blob: 71d5549326697b4d6c69c83a575e7c8ddec3db55 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.renderscript.cts;
import android.renderscript.*;
import java.lang.Float;
import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
public class ReduceTest extends RSBaseCompute {
private ScriptC_reduce mScript;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
mScript = new ScriptC_reduce(mRS);
private void assertEquals(final float[] javaRslt, final float[] rsRslt) {
assertEquals("length", javaRslt.length, rsRslt.length);
for (int i = 0; i < javaRslt.length; ++i)
assertEquals(String.valueOf(i), javaRslt[i], rsRslt[i]);
private void assertEquals(final short[] javaRslt, final short[] rsRslt) {
assertEquals("length", javaRslt.length, rsRslt.length);
for (int i = 0; i < javaRslt.length; ++i)
assertEquals(String.valueOf(i), javaRslt[i], rsRslt[i]);
private void assertEquals(final Short2[] javaRslt, final Short2[] rsRslt) {
assertEquals("length", javaRslt.length, rsRslt.length);
for (int i = 0; i < javaRslt.length; ++i)
assertEquals(String.valueOf(i), javaRslt[i], rsRslt[i]);
private void assertEquals(final String msg, final Float2 javaRslt, final Float2 rsRslt) {
assertEquals(msg + "(x)", javaRslt.x, rsRslt.x);
assertEquals(msg + "(y)", javaRslt.y, rsRslt.y);
private void assertEquals(final Float2 javaRslt, final Float2 rsRslt) {
assertEquals("", javaRslt, rsRslt);
private void assertEquals(final String msg, final Int2 javaRslt, final Int2 rsRslt) {
assertEquals(msg + "(x)", javaRslt.x, rsRslt.x);
assertEquals(msg + "(y)", javaRslt.y, rsRslt.y);
private void assertEquals(final Int2 javaRslt, final Int2 rsRslt) {
assertEquals("", javaRslt, rsRslt);
private void assertEquals(final String msg, final Short2 javaRslt, final Short2 rsRslt) {
assertEquals(msg + "(x)", javaRslt.x, rsRslt.x);
assertEquals(msg + "(y)", javaRslt.y, rsRslt.y);
private void assertEquals(final Short2 javaRslt, final Short2 rsRslt) {
assertEquals("", javaRslt, rsRslt);
// Create a zero-initialized Allocation.
// 1D: ylen == 0, zlen == 0
// 2D: ylen != 0, zlen == 0
// 3D: ylen != 0, zlen != 0
private Allocation createInputAllocation(Element elt, int xlen, int ylen, int zlen) {
assertTrue(xlen >= 1);
assertTrue((zlen==0) || (ylen >= 1));
Allocation alloc;
if (zlen != 0)
alloc = Allocation.createTyped(mRS, Type.createXYZ(mRS, elt, xlen, ylen, zlen));
else if (ylen != 0)
alloc = Allocation.createTyped(mRS, Type.createXY(mRS, elt, xlen, ylen));
alloc = Allocation.createSized(mRS, elt, xlen);
if (elt.getVectorSize() == 3)
byte[] init = new byte[alloc.getBytesSize()];
Arrays.fill(init, (byte)0);
return alloc;
// Create an arry of zero-initialized Allocations of various dimensions --
// all possible 1D, 2D, and 3D Allocations where no dimension exceeds max.
private Allocation[] createInputAllocations(Element elt, int max) {
// 1D Allocations: { 1..max }
// 2D Allocations: { 1..max }^2
// 3D Allocations: { 1..max }^3
final int numAllocs = max + max*max + max*max*max;
Allocation alloc[] = new Allocation[numAllocs];
int count = 0;
for (int xlen = 1; xlen <= max; ++xlen) {
for (int ylen = 0; ylen <= max; ++ylen) {
final int zlim = ((ylen!=0) ? max : 0);
for (int zlen = 0; zlen <= zlim; ++zlen)
alloc[count++] = createInputAllocation(elt, xlen, ylen, zlen);
assertTrue(count == numAllocs);
return alloc;
private static byte[] createInputArrayByte(int len, int seed) {
byte[] array = new byte[len];
(new Random(seed)).nextBytes(array);
return array;
private static short[] createInputArrayHalf(int len, int seed) {
short[] array = new short[len];
RSUtils.genRandomFloat16s(seed, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, array,
return array;
private static float[] createInputArrayFloat(int len, int seed) {
Random rand = new Random(seed);
float[] array = new float[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
array[i] = rand.nextFloat();
return array;
private static int[] createInputArrayInt(int len, int seed) {
Random rand = new Random(seed);
int[] array = new int[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
array[i] = rand.nextInt();
return array;
private static int[] createInputArrayInt(int len, int seed, int eltRange) {
Random rand = new Random(seed);
int[] array = new int[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
array[i] = rand.nextInt(eltRange);
return array;
private int addint(final int[] input) {
int rslt = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < input.length; ++idx)
rslt += input[idx];
return rslt;
public void testAddInt1D() {
final int[] input = createInputArrayInt(100000, 0, 1 << 13);
final int javaRslt = addint(input);
final int rsRslt = mScript.reduce_addint(input).get();
assertEquals(javaRslt, rsRslt);
public void testAddInt2D() {
final int dimX = 450, dimY = 225;
final int[] inputArray = createInputArrayInt(dimX * dimY, 1, 1 << 13);
Type.Builder typeBuilder = new Type.Builder(mRS, Element.I32(mRS));
Allocation inputAllocation = Allocation.createTyped(mRS, typeBuilder.create());
inputAllocation.copy2DRangeFrom(0, 0, dimX, dimY, inputArray);
final int javaRslt = addint(inputArray);
final int rsRslt = mScript.reduce_addint(inputAllocation).get();
assertEquals(javaRslt, rsRslt);
private Int2 findMinAndMax(final float[] input) {
float minVal = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
int minIdx = -1;
float maxVal = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
int maxIdx = -1;
for (int idx = 0; idx < input.length; ++idx) {
if (input[idx] < minVal) {
minVal = input[idx];
minIdx = idx;
if (input[idx] > maxVal) {
maxVal = input[idx];
maxIdx = idx;
return new Int2(minIdx, maxIdx);
public void testFindMinAndMax() {
final float[] input = createInputArrayFloat(100000, 4);
final Int2 javaRslt = findMinAndMax(input);
final Int2 rsRslt = mScript.reduce_findMinAndMax(input).get();
// Note that the Java and RenderScript algorithms are not
// guaranteed to find the same cells -- but they should
// find cells of the same value.
final Float2 javaVal = new Float2(input[javaRslt.x], input[javaRslt.y]);
final Float2 rsVal = new Float2(input[rsRslt.x], input[rsRslt.y]);
assertEquals(javaVal, rsVal);
private Short2 findMinAndMaxHalf(final short[] inputArray) {
Allocation inputAllocation = Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.F16(mRS), inputArray.length);
Allocation outputAllocation = Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.F16_2(mRS), 1);
mScript.invoke_findMinAndMaxHalf(outputAllocation, inputAllocation);
short[] outputArray = new short[2];
return new Short2(outputArray[0], outputArray[1]);
private short[] findMinAndMaxHalfIntoArray(final short[] inputArray) {
final Short2 vectorResult = findMinAndMaxHalf(inputArray);
final short[] arrayResult = new short[] { vectorResult.x, vectorResult.y };
return arrayResult;
public void testFindMinAndMaxHalf() {
// fewer members in the array than there are distinct half values
final short[] input = createInputArrayHalf(1000, 23);
// test Short2 result
final Short2 javaRslt = findMinAndMaxHalf(input);
final Short2 rsRslt = mScript.reduce_findMinAndMaxHalf(input).get();
assertEquals(javaRslt, rsRslt);
// test short[2] result
final short[] javaRsltIntoArray = findMinAndMaxHalfIntoArray(input);
final short[] rsRsltIntoArray = mScript.reduce_findMinAndMaxHalfIntoArray(input).get();
assertEquals(javaRsltIntoArray, rsRsltIntoArray);
// The input is a flattened representation of an array of 2-vector
private Short2[] findMinAndMaxHalf2(final short[] inputArray) {
assertEquals(inputArray.length % 2, 0);
Allocation inputAllocation = Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.F16_2(mRS), inputArray.length / 2);
Allocation outputAllocation = Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.F16_2(mRS), 2);
mScript.invoke_findMinAndMaxHalf2(outputAllocation, inputAllocation);
short[] outputArray = new short[4];
return new Short2[] { new Short2(outputArray[0], outputArray[1]),
new Short2(outputArray[2], outputArray[3]) };
public void testFindMinAndMaxHalf2() {
// fewer members in the array than there are distinct half values
final short[] input = createInputArrayHalf(1000, 25);
final Short2[] javaRslt = findMinAndMaxHalf2(input);
final Short2[] rsRslt = mScript.reduce_findMinAndMaxHalf2(input).get();
assertEquals(javaRslt, rsRslt);
// Both the input and the result are linearized representations of 2x2 matrices.
private float[] findMinMat(final float[] inputArray) {
float[] result = new float[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
result[i] = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (int i = 0; i < inputArray.length; ++i)
result[i % 4] = Math.min(result[i % 4], inputArray[i]);
return result;
public void testFindMinMat() {
final int length = 100000;
final float[] inputArray = createInputArrayFloat(4 * length, 24);
Allocation inputAllocation = Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.MATRIX_2X2(mRS), length);
final float[] javaRslt = findMinMat(inputArray);
final float[] rsRslt = mScript.reduce_findMinMat(inputAllocation).get();
assertEquals(javaRslt, rsRslt);
// Both the input and the result are linearized representations of 2x2 matrices.
private float[] findMinAndMaxMat(final float[] inputArray) {
float[] result = new float[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
result[i+0] = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
result[i+4] = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (int i = 0; i < inputArray.length; ++i) {
result[0 + i % 4] = Math.min(result[0 + i % 4], inputArray[i]);
result[4 + i % 4] = Math.max(result[4 + i % 4], inputArray[i]);
return result;
public void testFindMinAndMaxMat() {
final int length = 100000;
final float[] inputArray = createInputArrayFloat(4 * length, 26);
Allocation inputAllocation = Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.MATRIX_2X2(mRS), length);
final float[] javaRslt = findMinAndMaxMat(inputArray);
final float[] rsRslt = mScript.reduce_findMinAndMaxMat(inputAllocation).get();
assertEquals(javaRslt, rsRslt);
public void testFz() {
final int inputLen = 100000;
int[] input = createInputArrayInt(inputLen, 5);
// just in case we got unlucky
input[(new Random(6)).nextInt(inputLen)] = 0;
final int rsRslt = mScript.reduce_fz(input).get();
assertEquals("input[" + rsRslt + "]", 0, input[rsRslt]);
public void testFz2() {
final int dimX = 225, dimY = 450;
final int inputLen = dimX * dimY;
int[] inputArray = createInputArrayInt(inputLen, 7);
// just in case we got unlucky
inputArray[(new Random(8)).nextInt(inputLen)] = 0;
Type.Builder typeBuilder = new Type.Builder(mRS, Element.I32(mRS));
Allocation inputAllocation = Allocation.createTyped(mRS, typeBuilder.create());
inputAllocation.copy2DRangeFrom(0, 0, dimX, dimY, inputArray);
final Int2 rsRslt = mScript.reduce_fz2(inputAllocation).get();
final int cellVal = inputArray[rsRslt.x + dimX * rsRslt.y];
assertEquals("input[" + rsRslt.x + ", " + rsRslt.y + "]", 0, cellVal);
public void testFz3() {
final int dimX = 59, dimY = 48, dimZ = 37;
final int inputLen = dimX * dimY * dimZ;
int[] inputArray = createInputArrayInt(inputLen, 9);
// just in case we got unlucky
inputArray[(new Random(10)).nextInt(inputLen)] = 0;
Type.Builder typeBuilder = new Type.Builder(mRS, Element.I32(mRS));
Allocation inputAllocation = Allocation.createTyped(mRS, typeBuilder.create());
inputAllocation.copy3DRangeFrom(0, 0, 0, dimX, dimY, dimZ, inputArray);
final Int3 rsRslt = mScript.reduce_fz3(inputAllocation).get();
final int cellVal = inputArray[rsRslt.x + dimX * rsRslt.y + dimX * dimY * rsRslt.z];
assertEquals("input[" + rsRslt.x + ", " + rsRslt.y + ", " + rsRslt.z + "]", 0, cellVal);
private static final int histogramBucketCount = 256;
private long[] histogram(final byte[] inputArray) {
Allocation inputAllocation = Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.U8(mRS), inputArray.length);
Allocation outputAllocation = Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.U32(mRS), histogramBucketCount);
ScriptIntrinsicHistogram scriptHsg = ScriptIntrinsicHistogram.create(mRS, Element.U8(mRS));
int[] outputArrayMistyped = new int[histogramBucketCount];
long[] outputArray = new long[histogramBucketCount];
for (int i = 0; i < histogramBucketCount; ++i)
outputArray[i] = outputArrayMistyped[i] & (long)0xffffffff;
return outputArray;
public void testHistogram() {
final byte[] inputArray = createInputArrayByte(100000, 11);
final long[] javaRslt = histogram(inputArray);
assertEquals("javaRslt unexpected length", histogramBucketCount, javaRslt.length);
final long[] rsRslt = mScript.reduce_histogram(inputArray).get();
assertEquals("rsRslt unexpected length", histogramBucketCount, rsRslt.length);
for (int i = 0; i < histogramBucketCount; ++i) {
assertEquals("histogram[" + i + "]", javaRslt[i], rsRslt[i]);
private Int2 mode(final byte[] inputArray) {
long[] hsg = histogram(inputArray);
int modeIdx = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < hsg.length; ++i)
if (hsg[i] > hsg[modeIdx]) modeIdx =i;
return new Int2(modeIdx, (int)hsg[modeIdx]);
public void testMode() {
final byte[] inputArray = createInputArrayByte(100000, 12);
final Int2 javaRslt = mode(inputArray);
final Int2 rsRslt = mScript.reduce_mode(inputArray).get();
assertEquals(javaRslt, rsRslt);
private int sumXor(final int[] input1, final int[] input2) {
int sum = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < input1.length; ++idx)
sum += (input1[idx] ^ input2[idx]);
return sum;
public void testSumXor() {
final int[] input1 = createInputArrayInt(100000, 13, 1 << 13);
final int[] input2 = createInputArrayInt(100000, 14, 1 << 13);
final int javaRslt = sumXor(input1, input2);
final int rsRslt = mScript.reduce_sumxor(input1, input2).get();
assertEquals(javaRslt, rsRslt);
public void testBadSumXorInputDimensionMismatch() {
Allocation[] inputs = createInputAllocations(Element.I32(mRS), 3);
// try all pairwise combinations of Allocations; we don't care
// about the result, only whether we correctly recognize
// whether or not the input Allocations have the same
// dimensions.
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < inputs.length; ++j) {
try {
mScript.reduce_sumxor(inputs[i], inputs[j]);
if (i != j)
fail("expected RSRuntimeException for dimension mismatch: inputs " + i + " and " + j);
} catch (RSRuntimeException e) {
if (i == j)
fail("did not expect RSRuntimeException for dimension match: inputs " + i);
public void testBadSumXorInputLengthMismatch() {
final int[] input1 = createInputArrayInt(90000, 16, 1 << 13);
final int[] input2 = createInputArrayInt(100000, 17, 1 << 13);
// we don't care about the result, only whether we correctly recognize
// that the input arrays have different dimensions.
try {
mScript.reduce_sumxor(input1, input2);
fail("expected RSRuntimeException for mismatched array input lengths");
} catch (RSRuntimeException e) {
public void testBadSumXorInputNull() {
final int[] input = createInputArrayInt(100000, 15, 1 << 13);
// we don't care about the result, only whether we correctly recognize
// that the input array is null.
try {
mScript.reduce_sumxor(input, null);
fail("expected RSIllegalArgumentException for null array input");
} catch (RSIllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
mScript.reduce_sumxor(null, input);
fail("expected RSIllegalArgumentException for null array input");
} catch (RSIllegalArgumentException e) {
public void testBadSumXorInputWrongType() {
Allocation inputI32 = Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.I32(mRS), 1);
Allocation badInput[] = new Allocation[]{
Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.I16(mRS), 1),
Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.I16_2(mRS), 1),
Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.I32_2(mRS), 1),
Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.U32(mRS), 1)
// we don't care about the result, only whether we correctly recognize
// that the input Allocation has the wrong type.
for (int i = 0; i < badInput.length; ++i) {
try {
mScript.reduce_sumxor(inputI32, badInput[i]);
fail("badInput[" + i + "]: expected RSRuntimeException for wrong input data type");
} catch (RSRuntimeException e) {
try {
mScript.reduce_sumxor(badInput[i], inputI32);
fail("badInput[" + i + "]: expected RSRuntimeException for wrong input data type");
} catch (RSRuntimeException e) {
private long sillySum(final byte[] input1, final float[] input2, final int[] input3) {
// input3 is a flattened 3-vector
assertEquals(input1.length, input2.length);
assertEquals(input1.length * 3, input3.length);
long sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < input1.length; ++i)
sum += ((((input1[i] + (long)Math.ceil(Math.log(input2[i]))) + input3[3*i + 0]) + input3[3*i + 1]) + input3[3*i + 2]);
return sum;
public void testSillySum() {
final int length = 100000;
final byte[] input1 = createInputArrayByte(length, 16);
final float[] input2 = createInputArrayFloat(length, 17);
// input3 is a flattened 3-vector
final int[] input3 = createInputArrayInt(3 * length, 18);
final long javaRslt = sillySum(input1, input2, input3);
final long rsRslt = mScript.reduce_sillysum(input1, input2, input3).get();
assertEquals(javaRslt, rsRslt);
public void testBadSillySumInputDimensionMismatch() {
Allocation[] allocs1 = createInputAllocations(Element.I8(mRS), 3);
Allocation[] allocs2 = createInputAllocations(Element.F32(mRS), 3);
Allocation[] allocs3 = createInputAllocations(Element.I32_3(mRS), 3);
// try all tuples of Allocations; we don't care about the
// result, only whether we correctly recognize whether or not
// the input Allocations have the same dimensions.
for (int i = 0; i < allocs1.length; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < allocs2.length; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k < allocs3.length; ++k) {
final boolean expectException = !((i == j) && (j == k));
try {
mScript.reduce_sillysum(allocs1[i], allocs2[j], allocs3[k]);
if (expectException)
fail("expected RSRuntimeException for dimension mismatch: inputs " + i + ", " + j + ", " + k);
} catch (RSRuntimeException e) {
if (!expectException) {
fail("did not expect RSRuntimeException for dimension match: inputs " + i);
public void testBadSillySumInputLengthMismatch() {
final int[] lengths = new int[]{ 10, 100, 1000 };
// try all pairwise combinations of lengths; we don't care
// about the result, only whether we correctly recognize
// whether or not the input Allocations have the same lengths.
for (int len1idx = 0; len1idx < lengths.length; ++len1idx) {
for (int len2idx = 0; len2idx < lengths.length; ++len2idx) {
for (int len3idx = 0; len3idx < lengths.length; ++len3idx) {
final byte[] input1 = createInputArrayByte(lengths[len1idx], 19);
final float[] input2 = createInputArrayFloat(lengths[len2idx], 20);
// input3 is a flattened 3-vector
final int[] input3 = createInputArrayInt(3 * lengths[len3idx], 21);
try {
mScript.reduce_sillysum(input1, input2, input3);
if ((len1idx != len2idx) || (len1idx != len3idx))
fail("expected RSRuntimeException for dimension mismatch: inputs " +
len1idx + ", " + len2idx + ", " + len3idx);
} catch (RSRuntimeException e) {
if ((len1idx == len2idx) && (len1idx == len3idx))
fail("did not expect RSRuntimeException for dimension match: inputs " + len1idx);
private static final long[] oorrGoodResults = new long[]{0L, 1L, 0x7fff_ffff_ffff_ffffL};
private static final long[] oorrBadResultHalfs = new long[]{0x4000_0000_0000_0000L, 0x4567_89ab_cdef_0123L};
private static final int[] oorInput = createInputArrayInt(1, 22);
public void testBadOorrSca() {
final int[] oorrBadPositions = new int[]{-1, 0};
for (long goodResult : oorrGoodResults) {
for (long badResultHalf : oorrBadResultHalfs) {
for (int badPosition : oorrBadPositions) {
// we don't care about the result, only whether
// it's representible. note that no exception is
// thrown until "get()".
try {
if (badPosition >= 0)
fail("expected RSRuntimeException for non-representible result; expected 2*" + badResultHalf);
} catch (RSRuntimeException e) {
if (badPosition < 0)
fail("did not expect RSRuntimeException for representible result; expected " + goodResult);
public void testBadOorrVec4() {
final int[] oorrBadPositions = new int[]{-1, 0, 1, 2, 3};
for (long goodResult : oorrGoodResults) {
for (long badResultHalf : oorrBadResultHalfs) {
for (int badPosition : oorrBadPositions) {
// we don't care about the result, only whether
// it's representible. note that no exception is
// thrown until "get()".
try {
if (badPosition >= 0)
fail("expected RSRuntimeException for non-representible result; expected 2*" + badResultHalf
+ " at position " + badPosition);
} catch (RSRuntimeException e) {
if (badPosition < 0)
fail("did not expect RSRuntimeException for representible result; expected " + goodResult);
public void testBadOorrArr9() {
final int[] oorrBadPositions = new int[]{-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
for (long goodResult : oorrGoodResults) {
for (long badResultHalf : oorrBadResultHalfs) {
for (int badPosition : oorrBadPositions) {
// we don't care about the result, only whether
// it's representible. note that no exception is
// thrown until "get()".
try {
if (badPosition >= 0)
fail("expected RSRuntimeException for non-representible result; expected 2*" + badResultHalf
+ " at position " + badPosition);
} catch (RSRuntimeException e) {
if (badPosition < 0)
fail("did not expect RSRuntimeException for representible result; expected " + goodResult);
public void testBadOorrArr9Vec4() {
for (long goodResult : oorrGoodResults) {
for (long badResultHalf : oorrBadResultHalfs) {
for (int badPosition = -1; badPosition < 36; ++badPosition) {
// we don't care about the result, only whether
// it's representible. note that no exception is
// thrown until "get()".
try {
if (badPosition >= 0)
fail("expected RSRuntimeException for non-representible result; expected 2*" + badResultHalf
+ " at position " + badPosition);
} catch (RSRuntimeException e) {
if (badPosition < 0)
fail("did not expect RSRuntimeException for representible result; expected " + goodResult);