blob: 9a6a7def2464888389d8d51835b0b9e625f4567a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.nativemidi.cts;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import androidx.test.InstrumentationRegistry;
import androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import java.util.Random;
* Test Class
public class NativeMidiEchoTest {
private static final String TAG = "NativeMidiEchoTest";
private static final long NANOS_PER_MSEC = 1000L * 1000L;
// This number seems excessively large and it is not clear if there is a linear
// relationship between the number of messages sent and the time required to send them
private static final int TIMEOUT_PER_MESSAGE_MS = 10;
// This timeout value is very generous.
private static final int TIMEOUT_OPEN_MSEC = 2000; // arbitrary
private Context mContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getContext();
private MidiManager mMidiManager;
private MidiDevice mEchoDevice;
private Random mRandom = new Random(1972941337);
// (Native code) attributes associated with a test/EchoServer instance.
private long mTestContext;
static {
* Helpers
private boolean hasMidiSupport() {
PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager();
return pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_MIDI);
private byte[] generateRandomMessage(int len) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[len];
for(int index = 0; index < len; index++) {
buffer[index] = (byte)(mRandom.nextInt() & 0xFF);
return buffer;
private void generateRandomBufers(byte[][] buffers, long timestamps[], int numMessages) {
int messageLen;
int maxMessageLen = 128;
for(int buffIndex = 0; buffIndex < numMessages; buffIndex++) {
messageLen = (int)(mRandom.nextFloat() * (maxMessageLen-1)) + 1;
buffers[buffIndex] = generateRandomMessage(messageLen);
timestamps[buffIndex] = mRandom.nextLong();
private void compareMessages(byte[] buffer, long timestamp, NativeMidiMessage nativeMsg) {
Assert.assertEquals("byte count of message", buffer.length, nativeMsg.len);
Assert.assertEquals("timestamp in message", timestamp, nativeMsg.timestamp);
for (int index = 0; index < buffer.length; index++) {
Assert.assertEquals("message byte[" + index + "]", buffer[index] & 0x0FF,
nativeMsg.buffer[index] & 0x0FF);
* Echo Server
// Listens for an asynchronous device open and notifies waiting foreground
// test.
class MyTestOpenCallback implements MidiManager.OnDeviceOpenedListener {
private volatile MidiDevice mDevice;
public synchronized void onDeviceOpened(MidiDevice device) {
mDevice = device;
public synchronized MidiDevice waitForOpen(int msec)
throws InterruptedException {
long deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + msec;
long timeRemaining = msec;
while (mDevice == null && timeRemaining > 0) {
timeRemaining = deadline - System.currentTimeMillis();
return mDevice;
protected void setUpEchoServer() throws Exception {
Log.i(TAG, "++ setUpEchoServer()");
MidiDeviceInfo echoInfo = MidiEchoTestService.findEchoDevice(mContext);
// Open device.
MyTestOpenCallback callback = new MyTestOpenCallback();
mMidiManager.openDevice(echoInfo, callback, null);
mEchoDevice = callback.waitForOpen(TIMEOUT_OPEN_MSEC);
"could not open " + MidiEchoTestService.getEchoServerName(), mEchoDevice);
// Query echo service directly to see if it is getting status updates.
MidiEchoTestService echoService = MidiEchoTestService.getInstance();
mTestContext = allocTestContext();
Assert.assertTrue("couldn't allocate test context.", mTestContext != 0);
// Open Device
int result = openNativeMidiDevice(mTestContext, mEchoDevice);
Assert.assertEquals("Bad open native MIDI device", 0, result);
// Open Input
result = startWritingMidi(mTestContext, 0/*mPortNumber*/);
Assert.assertEquals("Bad start writing (native) MIDI", 0, result);
// Open Output
result = startReadingMidi(mTestContext, 0/*mPortNumber*/);
Assert.assertEquals("Bad start Reading (native) MIDI", 0, result);
protected void tearDownEchoServer() throws IOException {
Log.i(TAG, "++ tearDownEchoServer()");
// Query echo service directly to see if it is getting status updates.
MidiEchoTestService echoService = MidiEchoTestService.getInstance();
int result;
// Stop inputs
result = stopReadingMidi(mTestContext);
Assert.assertEquals("Bad stop reading (native) MIDI", 0, result);
// Stop outputs
result = stopWritingMidi(mTestContext);
Assert.assertEquals("Bad stop writing (native) MIDI", 0, result);
// Close Device
result = closeNativeMidiDevice(mTestContext);
Assert.assertEquals("Bad close native MIDI device", 0, result);
mTestContext = 0;
// Search through the available devices for the ECHO loop-back device.
// protected MidiDeviceInfo findEchoDevice() {
// MidiDeviceInfo[] infos = mMidiManager.getDevices();
// MidiDeviceInfo echoInfo = null;
// for (MidiDeviceInfo info : infos) {
// Bundle properties = info.getProperties();
// String manufacturer = (String) properties.get(
// if (TEST_MANUFACTURER.equals(manufacturer)) {
// String product = (String) properties.get(
// MidiDeviceInfo.PROPERTY_PRODUCT);
// if (MidiEchoTestService.getEchoServerName().equals(product)) {
// echoInfo = info;
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// Assert.assertNotNull("could not find " + MidiEchoTestService.getEchoServerName(), echoInfo);
// return echoInfo;
// }
public void setUp() throws Exception {
Log.i(TAG, "++ setUp() mContext:" + mContext);
if (!hasMidiSupport()) {
Assert.assertTrue("FEATURE_MIDI Not Supported.", false);
return; // Not supported so don't test it.
mMidiManager = (MidiManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.MIDI_SERVICE);
Assert.assertNotNull("Could not get the MidiManger.", mMidiManager);
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
Log.i(TAG, "++ tearDown()");
mMidiManager = null;
public void test_A_MidiManager() throws Exception {
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_A_MidiManager() this:" + System.identityHashCode(this));
if (!hasMidiSupport()) {
return; // Nothing to test
Assert.assertNotNull("MidiManager not supported.", mMidiManager);
// There should be at least one device for the Echo server.
MidiDeviceInfo[] infos = mMidiManager.getDevices();
Assert.assertNotNull("device list was null", infos);
Assert.assertTrue("device list was empty", infos.length >= 1);
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_A_MidiManager() - DONE");
public void test_B_SendData() throws Exception {
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_B_SendData() this:" + System.identityHashCode(this));
Assert.assertEquals("Didn't start with 0 sends", 0, getNumSends(mTestContext));
Assert.assertEquals("Didn't start with 0 bytes sent", 0, getNumBytesSent(mTestContext));
final byte[] buffer = {
(byte) 0x93, 0x47, 0x52
long timestamp = 0x0123765489ABFEDCL;
writeMidi(mTestContext, buffer, 0, buffer.length);
Assert.assertTrue("Didn't get 1 send", getNumBytesSent(mTestContext) == buffer.length);
Assert.assertEquals("Didn't get right number of bytes sent",
buffer.length, getNumBytesSent(mTestContext));
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_B_SendData() - DONE");
public void test_C_EchoSmallMessage() throws Exception {
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_C_EchoSmallMessage() this:" + System.identityHashCode(this));
if (!hasMidiSupport()) {
return; // nothing to test
final byte[] buffer = {
(byte) 0x93, 0x47, 0x52
long timestamp = 0x0123765489ABFEDCL;
writeMidiWithTimestamp(mTestContext, buffer, 0, 0, timestamp); // should be a NOOP
writeMidiWithTimestamp(mTestContext, buffer, 0, buffer.length, timestamp);
writeMidiWithTimestamp(mTestContext, buffer, 0, 0, timestamp); // should be a NOOP
// Wait for message to pass quickly through echo service.
final int numMessages = 1;
final int timeoutMs = TIMEOUT_PER_MESSAGE_MS * numMessages;
Assert.assertEquals("number of messages.",
numMessages, getNumReceivedMessages(mTestContext));
NativeMidiMessage message = getReceivedMessageAt(mTestContext, 0);
compareMessages(buffer, timestamp, message);
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_C_EchoSmallMessage() - DONE");
public void test_D_EchoNMessages() throws Exception {
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_D_EchoNMessages() this:" + System.identityHashCode(this));
if (!hasMidiSupport()) {
return; // nothing to test
int numMessages = 100;
byte[][] buffers = new byte[numMessages][];
long timestamps[] = new long[numMessages];
generateRandomBufers(buffers, timestamps, numMessages);
for(int msgIndex = 0; msgIndex < numMessages; msgIndex++) {
writeMidiWithTimestamp(mTestContext, buffers[msgIndex], 0, buffers[msgIndex].length,
// Wait for message to pass quickly through echo service.
final int timeoutMs = TIMEOUT_PER_MESSAGE_MS * numMessages;
// correct number of messages
Assert.assertEquals("number of messages.",
numMessages, getNumReceivedMessages(mTestContext));
// correct data & order?
for(int msgIndex = 0; msgIndex < numMessages; msgIndex++) {
NativeMidiMessage message = getReceivedMessageAt(mTestContext, msgIndex);
compareMessages(buffers[msgIndex], timestamps[msgIndex], message);
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_D_EchoNMessages() - DONE");
public void test_E_FlushMessages() throws Exception {
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_E_FlushMessages() this:" + System.identityHashCode(this));
if (!hasMidiSupport()) {
return; // nothing to test
int numMessages = 7;
byte[][] buffers = new byte[numMessages][];
long timestamps[] = new long[numMessages];
generateRandomBufers(buffers, timestamps, numMessages);
for(int msgIndex = 0; msgIndex < numMessages; msgIndex++) {
writeMidiWithTimestamp(mTestContext, buffers[msgIndex], 0, buffers[msgIndex].length,
// Wait for message to pass through echo service.
final int timeoutMs = TIMEOUT_PER_MESSAGE_MS * numMessages;
int result = flushSentMessages(mTestContext);
Assert.assertEquals("flush messages failed", 0, result);
// correct number of messages
Assert.assertEquals("number of messages.",
numMessages, getNumReceivedMessages(mTestContext));
// correct data & order?
for(int msgIndex = 0; msgIndex < numMessages; msgIndex++) {
NativeMidiMessage message = getReceivedMessageAt(mTestContext, msgIndex);
compareMessages(buffers[msgIndex], timestamps[msgIndex], message);
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_E_FlushMessages() - DONE");
public void test_F_HugeMessage() throws Exception {
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_F_HugeMessage() this:" + System.identityHashCode(this));
if (!hasMidiSupport()) {
return; // nothing to test
// Arbitrarily large message.
int hugeMessageLen = 1024 * 10;
byte[] buffer = generateRandomMessage(hugeMessageLen);
int result = writeMidi(mTestContext, buffer, 0, buffer.length);
Assert.assertEquals("Huge write failed.", hugeMessageLen, result);
int kindaHugeMessageLen = 1024 * 2;
buffer = generateRandomMessage(kindaHugeMessageLen);
result = writeMidi(mTestContext, buffer, 0, buffer.length);
Assert.assertEquals("Kinda big write failed.", kindaHugeMessageLen, result);
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_F_HugeMessage() - DONE");
* Check a large timeout for the echoed messages to come through. If they exceed this
* or don't come through at all, something is wrong.
public void test_G_NativeEchoTime() throws Exception {
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_G_NativeEchoTime() this:" + System.identityHashCode(this));
if (!hasMidiSupport()) {
return; // nothing to test
final int numMessages = 10;
final long maxLatencyNanos = 15 * NANOS_PER_MSEC; // generally < 3 msec on N6
byte[] buffer = { (byte) 0x93, 0, 64 };
// Send multiple messages in a burst.
for (int index = 0; index < numMessages; index++) {
buffer[1] = (byte) (60 + index);
writeMidiWithTimestamp(mTestContext, buffer, 0, buffer.length, System.nanoTime());
// Wait for messages to pass quickly through echo service.
final int timeoutMs = TIMEOUT_PER_MESSAGE_MS * numMessages;
Assert.assertEquals("number of messages.",
numMessages, getNumReceivedMessages(mTestContext));
for (int msgIndex = 0; msgIndex < numMessages; msgIndex++) {
NativeMidiMessage message = getReceivedMessageAt(mTestContext, msgIndex);
Assert.assertEquals("message index", (byte) (60 + msgIndex), message.buffer[1]);
long elapsedNanos = message.timeReceived - message.timestamp;
// If this test fails then there may be a problem with the thread scheduler
// or there may be kernel activity that is blocking execution at the user level.
Assert.assertTrue("MIDI round trip latency index:" + msgIndex
+ " too large, " + elapsedNanos
+ " nanoseconds " +
"timestamp:" + message.timestamp + " received:" + message.timeReceived,
(elapsedNanos < maxLatencyNanos));
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_G_NativeEchoTime() - DONE");
public void test_H_EchoNMessages_PureNative() throws Exception {
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_H_EchoNMessages_PureNative() this:" + System.identityHashCode(this));
if (!hasMidiSupport()) {
return; // nothing to test
int numMessages = 2;
byte[][] buffers = new byte[numMessages][];
long timestamps[] = new long[numMessages];
generateRandomBufers(buffers, timestamps, numMessages);
for(int msgIndex = 0; msgIndex < numMessages; msgIndex++) {
writeMidiWithTimestamp(mTestContext, buffers[msgIndex], 0, buffers[msgIndex].length,
// Wait for message to pass quickly through echo service.
final int timeoutMs = TIMEOUT_PER_MESSAGE_MS * numMessages;
int result = matchNativeMessages(mTestContext);
Assert.assertEquals("Native Compare Test Failed", result, 0);
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_H_EchoNMessages_PureNative() - DONE");
* Check a large timeout for the echoed messages to come through. If they exceed this
* or don't come through at all, something is wrong.
public void test_I_NativeEchoTime_PureNative() throws Exception {
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_I_NativeEchoTime_PureNative() this:"
+ System.identityHashCode(this));
if (!hasMidiSupport()) {
return; // nothing to test
final int numMessages = 10;
final long maxLatencyNanos = 15 * NANOS_PER_MSEC; // generally < 3 msec on N6
byte[] buffer = { (byte) 0x93, 0, 64 };
// Send multiple messages in a burst.
for (int index = 0; index < numMessages; index++) {
buffer[1] = (byte) (60 + index);
writeMidiWithTimestamp(mTestContext, buffer, 0, buffer.length, System.nanoTime());
// Wait for messages to pass through echo service.
final int timeoutMs = TIMEOUT_PER_MESSAGE_MS * numMessages;
Assert.assertEquals("number of messages.",
numMessages, getNumReceivedMessages(mTestContext));
int result = checkNativeLatency(mTestContext, maxLatencyNanos);
Assert.assertEquals("failed pure native latency test.", 0, result);
Log.i(TAG, "++++ test_I_NativeEchoTime_PureNative() - DONE");
// Native Routines
public static native void initN();
public static native long allocTestContext();
public static native void freeTestContext(long context);
public native int openNativeMidiDevice(long ctx, MidiDevice device);
public native int closeNativeMidiDevice(long ctx);
public native int startReadingMidi(long ctx, int portNumber);
public native int stopReadingMidi(long ctx);
public native int startWritingMidi(long ctx, int portNumber);
public native int stopWritingMidi(long ctx);
public native int writeMidi(long ctx, byte[] data, int offset, int length);
public native int writeMidiWithTimestamp(long ctx, byte[] data, int offset, int length,
long timestamp);
public native int flushSentMessages(long ctx);
// Status - Counters
public native int getNumSends(long ctx);
public native int getNumBytesSent(long ctx);
public native int getNumReceives(long ctx);
public native int getNumBytesReceived(long ctx);
// Status - Received Messages
public native int getNumReceivedMessages(long ctx);
public native NativeMidiMessage getReceivedMessageAt(long ctx, int index);
// Pure Native Checks
public native int matchNativeMessages(long ctx);
public native int checkNativeLatency(long ctx, long maxLatencyNanos);