blob: d24fbdbbac8c6f0757bb08b0ac9e907892b9095c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package android.server.cts;
import static android.server.cts.ActivityManagerState.STATE_RESUMED;
import android.platform.test.annotations.Presubmit;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static android.server.cts.ActivityAndWindowManagersState.dpToPx;
* Build: mmma -j32 cts/hostsidetests/services
* Run: cts/hostsidetests/services/activityandwindowmanager/util/run-test CtsServicesHostTestCases android.server.cts.ActivityManagerAppConfigurationTests
public class ActivityManagerAppConfigurationTests extends ActivityManagerTestBase {
private static final String RESIZEABLE_ACTIVITY_NAME = "ResizeableActivity";
private static final String TEST_ACTIVITY_NAME = "TestActivity";
private static final String PORTRAIT_ACTIVITY_NAME = "PortraitOrientationActivity";
private static final String LANDSCAPE_ACTIVITY_NAME = "LandscapeOrientationActivity";
private static final String NIGHT_MODE_ACTIVITY = "NightModeActivity";
private static final String DIALOG_WHEN_LARGE_ACTIVITY = "DialogWhenLargeActivity";
private static final String TRANSLUCENT_ACTIVITY = "TranslucentLandscapeActivity";
private static final String TRANSLUCENT_CURRENT_PACKAGE = "android.server.translucentapp";
private static final String EXTRA_LAUNCH_NEW_TASK = "launch_new_task";
private static final int SMALL_WIDTH_DP = 426;
private static final int SMALL_HEIGHT_DP = 320;
* Tests that the WindowManager#getDefaultDisplay() and the Configuration of the Activity
* has an updated size when the Activity is resized from fullscreen to docked state.
* The Activity handles configuration changes, so it will not be restarted between resizes.
* On Configuration changes, the Activity logs the Display size and Configuration width
* and heights. The values reported in fullscreen should be larger than those reported in
* docked state.
public void testConfigurationUpdatesWhenResizedFromFullscreen() throws Exception {
if (!supportsSplitScreenMultiWindow()) {
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Skipping test: no multi-window support");
String logSeparator = clearLogcat();
final ReportedSizes fullscreenSizes = getActivityDisplaySize(RESIZEABLE_ACTIVITY_NAME,
logSeparator = clearLogcat();
final ReportedSizes dockedSizes = getActivityDisplaySize(RESIZEABLE_ACTIVITY_NAME,
assertSizesAreSane(fullscreenSizes, dockedSizes);
* Same as {@link #testConfigurationUpdatesWhenResizedFromFullscreen()} but resizing
* from docked state to fullscreen (reverse).
// TODO: Flaky, add to presubmit when b/63404575 is fixed.
public void testConfigurationUpdatesWhenResizedFromDockedStack() throws Exception {
if (!supportsSplitScreenMultiWindow()) {
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Skipping test: no multi-window support");
String logSeparator = clearLogcat();
final ReportedSizes dockedSizes = getActivityDisplaySize(RESIZEABLE_ACTIVITY_NAME,
logSeparator = clearLogcat();
final ReportedSizes fullscreenSizes = getActivityDisplaySize(RESIZEABLE_ACTIVITY_NAME,
assertSizesAreSane(fullscreenSizes, dockedSizes);
* Tests whether the Display sizes change when rotating the device.
public void testConfigurationUpdatesWhenRotatingWhileFullscreen() throws Exception {
final String logSeparator = clearLogcat();
final ReportedSizes initialSizes = getActivityDisplaySize(RESIZEABLE_ACTIVITY_NAME,
* Same as {@link #testConfigurationUpdatesWhenRotatingWhileFullscreen()} but when the Activity
* is in the docked stack.
// TODO: Flaky, add to presubmit when b/63404575 is fixed.
public void testConfigurationUpdatesWhenRotatingWhileDocked() throws Exception {
if (!supportsSplitScreenMultiWindow()) {
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Skipping test: no multi-window support");
final String logSeparator = clearLogcat();
// Launch our own activity to side in case Recents (or other activity to side) doesn't
// support rotation.
// Launch target activity in docked stack.
final ReportedSizes initialSizes = getActivityDisplaySize(RESIZEABLE_ACTIVITY_NAME,
* Same as {@link #testConfigurationUpdatesWhenRotatingWhileDocked()} but when the Activity
* is launched to side from docked stack.
public void testConfigurationUpdatesWhenRotatingToSideFromDocked() throws Exception {
if (!supportsSplitScreenMultiWindow()) {
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Skipping test: no multi-window support");
final String logSeparator = clearLogcat();
final ReportedSizes initialSizes = getActivityDisplaySize(RESIZEABLE_ACTIVITY_NAME,
private void rotateAndCheckSizes(ReportedSizes prevSizes) throws Exception {
for (int rotation = 3; rotation >= 0; --rotation) {
final String logSeparator = clearLogcat();
final int actualStackId = mAmWmState.getAmState().getTaskByActivityName(
final int displayId = mAmWmState.getAmState().getStackById(actualStackId).mDisplayId;
final int newDeviceRotation = getDeviceRotation(displayId);
if (newDeviceRotation == INVALID_DEVICE_ROTATION) {
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.WARN, "Got an invalid device rotation value. "
+ "Continuing the test despite of that, but it is likely to fail.");
} else if (rotation != newDeviceRotation) {
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "This device doesn't support locked user "
+ "rotation mode. Not continuing the rotation checks.");
final ReportedSizes rotatedSizes = getActivityDisplaySize(RESIZEABLE_ACTIVITY_NAME,
assertSizesRotate(prevSizes, rotatedSizes);
prevSizes = rotatedSizes;
* Tests when activity moved from fullscreen stack to docked and back. Activity will be
* relaunched twice and it should have same config as initial one.
public void testSameConfigurationFullSplitFullRelaunch() throws Exception {
* Same as {@link #testSameConfigurationFullSplitFullRelaunch} but without relaunch.
public void testSameConfigurationFullSplitFullNoRelaunch() throws Exception {
* Launches activity in fullscreen stack, moves to docked stack and back to fullscreen stack.
* Last operation is done in a way which simulates split-screen divider movement maximizing
* docked stack size and then moving task to fullscreen stack - the same way it is done when
* user long-presses overview/recents button to exit split-screen.
* Asserts that initial and final reported sizes in fullscreen stack are the same.
private void moveActivityFullSplitFull(String activityName) throws Exception {
if (!supportsSplitScreenMultiWindow()) {
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Skipping test: no multi-window support");
// Launch to fullscreen stack and record size.
String logSeparator = clearLogcat();
launchActivityInStack(activityName, FULLSCREEN_WORKSPACE_STACK_ID);
final ReportedSizes initialFullscreenSizes = getActivityDisplaySize(activityName,
final Rectangle displayRect = getDisplayRect(activityName);
// Move to docked stack.
logSeparator = clearLogcat();
moveActivityToStack(activityName, DOCKED_STACK_ID);
final ReportedSizes dockedSizes = getActivityDisplaySize(activityName, logSeparator);
assertSizesAreSane(initialFullscreenSizes, dockedSizes);
// Make sure docked stack is focused. This way when we dismiss it later fullscreen stack
// will come up.
launchActivityInStack(activityName, DOCKED_STACK_ID);
mAmWmState.computeState(mDevice, new String[] { activityName },
false /* compareTaskAndStackBounds */);
// Resize docked stack to fullscreen size. This will trigger activity relaunch with
// non-empty override configuration corresponding to fullscreen size.
logSeparator = clearLogcat();
runCommandAndPrintOutput("am stack resize " + DOCKED_STACK_ID + " 0 0 "
+ displayRect.width + " " + displayRect.height);
// Move activity back to fullscreen stack.
moveActivityToStack(activityName, FULLSCREEN_WORKSPACE_STACK_ID);
final ReportedSizes finalFullscreenSizes = getActivityDisplaySize(activityName,
// After activity configuration was changed twice it must report same size as original one.
assertSizesAreSame(initialFullscreenSizes, finalFullscreenSizes);
* Tests when activity moved from docked stack to fullscreen and back. Activity will be
* relaunched twice and it should have same config as initial one.
public void testSameConfigurationSplitFullSplitRelaunch() throws Exception {
* Same as {@link #testSameConfigurationSplitFullSplitRelaunch} but without relaunch.
public void testSameConfigurationSplitFullSplitNoRelaunch() throws Exception {
* Tests that an activity with the DialogWhenLarge theme can transform properly when in split
* screen.
public void testDialogWhenLargeSplitSmall() throws Exception {
final ActivityManagerState.ActivityStack stack = mAmWmState.getAmState()
final WindowManagerState.Display display =
final int density = display.getDpi();
final int smallWidthPx = dpToPx(SMALL_WIDTH_DP, density);
final int smallHeightPx = dpToPx(SMALL_HEIGHT_DP, density);
runCommandAndPrintOutput("am stack resize " + DOCKED_STACK_ID + " 0 0 "
+ smallWidthPx + " " + smallHeightPx);
* Test that device handles consequent requested orientations and displays the activities.
public void testFullscreenAppOrientationRequests() throws Exception {
mAmWmState.assertVisibility(PORTRAIT_ACTIVITY_NAME, true /* visible */);
assertEquals("Fullscreen app requested portrait orientation",
1 /* portrait */, mAmWmState.getWmState().getLastOrientation());
mAmWmState.assertVisibility(LANDSCAPE_ACTIVITY_NAME, true /* visible */);
assertEquals("Fullscreen app requested landscape orientation",
0 /* landscape */, mAmWmState.getWmState().getLastOrientation());
mAmWmState.assertVisibility(PORTRAIT_ACTIVITY_NAME, true /* visible */);
assertEquals("Fullscreen app requested portrait orientation",
1 /* portrait */, mAmWmState.getWmState().getLastOrientation());
public void testNonfullscreenAppOrientationRequests() throws Exception {
String logSeparator = clearLogcat();
final ReportedSizes initialReportedSizes =
getLastReportedSizesForActivity(PORTRAIT_ACTIVITY_NAME, logSeparator);
assertEquals("portrait activity should be in portrait",
1 /* portrait */, initialReportedSizes.orientation);
logSeparator = clearLogcat();
// TODO(b/38225467): Target SDK 26 specific package when SDK 27 released.
assertEquals("Legacy non-fullscreen activity requested landscape orientation",
0 /* landscape */, mAmWmState.getWmState().getLastOrientation());
// TODO(b/36897968): uncomment once we can suppress unsupported configurations
// final ReportedSizes updatedReportedSizes =
// getLastReportedSizesForActivity(PORTRAIT_ACTIVITY_NAME, logSeparator);
// assertEquals("portrait activity should not have moved from portrait",
// 1 /* portrait */, updatedReportedSizes.orientation);
// TODO(b/38225467): Uncomment when SDK 27 is released.
// public void testNonFullscreenActivityProhibited() throws Exception {
// launchActivity(TRANSLUCENT_ACTIVITY);
// mAmWmState.assertNotResumedActivity(
// "target SDK > 25 non-fullscreen activity should not reach onResume",
// }
// TODO(b/38225467): rename to testLegacyNonFullscreenActivityPermitted
public void testNonFullscreenActivityPermitted() throws Exception {
// TODO(b/38225467): Target SDK 26 specific package when SDK 27 released.
"target SDK <= 26 non-fullscreen activity should be allowed to launch",
assertEquals("non-fullscreen activity requested landscape orientation",
0 /* landscape */, mAmWmState.getWmState().getLastOrientation());
* Test that device handles moving between two tasks with different orientations.
public void testTaskCloseRestoreOrientation() throws Exception {
// Start landscape activity.
mAmWmState.assertVisibility(LANDSCAPE_ACTIVITY_NAME, true /* visible */);
assertEquals("Fullscreen app requested landscape orientation",
0 /* landscape */, mAmWmState.getWmState().getLastOrientation());
// Start another activity in a different task.
// Request portrait
executeShellCommand(getOrientationBroadcast(1 /*portrait*/));
mAmWmState.waitForRotation(mDevice, 1);
// Finish activity
// Verify that activity brought to front is in originally requested orientation.
mAmWmState.waitForValidState(mDevice, LANDSCAPE_ACTIVITY_NAME);
assertEquals("Should return to app in landscape orientation",
0 /* landscape */, mAmWmState.getWmState().getLastOrientation());
* Test that device handles moving between two tasks with different orientations.
public void testTaskMoveToBackOrientation() throws Exception {
// Start landscape activity.
mAmWmState.assertVisibility(LANDSCAPE_ACTIVITY_NAME, true /* visible */);
assertEquals("Fullscreen app requested landscape orientation",
0 /* landscape */, mAmWmState.getWmState().getLastOrientation());
// Start another activity in a different task.
// Request portrait
executeShellCommand(getOrientationBroadcast(1 /*portrait*/));
mAmWmState.waitForRotation(mDevice, 1);
// Finish activity
// Verify that activity brought to front is in originally requested orientation.
mAmWmState.waitForValidState(mDevice, LANDSCAPE_ACTIVITY_NAME);
assertEquals("Should return to app in landscape orientation",
0 /* landscape */, mAmWmState.getWmState().getLastOrientation());
* Test that device doesn't change device orientation by app request while in multi-window.
public void testSplitscreenPortraitAppOrientationRequests() throws Exception {
requestOrientationInSplitScreen(1 /* portrait */, LANDSCAPE_ACTIVITY_NAME);
* Test that device doesn't change device orientation by app request while in multi-window.
public void testSplitscreenLandscapeAppOrientationRequests() throws Exception {
requestOrientationInSplitScreen(0 /* landscape */, PORTRAIT_ACTIVITY_NAME);
* Rotate the device and launch specified activity in split-screen, checking if orientation
* didn't change.
private void requestOrientationInSplitScreen(int orientation, String activity)
throws Exception {
// Set initial orientation.
// Launch activities that request orientations and check that device doesn't rotate.
mAmWmState.computeState(mDevice, new String[] {activity});
mAmWmState.assertVisibility(activity, true /* visible */);
assertEquals("Split-screen apps shouldn't influence device orientation",
orientation, mAmWmState.getWmState().getRotation());
mAmWmState.computeState(mDevice, new String[] {activity});
mAmWmState.assertVisibility(activity, true /* visible */);
assertEquals("Split-screen apps shouldn't influence device orientation",
orientation, mAmWmState.getWmState().getRotation());
* Launches activity in docked stack, moves to fullscreen stack and back to docked stack.
* Asserts that initial and final reported sizes in docked stack are the same.
private void moveActivitySplitFullSplit(String activityName) throws Exception {
if (!supportsSplitScreenMultiWindow()) {
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Skipping test: no multi-window support");
// Launch to docked stack and record size.
String logSeparator = clearLogcat();
launchActivityInStack(activityName, DOCKED_STACK_ID);
final ReportedSizes initialDockedSizes = getActivityDisplaySize(activityName, logSeparator);
// Make sure docked stack is focused. This way when we dismiss it later fullscreen stack
// will come up.
launchActivityInStack(activityName, DOCKED_STACK_ID);
mAmWmState.computeState(mDevice, new String[] { activityName },
false /* compareTaskAndStackBounds */);
// Move to fullscreen stack.
logSeparator = clearLogcat();
moveActivityToStack(activityName, FULLSCREEN_WORKSPACE_STACK_ID);
final ReportedSizes fullscreenSizes = getActivityDisplaySize(activityName, logSeparator);
assertSizesAreSane(fullscreenSizes, initialDockedSizes);
// Move activity back to docked stack.
logSeparator = clearLogcat();
moveActivityToStack(activityName, DOCKED_STACK_ID);
final ReportedSizes finalDockedSizes = getActivityDisplaySize(activityName, logSeparator);
// After activity configuration was changed twice it must report same size as original one.
assertSizesAreSame(initialDockedSizes, finalDockedSizes);
* Asserts that after rotation, the aspect ratios of display size, metrics, and configuration
* have flipped.
private static void assertSizesRotate(ReportedSizes rotationA, ReportedSizes rotationB)
throws Exception {
assertEquals(rotationA.displayWidth, rotationA.metricsWidth);
assertEquals(rotationA.displayHeight, rotationA.metricsHeight);
assertEquals(rotationB.displayWidth, rotationB.metricsWidth);
assertEquals(rotationB.displayHeight, rotationB.metricsHeight);
final boolean beforePortrait = rotationA.displayWidth < rotationA.displayHeight;
final boolean afterPortrait = rotationB.displayWidth < rotationB.displayHeight;
assertFalse(beforePortrait == afterPortrait);
final boolean beforeConfigPortrait = rotationA.widthDp < rotationA.heightDp;
final boolean afterConfigPortrait = rotationB.widthDp < rotationB.heightDp;
assertEquals(beforePortrait, beforeConfigPortrait);
assertEquals(afterPortrait, afterConfigPortrait);
assertEquals(rotationA.smallestWidthDp, rotationB.smallestWidthDp);
* Throws an AssertionError if fullscreenSizes has widths/heights (depending on aspect ratio)
* that are smaller than the dockedSizes.
private static void assertSizesAreSane(ReportedSizes fullscreenSizes, ReportedSizes dockedSizes)
throws Exception {
final boolean portrait = fullscreenSizes.displayWidth < fullscreenSizes.displayHeight;
if (portrait) {
assertTrue(dockedSizes.displayHeight < fullscreenSizes.displayHeight);
assertTrue(dockedSizes.heightDp < fullscreenSizes.heightDp);
assertTrue(dockedSizes.metricsHeight < fullscreenSizes.metricsHeight);
} else {
assertTrue(dockedSizes.displayWidth < fullscreenSizes.displayWidth);
assertTrue(dockedSizes.widthDp < fullscreenSizes.widthDp);
assertTrue(dockedSizes.metricsWidth < fullscreenSizes.metricsWidth);
* Throws an AssertionError if sizes are different.
private static void assertSizesAreSame(ReportedSizes firstSize, ReportedSizes secondSize)
throws Exception {
assertEquals(firstSize.widthDp, secondSize.widthDp);
assertEquals(firstSize.heightDp, secondSize.heightDp);
assertEquals(firstSize.displayWidth, secondSize.displayWidth);
assertEquals(firstSize.displayHeight, secondSize.displayHeight);
assertEquals(firstSize.metricsWidth, secondSize.metricsWidth);
assertEquals(firstSize.metricsHeight, secondSize.metricsHeight);
assertEquals(firstSize.smallestWidthDp, secondSize.smallestWidthDp);
private ReportedSizes getActivityDisplaySize(String activityName, String logSeparator)
throws Exception {
mAmWmState.computeState(mDevice, new String[] { activityName },
false /* compareTaskAndStackBounds */);
final ReportedSizes details = getLastReportedSizesForActivity(activityName, logSeparator);
return details;
private Rectangle getDisplayRect(String activityName)
throws Exception {
final String windowName = getWindowName(activityName);
mAmWmState.computeState(mDevice, new String[] {activityName});
mAmWmState.assertFocusedWindow("Test window must be the front window.", windowName);
final List<WindowManagerState.WindowState> tempWindowList = new ArrayList<>();
mAmWmState.getWmState().getMatchingVisibleWindowState(windowName, tempWindowList);
assertEquals("Should have exactly one window state for the activity.", 1,
WindowManagerState.WindowState windowState = tempWindowList.get(0);
assertNotNull("Should have a valid window", windowState);
WindowManagerState.Display display = mAmWmState.getWmState()
assertNotNull("Should be on a display", display);
return display.getDisplayRect();
* Test launching an activity which requests specific UI mode during creation.
public void testLaunchWithUiModeChange() throws Exception {
// Launch activity that changes UI mode and handles this configuration change.
mAmWmState.waitForActivityState(mDevice, NIGHT_MODE_ACTIVITY, STATE_RESUMED);
// Check if activity is launched successfully.
mAmWmState.assertVisibility(NIGHT_MODE_ACTIVITY, true /* visible */);
mAmWmState.assertFocusedActivity("Launched activity should be focused",
mAmWmState.assertResumedActivity("Launched activity must be resumed", NIGHT_MODE_ACTIVITY);