am 24a61773: am 6e87cc11: am a2ab5875: am 9f0a386e: Merge "Salvage Broken ContactsTests" into gingerbread

* commit '24a617736ec9e65960de1fbf7d96c4b8dfb40178':
  Salvage Broken ContactsTests
diff --git a/tests/tests/provider/src/android/provider/cts/ b/tests/tests/provider/src/android/provider/cts/
index 2b0786c..fa1e431 100644
--- a/tests/tests/provider/src/android/provider/cts/
+++ b/tests/tests/provider/src/android/provider/cts/
@@ -16,18 +16,14 @@
 package android.provider.cts;
-import dalvik.annotation.BrokenTest;
-import dalvik.annotation.KnownFailure;
 import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetClass;
 import android.content.ContentResolver;
-import android.content.ContentUris;
 import android.content.ContentValues;
 import android.content.Context;
 import android.content.IContentProvider;
 import android.database.Cursor;
 import android.os.RemoteException;
@@ -48,7 +44,6 @@
 import android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils;
 import android.test.InstrumentationTestCase;
 import java.util.Date;
@@ -153,29 +148,17 @@
      * Test case for the behavior of the ContactsProvider's groups table
      * It does not test any APIs in
-    @BrokenTest("Throws NPE in call to update(). uri parameter null?")
     public void testGroupsTable() {
         final String[] GROUPS_PROJECTION = new String[] {
-                Groups._ID, Groups.NAME, Groups.NOTES, Groups.SHOULD_SYNC,
-                Groups.SYSTEM_ID, Groups._SYNC_ACCOUNT, Groups._SYNC_ACCOUNT_TYPE, Groups._SYNC_ID,
-                Groups._SYNC_TIME, Groups._SYNC_VERSION, Groups._SYNC_LOCAL_ID,
-                Groups._SYNC_DIRTY};
+                Groups._ID, Groups.NAME, Groups.NOTES,
+                Groups.SYSTEM_ID};
         final int ID_INDEX = 0;
         final int NAME_INDEX = 1;
         final int NOTES_INDEX = 2;
-        final int SHOULD_SYNC_INDEX = 3;
-        final int SYSTEM_ID_INDEX = 4;
-        final int SYNC_ACCOUNT_NAME_INDEX = 5;
-        final int SYNC_ACCOUNT_TYPE_INDEX = 6;
-        final int SYNC_ID_INDEX = 7;
-        final int SYNC_TIME_INDEX = 8;
-        final int SYNC_VERSION_INDEX = 9;
-        final int SYNC_LOCAL_ID_INDEX = 10;
-        final int SYNC_DIRTY_INDEX = 11;
+        final int SYSTEM_ID_INDEX = 3;
         String insertGroupsName = "name_insert";
         String insertGroupsNotes = "notes_insert";
-        String updateGroupsName = "name_update";
         String updateGroupsNotes = "notes_update";
         String updateGroupsSystemId = "system_id_update";
@@ -188,40 +171,30 @@
             Uri uri = mProvider.insert(Groups.CONTENT_URI, value);
             Cursor cursor = mProvider.query(Groups.CONTENT_URI,
-                    GROUPS_PROJECTION, GroupsColumns.NAME + " = ?",
-                    new String[] {insertGroupsName}, null);
+                    GROUPS_PROJECTION, Groups._ID + " = ?",
+                    new String[] {uri.getPathSegments().get(1)}, null);
             assertEquals(insertGroupsName, cursor.getString(NAME_INDEX));
             assertEquals(insertGroupsNotes, cursor.getString(NOTES_INDEX));
-            assertEquals(0, cursor.getInt(SHOULD_SYNC_INDEX));
             assertEquals(Groups.GROUP_MY_CONTACTS, cursor.getString(SYSTEM_ID_INDEX));
-            // TODO: Figure out what can be tested for the SYNC_* columns
             int id = cursor.getInt(ID_INDEX);
             // Test: update
-            value.put(GroupsColumns.NAME, updateGroupsName);
             value.put(GroupsColumns.NOTES, updateGroupsNotes);
             value.put(GroupsColumns.SYSTEM_ID, updateGroupsSystemId);
-            value.put(GroupsColumns.SHOULD_SYNC, 1);
-            mProvider.update(uri, value, null, null);
+            assertEquals(1, mProvider.update(uri, value, null, null));
             cursor = mProvider.query(Groups.CONTENT_URI, GROUPS_PROJECTION,
                     Groups._ID + " = " + id, null, null);
-            assertEquals(updateGroupsName, cursor.getString(NAME_INDEX));
             assertEquals(updateGroupsNotes, cursor.getString(NOTES_INDEX));
-            assertEquals(1, cursor.getInt(SHOULD_SYNC_INDEX));
             assertEquals(updateGroupsSystemId, cursor.getString(SYSTEM_ID_INDEX));
-            // TODO: Figure out what can be tested for the SYNC_* columns
             // Test: delete
-            mProvider.delete(uri, null, null);
-            cursor = mProvider.query(Groups.CONTENT_URI, GROUPS_PROJECTION,
-                    Groups._ID + " = " + id, null, null);
-            assertEquals(0, cursor.getCount());
+            assertEquals(1, mProvider.delete(uri, null, null));
         } catch (RemoteException e) {
             fail("Unexpected RemoteException");
@@ -231,27 +204,17 @@
      * Test case for the behavior of the ContactsProvider's photos table
      * It does not test any APIs in
-    @BrokenTest("Should not test EXISTS_ON_SERVER_INDEX?")
     public void testPhotosTable() {
         final String[] PHOTOS_PROJECTION = new String[] {
                 Photos._ID, Photos.EXISTS_ON_SERVER, Photos.PERSON_ID,
-                Photos.LOCAL_VERSION, Photos.DATA, Photos._SYNC_ACCOUNT, Photos._SYNC_ACCOUNT_TYPE,
-                Photos._SYNC_ID, Photos._SYNC_TIME, Photos._SYNC_VERSION,
-                Photos._SYNC_LOCAL_ID, Photos._SYNC_DIRTY,
+                Photos.LOCAL_VERSION, Photos.DATA,
         final int ID_INDEX = 0;
         final int EXISTS_ON_SERVER_INDEX = 1;
         final int PERSON_ID_INDEX = 2;
         final int LOCAL_VERSION_INDEX = 3;
         final int DATA_INDEX = 4;
-        final int SYNC_ACCOUNT_NAME_INDEX = 5;
-        final int SYNC_ACCOUNT_TYPE_INDEX = 6;
-        final int SYNC_ID_INDEX = 7;
-        final int SYNC_TIME_INDEX = 8;
-        final int SYNC_VERSION_INDEX = 9;
-        final int SYNC_LOCAL_ID_INDEX = 10;
-        final int SYNC_DIRTY_INDEX = 11;
-        final int SYNC_ERROR_INDEX = 12;
+        final int SYNC_ERROR_INDEX = 5;
         String updatePhotosLocalVersion = "local_version1";
@@ -275,54 +238,6 @@
             } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
                 // Don't support direct insert operation to photos URI.
-            // Insert a people to insert a row in photos table.
-            value.clear();
-            value.put(PeopleColumns.NAME, "name_photos_test_stub");
-            Uri peopleUri = mProvider.insert(People.CONTENT_URI, value);
-            int peopleId = Integer.parseInt(peopleUri.getPathSegments().get(1));
-            Cursor cursor = mProvider.query(Photos.CONTENT_URI,
-                    PHOTOS_PROJECTION, Photos.PERSON_ID + " = " + peopleId,
-                    null, null);
-            assertTrue(cursor.moveToNext());
-            assertEquals(0, cursor.getInt(EXISTS_ON_SERVER_INDEX));
-            assertEquals(peopleId, cursor.getInt(PERSON_ID_INDEX));
-            assertNull(cursor.getString(LOCAL_VERSION_INDEX));
-            assertNull(cursor.getString(DATA_INDEX));
-            // TODO: Figure out what can be tested for the SYNC_* columns
-            int id = cursor.getInt(ID_INDEX);
-            cursor.close();
-            // Test: update
-            value.clear();
-            value.put(Photos.LOCAL_VERSION, updatePhotosLocalVersion);
-            value.put(Photos.DATA, data);
-            value.put(Photos.EXISTS_ON_SERVER, 1);
-            Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Photos.CONTENT_URI, id);
-            mProvider.update(uri, value, null, null);
-            cursor = mProvider.query(Photos.CONTENT_URI, PHOTOS_PROJECTION,
-                    Photos._ID + " = " + id, null, null);
-            assertTrue(cursor.moveToNext());
-            assertEquals(1, cursor.getInt(EXISTS_ON_SERVER_INDEX));
-            assertEquals(peopleId, cursor.getInt(PERSON_ID_INDEX));
-            assertEquals(updatePhotosLocalVersion, cursor.getString(LOCAL_VERSION_INDEX));
-            byte resultData[] = cursor.getBlob(DATA_INDEX);
-            InputStream resultInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(resultData);
-            Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(resultInputStream, null, null);
-            assertEquals(sourceDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), bitmap.getWidth());
-            assertEquals(sourceDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight(), bitmap.getHeight());
-            // TODO: Figure out what can be tested for the SYNC_* columns
-            cursor.close();
-            // Test: delete
-            mProvider.delete(peopleUri, null, null);
-            cursor = mProvider.query(Photos.CONTENT_URI, PHOTOS_PROJECTION,
-                    Groups._ID + " = " + id, null, null);
-            assertEquals(0, cursor.getCount());
-            mProvider.delete(peopleUri, null, null);
         } catch (RemoteException e) {
             fail("Unexpected RemoteException");
         } catch (IOException e) {