blob: be5f6bfc118da01edbe9dc65071bd51b7d3ebdaa [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.InputDevice;
import android.view.InputEvent;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* Parse json resource file that contains the test commands for HidDevice
* For files containing reports and input events, each entry should be in the following format:
* <code>
* {"name": "test case name",
* "reports": reports,
* "events": input_events
* }
* </code>
* {@code reports} - an array of strings that contain hex arrays.
* {@code input_events} - an array of dicts in the following format:
* <code>
* {"action": "down|move|up", "axes": {"axis_x": x, "axis_y": y}, "keycode": "button_a"}
* </code>
* {@code "axes"} should only be defined for motion events, and {@code "keycode"} for key events.
* Timestamps will not be checked.
* Example:
* <code>
* [{ "name": "press button A",
* "reports": ["report1",
* "report2",
* "report3"
* ],
* "events": [{"action": "down", "axes": {"axis_y": 0.5, "axis_x": 0.1}},
* {"action": "move", "axes": {"axis_y": 0.0, "axis_x": 0.0}}
* ]
* },
* ... more tests like that
* ]
* </code>
public class HidJsonParser {
private static final String TAG = "JsonParser";
private Context mContext;
public HidJsonParser(Context context) {
mContext = context;
* Convenience function to create JSONArray from resource.
* The resource specified should contain JSON array as the top-level structure.
* @param resourceId The resourceId that contains the json data (typically inside R.raw)
private JSONArray getJsonArrayFromResource(int resourceId) {
String data = readRawResource(resourceId);
try {
return new JSONArray(data);
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Could not parse resource " + resourceId + ", received: " + data);
* Convenience function to read in an entire file as a String.
* @param id resourceId of the file
* @return contents of the raw resource file as a String
private String readRawResource(int id) {
InputStream inputStream = mContext.getResources().openRawResource(id);
try {
return readFully(inputStream);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not read resource id " + id);
* Read register command from raw resource.
* @param resourceId the raw resource id that contains the command
* @return the command to register device that can be passed to HidDevice constructor
public String readRegisterCommand(int resourceId) {
return readRawResource(resourceId);
* Read entire input stream until no data remains.
* @param inputStream
* @return content of the input stream
* @throws IOException
private String readFully(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
OutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int read =;
while (read >= 0) {
baos.write(buffer, 0, read);
read =;
return baos.toString();
* Extract the device id from the raw resource file. This is needed in order to register
* a HidDevice.
* @param resourceId resorce file that contains the register command.
* @return hid device id
public int readDeviceId(int resourceId) {
try {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(readRawResource(resourceId));
return json.getInt("id");
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not read device id from resource " + resourceId);
* Read json resource, and return a {@code List} of HidTestData, which contains
* the name of each test, along with the HID reports and the expected input events.
public List<HidTestData> getTestData(int resourceId) {
JSONArray json = getJsonArrayFromResource(resourceId);
List<HidTestData> tests = new ArrayList<HidTestData>();
for (int testCaseNumber = 0; testCaseNumber < json.length(); testCaseNumber++) {
HidTestData testData = new HidTestData();
try {
JSONObject testcaseEntry = json.getJSONObject(testCaseNumber); = testcaseEntry.getString("name");
JSONArray reports = testcaseEntry.getJSONArray("reports");
for (int i = 0; i < reports.length(); i++) {
String report = reports.getString(i);
JSONArray events = testcaseEntry.getJSONArray("events");
for (int i = 0; i < events.length(); i++) {
JSONObject entry = events.getJSONObject(i);
InputEvent event = null;
if (entry.has("keycode")) {
event = parseKeyEvent(entry);
} else if (entry.has("axes")) {
event = parseMotionEvent(entry);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Input event is not specified correctly. Received: " + entry);
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not process entry " + testCaseNumber);
return tests;
private KeyEvent parseKeyEvent(JSONObject entry) throws JSONException {
int action = keyActionFromString(entry.getString("action"));
int keyCode = KeyEvent.keyCodeFromString(entry.getString("keycode"));
return new KeyEvent(action, keyCode);
private MotionEvent parseMotionEvent(JSONObject entry) throws JSONException {
MotionEvent.PointerProperties[] properties = new MotionEvent.PointerProperties[1];
properties[0] = new MotionEvent.PointerProperties();
properties[0].id = 0;
properties[0].toolType = MotionEvent.TOOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
MotionEvent.PointerCoords[] coords = new MotionEvent.PointerCoords[1];
coords[0] = new MotionEvent.PointerCoords();
JSONObject axes = entry.getJSONObject("axes");
Iterator<String> keys = axes.keys();
while (keys.hasNext()) {
String axis =;
float value = (float) axes.getDouble(axis);
coords[0].setAxisValue(MotionEvent.axisFromString(axis), value);
int action = motionActionFromString(entry.getString("action"));
// Only care about axes and action here. Times are not checked
MotionEvent event = MotionEvent.obtain(/* downTime */ 0, /* eventTime */ 0, action,
/* pointercount */ 1, properties, coords, 0, 0, 0f, 0f,
0, 0, InputDevice.SOURCE_JOYSTICK, 0);
return event;
private int keyActionFromString(String action) {
switch (action.toUpperCase()) {
case "DOWN":
return KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN;
case "UP":
return KeyEvent.ACTION_UP;
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown action specified: " + action);
private int motionActionFromString(String action) {
switch (action.toUpperCase()) {
case "DOWN":
return MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN;
case "MOVE":
return MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE;
case "UP":
return MotionEvent.ACTION_UP;
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown action specified: " + action);