherMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4SurfMaxMax() { maxmax(otherMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8FlexMaxMax() { maxmax(otherVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8SurfMaxMax() { maxmax(otherVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9FlexMaxMax() { maxmax(otherVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9SurfMaxMax() { maxmax(otherVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265FlexNearMinMin() { nearminmin(googH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265SurfNearMinMin() { nearminmin(googH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264FlexNearMinMin() { nearminmin(googH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264SurfNearMinMin() { nearminmin(googH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263FlexNearMinMin() { nearminmin(googH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263SurfNearMinMin() { nearminmin(googH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4FlexNearMinMin() { nearminmin(googMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4SurfNearMinMin() { nearminmin(googMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8FlexNearMinMin() { nearminmin(googVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8SurfNearMinMin() { nearminmin(googVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9FlexNearMinMin() { nearminmin(googVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9SurfNearMinMin() { nearminmin(googVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265FlexNearMinMin() { nearminmin(otherH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265SurfNearMinMin() { nearminmin(otherH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264FlexNearMinMin() { nearminmin(otherH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264SurfNearMinMin() { nearminmin(otherH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263FlexNearMinMin() { nearminmin(otherH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263SurfNearMinMin() { nearminmin(otherH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4FlexNearMinMin() { nearminmin(otherMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4SurfNearMinMin() { nearminmin(otherMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8FlexNearMinMin() { nearminmin(otherVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8SurfNearMinMin() { nearminmin(otherVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9FlexNearMinMin() { nearminmin(otherVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9SurfNearMinMin() { nearminmin(otherVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265FlexNearMinMax() { nearminmax(googH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265SurfNearMinMax() { nearminmax(googH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264FlexNearMinMax() { nearminmax(googH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264SurfNearMinMax() { nearminmax(googH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263FlexNearMinMax() { nearminmax(googH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263SurfNearMinMax() { nearminmax(googH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4FlexNearMinMax() { nearminmax(googMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4SurfNearMinMax() { nearminmax(googMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8FlexNearMinMax() { nearminmax(googVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8SurfNearMinMax() { nearminmax(googVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9FlexNearMinMax() { nearminmax(googVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9SurfNearMinMax() { nearminmax(googVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265FlexNearMinMax() { nearminmax(otherH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265SurfNearMinMax() { nearminmax(otherH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264FlexNearMinMax() { nearminmax(otherH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264SurfNearMinMax() { nearminmax(otherH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263FlexNearMinMax() { nearminmax(otherH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263SurfNearMinMax() { nearminmax(otherH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4FlexNearMinMax() { nearminmax(otherMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4SurfNearMinMax() { nearminmax(otherMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8FlexNearMinMax() { nearminmax(otherVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8SurfNearMinMax() { nearminmax(otherVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9FlexNearMinMax() { nearminmax(otherVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9SurfNearMinMax() { nearminmax(otherVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265FlexNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(googH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265SurfNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(googH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264FlexNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(googH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264SurfNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(googH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263FlexNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(googH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263SurfNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(googH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4FlexNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(googMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4SurfNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(googMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8FlexNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(googVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8SurfNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(googVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9FlexNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(googVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9SurfNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(googVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265FlexNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(otherH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265SurfNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(otherH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264FlexNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(otherH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264SurfNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(otherH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263FlexNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(otherH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263SurfNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(otherH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4FlexNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(otherMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4SurfNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(otherMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8FlexNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(otherVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8SurfNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(otherVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9FlexNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(otherVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9SurfNearMaxMin() { nearmaxmin(otherVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265FlexNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(googH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265SurfNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(googH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264FlexNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(googH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264SurfNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(googH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263FlexNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(googH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263SurfNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(googH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4FlexNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(googMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4SurfNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(googMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8FlexNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(googVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8SurfNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(googVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9FlexNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(googVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9SurfNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(googVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265FlexNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(otherH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265SurfNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(otherH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264FlexNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(otherH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264SurfNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(otherH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263FlexNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(otherH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263SurfNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(otherH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4FlexNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(otherMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4SurfNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(otherMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8FlexNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(otherVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8SurfNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(otherVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9FlexNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(otherVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9SurfNearMaxMax() { nearmaxmax(otherVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265FlexArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(googH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265SurfArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(googH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264FlexArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(googH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264SurfArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(googH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263FlexArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(googH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263SurfArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(googH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4FlexArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(googMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4SurfArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(googMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8FlexArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(googVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8SurfArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(googVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9FlexArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(googVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9SurfArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(googVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265FlexArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(otherH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265SurfArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(otherH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264FlexArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(otherH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264SurfArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(otherH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263FlexArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(otherH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263SurfArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(otherH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4FlexArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(otherMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4SurfArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(otherMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8FlexArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(otherVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8SurfArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(otherVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9FlexArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(otherVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9SurfArbitraryW() { arbitraryw(otherVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265FlexArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(googH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265SurfArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(googH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264FlexArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(googH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264SurfArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(googH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263FlexArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(googH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263SurfArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(googH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4FlexArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(googMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4SurfArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(googMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8FlexArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(googVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8SurfArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(googVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9FlexArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(googVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9SurfArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(googVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265FlexArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(otherH265(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265SurfArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(otherH265(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264FlexArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(otherH264(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264SurfArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(otherH264(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263FlexArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(otherH263(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263SurfArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(otherH263(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4FlexArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(otherMpeg4(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4SurfArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(otherMpeg4(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8FlexArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(otherVP8(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8SurfArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(otherVP8(), false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9FlexArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(otherVP9(), true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9SurfArbitraryH() { arbitraryh(otherVP9(), false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265FlexQCIF() { specific(googH265(), 176, 144, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265SurfQCIF() { specific(googH265(), 176, 144, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264FlexQCIF() { specific(googH264(), 176, 144, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264SurfQCIF() { specific(googH264(), 176, 144, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263FlexQCIF() { specific(googH263(), 176, 144, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263SurfQCIF() { specific(googH263(), 176, 144, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4FlexQCIF() { specific(googMpeg4(), 176, 144, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4SurfQCIF() { specific(googMpeg4(), 176, 144, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8FlexQCIF() { specific(googVP8(), 176, 144, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8SurfQCIF() { specific(googVP8(), 176, 144, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9FlexQCIF() { specific(googVP9(), 176, 144, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9SurfQCIF() { specific(googVP9(), 176, 144, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265FlexQCIF() { specific(otherH265(), 176, 144, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265SurfQCIF() { specific(otherH265(), 176, 144, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264FlexQCIF() { specific(otherH264(), 176, 144, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264SurfQCIF() { specific(otherH264(), 176, 144, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263FlexQCIF() { specific(otherH263(), 176, 144, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263SurfQCIF() { specific(otherH263(), 176, 144, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4FlexQCIF() { specific(otherMpeg4(), 176, 144, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4SurfQCIF() { specific(otherMpeg4(), 176, 144, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8FlexQCIF() { specific(otherVP8(), 176, 144, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8SurfQCIF() { specific(otherVP8(), 176, 144, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9FlexQCIF() { specific(otherVP9(), 176, 144, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9SurfQCIF() { specific(otherVP9(), 176, 144, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265Flex480p() { specific(googH265(), 720, 480, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265Surf480p() { specific(googH265(), 720, 480, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264Flex480p() { specific(googH264(), 720, 480, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264Surf480p() { specific(googH264(), 720, 480, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263Flex480p() { specific(googH263(), 720, 480, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263Surf480p() { specific(googH263(), 720, 480, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4Flex480p() { specific(googMpeg4(), 720, 480, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4Surf480p() { specific(googMpeg4(), 720, 480, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8Flex480p() { specific(googVP8(), 720, 480, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8Surf480p() { specific(googVP8(), 720, 480, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9Flex480p() { specific(googVP9(), 720, 480, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9Surf480p() { specific(googVP9(), 720, 480, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265Flex480p() { specific(otherH265(), 720, 480, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265Surf480p() { specific(otherH265(), 720, 480, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264Flex480p() { specific(otherH264(), 720, 480, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264Surf480p() { specific(otherH264(), 720, 480, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263Flex480p() { specific(otherH263(), 720, 480, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263Surf480p() { specific(otherH263(), 720, 480, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4Flex480p() { specific(otherMpeg4(), 720, 480, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4Surf480p() { specific(otherMpeg4(), 720, 480, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8Flex480p() { specific(otherVP8(), 720, 480, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8Surf480p() { specific(otherVP8(), 720, 480, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9Flex480p() { specific(otherVP9(), 720, 480, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9Surf480p() { specific(otherVP9(), 720, 480, false /* flex */); }
// even though H.263 and MPEG-4 are not defined for 720p or 1080p
// test for it, in case device claims support for it.
public void testGoogH265Flex720p() { specific(googH265(), 1280, 720, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265Surf720p() { specific(googH265(), 1280, 720, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264Flex720p() { specific(googH264(), 1280, 720, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264Surf720p() { specific(googH264(), 1280, 720, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263Flex720p() { specific(googH263(), 1280, 720, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263Surf720p() { specific(googH263(), 1280, 720, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4Flex720p() { specific(googMpeg4(), 1280, 720, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4Surf720p() { specific(googMpeg4(), 1280, 720, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8Flex720p() { specific(googVP8(), 1280, 720, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8Surf720p() { specific(googVP8(), 1280, 720, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9Flex720p() { specific(googVP9(), 1280, 720, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9Surf720p() { specific(googVP9(), 1280, 720, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265Flex720p() { specific(otherH265(), 1280, 720, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265Surf720p() { specific(otherH265(), 1280, 720, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264Flex720p() { specific(otherH264(), 1280, 720, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264Surf720p() { specific(otherH264(), 1280, 720, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263Flex720p() { specific(otherH263(), 1280, 720, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263Surf720p() { specific(otherH263(), 1280, 720, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4Flex720p() { specific(otherMpeg4(), 1280, 720, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4Surf720p() { specific(otherMpeg4(), 1280, 720, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8Flex720p() { specific(otherVP8(), 1280, 720, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8Surf720p() { specific(otherVP8(), 1280, 720, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9Flex720p() { specific(otherVP9(), 1280, 720, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9Surf720p() { specific(otherVP9(), 1280, 720, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265Flex1080p() { specific(googH265(), 1920, 1080, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265Surf1080p() { specific(googH265(), 1920, 1080, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264Flex1080p() { specific(googH264(), 1920, 1080, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH264Surf1080p() { specific(googH264(), 1920, 1080, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263Flex1080p() { specific(googH263(), 1920, 1080, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH263Surf1080p() { specific(googH263(), 1920, 1080, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4Flex1080p() { specific(googMpeg4(), 1920, 1080, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogMpeg4Surf1080p() { specific(googMpeg4(), 1920, 1080, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8Flex1080p() { specific(googVP8(), 1920, 1080, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP8Surf1080p() { specific(googVP8(), 1920, 1080, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9Flex1080p() { specific(googVP9(), 1920, 1080, true /* flex */); }
public void testGoogVP9Surf1080p() { specific(googVP9(), 1920, 1080, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265Flex1080p() { specific(otherH265(), 1920, 1080, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH265Surf1080p() { specific(otherH265(), 1920, 1080, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264Flex1080p() { specific(otherH264(), 1920, 1080, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH264Surf1080p() { specific(otherH264(), 1920, 1080, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263Flex1080p() { specific(otherH263(), 1920, 1080, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherH263Surf1080p() { specific(otherH263(), 1920, 1080, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4Flex1080p() { specific(otherMpeg4(), 1920, 1080, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherMpeg4Surf1080p() { specific(otherMpeg4(), 1920, 1080, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8Flex1080p() { specific(otherVP8(), 1920, 1080, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP8Surf1080p() { specific(otherVP8(), 1920, 1080, false /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9Flex1080p() { specific(otherVP9(), 1920, 1080, true /* flex */); }
public void testOtherVP9Surf1080p() { specific(otherVP9(), 1920, 1080, false /* flex */); }
public void testGoogH265Flex360pWithIntraRefresh() {
intraRefresh(googH265(), 480, 360);
public void testGoogH264Flex360pWithIntraRefresh() {
intraRefresh(googH264(), 480, 360);
public void testGoogH263Flex360pWithIntraRefresh() {
intraRefresh(googH263(), 480, 360);
public void testGoogMpeg4Flex360pWithIntraRefresh() {
intraRefresh(googMpeg4(), 480, 360);
public void testGoogVP8Flex360pWithIntraRefresh() {
intraRefresh(googVP8(), 480, 360);
public void testOtherH265Flex360pWithIntraRefresh() {
intraRefresh(otherH265(), 480, 360);
public void testOtherH264Flex360pWithIntraRefresh() {
intraRefresh(otherH264(), 480, 360);
public void testOtherH263FlexQCIFWithIntraRefresh() {
intraRefresh(otherH263(), 176, 120);
public void testOtherMpeg4Flex360pWithIntraRefresh() {
intraRefresh(otherMpeg4(), 480, 360);
public void testOtherVP8Flex360pWithIntraRefresh() {
intraRefresh(otherVP8(), 480, 360);
// Tests encoder profiles required by CDD.
// H264
public void testH264LowQualitySDSupport() {
support(h264(), 320, 240, 20, 384 * 1000);
public void testH264HighQualitySDSupport() {
support(h264(), 720, 480, 30, 2 * 1000000);
public void testH264FlexQVGA20fps384kbps() {
detailed(h264(), 320, 240, 20, 384 * 1000, true /* flex */);
public void testH264SurfQVGA20fps384kbps() {
detailed(h264(), 320, 240, 20, 384 * 1000, false /* flex */);
public void testH264Flex480p30fps2Mbps() {
detailed(h264(), 720, 480, 30, 2 * 1000000, true /* flex */);
public void testH264Surf480p30fps2Mbps() {
detailed(h264(), 720, 480, 30, 2 * 1000000, false /* flex */);
public void testH264Flex720p30fps4Mbps() {
detailed(h264(), 1280, 720, 30, 4 * 1000000, true /* flex */);
public void testH264Surf720p30fps4Mbps() {
detailed(h264(), 1280, 720, 30, 4 * 1000000, false /* flex */);
public void testH264Flex1080p30fps10Mbps() {
detailed(h264(), 1920, 1080, 30, 10 * 1000000, true /* flex */);
public void testH264Surf1080p30fps10Mbps() {
detailed(h264(), 1920, 1080, 30, 10 * 1000000, false /* flex */);
// VP8
public void testVP8LowQualitySDSupport() {
support(vp8(), 320, 180, 30, 800 * 1000);
public void testVP8HighQualitySDSupport() {
support(vp8(), 640, 360, 30, 2 * 1000000);
public void testVP8Flex180p30fps800kbps() {
detailed(vp8(), 320, 180, 30, 800 * 1000, true /* flex */);
public void testVP8Surf180p30fps800kbps() {
detailed(vp8(), 320, 180, 30, 800 * 1000, false /* flex */);
public void testVP8Flex360p30fps2Mbps() {
detailed(vp8(), 640, 360, 30, 2 * 1000000, true /* flex */);
public void testVP8Surf360p30fps2Mbps() {
detailed(vp8(), 640, 360, 30, 2 * 1000000, false /* flex */);
public void testVP8Flex720p30fps4Mbps() {
detailed(vp8(), 1280, 720, 30, 4 * 1000000, true /* flex */);
public void testVP8Surf720p30fps4Mbps() {
detailed(vp8(), 1280, 720, 30, 4 * 1000000, false /* flex */);
public void testVP8Flex1080p30fps10Mbps() {
detailed(vp8(), 1920, 1080, 30, 10 * 1000000, true /* flex */);
public void testVP8Surf1080p30fps10Mbps() {
detailed(vp8(), 1920, 1080, 30, 10 * 1000000, false /* flex */);
private void minmin(Encoder[] encoders, boolean flexYUV) {
extreme(encoders, 0 /* x */, 0 /* y */, flexYUV, false /* near */);
private void minmax(Encoder[] encoders, boolean flexYUV) {
extreme(encoders, 0 /* x */, 1 /* y */, flexYUV, false /* near */);
private void maxmin(Encoder[] encoders, boolean flexYUV) {
extreme(encoders, 1 /* x */, 0 /* y */, flexYUV, false /* near */);
private void maxmax(Encoder[] encoders, boolean flexYUV) {
extreme(encoders, 1 /* x */, 1 /* y */, flexYUV, false /* near */);
private void nearminmin(Encoder[] encoders, boolean flexYUV) {
extreme(encoders, 0 /* x */, 0 /* y */, flexYUV, true /* near */);
private void nearminmax(Encoder[] encoders, boolean flexYUV) {
extreme(encoders, 0 /* x */, 1 /* y */, flexYUV, true /* near */);
private void nearmaxmin(Encoder[] encoders, boolean flexYUV) {
extreme(encoders, 1 /* x */, 0 /* y */, flexYUV, true /* near */);
private void nearmaxmax(Encoder[] encoders, boolean flexYUV) {
extreme(encoders, 1 /* x */, 1 /* y */, flexYUV, true /* near */);
private void extreme(Encoder[] encoders, int x, int y, boolean flexYUV, boolean near) {
boolean skipped = true;
if (encoders.length == 0) {
MediaUtils.skipTest("no such encoder present");
for (Encoder encoder: encoders) {
if (encoder.testExtreme(x, y, flexYUV, near)) {
skipped = false;
if (skipped) {
MediaUtils.skipTest("duplicate resolution extreme");
private void arbitrary(Encoder[] encoders, boolean flexYUV, boolean widths) {
boolean skipped = true;
if (encoders.length == 0) {
MediaUtils.skipTest("no such encoder present");
for (Encoder encoder: encoders) {
if (encoder.testArbitrary(flexYUV, widths)) {
skipped = false;
if (skipped) {
MediaUtils.skipTest("duplicate resolution");
private void arbitraryw(Encoder[] encoders, boolean flexYUV) {
arbitrary(encoders, flexYUV, true /* widths */);
private void arbitraryh(Encoder[] encoders, boolean flexYUV) {
arbitrary(encoders, flexYUV, false /* widths */);
/* test specific size */
private void specific(Encoder[] encoders, int width, int height, boolean flexYUV) {
boolean skipped = true;
if (encoders.length == 0) {
MediaUtils.skipTest("no such encoder present");
for (Encoder encoder : encoders) {
if (encoder.testSpecific(width, height, flexYUV)) {
skipped = false;
if (skipped) {
MediaUtils.skipTest("duplicate or unsupported resolution");
/* test intra refresh with flexYUV */
private void intraRefresh(Encoder[] encoders, int width, int height) {
boolean skipped = true;
if (encoders.length == 0) {
MediaUtils.skipTest("no such encoder present");
for (Encoder encoder : encoders) {
if (encoder.testIntraRefresh(width, height)) {
skipped = false;
if (skipped) {
MediaUtils.skipTest("intra-refresh unsupported");
/* test size, frame rate and bit rate */
private void detailed(
Encoder[] encoders, int width, int height, int frameRate, int bitRate,
boolean flexYUV) {
if (encoders.length == 0) {
MediaUtils.skipTest("no such encoder present");
boolean skipped = true;
for (Encoder encoder : encoders) {
if (encoder.testSupport(width, height, frameRate, bitRate)) {
skipped = false;
encoder.testDetailed(width, height, frameRate, bitRate, flexYUV);
if (skipped) {
MediaUtils.skipTest("unsupported resolution and rate");
/* test size and rate are supported */
private void support(Encoder[] encoders, int width, int height, int frameRate, int bitRate) {
boolean supported = false;
if (encoders.length == 0) {
MediaUtils.skipTest("no such encoder present");
for (Encoder encoder : encoders) {
if (encoder.testSupport(width, height, frameRate, bitRate)) {
supported = true;
if (!supported) {
fail("unsupported format " + width + "x" + height + " " +
frameRate + "fps " + bitRate + "bps");