blob: 8dace621032028ab063eb9acd9493caf0e7f45a8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "NativeCodecDecoderTest"
#include <log/log.h>
#include <android/native_window_jni.h>
#include <NdkMediaExtractor.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <array>
#include <fstream>
#include "NativeCodecTestBase.h"
#include "NativeMediaCommon.h"
class CodecDecoderTest final : public CodecTestBase {
uint8_t* mRefData;
size_t mRefLength;
AMediaExtractor* mExtractor;
AMediaFormat* mInpDecFormat;
AMediaFormat* mInpDecDupFormat;
std::vector<std::pair<void*, size_t>> mCsdBuffers;
int mCurrCsdIdx;
ANativeWindow* mWindow;
void setUpAudioReference(const char* refFile);
void deleteReference();
bool setUpExtractor(const char* srcFile);
void deleteExtractor();
bool configureCodec(AMediaFormat* format, bool isAsync, bool signalEOSWithLastFrame,
bool isEncoder) override;
bool enqueueInput(size_t bufferIndex) override;
bool dequeueOutput(size_t bufferIndex, AMediaCodecBufferInfo* bufferInfo) override;
bool queueCodecConfig();
bool enqueueCodecConfig(int32_t bufferIndex);
bool decodeToMemory(const char* decoder, AMediaFormat* format, int frameLimit,
OutputManager* ref, int64_t pts, SeekMode mode);
explicit CodecDecoderTest(const char* mime, ANativeWindow* window);
bool testSimpleDecode(const char* decoder, const char* testFile, const char* refFile,
float rmsError);
bool testFlush(const char* decoder, const char* testFile);
bool testOnlyEos(const char* decoder, const char* testFile);
bool testSimpleDecodeQueueCSD(const char* decoder, const char* testFile);
CodecDecoderTest::CodecDecoderTest(const char* mime, ANativeWindow* window)
: CodecTestBase(mime),
mWindow{window} {}
CodecDecoderTest::~CodecDecoderTest() {
void CodecDecoderTest::setUpAudioReference(const char* refFile) {
FILE* fp = fopen(refFile, "rbe");
struct stat buf {};
if (fp && !fstat(fileno(fp), &buf)) {
mRefLength = buf.st_size;
mRefData = new uint8_t[mRefLength];
fread(mRefData, sizeof(uint8_t), mRefLength, fp);
} else {
ALOGE("unable to open input file %s", refFile);
if (fp) fclose(fp);
void CodecDecoderTest::deleteReference() {
if (mRefData) {
delete[] mRefData;
mRefData = nullptr;
mRefLength = 0;
bool CodecDecoderTest::setUpExtractor(const char* srcFile) {
FILE* fp = fopen(srcFile, "rbe");
struct stat buf {};
if (fp && !fstat(fileno(fp), &buf)) {
mExtractor = AMediaExtractor_new();
media_status_t res =
AMediaExtractor_setDataSourceFd(mExtractor, fileno(fp), 0, buf.st_size);
if (res != AMEDIA_OK) {
} else {
for (size_t trackID = 0; trackID < AMediaExtractor_getTrackCount(mExtractor);
trackID++) {
AMediaFormat* currFormat = AMediaExtractor_getTrackFormat(mExtractor, trackID);
const char* mime = nullptr;
AMediaFormat_getString(currFormat, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_MIME, &mime);
if (mime && strcmp(mMime, mime) == 0) {
AMediaExtractor_selectTrack(mExtractor, trackID);
if (!mIsAudio) {
AMediaFormat_setInt32(currFormat, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_COLOR_FORMAT,
mInpDecFormat = currFormat;
if (fp) fclose(fp);
return mInpDecFormat != nullptr;
void CodecDecoderTest::deleteExtractor() {
if (mExtractor) {
mExtractor = nullptr;
if (mInpDecFormat) {
mInpDecFormat = nullptr;
if (mInpDecDupFormat) {
mInpDecDupFormat = nullptr;
bool CodecDecoderTest::configureCodec(AMediaFormat* format, bool isAsync,
bool signalEOSWithLastFrame, bool isEncoder) {
resetContext(isAsync, signalEOSWithLastFrame);
CHECK_STATUS(mAsyncHandle.setCallBack(mCodec, isAsync),
"AMediaCodec_setAsyncNotifyCallback failed");
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_configure(mCodec, format, mWindow, nullptr,
"AMediaCodec_configure failed");
return true;
bool CodecDecoderTest::enqueueCodecConfig(int32_t bufferIndex) {
size_t bufSize;
uint8_t* buf = AMediaCodec_getInputBuffer(mCodec, bufferIndex, &bufSize);
if (buf == nullptr) {
ALOGE("AMediaCodec_getInputBuffer failed");
return false;
void* csdBuffer = mCsdBuffers[mCurrCsdIdx].first;
size_t csdSize = mCsdBuffers[mCurrCsdIdx].second;
if (bufSize < csdSize) {
ALOGE("csd exceeds input buffer size, csdSize: %zu bufSize: %zu", csdSize, bufSize);
return false;
memcpy((void*)buf, csdBuffer, csdSize);
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_queueInputBuffer(mCodec, bufferIndex, 0, csdSize, 0, flags),
"AMediaCodec_queueInputBuffer failed");
return !hasSeenError();
bool CodecDecoderTest::enqueueInput(size_t bufferIndex) {
if (AMediaExtractor_getSampleSize(mExtractor) < 0) {
return enqueueEOS(bufferIndex);
} else {
uint32_t flags = 0;
size_t bufSize;
uint8_t* buf = AMediaCodec_getInputBuffer(mCodec, bufferIndex, &bufSize);
if (buf == nullptr) {
ALOGE("AMediaCodec_getInputBuffer failed");
return false;
ssize_t size = AMediaExtractor_getSampleSize(mExtractor);
int64_t pts = AMediaExtractor_getSampleTime(mExtractor);
if (size > bufSize) {
ALOGE("extractor sample size exceeds codec input buffer size %zu %zu", size, bufSize);
return false;
if (size != AMediaExtractor_readSampleData(mExtractor, buf, bufSize)) {
ALOGE("AMediaExtractor_readSampleData failed");
return false;
if (!AMediaExtractor_advance(mExtractor) && mSignalEOSWithLastFrame) {
mSawInputEOS = true;
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_queueInputBuffer(mCodec, bufferIndex, 0, size, pts, flags),
"AMediaCodec_queueInputBuffer failed");
ALOGV("input: id: %zu size: %zu pts: %d flags: %d", bufferIndex, size, (int)pts, flags);
if (size > 0) {
return !hasSeenError();
bool CodecDecoderTest::dequeueOutput(size_t bufferIndex, AMediaCodecBufferInfo* info) {
if ((info->flags & AMEDIACODEC_BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {
mSawOutputEOS = true;
if (info->size > 0 && (info->flags & AMEDIACODEC_BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) == 0) {
if (mSaveToMem) {
size_t buffSize;
uint8_t* buf = AMediaCodec_getOutputBuffer(mCodec, bufferIndex, &buffSize);
if (mIsAudio) mOutputBuff->saveToMemory(buf, info);
else mOutputBuff->saveChecksum(buf, info);
ALOGV("output: id: %zu size: %d pts: %d flags: %d", bufferIndex, info->size,
(int)info->presentationTimeUs, info->flags);
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_releaseOutputBuffer(mCodec, bufferIndex, mWindow != nullptr),
"AMediaCodec_releaseOutputBuffer failed");
return !hasSeenError();
bool CodecDecoderTest::queueCodecConfig() {
bool isOk = true;
if (mIsCodecInAsyncMode) {
for (mCurrCsdIdx = 0; !hasSeenError() && isOk && mCurrCsdIdx < mCsdBuffers.size();
mCurrCsdIdx++) {
callbackObject element = mAsyncHandle.getInput();
if (element.bufferIndex >= 0) {
isOk = enqueueCodecConfig(element.bufferIndex);
} else {
int bufferIndex;
for (mCurrCsdIdx = 0; isOk && mCurrCsdIdx < mCsdBuffers.size(); mCurrCsdIdx++) {
bufferIndex = AMediaCodec_dequeueInputBuffer(mCodec, -1);
if (bufferIndex >= 0) {
isOk = enqueueCodecConfig(bufferIndex);
} else {
ALOGE("unexpected return value from *_dequeueInputBuffer: %d", (int)bufferIndex);
return false;
return !hasSeenError() && isOk;
bool CodecDecoderTest::decodeToMemory(const char* decoder, AMediaFormat* format, int frameLimit,
OutputManager* ref, int64_t pts, SeekMode mode) {
mSaveToMem = (mWindow == nullptr);
mOutputBuff = ref;
AMediaExtractor_seekTo(mExtractor, pts, mode);
mCodec = AMediaCodec_createCodecByName(decoder);
if (!mCodec) {
ALOGE("unable to create codec %s", decoder);
return false;
if (!configureCodec(format, false, true, false)) return false;
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_start(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_start failed");
if (!doWork(frameLimit)) return false;
if (!queueEOS()) return false;
if (!waitForAllOutputs()) return false;
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_stop(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_stop failed");
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_delete(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_delete failed");
mCodec = nullptr;
mSaveToMem = false;
return !hasSeenError();
bool CodecDecoderTest::testSimpleDecode(const char* decoder, const char* testFile,
const char* refFile, float rmsError) {
bool isPass = true;
if (!setUpExtractor(testFile)) return false;
mSaveToMem = (mWindow == nullptr);
auto ref = &mRefBuff;
auto test = &mTestBuff;
const bool boolStates[]{true, false};
int loopCounter = 0;
for (auto eosType : boolStates) {
if (!isPass) break;
for (auto isAsync : boolStates) {
if (!isPass) break;
bool validateFormat = true;
char log[1000];
snprintf(log, sizeof(log), "codec: %s, file: %s, async mode: %s, eos type: %s:: \n",
decoder, testFile, (isAsync ? "async" : "sync"),
(eosType ? "eos with last frame" : "eos separate"));
mOutputBuff = loopCounter == 0 ? ref : test;
AMediaExtractor_seekTo(mExtractor, 0, AMEDIAEXTRACTOR_SEEK_CLOSEST_SYNC);
/* TODO(b/147348711) */
/* Instead of create and delete codec at every iteration, we would like to create
* once and use it for all iterations and delete before exiting */
mCodec = AMediaCodec_createCodecByName(decoder);
if (!mCodec) {
ALOGE("unable to create codec %s", decoder);
return false;
char* name = nullptr;
if (AMEDIA_OK == AMediaCodec_getName(mCodec, &name)) {
if (!name || strcmp(name, decoder) != 0) {
ALOGE("%s error codec-name act/got: %s/%s", log, name, decoder);
if (name) AMediaCodec_releaseName(mCodec, name);
return false;
} else {
ALOGE("AMediaCodec_getName failed unexpectedly");
return false;
if (name) AMediaCodec_releaseName(mCodec, name);
if (!configureCodec(mInpDecFormat, isAsync, eosType, false)) return false;
AMediaFormat* decFormat = AMediaCodec_getOutputFormat(mCodec);
if (isFormatSimilar(mInpDecFormat, decFormat)) {
ALOGD("Input format is same as default for format for %s", decoder);
validateFormat = false;
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_start(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_start failed");
if (!doWork(INT32_MAX)) return false;
if (!queueEOS()) return false;
if (!waitForAllOutputs()) return false;
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_stop(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_stop failed");
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_delete(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_delete failed");
mCodec = nullptr;
CHECK_ERR(hasSeenError(), log, "has seen error", isPass);
CHECK_ERR((0 == mInputCount), log, "queued 0 inputs", isPass);
CHECK_ERR((0 == mOutputCount), log, "received 0 outputs", isPass);
CHECK_ERR(loopCounter != 0 && (!ref->equals(test)), log, "output is flaky", isPass);
loopCounter == 0 && mIsAudio && (!ref->isPtsStrictlyIncreasing(mPrevOutputPts)),
log, "pts is not strictly increasing", isPass);
CHECK_ERR(loopCounter == 0 && !mIsAudio &&
log, "input pts list and output pts list are not identical", isPass);
if (validateFormat) {
if (mIsCodecInAsyncMode ? !mAsyncHandle.hasOutputFormatChanged()
: !mSignalledOutFormatChanged) {
ALOGE(log, "not received format change");
isPass = false;
} else if (!isFormatSimilar(mInpDecFormat, mIsCodecInAsyncMode
? mAsyncHandle.getOutputFormat()
: mOutFormat)) {
ALOGE(log, "configured format and output format are not similar");
isPass = false;
if (mSaveToMem && refFile && rmsError >= 0) {
float error = ref->getRmsError(mRefData, mRefLength);
if (error > rmsError) {
isPass = false;
ALOGE("rms error too high for file %s, act/exp: %f/%f", testFile, error, rmsError);
return isPass;
bool CodecDecoderTest::testFlush(const char* decoder, const char* testFile) {
bool isPass = true;
if (!setUpExtractor(testFile)) return false;
for (int i = 0;; i++) {
char csdName[16];
void* csdBuffer;
size_t csdSize;
snprintf(csdName, sizeof(csdName), "csd-%d", i);
if (AMediaFormat_getBuffer(mInpDecFormat, csdName, &csdBuffer, &csdSize)) {
mCsdBuffers.push_back(std::make_pair(csdBuffer, csdSize));
} else break;
const int64_t pts = 500000;
auto ref = &mRefBuff;
if (!decodeToMemory(decoder, mInpDecFormat, INT32_MAX, ref, pts, mode)) {
ALOGE("decodeToMemory failed for file: %s codec: %s", testFile, decoder);
return false;
CHECK_ERR(mIsAudio && (!ref->isPtsStrictlyIncreasing(mPrevOutputPts)), "",
"pts is not strictly increasing", isPass);
CHECK_ERR(!mIsAudio && (!ref->isOutPtsListIdenticalToInpPtsList(false)), "",
"input pts list and output pts list are not identical", isPass);
if (!isPass) return false;
auto test = &mTestBuff;
mOutputBuff = test;
const bool boolStates[]{true, false};
for (auto isAsync : boolStates) {
if (!isPass) break;
char log[1000];
snprintf(log, sizeof(log), "codec: %s, file: %s, async mode: %s:: \n", decoder, testFile,
(isAsync ? "async" : "sync"));
/* TODO(b/147348711) */
/* Instead of create and delete codec at every iteration, we would like to create
* once and use it for all iterations and delete before exiting */
mCodec = AMediaCodec_createCodecByName(decoder);
if (!mCodec) {
ALOGE("unable to create codec %s", decoder);
return false;
AMediaExtractor_seekTo(mExtractor, 0, mode);
if (!configureCodec(mInpDecFormat, isAsync, true, false)) return false;
AMediaFormat* defFormat = AMediaCodec_getOutputFormat(mCodec);
bool validateFormat = true;
if (isFormatSimilar(mInpDecFormat, defFormat)) {
ALOGD("Input format is same as default for format for %s", decoder);
validateFormat = false;
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_start(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_start failed");
/* test flush in running state before queuing input */
if (!flushCodec()) return false;
if (mIsCodecInAsyncMode) {
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_start(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_start failed");
if (!queueCodecConfig()) return false; /* flushed codec too soon, resubmit csd */
if (!doWork(1)) return false;
if (!flushCodec()) return false;
if (mIsCodecInAsyncMode) {
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_start(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_start failed");
if (!queueCodecConfig()) return false; /* flushed codec too soon, resubmit csd */
AMediaExtractor_seekTo(mExtractor, 0, mode);
if (!doWork(23)) return false;
CHECK_ERR(!test->isPtsStrictlyIncreasing(mPrevOutputPts), "",
"pts is not strictly increasing", isPass);
/* test flush in running state */
if (!flushCodec()) return false;
if (mIsCodecInAsyncMode) {
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_start(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_start failed");
mSaveToMem = (mWindow == nullptr);
AMediaExtractor_seekTo(mExtractor, pts, mode);
if (!doWork(INT32_MAX)) return false;
if (!queueEOS()) return false;
if (!waitForAllOutputs()) return false;
CHECK_ERR(hasSeenError(), log, "has seen error", isPass);
CHECK_ERR((0 == mInputCount), log, "queued 0 inputs", isPass);
CHECK_ERR((0 == mOutputCount), log, "received 0 outputs", isPass);
CHECK_ERR((!ref->equals(test)), log, "output is flaky", isPass);
if (!isPass) continue;
/* test flush in eos state */
if (!flushCodec()) return false;
if (mIsCodecInAsyncMode) {
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_start(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_start failed");
AMediaExtractor_seekTo(mExtractor, pts, mode);
if (!doWork(INT32_MAX)) return false;
if (!queueEOS()) return false;
if (!waitForAllOutputs()) return false;
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_stop(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_stop failed");
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_delete(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_delete failed");
mCodec = nullptr;
CHECK_ERR(hasSeenError(), log, "has seen error", isPass);
CHECK_ERR((0 == mInputCount), log, "queued 0 inputs", isPass);
CHECK_ERR((0 == mOutputCount), log, "received 0 outputs", isPass);
CHECK_ERR((!ref->equals(test)), log, "output is flaky", isPass);
if (validateFormat) {
if (mIsCodecInAsyncMode ? !mAsyncHandle.hasOutputFormatChanged()
: !mSignalledOutFormatChanged) {
ALOGE(log, "not received format change");
isPass = false;
} else if (!isFormatSimilar(mInpDecFormat, mIsCodecInAsyncMode
? mAsyncHandle.getOutputFormat()
: mOutFormat)) {
ALOGE(log, "configured format and output format are not similar");
isPass = false;
mSaveToMem = false;
return isPass;
bool CodecDecoderTest::testOnlyEos(const char* decoder, const char* testFile) {
bool isPass = true;
if (!setUpExtractor(testFile)) return false;
mSaveToMem = (mWindow == nullptr);
auto ref = &mRefBuff;
auto test = &mTestBuff;
const bool boolStates[]{true, false};
int loopCounter = 0;
for (auto isAsync : boolStates) {
if (!isPass) break;
char log[1000];
snprintf(log, sizeof(log), "codec: %s, file: %s, async mode: %s:: \n", decoder, testFile,
(isAsync ? "async" : "sync"));
mOutputBuff = loopCounter == 0 ? ref : test;
/* TODO(b/147348711) */
/* Instead of create and delete codec at every iteration, we would like to create
* once and use it for all iterations and delete before exiting */
mCodec = AMediaCodec_createCodecByName(decoder);
if (!mCodec) {
ALOGE("unable to create codec %s", decoder);
return false;
if (!configureCodec(mInpDecFormat, isAsync, false, false)) return false;
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_start(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_start failed");
if (!queueEOS()) return false;
if (!waitForAllOutputs()) return false;
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_stop(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_stop failed");
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_delete(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_delete failed");
mCodec = nullptr;
CHECK_ERR(hasSeenError(), log, "has seen error", isPass);
CHECK_ERR(loopCounter != 0 && (!ref->equals(test)), log, "output is flaky", isPass);
CHECK_ERR(loopCounter == 0 && mIsAudio && (!ref->isPtsStrictlyIncreasing(mPrevOutputPts)),
log, "pts is not strictly increasing", isPass);
CHECK_ERR(loopCounter == 0 && !mIsAudio && (!ref->isOutPtsListIdenticalToInpPtsList(false)),
log, "input pts list and output pts list are not identical", isPass);
return isPass;
bool CodecDecoderTest::testSimpleDecodeQueueCSD(const char* decoder, const char* testFile) {
bool isPass = true;
if (!setUpExtractor(testFile)) return false;
std::vector<AMediaFormat*> formats;
mInpDecDupFormat = AMediaFormat_new();
AMediaFormat_copy(mInpDecDupFormat, mInpDecFormat);
for (int i = 0;; i++) {
char csdName[16];
void* csdBuffer;
size_t csdSize;
snprintf(csdName, sizeof(csdName), "csd-%d", i);
if (AMediaFormat_getBuffer(mInpDecDupFormat, csdName, &csdBuffer, &csdSize)) {
mCsdBuffers.push_back(std::make_pair(csdBuffer, csdSize));
AMediaFormat_setBuffer(mInpDecFormat, csdName, nullptr, 0);
} else break;
const bool boolStates[]{true, false};
mSaveToMem = true;
auto ref = &mRefBuff;
auto test = &mTestBuff;
int loopCounter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < formats.size() && isPass; i++) {
auto fmt = formats[i];
for (auto eosType : boolStates) {
if (!isPass) break;
for (auto isAsync : boolStates) {
if (!isPass) break;
bool validateFormat = true;
char log[1000];
snprintf(log, sizeof(log), "codec: %s, file: %s, async mode: %s, eos type: %s:: \n",
decoder, testFile, (isAsync ? "async" : "sync"),
(eosType ? "eos with last frame" : "eos separate"));
mOutputBuff = loopCounter == 0 ? ref : test;
/* TODO(b/147348711) */
/* Instead of create and delete codec at every iteration, we would like to create
* once and use it for all iterations and delete before exiting */
mCodec = AMediaCodec_createCodecByName(decoder);
if (!mCodec) {
ALOGE("unable to create codec");
return false;
AMediaExtractor_seekTo(mExtractor, 0, AMEDIAEXTRACTOR_SEEK_CLOSEST_SYNC);
if (!configureCodec(fmt, isAsync, eosType, false)) return false;
AMediaFormat* defFormat = AMediaCodec_getOutputFormat(mCodec);
if (isFormatSimilar(defFormat, mInpDecFormat)) {
ALOGD("Input format is same as default for format for %s", decoder);
validateFormat = false;
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_start(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_start failed");
/* formats[0] doesn't contain csd-data, so queuing csd separately, formats[1]
* contain csd-data */
if (i == 0 && !queueCodecConfig()) return false;
if (!doWork(INT32_MAX)) return false;
if (!queueEOS()) return false;
if (!waitForAllOutputs()) return false;
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_stop(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_stop failed");
CHECK_STATUS(AMediaCodec_delete(mCodec), "AMediaCodec_delete failed");
mCodec = nullptr;
CHECK_ERR(hasSeenError(), log, "has seen error", isPass);
CHECK_ERR((0 == mInputCount), log, "queued 0 inputs", isPass);
CHECK_ERR((0 == mOutputCount), log, "received 0 outputs", isPass);
CHECK_ERR(loopCounter != 0 && (!ref->equals(test)), log, "output is flaky", isPass);
CHECK_ERR(loopCounter == 0 && mIsAudio &&
log, "pts is not strictly increasing", isPass);
CHECK_ERR(loopCounter == 0 && !mIsAudio &&
log, "input pts list and output pts list are not identical", isPass);
if (validateFormat) {
if (mIsCodecInAsyncMode ? !mAsyncHandle.hasOutputFormatChanged()
: !mSignalledOutFormatChanged) {
ALOGE(log, "not received format change");
isPass = false;
} else if (!isFormatSimilar(mInpDecFormat,
mIsCodecInAsyncMode ? mAsyncHandle.getOutputFormat()
: mOutFormat)) {
ALOGE(log, "configured format and output format are not similar");
isPass = false;
mSaveToMem = false;
return isPass;
static jboolean nativeTestSimpleDecode(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jstring jDecoder, jobject surface,
jstring jMime, jstring jtestFile, jstring jrefFile,
jfloat jrmsError) {
const char* cDecoder = env->GetStringUTFChars(jDecoder, nullptr);
const char* cMime = env->GetStringUTFChars(jMime, nullptr);
const char* cTestFile = env->GetStringUTFChars(jtestFile, nullptr);
const char* cRefFile = env->GetStringUTFChars(jrefFile, nullptr);
float cRmsError = jrmsError;
ANativeWindow* window = surface ? ANativeWindow_fromSurface(env, surface) : nullptr;
auto* codecDecoderTest = new CodecDecoderTest(cMime, window);
bool isPass = codecDecoderTest->testSimpleDecode(cDecoder, cTestFile, cRefFile, cRmsError);
delete codecDecoderTest;
if (window) {
window = nullptr;
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jDecoder, cDecoder);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jMime, cMime);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jtestFile, cTestFile);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jrefFile, cRefFile);
return static_cast<jboolean>(isPass);
static jboolean nativeTestOnlyEos(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jstring jDecoder, jstring jMime,
jstring jtestFile) {
const char* cDecoder = env->GetStringUTFChars(jDecoder, nullptr);
const char* cMime = env->GetStringUTFChars(jMime, nullptr);
const char* cTestFile = env->GetStringUTFChars(jtestFile, nullptr);
auto* codecDecoderTest = new CodecDecoderTest(cMime, nullptr);
bool isPass = codecDecoderTest->testOnlyEos(cDecoder, cTestFile);
delete codecDecoderTest;
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jDecoder, cDecoder);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jMime, cMime);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jtestFile, cTestFile);
return static_cast<jboolean>(isPass);
static jboolean nativeTestFlush(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jstring jDecoder, jobject surface,
jstring jMime, jstring jtestFile) {
const char* cDecoder = env->GetStringUTFChars(jDecoder, nullptr);
const char* cMime = env->GetStringUTFChars(jMime, nullptr);
const char* cTestFile = env->GetStringUTFChars(jtestFile, nullptr);
ANativeWindow* window = surface ? ANativeWindow_fromSurface(env, surface) : nullptr;
auto* codecDecoderTest = new CodecDecoderTest(cMime, window);
bool isPass = codecDecoderTest->testFlush(cDecoder, cTestFile);
delete codecDecoderTest;
if (window) {
window = nullptr;
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jDecoder, cDecoder);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jMime, cMime);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jtestFile, cTestFile);
return static_cast<jboolean>(isPass);
static jboolean nativeTestSimpleDecodeQueueCSD(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jstring jDecoder,
jstring jMime, jstring jtestFile) {
const char* cDecoder = env->GetStringUTFChars(jDecoder, nullptr);
const char* cMime = env->GetStringUTFChars(jMime, nullptr);
const char* cTestFile = env->GetStringUTFChars(jtestFile, nullptr);
auto codecDecoderTest = new CodecDecoderTest(cMime, nullptr);
bool isPass = codecDecoderTest->testSimpleDecodeQueueCSD(cDecoder, cTestFile);
delete codecDecoderTest;
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jDecoder, cDecoder);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jMime, cMime);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jtestFile, cTestFile);
return static_cast<jboolean>(isPass);
int registerAndroidMediaV2CtsDecoderTest(JNIEnv* env) {
const JNINativeMethod methodTable[] = {
{"nativeTestOnlyEos", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z",
jclass c = env->FindClass("android/mediav2/cts/CodecDecoderTest");
return env->RegisterNatives(c, methodTable, sizeof(methodTable) / sizeof(JNINativeMethod));
int registerAndroidMediaV2CtsDecoderSurfaceTest(JNIEnv* env) {
const JNINativeMethod methodTable[] = {
jclass c = env->FindClass("android/mediav2/cts/CodecDecoderSurfaceTest");
return env->RegisterNatives(c, methodTable, sizeof(methodTable) / sizeof(JNINativeMethod));