blob: 05b2a88222c53980e877e8e095dc90475550c99a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.location.cts.gnss.pseudorange;
* Calculate the troposheric delay based on the ENGOS Tropospheric model.
* <p>The tropospheric delay is modeled as a combined effect of the delay experienced due to
* hyrostatic (dry) and wet components of the troposphere. Both delays experienced at zenith are
* scaled with a mapping function to get the delay at any specific elevation.
* <p>The tropospheric model algorithm of EGNOS model by Penna, N., A. Dodson and W. Chen (2001)
* ( is used
* for calculating the zenith delays. In this model, the weather parameters are extracted using
* interpolation from lookup table derived from the US Standard Atmospheric Supplements, 1966.
* <p>A close form mapping function is built using Guo and Langley, 2003
* ( which is able to calculate accurate
* mapping down to 2 degree elevations.
* <p>Sources:
* <p>
* <p>-
* _atmosphere_model_and_EGNOS_model_for_near-equatorial-tropospheric_delay_correction
* <p>-
* <p>-
* <p>Hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic mapping functions are obtained from:
public class TroposphericModelEgnos {
// parameters of the EGNOS models
private static final int INDEX_15_DEGREES = 0;
private static final int INDEX_75_DEGREES = 4;
private static final int LATITUDE_15_DEGREES = 15;
private static final int LATITUDE_75_DEGREES = 75;
// Lookup Average parameters
// Troposphere average presssure mbar
private static final double[] latDegreeToPressureMbarAvgMap =
{1013.25, 1017.25, 1015.75, 1011.75, 1013.0};
// Troposphere average temperature Kelvin
private static final double[] latDegreeToTempKelvinAvgMap =
{299.65, 294.15, 283.15, 272.15, 263.65};
// Troposphere average wator vapor pressure
private static final double[] latDegreeToWVPressureMbarAvgMap = {26.31, 21.79, 11.66, 6.78, 4.11};
// Troposphere average temperature lapse rate K/m
private static final double[] latDegreeToBetaAvgMapKPM =
{6.30e-3, 6.05e-3, 5.58e-3, 5.39e-3, 4.53e-3};
// Troposphere average water vapor lapse rate (dimensionless)
private static final double[] latDegreeToLampdaAvgMap = {2.77, 3.15, 2.57, 1.81, 1.55};
// Lookup Amplitude parameters
// Troposphere amplitude presssure mbar
private static final double[] latDegreeToPressureMbarAmpMap = {0.0, -3.75, -2.25, -1.75, -0.5};
// Troposphere amplitude temperature Kelvin
private static final double[] latDegreeToTempKelvinAmpMap = {0.0, 7.0, 11.0, 15.0, 14.5};
// Troposphere amplitude wator vapor pressure
private static final double[] latDegreeToWVPressureMbarAmpMap = {0.0, 8.85, 7.24, 5.36, 3.39};
// Troposphere amplitude temperature lapse rate K/m
private static final double[] latDegreeToBetaAmpMapKPM =
{0.0, 0.25e-3, 0.32e-3, 0.81e-3, 0.62e-3};
// Troposphere amplitude water vapor lapse rate (dimensionless)
private static final double[] latDegreeToLampdaAmpMap = {0.0, 0.33, 0.46, 0.74, 0.30};
// Zenith delay dry constant K/mbar
private static final double K1 = 77.604;
// Zenith delay wet constant K^2/mbar
private static final double K2 = 382000.0;
// gas constant for dry air J/kg/K
private static final double RD = 287.054;
// Acceleration of gravity at the atmospheric column centroid m/s^-2
private static final double GM = 9.784;
// Gravity m/s^2
private static final double GRAVITY_MPS2 = 9.80665;
private static final double MINIMUM_INTERPOLATION_THRESHOLD = 1e-25;
private static final double B_HYDROSTATIC = 0.0035716;
private static final double C_HYDROSTATIC = 0.082456;
private static final double B_NON_HYDROSTATIC = 0.0018576;
private static final double C_NON_HYDROSTATIC = 0.062741;
private static final double SOUTHERN_HEMISPHERE_DMIN = 211.0;
private static final double NORTHERN_HEMISPHERE_DMIN = 28.0;
// Days recalling that every fourth year is a leap year and has an extra day - February 29th
private static final double DAYS_PER_YEAR = 365.25;
* Compute the tropospheric correction in meters given the satellite elevation in radians, the
* user latitude in radians, the user Orthometric height above sea level in meters and the day of
* the year.
* <p>Dry and wet delay zenith delay components are calculated and then scaled with the mapping
* function at the given satellite elevation.
public static double calculateTropoCorrectionMeters(double satElevationRadians,
double userLatitudeRadian, double heightMetersAboveSeaLevel, int dayOfYear1To366) {
DryAndWetMappingValues dryAndWetMappingValues =
userLatitudeRadian, heightMetersAboveSeaLevel);
DryAndWetZenithDelays dryAndWetZenithDelays = calculateZenithDryAndWetDelaysSec
(userLatitudeRadian, heightMetersAboveSeaLevel, dayOfYear1To366);
double drydelaySeconds =
dryAndWetZenithDelays.dryZenithDelaySec * dryAndWetMappingValues.dryMappingValue;
double wetdelaySeconds =
dryAndWetZenithDelays.wetZenithDelaySec * dryAndWetMappingValues.wetMappingValue;
return drydelaySeconds + wetdelaySeconds;
* Compute the dry and wet mapping values based on the University of Brunswick UNBabc model. The
* mapping function inputs are satellite elevation in radians, user latitude in radians and user
* orthometric height above sea level in meters. The function returns
* {@code DryAndWetMappingValues} containing dry and wet mapping values.
* <p>From the many dry and wet mapping functions of components of the troposphere, the method
* from the University of Brunswick in Canada was selected due to its reasonable computation time
* and accuracy with satellites as low as 2 degrees elevation.
* <p>Source:
private static DryAndWetMappingValues computeDryAndWetMappingValuesUsingUNBabcMappingFunction(
double satElevationRadians, double userLatitudeRadians, double heightMetersAboveSeaLevel) {
if (satElevationRadians > Math.PI / 2.0) {
satElevationRadians = Math.PI / 2.0;
} else if (satElevationRadians < 2.0 * Math.PI / 180.0) {
satElevationRadians = Math.toRadians(2.0);
// dry components mapping parameters
double aHidrostatic = (1.18972 - 0.026855 * heightMetersAboveSeaLevel / 1000.0 + 0.10664
* Math.cos(userLatitudeRadians)) / 1000.0;
double numeratorDry = 1.0 + (aHidrostatic / (1.0 + (B_HYDROSTATIC / (1.0 + C_HYDROSTATIC))));
double denominatorDry = Math.sin(satElevationRadians) + (aHidrostatic / (
+ (B_HYDROSTATIC / (Math.sin(satElevationRadians) + C_HYDROSTATIC))));
double drymap = numeratorDry / denominatorDry;
// wet components mapping parameters
double aNonHydrostatic = (0.61120 - 0.035348 * heightMetersAboveSeaLevel / 1000.0 - 0.01526
* Math.cos(userLatitudeRadians)) / 1000.0;
double numeratorWet =
1.0 + (aNonHydrostatic / (1.0 + (B_NON_HYDROSTATIC / (1.0 + C_NON_HYDROSTATIC))));
double denominatorWet = Math.sin(satElevationRadians) + (aNonHydrostatic / (
+ (B_NON_HYDROSTATIC / (Math.sin(satElevationRadians) + C_NON_HYDROSTATIC))));
double wetmap = numeratorWet / denominatorWet;
return new DryAndWetMappingValues(drymap, wetmap);
* Compute the combined effect of the delay at zenith experienced due to hyrostatic (dry) and wet
* components of the troposphere. The function inputs are the user latitude in radians, user
* orthometric height above sea level in meters and the day of the year (1-366). The function
* returns a {@code DryAndWetZenithDelays} containing dry and wet delays at zenith.
* <p>EGNOS Tropospheric model by Penna et al. (2001) is used in this case.
* (
private static DryAndWetZenithDelays calculateZenithDryAndWetDelaysSec(double userLatitudeRadians,
double heightMetersAboveSeaLevel, int dayOfyear1To366) {
// interpolated meteorological values
double pressureMbar;
double tempKelvin;
double waterVaporPressureMbar;
// temperature lapse rate, [K/m]
double beta;
// water vapor lapse rate, dimensionless
double lambda;
double absLatitudeDeg = Math.toDegrees(Math.abs(userLatitudeRadians));
// day of year min constant
double dmin;
if (userLatitudeRadians < 0) {
} else {
double amplitudeScalefactor = Math.cos((2 * Math.PI * (dayOfyear1To366 - dmin))
if (absLatitudeDeg <= LATITUDE_15_DEGREES) {
pressureMbar = latDegreeToPressureMbarAvgMap[INDEX_15_DEGREES]
- latDegreeToPressureMbarAmpMap[INDEX_15_DEGREES] * amplitudeScalefactor;
tempKelvin = latDegreeToTempKelvinAvgMap[INDEX_15_DEGREES]
- latDegreeToTempKelvinAmpMap[INDEX_15_DEGREES] * amplitudeScalefactor;
waterVaporPressureMbar = latDegreeToWVPressureMbarAvgMap[INDEX_15_DEGREES]
- latDegreeToWVPressureMbarAmpMap[INDEX_15_DEGREES] * amplitudeScalefactor;
beta = latDegreeToBetaAvgMapKPM[INDEX_15_DEGREES] - latDegreeToBetaAmpMapKPM[INDEX_15_DEGREES]
* amplitudeScalefactor;
lambda = latDegreeToLampdaAmpMap[INDEX_15_DEGREES] - latDegreeToLampdaAmpMap[INDEX_15_DEGREES]
* amplitudeScalefactor;
} else if (absLatitudeDeg > LATITUDE_15_DEGREES && absLatitudeDeg < LATITUDE_75_DEGREES) {
int key = (int) (absLatitudeDeg / LATITUDE_15_DEGREES);
double averagePressureMbar = interpolate(key * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToPressureMbarAvgMap[key - 1], (key + 1) * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToPressureMbarAvgMap[key], absLatitudeDeg);
double amplitudePressureMbar = interpolate(key * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToPressureMbarAmpMap[key - 1], (key + 1) * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToPressureMbarAmpMap[key], absLatitudeDeg);
pressureMbar = averagePressureMbar - amplitudePressureMbar * amplitudeScalefactor;
double averageTempKelvin = interpolate(key * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToTempKelvinAvgMap[key - 1], (key + 1) * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToTempKelvinAvgMap[key], absLatitudeDeg);
double amplitudeTempKelvin = interpolate(key * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToTempKelvinAmpMap[key - 1], (key + 1) * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToTempKelvinAmpMap[key], absLatitudeDeg);
tempKelvin = averageTempKelvin - amplitudeTempKelvin * amplitudeScalefactor;
double averageWaterVaporPressureMbar = interpolate(key * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToWVPressureMbarAvgMap[key - 1], (key + 1) * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToWVPressureMbarAvgMap[key], absLatitudeDeg);
double amplitudeWaterVaporPressureMbar = interpolate(key * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToWVPressureMbarAmpMap[key - 1], (key + 1) * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToWVPressureMbarAmpMap[key], absLatitudeDeg);
waterVaporPressureMbar =
averageWaterVaporPressureMbar - amplitudeWaterVaporPressureMbar * amplitudeScalefactor;
double averageBeta = interpolate(key * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES, latDegreeToBetaAvgMapKPM[key - 1],
(key + 1) * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES, latDegreeToBetaAvgMapKPM[key], absLatitudeDeg);
double amplitudeBeta = interpolate(key * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToBetaAmpMapKPM[key - 1], (key + 1) * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToBetaAmpMapKPM[key], absLatitudeDeg);
beta = averageBeta - amplitudeBeta * amplitudeScalefactor;
double averageLambda = interpolate(key * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToLampdaAvgMap[key - 1], (key + 1) * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToLampdaAvgMap[key], absLatitudeDeg);
double amplitudeLambda = interpolate(key * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToLampdaAmpMap[key - 1], (key + 1) * LATITUDE_15_DEGREES,
latDegreeToLampdaAmpMap[key], absLatitudeDeg);
lambda = averageLambda - amplitudeLambda * amplitudeScalefactor;
} else {
pressureMbar = latDegreeToPressureMbarAvgMap[INDEX_75_DEGREES]
- latDegreeToPressureMbarAmpMap[INDEX_75_DEGREES] * amplitudeScalefactor;
tempKelvin = latDegreeToTempKelvinAvgMap[INDEX_75_DEGREES]
- latDegreeToTempKelvinAmpMap[INDEX_75_DEGREES] * amplitudeScalefactor;
waterVaporPressureMbar = latDegreeToWVPressureMbarAvgMap[INDEX_75_DEGREES]
- latDegreeToWVPressureMbarAmpMap[INDEX_75_DEGREES] * amplitudeScalefactor;
beta = latDegreeToBetaAvgMapKPM[INDEX_75_DEGREES] - latDegreeToBetaAmpMapKPM[INDEX_75_DEGREES]
* amplitudeScalefactor;
lambda = latDegreeToLampdaAmpMap[INDEX_75_DEGREES] - latDegreeToLampdaAmpMap[INDEX_75_DEGREES]
* amplitudeScalefactor;
double zenithDryDelayAtSeaLevelSeconds = (1.0e-6 * K1 * RD * pressureMbar) / GM;
double zenithWetDelayAtSeaLevelSeconds = (((1.0e-6 * K2 * RD)
/ (GM * (lambda + 1.0) - beta * RD)) * (waterVaporPressureMbar / tempKelvin));
double commonBase = 1.0 - ((beta * heightMetersAboveSeaLevel) / tempKelvin);
double powerDry = (GRAVITY_MPS2 / (RD * beta));
double powerWet = (((lambda + 1.0) * GRAVITY_MPS2) / (RD * beta)) - 1.0;
double zenithDryDelaySeconds = zenithDryDelayAtSeaLevelSeconds * Math.pow(commonBase, powerDry);
double zenithWetDelaySeconds = zenithWetDelayAtSeaLevelSeconds * Math.pow(commonBase, powerWet);
return new DryAndWetZenithDelays(zenithDryDelaySeconds, zenithWetDelaySeconds);
* Interpolate linearly given two points (point1X, point1Y) and (point2X, point2Y). Given the
* desired value of x (xInterpolated), an interpolated value of y shall be computed and returned.
private static double interpolate(double point1X, double point1Y, double point2X, double point2Y,
double xOutput) {
// Check that xOutput is between the two interpolation points.
if ((point1X < point2X && (xOutput < point1X || xOutput > point2X))
|| (point2X < point1X && (xOutput < point2X || xOutput > point1X))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Interpolated value is outside the interpolated region");
double deltaX = point2X - point1X;
double yOutput;
yOutput = point1Y + (xOutput - point1X) / deltaX * (point2Y - point1Y);
} else {
yOutput = point1Y;
return yOutput;
/* A class containing dry and wet mapping values */
private static class DryAndWetMappingValues {
public double dryMappingValue;
public double wetMappingValue;
public DryAndWetMappingValues(double dryMappingValue, double wetMappingValue) {
this.dryMappingValue = dryMappingValue;
this.wetMappingValue = wetMappingValue;
/* A class containing dry and wet delays in seconds experienced at zenith */
private static class DryAndWetZenithDelays {
public double dryZenithDelaySec;
public double wetZenithDelaySec;
public DryAndWetZenithDelays(double dryZenithDelay, double wetZenithDelay) {
this.dryZenithDelaySec = dryZenithDelay;
this.wetZenithDelaySec = wetZenithDelay;