blob: 0952f90420ac2eed87fbd503ce41d1461bcc8867 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static android.view.Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.lessThan;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* Combined state of the activity manager and window manager.
public class ActivityAndWindowManagersState {
// Clone of android DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT (DENSITY_MEDIUM)
// (Needed in host-side tests to convert dp to px.)
private static final int DISPLAY_DENSITY_DEFAULT = 160;
// Default minimal size of resizable task, used if none is set explicitly.
// Must be kept in sync with 'default_minimal_size_resizable_task' dimen from frameworks/base.
private static final int DEFAULT_RESIZABLE_TASK_SIZE_DP = 220;
// Default minimal size of a resizable PiP task, used if none is set explicitly.
// Must be kept in sync with 'default_minimal_size_pip_resizable_task' dimen from
// frameworks/base.
private static final int DEFAULT_PIP_RESIZABLE_TASK_SIZE_DP = 108;
private ActivityManagerState mAmState = new ActivityManagerState();
private WindowManagerState mWmState = new WindowManagerState();
* Compute AM and WM state of device, check sanity and bounds.
* WM state will include only visible windows, stack and task bounds will be compared.
* @param waitForActivitiesVisible array of activity names to wait for.
public void computeState(WaitForValidActivityState... waitForActivitiesVisible) {
waitForValidState(true /* compareTaskAndStackBounds */, waitForActivitiesVisible);
* Compute AM and WM state of device, check sanity and bounds.
* @param compareTaskAndStackBounds pass 'true' if stack and task bounds should be compared,
* 'false' otherwise.
* @param waitForActivitiesVisible array of activity states to wait for.
void computeState(boolean compareTaskAndStackBounds,
WaitForValidActivityState... waitForActivitiesVisible) {
waitForValidState(compareTaskAndStackBounds, waitForActivitiesVisible);
/** Wait for the activity to appear and for valid state in AM and WM. */
void waitForValidState(WaitForValidActivityState... waitForActivityVisible) {
waitForValidState(false /* compareTaskAndStackBounds */, waitForActivityVisible);
* Wait for the activities to appear in proper stacks and for valid state in AM and WM.
* @param compareTaskAndStackBounds flag indicating if we should compare task and stack bounds
* for equality.
* @param waitForActivitiesVisible array of activity states to wait for.
private void waitForValidState(boolean compareTaskAndStackBounds,
WaitForValidActivityState... waitForActivitiesVisible) {
for (int retry = 1; retry <= 5; retry++) {
// TODO: Get state of AM and WM at the same time to avoid mismatches caused by
// requesting dump in some intermediate state.
if (shouldWaitForSanityCheck(compareTaskAndStackBounds)
|| shouldWaitForValidStacks(compareTaskAndStackBounds)
|| shouldWaitForActivities(waitForActivitiesVisible)
|| shouldWaitForWindows()) {
logAlways("***Waiting for valid stacks and activities states... retry=" + retry);
} else {
logE("***Waiting for states failed: " + Arrays.toString(waitForActivitiesVisible));
boolean waitForHomeActivityVisible() {
ComponentName homeActivity = mAmState.getHomeActivityName();
// Sometimes this function is called before we know what Home Activity is
if (homeActivity == null) {
log("Computing state to determine Home Activity");
homeActivity = mAmState.getHomeActivityName();
assertNotNull("homeActivity should not be null", homeActivity);
waitForValidState(new WaitForValidActivityState(homeActivity));
return mAmState.isHomeActivityVisible();
public void waitForKeyguardShowingAndNotOccluded() {
waitForWithAmState(state -> state.getKeyguardControllerState().keyguardShowing
&& !state.getKeyguardControllerState().isKeyguardOccluded(DEFAULT_DISPLAY),
"***Waiting for Keyguard showing...");
void waitForFocusedStack(int stackId) {
waitForWithAmState(state -> state.getFocusedStackId() == stackId,
"***Waiting for focused stack...");
void waitForWithAmState(Predicate<ActivityManagerState> waitCondition, String message) {
waitFor((amState, wmState) -> waitCondition.test(amState), message);
void waitFor(
BiPredicate<ActivityManagerState, WindowManagerState> waitCondition, String message) {
waitFor(message, () -> {
return waitCondition.test(mAmState, mWmState);
void waitFor(String message, BooleanSupplier waitCondition) {
for (int retry = 1; retry <= 5; retry++) {
if (waitCondition.getAsBoolean()) {
logAlways(message + " retry=" + retry);
logE(message + " failed");
* @return true if should wait for valid stacks state.
private boolean shouldWaitForValidStacks(boolean compareTaskAndStackBounds) {
if (!taskListsInAmAndWmAreEqual()) {
// We want to wait for equal task lists in AM and WM in case we caught them in the
// middle of some state change operations.
return true;
if (!stackBoundsInAMAndWMAreEqual()) {
// We want to wait a little for the stacks in AM and WM to have equal bounds as there
// might be a transition animation ongoing when we got the states from WM AM separately.
return true;
try {
// Temporary fix to avoid catching intermediate state with different task bounds in AM
// and WM.
} catch (AssertionError e) {
logAlways("***taskBoundsInAMAndWMAreEqual=false : " + e.getMessage());
return true;
final int stackCount = mAmState.getStackCount();
if (stackCount == 0) {
logAlways("***stackCount=" + stackCount);
return true;
final int resumedActivitiesCount = mAmState.getResumedActivitiesCount();
if (!mAmState.getKeyguardControllerState().keyguardShowing && resumedActivitiesCount != 1) {
logAlways("***resumedActivitiesCount=" + resumedActivitiesCount);
return true;
if (mAmState.getFocusedActivity() == null) {
return true;
return false;
* @return true if should wait for some activities to become visible.
private boolean shouldWaitForActivities(WaitForValidActivityState... waitForActivitiesVisible) {
if (waitForActivitiesVisible == null || waitForActivitiesVisible.length == 0) {
return false;
// If the caller is interested in us waiting for some particular activity windows to be
// visible before compute the state. Check for the visibility of those activity windows
// and for placing them in correct stacks (if requested).
boolean allActivityWindowsVisible = true;
boolean tasksInCorrectStacks = true;
List<WindowState> matchingWindowStates = new ArrayList<>();
for (final WaitForValidActivityState state : waitForActivitiesVisible) {
final ComponentName activityName = state.activityName;
final String windowName = state.windowName;
final int stackId = state.stackId;
final int windowingMode = state.windowingMode;
final int activityType = state.activityType;
mWmState.getMatchingVisibleWindowState(windowName, matchingWindowStates);
boolean activityWindowVisible = !matchingWindowStates.isEmpty();
if (!activityWindowVisible) {
logAlways("Activity window not visible: " + windowName);
allActivityWindowsVisible = false;
} else if (activityName != null
&& !mAmState.isActivityVisible(activityName)) {
logAlways("Activity not visible: " + getActivityName(activityName));
allActivityWindowsVisible = false;
} else {
// Check if window is already the correct state requested by test.
boolean windowInCorrectState = false;
for (WindowState ws : matchingWindowStates) {
if (stackId != INVALID_STACK_ID && ws.getStackId() != stackId) {
&& ws.getWindowingMode() != windowingMode) {
&& ws.getActivityType() != activityType) {
windowInCorrectState = true;
if (!windowInCorrectState) {
logAlways("Window in incorrect stack: " + state);
tasksInCorrectStacks = false;
return !allActivityWindowsVisible || !tasksInCorrectStacks;
* @return true if should wait valid windows state.
private boolean shouldWaitForWindows() {
if (mWmState.getFrontWindow() == null) {
return true;
if (mWmState.getFocusedWindow() == null) {
return true;
if (mWmState.getFocusedApp() == null) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean shouldWaitForSanityCheck(boolean compareTaskAndStackBounds) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
logAlways("Waiting for sanity check: " + t.toString());
return true;
return false;
public WindowManagerState getWmState() {
return mWmState;
void assertSanity() {
assertThat("Must have stacks", mAmState.getStackCount(), greaterThan(0));
if (!mAmState.getKeyguardControllerState().keyguardShowing) {
assertEquals("There should be one and only one resumed activity in the system.",
1, mAmState.getResumedActivitiesCount());
assertNotNull("Must have focus activity.", mAmState.getFocusedActivity());
for (ActivityStack aStack : mAmState.getStacks()) {
final int stackId = aStack.mStackId;
for (ActivityTask aTask : aStack.getTasks()) {
assertEquals("Stack can only contain its own tasks", stackId, aTask.mStackId);
assertNotNull("Must have front window.", mWmState.getFrontWindow());
assertNotNull("Must have focused window.", mWmState.getFocusedWindow());
assertNotNull("Must have app.", mWmState.getFocusedApp());
void assertFocusedStack(String msg, int stackId) {
assertEquals(msg, stackId, mAmState.getFocusedStackId());
public void assertVisibility(final ComponentName activityName, final boolean visible) {
final String windowName = getWindowName(activityName);
final boolean activityVisible = mAmState.isActivityVisible(activityName);
final boolean windowVisible = mWmState.isWindowVisible(windowName);
assertEquals("Activity=" + getActivityName(activityName) + " must" + (visible ? "" : " NOT")
+ " be visible.", visible, activityVisible);
assertEquals("Window=" + windowName + " must" + (visible ? "" : " NOT") + " be visible.",
visible, windowVisible);
boolean taskListsInAmAndWmAreEqual() {
for (ActivityStack aStack : mAmState.getStacks()) {
final int stackId = aStack.mStackId;
final WindowStack wStack = mWmState.getStack(stackId);
if (wStack == null) {
log("Waiting for stack setup in WM, stackId=" + stackId);
return false;
for (ActivityTask aTask : aStack.getTasks()) {
if (wStack.getTask(aTask.mTaskId) == null) {
log("Task is in AM but not in WM, waiting for it to settle, taskId="
+ aTask.mTaskId);
return false;
for (WindowTask wTask : wStack.mTasks) {
if (aStack.getTask(wTask.mTaskId) == null) {
log("Task is in WM but not in AM, waiting for it to settle, taskId="
+ wTask.mTaskId);
return false;
return true;
boolean stackBoundsInAMAndWMAreEqual() {
for (ActivityStack aStack : mAmState.getStacks()) {
final int stackId = aStack.mStackId;
final WindowStack wStack = mWmState.getStack(stackId);
if (aStack.isFullscreen() != wStack.isFullscreen()) {
log("Waiting for correct fullscreen state, stackId=" + stackId);
return false;
final Rect aStackBounds = aStack.getBounds();
final Rect wStackBounds = wStack.getBounds();
if (aStack.isFullscreen()) {
if (aStackBounds != null) {
log("Waiting for correct stack state in AM, stackId=" + stackId);
return false;
} else if (!Objects.equals(aStackBounds, wStackBounds)) {
// If stack is not fullscreen - comparing bounds. Not doing it always because
// for fullscreen stack bounds in WM can be either null or equal to display size.
log("Waiting for stack bound equality in AM and WM, stackId=" + stackId);
return false;
return true;
void assertValidBounds(boolean compareTaskAndStackBounds) {
// Cycle through the stacks and tasks to figure out if the home stack is resizable
final ActivityTask homeTask = mAmState.getHomeTask();
final boolean homeStackIsResizable = homeTask != null
&& homeTask.getResizeMode() == RESIZE_MODE_RESIZEABLE;
for (ActivityStack aStack : mAmState.getStacks()) {
final int stackId = aStack.mStackId;
final WindowStack wStack = mWmState.getStack(stackId);
assertNotNull("stackId=" + stackId + " in AM but not in WM?", wStack);
assertEquals("Stack fullscreen state in AM and WM must be equal stackId=" + stackId,
aStack.isFullscreen(), wStack.isFullscreen());
final Rect aStackBounds = aStack.getBounds();
final Rect wStackBounds = wStack.getBounds();
if (aStack.isFullscreen()) {
assertNull("Stack bounds in AM must be null stackId=" + stackId, aStackBounds);
} else {
assertEquals("Stack bounds in AM and WM must be equal stackId=" + stackId,
aStackBounds, wStackBounds);
for (ActivityTask aTask : aStack.getTasks()) {
final int taskId = aTask.mTaskId;
final WindowTask wTask = wStack.getTask(taskId);
"taskId=" + taskId + " in AM but not in WM? stackId=" + stackId, wTask);
final boolean aTaskIsFullscreen = aTask.isFullscreen();
final boolean wTaskIsFullscreen = wTask.isFullscreen();
assertEquals("Task fullscreen state in AM and WM must be equal taskId=" + taskId
+ ", stackId=" + stackId, aTaskIsFullscreen, wTaskIsFullscreen);
final Rect aTaskBounds = aTask.getBounds();
final Rect wTaskBounds = wTask.getBounds();
if (aTaskIsFullscreen) {
assertNull("Task bounds in AM must be null for fullscreen taskId=" + taskId,
} else if (!homeStackIsResizable && mWmState.isDockedStackMinimized()
&& !isScreenPortrait(aStack.mDisplayId)) {
// When minimized using non-resizable launcher in landscape mode, it will move
// the task offscreen in the negative x direction unlike portrait that crops.
// The x value in the task bounds will not match the stack bounds since the
// only the task was moved.
assertEquals("Task bounds in AM and WM must match width taskId=" + taskId
+ ", stackId" + stackId, aTaskBounds.width(),
assertEquals("Task bounds in AM and WM must match height taskId=" + taskId
+ ", stackId" + stackId, aTaskBounds.height(),
assertEquals("Task bounds must match stack bounds y taskId=" + taskId
+ ", stackId" + stackId,,;
assertEquals("Task and stack bounds must match width taskId=" + taskId
+ ", stackId" + stackId, aStackBounds.width(),
assertEquals("Task and stack bounds must match height taskId=" + taskId
+ ", stackId" + stackId, aStackBounds.height(),
assertEquals("Task and stack bounds must match y taskId=" + taskId
+ ", stackId" + stackId,,;
} else {
assertEquals("Task bounds in AM and WM must be equal taskId=" + taskId
+ ", stackId=" + stackId, aTaskBounds, wTaskBounds);
if (compareTaskAndStackBounds
&& aStack.getWindowingMode() != WINDOWING_MODE_FREEFORM) {
int aTaskMinWidth = aTask.getMinWidth();
int aTaskMinHeight = aTask.getMinHeight();
if (aTaskMinWidth == -1 || aTaskMinHeight == -1) {
// Minimal dimension(s) not set for task - it should be using defaults.
int defaultMinimalSize =
aStack.getWindowingMode() == WINDOWING_MODE_PINNED
? defaultMinimalPinnedTaskSize(aStack.mDisplayId)
: defaultMinimalTaskSize(aStack.mDisplayId);
if (aTaskMinWidth == -1) {
aTaskMinWidth = defaultMinimalSize;
if (aTaskMinHeight == -1) {
aTaskMinHeight = defaultMinimalSize;
if (aStackBounds.width() >= aTaskMinWidth
&& aStackBounds.height() >= aTaskMinHeight
|| aStack.getWindowingMode() == WINDOWING_MODE_PINNED) {
// Bounds are not smaller then minimal possible, so stack and task
// bounds must be equal.
assertEquals("Task bounds must be equal to stack bounds taskId="
+ taskId + ", stackId=" + stackId, aStackBounds, wTaskBounds);
} else if (aStack.getWindowingMode() == WINDOWING_MODE_SPLIT_SCREEN_PRIMARY
&& homeStackIsResizable && mWmState.isDockedStackMinimized()) {
// Portrait if the display height is larger than the width
if (isScreenPortrait(aStack.mDisplayId)) {
assertEquals("Task width must be equal to stack width taskId="
+ taskId + ", stackId=" + stackId,
aStackBounds.width(), wTaskBounds.width());
assertThat("Task height must be greater than stack height "
+ "taskId=" + taskId + ", stackId=" + stackId,
aStackBounds.height(), lessThan(wTaskBounds.height()));
assertEquals("Task and stack x position must be equal taskId="
+ taskId + ", stackId=" + stackId,
wTaskBounds.left, wStackBounds.left);
} else {
assertThat("Task width must be greater than stack width taskId="
+ taskId + ", stackId=" + stackId,
aStackBounds.width(), lessThan(wTaskBounds.width()));
assertEquals("Task height must be equal to stack height taskId="
+ taskId + ", stackId=" + stackId,
aStackBounds.height(), wTaskBounds.height());
assertEquals("Task and stack y position must be equal taskId="
+ taskId + ", stackId=" + stackId,,;
} else {
// Minimal dimensions affect task size, so bounds of task and stack must
// be different - will compare dimensions instead.
int targetWidth = (int) Math.max(aTaskMinWidth,
assertEquals("Task width must be set according to minimal width"
+ " taskId=" + taskId + ", stackId=" + stackId,
targetWidth, (int) wTaskBounds.width());
int targetHeight = (int) Math.max(aTaskMinHeight,
assertEquals("Task height must be set according to minimal height"
+ " taskId=" + taskId + ", stackId=" + stackId,
targetHeight, (int) wTaskBounds.height());
boolean isScreenPortrait(int displayId) {
final Rect displayRect = mWmState.getDisplay(displayId).getDisplayRect();
return displayRect.height() > displayRect.width();
static int dpToPx(float dp, int densityDpi) {
return (int) (dp * densityDpi / DISPLAY_DENSITY_DEFAULT + 0.5f);
private int defaultMinimalTaskSize(int displayId) {
return dpToPx(DEFAULT_RESIZABLE_TASK_SIZE_DP, mWmState.getDisplay(displayId).getDpi());
private int defaultMinimalPinnedTaskSize(int displayId) {
return dpToPx(DEFAULT_PIP_RESIZABLE_TASK_SIZE_DP, mWmState.getDisplay(displayId).getDpi());