DO NOT MERGE: Fix StorageManagerTest

While running StorageManagerTest in situation that some other process is having open files
on emualted storage, the test is failing due to timeout(15 seconds).
This is happening because "vold" needs around 15 seconds to kill that particular process.

Solution is to increase timeout to 30 seconds.

Bug: 215859718
Bug: 275648619
Fixes: 215859718
Test: StroageManagerTest CTS
Change-Id: I97c4bf30bb11dc0898f4d1f77ba3f781be47d736
diff --git a/tests/tests/os/src/android/os/storage/cts/ b/tests/tests/os/src/android/os/storage/cts/
index 7150d51..f3c2cfb 100644
--- a/tests/tests/os/src/android/os/storage/cts/
+++ b/tests/tests/os/src/android/os/storage/cts/
@@ -348,7 +348,8 @@
         mStorageManager.registerStorageVolumeCallback(mContext.getMainExecutor(), callback);
                 .executeShellCommand("sm unmount emulated;" + UserHandle.myUserId());
-        assertTrue(unmounted.await(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
+        // 30s timeout for unmounting because we may need to wait for processes to be killed.
+        assertTrue(unmounted.await(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
         // Now unregister and verify we don't hear future events