blob: 304a7376c0269970a37beab13744ab700e41dbe9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Verifies valid data return from CaptureResult objects."""
import logging
import os.path
import matplotlib.pyplot
from mobly import test_runner
# mplot3 is required for 3D plots in draw_lsc_plot() though not called directly.
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d # pylint: disable=unused-import
import numpy as np
# required for 3D plots
import its_base_test
import camera_properties_utils
import capture_request_utils
import its_session_utils
ISCLOSE_ATOL = 0.05 # not for absolute ==, but if something grossly wrong
MANUAL_AWB_GAINS = [1, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0]
MANUAL_AWB_XFORM = capture_request_utils.float_to_rational([-1.5, -1.0, -0.5,
0.0, 0.5, 1.0,
1.5, 2.0, 3.0])
# The camera HAL may not support different gains for two G channels.
MANUAL_GAINS_OK = [[1, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0],
[1, 1.5, 1.5, 3.0],
[1, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0]]
MANUAL_TONEMAP = [0, 0, 1, 1] # Linear tonemap
MANUAL_REGION = [{'x': 8, 'y': 8, 'width': 128, 'height': 128, 'weight': 1}]
NAME = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]
def is_close_rational(n1, n2):
return np.isclose(capture_request_utils.rational_to_float(n1),
def draw_lsc_plot(lsc_map_w, lsc_map_h, lsc_map, name, log_path):
for ch in range(4):
fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
xs = np.array([range(lsc_map_w)] * lsc_map_h).reshape(lsc_map_h, lsc_map_w)
ys = np.array([[i]*lsc_map_w for i in range(lsc_map_h)]).reshape(
lsc_map_h, lsc_map_w)
zs = np.array(lsc_map[ch::4]).reshape(lsc_map_h, lsc_map_w)
ax.plot_wireframe(xs, ys, zs)
matplotlib.pyplot.savefig('%s_plot_lsc_%s_ch%d.png' % (
os.path.join(log_path, NAME), name, ch))
def metadata_checks(metadata, props):
"""Common checks on AWB color correction matrix.
metadata: capture metadata
props: camera properties
awb_gains = metadata['android.colorCorrection.gains']
awb_xform = metadata['android.colorCorrection.transform']
logging.debug('AWB gains: %s', str(awb_gains))
logging.debug('AWB transform: %s', str(
[capture_request_utils.rational_to_float(t) for t in awb_xform]))
if props['android.control.maxRegionsAe'] > 0:
logging.debug('AE region: %s', str(metadata['android.control.aeRegions']))
if props['android.control.maxRegionsAf'] > 0:
logging.debug('AF region: %s', str(metadata['android.control.afRegions']))
if props['android.control.maxRegionsAwb'] > 0:
logging.debug('AWB region: %s', str(metadata['android.control.awbRegions']))
# Color correction gains and transform should be the same size
if len(awb_gains) != AWB_GAINS_NUM:
raise AssertionError(f'AWB gains wrong length! {awb_gains}')
if len(awb_xform) != AWB_XFORM_NUM:
raise AssertionError(f'AWB transform wrong length! {awb_xform}')
def test_auto(cam, props, log_path):
"""Do auto capture and test values.
cam: camera object
props: camera properties
log_path: path for plot directory
logging.debug('Testing auto capture results')
req = capture_request_utils.auto_capture_request()
req['android.statistics.lensShadingMapMode'] = 1
sync_latency = camera_properties_utils.sync_latency(props)
# Get 3A lock first, so auto values in capture result are populated properly.
mono_camera = camera_properties_utils.mono_camera(props)
cam.do_3a(do_af=False, mono_camera=mono_camera)
# Do capture
cap = its_session_utils.do_capture_with_latency(cam, req, sync_latency)
metadata = cap['metadata']
ctrl_mode = metadata['android.control.mode']
logging.debug('Control mode: %d', ctrl_mode)
if ctrl_mode != 1:
raise AssertionError(f'ctrl_mode != 1: {ctrl_mode}')
# Color correction gain and transform must be valid.
metadata_checks(metadata, props)
awb_gains = metadata['android.colorCorrection.gains']
awb_xform = metadata['android.colorCorrection.transform']
if not all([g > 0 for g in awb_gains]):
raise AssertionError(f'AWB gains has negative terms: {awb_gains}')
if not all([t['denominator'] != 0 for t in awb_xform]):
raise AssertionError(f'AWB transform has 0 denominators: {awb_xform}')
# Color correction should not match the manual settings.
if np.allclose(awb_gains, MANUAL_AWB_GAINS, atol=ISCLOSE_ATOL):
raise AssertionError('Manual and automatic AWB gains are same! '
f'manual: {MANUAL_AWB_GAINS}, auto: {awb_gains}, '
if all([is_close_rational(awb_xform[i], MANUAL_AWB_XFORM[i])
for i in range(AWB_XFORM_NUM)]):
raise AssertionError('Manual and automatic AWB transforms are same! '
f'manual: {MANUAL_AWB_XFORM}, auto: {awb_xform}, '
# Exposure time must be valid.
exp_time = metadata['android.sensor.exposureTime']
if exp_time <= 0:
raise AssertionError(f'exposure time is <= 0! {exp_time}')
# Draw lens shading correction map
lsc_obj = metadata['android.statistics.lensShadingCorrectionMap']
lsc_map = lsc_obj['map']
lsc_map_w = lsc_obj['width']
lsc_map_h = lsc_obj['height']
logging.debug('LSC map: %dx%d, %s', lsc_map_w, lsc_map_h, str(lsc_map[:8]))
draw_lsc_plot(lsc_map_w, lsc_map_h, lsc_map, 'auto', log_path)
def test_manual(cam, props, log_path):
"""Do manual capture and test results.
cam: camera object
props: camera properties
log_path: path for plot directory
logging.debug('Testing manual capture results')
exp_min = min(props[''])
sens_min = min(props[''])
sync_latency = camera_properties_utils.sync_latency(props)
req = {
'android.control.mode': 0,
'android.control.aeMode': 0,
'android.control.awbMode': 0,
'android.control.afMode': 0,
'android.sensor.sensitivity': sens_min,
'android.sensor.exposureTime': exp_min,
'android.colorCorrection.mode': 0,
'android.colorCorrection.transform': MANUAL_AWB_XFORM,
'android.colorCorrection.gains': MANUAL_AWB_GAINS,
'android.tonemap.mode': 0,
'android.tonemap.curve': {'red': MANUAL_TONEMAP,
'android.control.aeRegions': MANUAL_REGION,
'android.control.afRegions': MANUAL_REGION,
'android.control.awbRegions': MANUAL_REGION,
'android.statistics.lensShadingMapMode': 1
cap = its_session_utils.do_capture_with_latency(cam, req, sync_latency)
metadata = cap['metadata']
ctrl_mode = metadata['android.control.mode']
logging.debug('Control mode: %d', ctrl_mode)
if ctrl_mode != 0:
raise AssertionError(f'ctrl_mode: {ctrl_mode}')
# Color correction gains and transform should be the same size and
# values as the manually set values.
metadata_checks(metadata, props)
awb_gains = metadata['android.colorCorrection.gains']
awb_xform = metadata['android.colorCorrection.transform']
if not (all([np.isclose(awb_gains[i], MANUAL_GAINS_OK[0][i],
atol=ISCLOSE_ATOL) for i in range(AWB_GAINS_NUM)]) or
all([np.isclose(awb_gains[i], MANUAL_GAINS_OK[1][i],
atol=ISCLOSE_ATOL) for i in range(AWB_GAINS_NUM)]) or
all([np.isclose(awb_gains[i], MANUAL_GAINS_OK[2][i],
atol=ISCLOSE_ATOL) for i in range(AWB_GAINS_NUM)])):
raise AssertionError('request/capture mismatch in AWB gains! '
f'req: {MANUAL_GAINS_OK}, cap: {awb_gains}, '
if not (all([is_close_rational(awb_xform[i], MANUAL_AWB_XFORM[i])
for i in range(AWB_XFORM_NUM)])):
raise AssertionError('request/capture mismatch in AWB transforms! '
f'req: {MANUAL_AWB_XFORM}, cap: {awb_xform}, '
# The returned tonemap must be linear.
curves = [metadata['android.tonemap.curve']['red'],
logging.debug('Tonemap: %s', str(curves[0][1::16]))
for j, c in enumerate(curves):
if not c:
raise AssertionError('c in curves is empty.')
if not all([np.isclose(c[i], c[i+1], atol=ISCLOSE_ATOL)
for i in range(0, len(c), 2)]):
raise AssertionError(f"tonemap 'RGB'[i] is not linear! {c}")
# Exposure time must be close to the requested exposure time.
exp_time = metadata['android.sensor.exposureTime']
if not np.isclose(exp_time, exp_min, atol=ISCLOSE_ATOL/1E-06):
raise AssertionError('request/capture exposure time mismatch! '
f'req: {exp_min}, cap: {exp_time}, '
# Lens shading map must be valid
lsc_obj = metadata['android.statistics.lensShadingCorrectionMap']
lsc_map = lsc_obj['map']
lsc_map_w = lsc_obj['width']
lsc_map_h = lsc_obj['height']
logging.debug('LSC map: %dx%d, %s', lsc_map_w, lsc_map_h, str(lsc_map[:8]))
if not (lsc_map_w > 0 and lsc_map_h > 0 and
lsc_map_w*lsc_map_h*4 == len(lsc_map)):
raise AssertionError(f'Incorrect lens shading map size! {lsc_map}')
if not all([m >= 1 for m in lsc_map]):
raise AssertionError(f'Lens shading map has negative vals! {lsc_map}')
# Draw lens shading correction map
draw_lsc_plot(lsc_map_w, lsc_map_h, lsc_map, 'manual', log_path)
class CaptureResult(its_base_test.ItsBaseTest):
"""Test that valid data comes back in CaptureResult objects."""
def test_capture_result(self):
logging.debug('Starting %s', NAME)
with its_session_utils.ItsSession(
hidden_physical_id=self.hidden_physical_id) as cam:
props = cam.get_camera_properties()
props = cam.override_with_hidden_physical_camera_props(props)
# Check SKIP conditions
camera_properties_utils.manual_sensor(props) and
camera_properties_utils.manual_post_proc(props) and
# Load chart for scene
cam, props, self.scene, self.tablet, self.chart_distance)
# Run tests. Run auto, then manual, then auto. Check correct metadata
# values and ensure manual settings do not leak into auto captures.
test_auto(cam, props, self.log_path)
test_manual(cam, props, self.log_path)
test_auto(cam, props, self.log_path)
if __name__ == '__main__':