blob: 8166e87d26d58b5350cdaa9ee8f2a8a885f62073 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package test_package;
import test_package.ByteEnum;
import test_package.Foo;
import test_package.IEmpty;
import test_package.IntEnum;
import test_package.LongEnum;
import test_package.RegularPolygon;
// This test interface is used in order to test the all of the things that AIDL can generate which
// build on top of the NDK.
// Repeat => return the same value. This is used to keep the clients/tests simple.
interface ITest {
const int kZero = 0;
const int kOne = 1;
const int kOnes = 0xffffffff;
const String kEmpty = "";
const String kFoo = "foo";
String GetName();
void TestVoidReturn();
oneway void TestOneway();
int GiveMeMyCallingPid();
int GiveMeMyCallingUid();
// This must be called before calling one of the give-me methods below
oneway void CacheCallingInfoFromOneway();
int GiveMeMyCallingPidFromOneway();
int GiveMeMyCallingUidFromOneway();
// Sending/receiving primitive types.
int RepeatInt(int value);
long RepeatLong(long value);
float RepeatFloat(float value);
double RepeatDouble(double value);
boolean RepeatBoolean(boolean value);
char RepeatChar(char value);
byte RepeatByte(byte value);
ByteEnum RepeatByteEnum(ByteEnum value);
IntEnum RepeatIntEnum(IntEnum value);
LongEnum RepeatLongEnum(LongEnum value);
IBinder RepeatBinder(IBinder value);
@nullable IBinder RepeatNullableBinder(@nullable IBinder value);
IEmpty RepeatInterface(IEmpty value);
@nullable IEmpty RepeatNullableInterface(@nullable IEmpty value);
ParcelFileDescriptor RepeatFd(in ParcelFileDescriptor fd);
@nullable ParcelFileDescriptor RepeatNullableFd(in @nullable ParcelFileDescriptor fd);
String RepeatString(String value);
@nullable String RepeatNullableString(@nullable String value);
RegularPolygon RepeatPolygon(in RegularPolygon value);
@nullable RegularPolygon RepeatNullablePolygon(in @nullable RegularPolygon value);
// Testing inout
void RenamePolygon(inout RegularPolygon value, String newName);
// Arrays
boolean[] RepeatBooleanArray(in boolean[] input, out boolean[] repeated);
byte[] RepeatByteArray(in byte[] input, out byte[] repeated);
char[] RepeatCharArray(in char[] input, out char[] repeated);
int[] RepeatIntArray(in int[] input, out int[] repeated);
long[] RepeatLongArray(in long[] input, out long[] repeated);
float[] RepeatFloatArray(in float[] input, out float[] repeated);
double[] RepeatDoubleArray(in double[] input, out double[] repeated);
ByteEnum[] RepeatByteEnumArray(in ByteEnum[] input, out ByteEnum[] repeated);
IntEnum[] RepeatIntEnumArray(in IntEnum[] input, out IntEnum[] repeated);
LongEnum[] RepeatLongEnumArray(in LongEnum[] input, out LongEnum[] repeated);
String[] RepeatStringArray(in String[] input, out String[] repeated);
RegularPolygon[] RepeatRegularPolygonArray(in RegularPolygon[] input, out RegularPolygon[] repeated);
ParcelFileDescriptor[] RepeatFdArray(in ParcelFileDescriptor[] input, out ParcelFileDescriptor[] repeated);
// Lists
List<String> Repeat2StringList(in List<String> input, out List<String> repeated);
List<RegularPolygon> Repeat2RegularPolygonList(in List<RegularPolygon> input, out List<RegularPolygon> repeated);
// Nullable Arrays
@nullable boolean[] RepeatNullableBooleanArray(in @nullable boolean[] input);
@nullable byte[] RepeatNullableByteArray(in @nullable byte[] input);
@nullable char[] RepeatNullableCharArray(in @nullable char[] input);
@nullable int[] RepeatNullableIntArray(in @nullable int[] input);
@nullable long[] RepeatNullableLongArray(in @nullable long[] input);
@nullable float[] RepeatNullableFloatArray(in @nullable float[] input);
@nullable double[] RepeatNullableDoubleArray(in @nullable double[] input);
@nullable ByteEnum[] RepeatNullableByteEnumArray(in @nullable ByteEnum[] input);
@nullable IntEnum[] RepeatNullableIntEnumArray(in @nullable IntEnum[] input);
@nullable LongEnum[] RepeatNullableLongEnumArray(in @nullable LongEnum[] input);
@nullable String[] RepeatNullableStringArray(in @nullable String[] input);
// Nullable Arrays where each individual element can be nullable
// (specifically for testing out parameters)
@nullable String[] DoubleRepeatNullableStringArray(
in @nullable String[] input, out @nullable String[] repeated);
Foo repeatFoo(in Foo inFoo);
void renameFoo(inout Foo foo, String name);
void renameBar(inout Foo foo, String name);
int getF(in Foo foo);
// Methods that do not exist in version 1
int NewMethodThatReturns10();