blob: 97d9745b155a522d0e671bb983b3566228f396c7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
package android.deviceconfig.cts;
import static android.provider.Settings.RESET_MODE_PACKAGE_DEFAULTS;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.provider.DeviceConfig;
import android.provider.DeviceConfig.OnPropertiesChangedListener;
import android.provider.DeviceConfig.Properties;
import androidx.test.InstrumentationRegistry;
import androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
public final class DeviceConfigApiTests {
private static final String NAMESPACE1 = "namespace1";
private static final String NAMESPACE2 = "namespace2";
private static final String EMPTY_NAMESPACE = "empty_namespace";
private static final String KEY1 = "key1";
private static final String KEY2 = "key2";
private static final String VALUE1 = "value1";
private static final String VALUE2 = "value2";
private static final String DEFAULT_VALUE = "default_value";
private static final boolean DEFAULT_BOOLEAN_TRUE = true;
private static final boolean DEFAULT_BOOLEAN_FALSE = false;
private static final boolean BOOLEAN_TRUE = true;
private static final boolean BOOLEAN_FALSE = false;
private static final String INVALID_BOOLEAN = "TR_UE";
private static final int DEFAULT_INT = 999;
private static final int VALID_INT = 123;
private static final String INVALID_INT = "12E";
private static final long DEFAULT_LONG = 123456;
private static final long VALID_LONG = 278724287;
private static final String INVALID_LONG = "23232R42";
private static final float DEFAULT_FLOAT = 123.456f;
private static final float VALID_FLOAT = 456.789f;
private static final String INVALID_FLOAT = "34343et";
private static final Executor EXECUTOR = InstrumentationRegistry.getContext().getMainExecutor();
private static final long WAIT_FOR_PROPERTY_CHANGE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 2000; // 2 sec
private final Object mLock = new Object();
private static final String WRITE_DEVICE_CONFIG_PERMISSION =
private static final String READ_DEVICE_CONFIG_PERMISSION =
* Get necessary permissions to access and modify properties through DeviceConfig API.
public static void setUp() throws Exception {
* Nullify properties in DeviceConfig API after completion of every test.
public void cleanUp() {
nullifyProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1);
nullifyProperty(NAMESPACE2, KEY1);
nullifyProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY2);
nullifyProperty(NAMESPACE2, KEY2);
* Delete properties in DeviceConfig API after completion of all tests and drop shell
* permissions.
public static void cleanUpAfterAllTests() {
deletePropertyThrowShell(NAMESPACE1, KEY1);
deletePropertyThrowShell(NAMESPACE2, KEY1);
deletePropertyThrowShell(NAMESPACE1, KEY2);
deletePropertyThrowShell(NAMESPACE2, KEY2);
* Checks that getting property which does not exist returns null.
public void getProperty_empty() {
String result = DeviceConfig.getProperty(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, KEY1);
assertNull("Request for non existant flag name in DeviceConfig API should return null "
+ "while " + result + " was returned", result);
* Checks that setting and getting property from the same namespace return correct value.
public void setAndGetProperty_sameNamespace() {
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE1, /*makeDefault=*/false);
String result = DeviceConfig.getProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1);
assertEquals("Value read from DeviceConfig API does not match written value.", VALUE1,
* Checks that setting a property in one namespace does not set the same property in a different
* namespace.
public void setAndGetProperty_differentNamespace() {
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE1, /*makeDefault=*/false);
String result = DeviceConfig.getProperty(NAMESPACE2, KEY1);
assertNull("Value for same keys written to different namespaces must not clash", result);
* Checks that different namespaces can keep different values for the same key.
public void setAndGetProperty_multipleNamespaces() {
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE1, /*makeDefault=*/false);
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE2, KEY1, VALUE2, /*makeDefault=*/false);
String result = DeviceConfig.getProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1);
assertEquals("Value read from DeviceConfig API does not match written value.", VALUE1,
result = DeviceConfig.getProperty(NAMESPACE2, KEY1);
assertEquals("Value read from DeviceConfig API does not match written value.", VALUE2,
* Checks that saving value twice keeps the last value.
public void setAndGetProperty_overrideValue() {
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE1, /*makeDefault=*/false);
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE2, /*makeDefault=*/false);
String result = DeviceConfig.getProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1);
assertEquals("New value written to the same namespace/key did not override previous"
+ " value.", VALUE2, result);
* Checks that getString() for null property returns default value.
public void getString_empty() {
final String result = DeviceConfig.getString(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.getString() must return default value if property is null",
* Checks that getString() for null property returns default value even if it is null.
public void getString_nullDefault() {
final String result = DeviceConfig.getString(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, null);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.getString() must return default value if property is null",
null, result);
* Checks that getString() returns string saved in property.
public void getString_nonEmpty() {
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE1, /*makeDefault=*/false);
final String result = DeviceConfig.getString(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.getString() must return same value as getProperty() when " +
"property is not null", VALUE1, result);
* Checks that getString() fails with NullPointerException when called with null namespace.
public void getString_nullNamespace() {
try {
DeviceConfig.getString(null, KEY1, DEFAULT_VALUE);
fail("DeviceConfig.getString() with null namespace must result in "
+ "NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
* Checks that getString() fails with NullPointerException when called with null key.
public void getString_nullName() {
try {
DeviceConfig.getString(NAMESPACE1, null, DEFAULT_VALUE);
fail("DeviceConfig.getString() with null name must result in NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
* Checks that getBoolean() for null property returns default value.
public void getBoolean_empty() {
final boolean result = DeviceConfig.getBoolean(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, DEFAULT_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.getBoolean() must return default value if property is null",
* Checks that getBoolean() returns boolean representation of string saved in property.
public void getBoolean_valid() {
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, String.valueOf(BOOLEAN_TRUE),
final boolean result = DeviceConfig.getBoolean(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, DEFAULT_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.getString() must return boolean equivalent value of"
+ " getProperty() when property is not null", BOOLEAN_TRUE, result);
* Checks that getBoolean() returns false for any invalid property value.
public void getBoolean_invalid() {
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, INVALID_BOOLEAN, /*makeDefault=*/false);
final boolean result = DeviceConfig.getBoolean(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, DEFAULT_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
// Anything non-null other than case insensitive "true" parses to false.
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.getBoolean() must return boolean equivalent value of"
+ " getProperty() when property is not null", BOOLEAN_FALSE, result);
* Checks that getBoolean() fails with NullPointerException when called with null namespace.
public void getBoolean_nullNamespace() {
try {
DeviceConfig.getBoolean(null, KEY1, DEFAULT_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
fail("DeviceConfig.getBoolean() with null namespace must result in "
+ "NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
* Checks that getBoolean() fails with NullPointerException when called with null name.
public void getBoolean_nullName() {
try {
DeviceConfig.getBoolean(NAMESPACE1, null, DEFAULT_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
fail("DeviceConfig.getBoolean() with null name must result in NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
* Checks that getInt() for null property returns default value.
public void getInt_empty() {
final int result = DeviceConfig.getInt(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, DEFAULT_INT);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.getInt() must return default value if property is null",
DEFAULT_INT, result);
* Checks that getInt() returns integer representation of string saved in property.
public void getInt_valid() {
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, String.valueOf(VALID_INT),
final int result = DeviceConfig.getInt(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, DEFAULT_INT);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.getInt() must return integer equivalent value of"
+ " getProperty() when property is not null", VALID_INT, result);
* Checks that getInt() returns default value if property is not well-formed integer value.
public void getInt_invalid() {
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, INVALID_INT, /*makeDefault=*/false);
final int result = DeviceConfig.getInt(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, DEFAULT_INT);
// Failure to parse results in using the default value
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.getInt() must return integer equivalent value of"
+ " getProperty() when property is not null", DEFAULT_INT, result);
* Checks that getInt() fails with NullPointerException when called with null namespace.
public void getInt_nullNamespace() {
try {
DeviceConfig.getInt(null, KEY1, VALID_INT);
fail("DeviceConfig.getInt() with null namespace must result in NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
* Checks that getInt() fails with NullPointerException when called with null name.
public void getInt_nullName() {
try {
DeviceConfig.getInt(NAMESPACE1, null, VALID_INT);
fail("DeviceConfig.getInt() with null name must result in NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
* Checks that getLong() for null property returns default value.
public void getLong_empty() {
final long result = DeviceConfig.getLong(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, DEFAULT_LONG);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.getLong() must return default value if property is null",
DEFAULT_LONG, result);
* Checks that getLong() returns long representation of string saved in property.
public void getLong_valid() {
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, String.valueOf(VALID_LONG),
final long result = DeviceConfig.getLong(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, DEFAULT_LONG);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.getLong() must return long equivalent value of"
+ " getProperty() when property is not null", VALID_LONG, result);
* Checks that getLong() returns default value if property is not well-formed long value.
public void getLong_invalid() {
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, INVALID_LONG, /*makeDefault=*/false);
final long result = DeviceConfig.getLong(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, DEFAULT_LONG);
// Failure to parse results in using the default value
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.getLong() must return long equivalent value of"
+ " getProperty() when property is not null", DEFAULT_LONG, result);
* Checks that getLong() fails with NullPointerException when called with null namespace.
public void getLong_nullNamespace() {
try {
DeviceConfig.getLong(null, KEY1, DEFAULT_LONG);
fail("DeviceConfig.getLong() with null namespace must result in "
+ "NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
* Checks that getLong() fails with NullPointerException when called with null name.
public void getLong_nullName() {
try {
DeviceConfig.getLong(NAMESPACE1, null, 0);
fail("DeviceConfig.getLong() with null name must result in NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
* Checks that getFloat() for null property returns default value.
public void getFloat_empty() {
final float result = DeviceConfig.getFloat(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, DEFAULT_FLOAT);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.getFloat() must return default value if property is null",
DEFAULT_FLOAT, result, 0.0);
* Checks that getFloat() returns float representation of string saved in property.
public void getFloat_valid() {
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, String.valueOf(VALID_FLOAT),
final float result = DeviceConfig.getFloat(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, DEFAULT_FLOAT);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.getFloat() must return float equivalent value of"
+ " getProperty() when property is not null", VALID_FLOAT, result, 0.0);
* Checks that getFloat() returns default value if property is not well-formed float value.
public void getFloat_invalid() {
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, INVALID_FLOAT, /*makeDefault=*/false);
final float result = DeviceConfig.getFloat(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, DEFAULT_FLOAT);
// Failure to parse results in using the default value
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.getFloat() must return float equivalent value of"
+ " getProperty() when property is not null", DEFAULT_FLOAT, result, 0.0f);
* Checks that getFloat() fails with NullPointerException when called with null namespace.
public void getFloat_nullNamespace() {
try {
DeviceConfig.getFloat(null, KEY1, DEFAULT_FLOAT);
fail("DeviceConfig.getFloat() with null namespace must result in "
+ "NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
* Checks that getFloat() fails with NullPointerException when called with null name.
public void getFloat_nullName() {
try {
DeviceConfig.getFloat(NAMESPACE1, null, DEFAULT_FLOAT);
fail("DeviceConfig.getFloat() with null name must result in NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
* Checks that setProperty() fails with NullPointerException when called with null namespace.
public void setProperty_nullNamespace() {
try {
DeviceConfig.setProperty(null, KEY1, DEFAULT_VALUE, /*makeDefault=*/false);
fail("DeviceConfig.setProperty() with null namespace must result in "
+ "NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
* Checks that setProperty() fails with NullPointerException when called with null name.
public void setProperty_nullName() {
try {
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, null, DEFAULT_VALUE, /*makeDefault=*/false);
fail("DeviceConfig.setProperty() with null name must result in NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
* Checks that Properties.getString() for null property returns default value.
public void getPropertiesString_empty() {
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE1);
final Properties properties =
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, null);
final String result = properties.getString(KEY1, DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.Properties.getString() must return default value if property "
+ "is null", DEFAULT_VALUE, result);
* Checks that Properties.getString() for null property returns default value even if it is
* null.
public void getPropertiesString_nullDefault() {
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, DEFAULT_VALUE);
final Properties properties =
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, null);
final String result = properties.getString(KEY1, null);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.Properties.getString() must return default value if property is "
+ "null", null, result);
* Checks that Properties.getString() returns string saved in property.
public void getPropertiesString_nonEmpty() {
final Properties properties =
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE1);
final String result = properties.getString(KEY1, DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.Properties.getString() must return same value as getProperty() "
+ "when property is not null", VALUE1, result);
* Checks that Properties.getBoolean() for null property returns default value.
public void getPropertiesBoolean_empty() {
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, String.valueOf(BOOLEAN_TRUE));
final Properties properties =
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, null);
final boolean result = properties.getBoolean(KEY1, DEFAULT_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.Properties.getBoolean() must return default value if property "
+ "is null", DEFAULT_BOOLEAN_TRUE, result);
* Checks that Properties.getBoolean() returns boolean representation of string saved in
* property.
public void getPropertiesBoolean_valid() {
final Properties properties = setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(
final boolean result = properties.getBoolean(KEY1, DEFAULT_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.Properties.getString() must return boolean equivalent value of"
+ " getProperty() when property is not null", BOOLEAN_TRUE, result);
* Checks that Properties.getBoolean() returns false for any invalid (non parselable) property
* value.
public void getPropertiesBoolean_invalid() {
final Properties properties =
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, INVALID_BOOLEAN);
final boolean result = properties.getBoolean(KEY1, DEFAULT_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
// Anything non-null other than case insensitive "true" parses to false.
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.Properties.getBoolean() must return boolean equivalent value of"
+ " getProperty() when property is not null", BOOLEAN_FALSE, result);
* Checks that Properties.getInt() for null property returns default value.
public void getPropertiesInt_empty() {
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, String.valueOf(VALID_INT));
final Properties properties =
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, null);
final int result = properties.getInt(KEY1, DEFAULT_INT);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.Properties.getInt() must return default value if property is "
+ "null", DEFAULT_INT, result);
* Checks that Properties.getInt() returns integer representation of string saved in property.
public void getPropertiesInt_valid() {
final Properties properties =
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, String.valueOf(VALID_INT));
final int result = properties.getInt(KEY1, DEFAULT_INT);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.Properties.getInt() must return integer equivalent value of"
+ " getProperty() when property is not null", VALID_INT, result);
* Checks that Properties.getInt() returns default value if property is not well-formed integer
* value.
public void getPropertiesInt_invalid() {
final Properties properties =
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, INVALID_INT);
final int result = properties.getInt(KEY1, DEFAULT_INT);
// Failure to parse results in using the default value
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.Properties.getInt() must return integer equivalent value of"
+ " getProperty() when property is not null", DEFAULT_INT, result);
* Checks that Properties.getLong() for null property returns default value.
public void getPropertiesLong_empty() {
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, String.valueOf(VALID_LONG));
final Properties properties =
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, null);
final long result = properties.getLong(KEY1, DEFAULT_LONG);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.Properties.getLong() must return default value if property is "
+ "null", DEFAULT_LONG, result);
* Checks that Properties.getLong() returns long representation of string saved in property.
public void getPropertiesLong_valid() {
final Properties properties =
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, String.valueOf(VALID_LONG));
final long result = properties.getLong(KEY1, DEFAULT_LONG);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.Properties.getLong() must return long equivalent value of"
+ " getProperty() when property is not null", VALID_LONG, result);
* Checks that Properties.getLong() returns default value if property is not well-formed long
* value.
public void getPropertiesLong_invalid() {
final Properties properties =
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, INVALID_LONG);
final long result = properties.getLong(KEY1, DEFAULT_LONG);
// Failure to parse results in using the default value
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.Properties.getLong() must return long equivalent value of"
+ " getProperty() when property is not null", DEFAULT_LONG, result);
* Checks that Properties.getFloat() for null property returns default value.
public void getPropertiesFloat_empty() {
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, String.valueOf(VALID_FLOAT));
final Properties properties =
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, null);
final float result = properties.getFloat(KEY1, DEFAULT_FLOAT);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.Properties.getFloat() must return default value if property is "
+ "null", DEFAULT_FLOAT, result, 0.0f);
* Checks that Properties.getFloat() returns float representation of string saved in property.
public void getPropertiesFloat_valid() {
final Properties properties = setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(
final float result = properties.getFloat(KEY1, DEFAULT_FLOAT);
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.Properties.getFloat() must return float equivalent value of"
+ " getProperty() when property is not null", VALID_FLOAT, result, 0.0f);
* Checks that Properties.getFloat() returns default value if property is not well-formed float
* value.
public void getPropertiesFloat_invalid() {
final Properties properties = setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(
final float result = properties.getFloat(KEY1, DEFAULT_FLOAT);
// Failure to parse results in using the default value
assertEquals("DeviceConfig.Properties.getFloat() must return float equivalent value of"
+ " getProperty() when property is not null", DEFAULT_FLOAT, result, 0.0f);
* Test that properties listener is successfully registered and provides callbacks on value
* change.
public void testPropertiesListener() {
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE1);
* Test that two properties listeners subscribed to the same namespace are successfully
* registered and unregistered while receiving correct updates in all states.
public void testTwoPropertiesListenersSameNamespace() {
final List<PropertyUpdate> receivedUpdates1 = new ArrayList<>();
final List<PropertyUpdate> receivedUpdates2 = new ArrayList<>();
OnPropertiesChangedListener listener1 = createOnPropertiesChangedListener(receivedUpdates1);
OnPropertiesChangedListener listener2 = createOnPropertiesChangedListener(receivedUpdates2);
try {
DeviceConfig.addOnPropertiesChangedListener(NAMESPACE1, EXECUTOR, listener1);
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE1, /*makeDefault=*/false);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates1, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/1);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates2, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/0);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener did not receive expected update",
receivedUpdates1.size(), /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/1);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener received unexpected update",
receivedUpdates2.size(), /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/0);
receivedUpdates1.get(0).assertEqual(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE1);
DeviceConfig.addOnPropertiesChangedListener(NAMESPACE1, EXECUTOR, listener2);
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE2, /*makeDefault=*/false);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates1, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/2);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates2, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/1);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener did not receive expected update",
receivedUpdates1.size(), 2);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener did not receive expected update",
receivedUpdates2.size(), 1);
receivedUpdates1.get(1).assertEqual(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE2);
receivedUpdates2.get(0).assertEqual(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE2);
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE1, /*makeDefault=*/false);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates2, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/2);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates1, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/2);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener received unexpected update",
receivedUpdates1.size(), 2);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener did not receive expected update",
receivedUpdates2.size(), 2);
receivedUpdates2.get(1).assertEqual(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE1);
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE2, /*makeDefault=*/false);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates2, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/2);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates1, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/2);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener received unexpected update",
receivedUpdates1.size(), 2);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener received unexpected update",
receivedUpdates2.size(), 2);
} finally {
* Test that two properties listeners subscribed to different namespaces are successfully
* registered and unregistered while receiving correct updates in all states.
public void testTwoPropertiesListenersDifferentNamespace() {
final List<PropertyUpdate> receivedUpdates1 = new ArrayList<>();
final List<PropertyUpdate> receivedUpdates2 = new ArrayList<>();
OnPropertiesChangedListener listener1 = createOnPropertiesChangedListener(receivedUpdates1);
OnPropertiesChangedListener listener2 = createOnPropertiesChangedListener(receivedUpdates2);
try {
DeviceConfig.addOnPropertiesChangedListener(NAMESPACE1, EXECUTOR, listener1);
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE1, /*makeDefault=*/false);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates1, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/1);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates2, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/0);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener did not receive expected update",
receivedUpdates1.size(), 1);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener received unexpected update",
receivedUpdates2.size(), 0);
receivedUpdates1.get(0).assertEqual(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE1);
DeviceConfig.addOnPropertiesChangedListener(NAMESPACE2, EXECUTOR, listener2);
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE2, /*makeDefault=*/false);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates1, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/2);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates2, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/0);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener did not receive expected update",
receivedUpdates1.size(), 2);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener received unexpected update",
receivedUpdates2.size(), 0);
receivedUpdates1.get(1).assertEqual(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE2);
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE2, KEY1, VALUE1, /*makeDefault=*/false);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates2, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/1);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates1, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/2);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener received unexpected update",
receivedUpdates1.size(), 2);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener did not receive expected update",
receivedUpdates2.size(), 1);
receivedUpdates2.get(0).assertEqual(NAMESPACE2, KEY1, VALUE1);
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE1, /*makeDefault=*/false);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates2, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/1);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates1, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/2);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener received unexpected update",
receivedUpdates1.size(), 2);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener received unexpected update",
receivedUpdates2.size(), 1);
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE2, KEY1, VALUE2, /*makeDefault=*/false);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates2, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/2);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates1, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/2);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener received unexpected update",
receivedUpdates1.size(), 2);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener did not receive expected update",
receivedUpdates2.size(), 2);
receivedUpdates2.get(1).assertEqual(NAMESPACE2, KEY1, VALUE2);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates2, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/2);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates1, /*expectedTotalUpdatesCount=*/2);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener received unexpected update",
receivedUpdates1.size(), 2);
assertEquals("OnPropertiesListener received unexpected update",
receivedUpdates2.size(), 2);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {
* Test that reset to package default successfully resets values.
public void testResetToPackageDefaults() {
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE1, /*makeDefault=*/true);
DeviceConfig.setProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1, VALUE2, /*makeDefault=*/false);
assertEquals(DeviceConfig.getProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1), VALUE2);
assertEquals(DeviceConfig.getProperty(NAMESPACE1, KEY1), VALUE1);
private OnPropertiesChangedListener createOnPropertiesChangedListener(
List<PropertyUpdate> receivedUpdates) {
OnPropertiesChangedListener changeListener = new OnPropertiesChangedListener() {
public void onPropertiesChanged(Properties properties) {
synchronized (mLock) {
receivedUpdates.add(new PropertyUpdate(properties));
return changeListener;
private void waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(
List<PropertyUpdate> receivedUpdates, int expectedTotalUpdatesCount) {
final long startTimeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
synchronized (mLock) {
while (true) {
if (receivedUpdates.size() >= expectedTotalUpdatesCount) {
final long elapsedTimeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTimeMillis;
final long remainingTimeMillis = WAIT_FOR_PROPERTY_CHANGE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS
- elapsedTimeMillis;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
/* ignore */
private Properties setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(String setNamespace, String setName,
String setValue) {
final List<PropertyUpdate> receivedUpdates = new ArrayList<>();
OnPropertiesChangedListener changeListener = createOnPropertiesChangedListener(receivedUpdates);
DeviceConfig.addOnPropertiesChangedListener(setNamespace, EXECUTOR, changeListener);
DeviceConfig.setProperty(setNamespace, setName, setValue, /*makeDefault=*/false);
waitForListenerUpdateOrTimeout(receivedUpdates, 1);
assertEquals("Failed to receive update to OnPropertiesChangedListener",
receivedUpdates.size(), 1);
PropertyUpdate propertiesUpdate = receivedUpdates.get(0);
propertiesUpdate.assertEqual(setNamespace, setName, setValue);
private void nullifyProperty(String namespace, String key) {
if (DeviceConfig.getString(namespace, key, null) != null) {
setPropertiesAndAssertSuccessfulChange(namespace, key, null);
private static void deletePropertyThrowShell(String namespace, String key) {
"device_config delete " + namespace + " " + key);
private static class PropertyUpdate {
String namespace;
String name;
String value;
Properties properties;
PropertyUpdate(String namespace, String name, String value) { = name;
this.namespace = namespace;
this.value = value; = null;
PropertyUpdate(Properties properties) {
if (properties.getKeyset().size() != 1) {
fail("Unexpected properties size.");
this.namespace = properties.getNamespace(); = properties.getKeyset().iterator().next();
this.value = properties.getString(, null); = properties;
void assertEqual(String namespace, String name, String value) {
assertEquals("Listener received update for unexpected namespace",
namespace, this.namespace);
assertEquals("Listener received update for unexpected property",, name);
assertEquals("Listener received update with unexpected value",
this.value, value);