blob: cc0a2577ba9752f60776bee7c27f605d56219c0a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
package android.server.cts;
import static android.server.cts.ActivityAndWindowManagersState.DEFAULT_DISPLAY_ID;
import static android.server.cts.StateLogger.log;
import static android.server.cts.StateLogger.logE;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Base class for ActivityManager display tests.
* @see ActivityManagerDisplayTests
* @see ActivityManagerDisplayLockedKeyguardTests
public class ActivityManagerDisplayTestBase extends ActivityManagerTestBase {
static final int CUSTOM_DENSITY_DPI = 222;
private static final String DUMPSYS_ACTIVITY_PROCESSES = "dumpsys activity processes";
private static final String DUMPSYS_DISPLAY = "dumpsys display";
private static final String VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_ACTIVITY = "VirtualDisplayActivity";
private static final int INVALID_DENSITY_DPI = -1;
private boolean mVirtualDisplayCreated;
private boolean mDisplaySimulated;
/** Temp storage used for parsing. */
final LinkedList<String> mDumpLines = new LinkedList<>();
final LinkedList<String> mAltDumpLines = new LinkedList<>();
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
try {
} catch (DeviceNotAvailableException e) {
/** Contains the configurations applied to attached displays. */
static final class DisplayState {
int mDisplayId;
String mOverrideConfig;
String mDisplayViewportId;
private DisplayState(int displayId, String overrideConfig, String uniqueId) {
mDisplayId = displayId;
mOverrideConfig = overrideConfig;
mDisplayViewportId = uniqueId;
private int getWidth() {
final String[] configParts = mOverrideConfig.split(" ");
for (String part : configParts) {
if (part.endsWith("dp") && part.startsWith("w")) {
final String widthString = part.substring(1, part.length() - 3);
return Integer.parseInt(widthString);
return -1;
private int getHeight() {
final String[] configParts = mOverrideConfig.split(" ");
for (String part : configParts) {
if (part.endsWith("dp") && part.startsWith("h")) {
final String heightString = part.substring(1, part.length() - 3);
return Integer.parseInt(heightString);
return -1;
int getDpi() {
final String[] configParts = mOverrideConfig.split(" ");
for (String part : configParts) {
if (part.endsWith("dpi")) {
final String densityDpiString = part.substring(0, part.length() - 3);
return Integer.parseInt(densityDpiString);
return -1;
String getDisplayViewPortId() {
return mDisplayViewportId;
/** Contains the configurations applied to attached displays. */
static final class ReportedDisplays {
private static final Pattern sGlobalConfigurationPattern =
Pattern.compile("mGlobalConfiguration: (\\{.*\\})");
private static final Pattern sDisplayOverrideConfigurationsPattern =
Pattern.compile("Display override configurations:");
private static final Pattern sDisplayConfigPattern =
Pattern.compile("(\\d+): (\\{.*\\})");
private static final Pattern sVirtualTouchViewportPattern =
Pattern.compile("mVirtualTouchViewports.*displayId=(\\d+), uniqueId='([^']+)', .*");
String mGlobalConfig;
private Map<Integer, DisplayState> mDisplayStates = new HashMap<>();
static ReportedDisplays create(LinkedList<String> activityProcessDump,
LinkedList<String> displayDump) {
final ReportedDisplays result = new ReportedDisplays();
HashMap<String, String> virtualUniqueIdMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
while (!displayDump.isEmpty()) {
final String line = displayDump.pop().trim();
Matcher matcher = sVirtualTouchViewportPattern.matcher(line);
if (matcher.matches()) {
while (!activityProcessDump.isEmpty()) {
final String line = activityProcessDump.pop().trim();
Matcher actMatcher = sDisplayOverrideConfigurationsPattern.matcher(line);
if (actMatcher.matches()) {
while (ReportedDisplays.shouldContinueExtracting(activityProcessDump,
sDisplayConfigPattern)) {
final String displayOverrideConfigLine = activityProcessDump.pop().trim();
actMatcher = sDisplayConfigPattern.matcher(displayOverrideConfigLine);
final String tempUniqueId = "local:" +;
final Integer displayId = Integer.valueOf(;
// Default unique ids for non virtual display.
final String uniqueId =
? virtualUniqueIdMap.get( : tempUniqueId;
new DisplayState(displayId,, uniqueId));
actMatcher = sGlobalConfigurationPattern.matcher(line);
if (actMatcher.matches()) {
result.mGlobalConfig =;
return result;
/** Check if next line in dump matches the pattern and we should continue extracting. */
static boolean shouldContinueExtracting(LinkedList<String> dump, Pattern matchingPattern) {
if (dump.isEmpty()) {
return false;
final String line = dump.peek().trim();
return matchingPattern.matcher(line).matches();
DisplayState getDisplayState(int displayId) {
return mDisplayStates.get(displayId);
int getNumberOfDisplays() {
return mDisplayStates.size();
/** Return the display state with width, height, dpi */
DisplayState getDisplayState(int width, int height, int dpi) {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, DisplayState> entry : mDisplayStates.entrySet()) {
final DisplayState ds = entry.getValue();
if (ds.mDisplayId != DEFAULT_DISPLAY_ID && ds.getDpi() == dpi
&& ds.getWidth() == width && ds.getHeight() == height) {
return ds;
return null;
/** Return the display state with the given unique id */
DisplayState getDisplayState(String viewportId) {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, DisplayState> entry : mDisplayStates.entrySet()) {
final DisplayState ds = entry.getValue();
if (ds.mDisplayViewportId.equals(viewportId)) {
return ds;
return null;
/** Check if reported state is valid. */
boolean isValidState(int expectedDisplayCount) {
if (mDisplayStates.size() != expectedDisplayCount) {
return false;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, DisplayState> entry : mDisplayStates.entrySet()) {
final DisplayState ds = entry.getValue();
if (ds.mDisplayId != DEFAULT_DISPLAY_ID && ds.getDpi() == -1) {
return false;
return true;
ReportedDisplays getDisplaysStates() throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
// Parse dumpsys activity processes.
final CollectingOutputReceiver outputReceiver = new CollectingOutputReceiver();
mDevice.executeShellCommand(DUMPSYS_ACTIVITY_PROCESSES, outputReceiver);
String dump = outputReceiver.getOutput();
Collections.addAll(mDumpLines, dump.split("\\n"));
// Parse dumpsys display
final CollectingOutputReceiver outputReceiverNew = new CollectingOutputReceiver();
mDevice.executeShellCommand(DUMPSYS_DISPLAY, outputReceiverNew);
String dumpNew = outputReceiverNew.getOutput();
Collections.addAll(mAltDumpLines, dumpNew.split("\\n"));
return ReportedDisplays.create(mDumpLines, mAltDumpLines);
/** Find the display that was not originally reported in oldDisplays and added in newDisplays */
protected List<ActivityManagerDisplayTests.DisplayState> findNewDisplayStates(
ReportedDisplays oldDisplays, ReportedDisplays newDisplays) {
final ArrayList<DisplayState> displays = new ArrayList();
for (Integer displayId : newDisplays.mDisplayStates.keySet()) {
if (!oldDisplays.mDisplayStates.containsKey(displayId)) {
return displays;
* Create new virtual display.
* @param densityDpi provide custom density for the display.
* @param launchInSplitScreen start {@link VirtualDisplayActivity} to side from
* {@link LaunchingActivity} on primary display.
* @param canShowWithInsecureKeyguard allow showing content when device is showing an insecure
* keyguard.
* @param mustBeCreated should assert if the display was or wasn't created.
* @param publicDisplay make display public.
* @param resizeDisplay should resize display when surface size changes.
* @param launchActivity should launch test activity immediately after display creation.
* @return {@link ActivityManagerDisplayTests.DisplayState} of newly created display.
* @throws Exception
private List<ActivityManagerDisplayTests.DisplayState> createVirtualDisplays(int densityDpi,
boolean launchInSplitScreen, boolean canShowWithInsecureKeyguard, boolean mustBeCreated,
boolean publicDisplay, boolean resizeDisplay, String launchActivity, int displayCount)
throws Exception {
// Start an activity that is able to create virtual displays.
if (launchInSplitScreen) {
} else {
mAmWmState.computeState(mDevice, new String[] {VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_ACTIVITY},
false /* compareTaskAndStackBounds */);
final ActivityManagerDisplayTests.ReportedDisplays originalDS = getDisplaysStates();
// Create virtual display with custom density dpi.
executeShellCommand(getCreateVirtualDisplayCommand(densityDpi, canShowWithInsecureKeyguard,
publicDisplay, resizeDisplay, launchActivity, displayCount));
mVirtualDisplayCreated = true;
return assertAndGetNewDisplays(mustBeCreated ? displayCount : -1, originalDS);
* Simulate new display.
* @param densityDpi provide custom density for the display.
* @return {@link ActivityManagerDisplayTests.DisplayState} of newly created display.
private List<ActivityManagerDisplayTests.DisplayState> simulateDisplay(int densityDpi)
throws Exception {
final ActivityManagerDisplayTests.ReportedDisplays originalDs = getDisplaysStates();
// Create virtual display with custom density dpi.
mDisplaySimulated = true;
return assertAndGetNewDisplays(1, originalDs);
* Wait for desired number of displays to be created and get their properties.
* @param newDisplayCount expected display count, -1 if display should not be created.
* @param originalDS display states before creation of new display(s).
private List<ActivityManagerDisplayTests.DisplayState> assertAndGetNewDisplays(
int newDisplayCount, ActivityManagerDisplayTests.ReportedDisplays originalDS)
throws Exception {
final int originalDisplayCount = originalDS.mDisplayStates.size();
// Wait for the display(s) to be created and get configurations.
final ActivityManagerDisplayTests.ReportedDisplays ds =
getDisplayStateAfterChange(originalDisplayCount + newDisplayCount);
if (newDisplayCount != -1) {
assertEquals("New virtual display(s) must be created",
originalDisplayCount + newDisplayCount, ds.mDisplayStates.size());
} else {
assertEquals("New virtual display must not be created",
originalDisplayCount, ds.mDisplayStates.size());
return null;
// Find the newly added display(s).
final List<ActivityManagerDisplayTests.DisplayState> newDisplays
= findNewDisplayStates(originalDS, ds);
assertTrue("New virtual display must be created", newDisplayCount == newDisplays.size());
return newDisplays;
* Destroy existing virtual display.
void destroyVirtualDisplays() throws Exception {
if (mVirtualDisplayCreated) {
mVirtualDisplayCreated = false;
* Destroy existing simulated display.
private void destroySimulatedDisplays() throws Exception {
if (mDisplaySimulated) {
mDisplaySimulated = false;
static class VirtualDisplayBuilder {
private final ActivityManagerDisplayTestBase mTests;
private int mDensityDpi = CUSTOM_DENSITY_DPI;
private boolean mLaunchInSplitScreen = false;
private boolean mCanShowWithInsecureKeyguard = false;
private boolean mPublicDisplay = false;
private boolean mResizeDisplay = true;
private String mLaunchActivity = null;
private boolean mSimulateDisplay = false;
private boolean mMustBeCreated = true;
public VirtualDisplayBuilder(ActivityManagerDisplayTestBase tests) {
mTests = tests;
public VirtualDisplayBuilder setDensityDpi(int densityDpi) {
mDensityDpi = densityDpi;
return this;
public VirtualDisplayBuilder setLaunchInSplitScreen(boolean launchInSplitScreen) {
mLaunchInSplitScreen = launchInSplitScreen;
return this;
public VirtualDisplayBuilder setCanShowWithInsecureKeyguard(
boolean canShowWithInsecureKeyguard) {
mCanShowWithInsecureKeyguard = canShowWithInsecureKeyguard;
return this;
public VirtualDisplayBuilder setPublicDisplay(boolean publicDisplay) {
mPublicDisplay = publicDisplay;
return this;
public VirtualDisplayBuilder setResizeDisplay(boolean resizeDisplay) {
mResizeDisplay = resizeDisplay;
return this;
public VirtualDisplayBuilder setLaunchActivity(String launchActivity) {
mLaunchActivity = launchActivity;
return this;
public VirtualDisplayBuilder setSimulateDisplay(boolean simulateDisplay) {
mSimulateDisplay = simulateDisplay;
return this;
public VirtualDisplayBuilder setMustBeCreated(boolean mustBeCreated) {
mMustBeCreated = mustBeCreated;
return this;
public DisplayState build() throws Exception {
final List<DisplayState> displays = build(1);
return displays != null && !displays.isEmpty() ? displays.get(0) : null;
public List<DisplayState> build(int count) throws Exception {
if (mSimulateDisplay) {
return mTests.simulateDisplay(mDensityDpi);
return mTests.createVirtualDisplays(mDensityDpi, mLaunchInSplitScreen,
mCanShowWithInsecureKeyguard, mMustBeCreated, mPublicDisplay, mResizeDisplay,
mLaunchActivity, count);
private static String getCreateVirtualDisplayCommand(int densityDpi,
boolean canShowWithInsecureKeyguard, boolean publicDisplay, boolean resizeDisplay,
String launchActivity, int displayCount) {
final StringBuilder commandBuilder
= new StringBuilder(getAmStartCmd(VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_ACTIVITY));
commandBuilder.append(" -f 0x20000000");
commandBuilder.append(" --es command create_display");
if (densityDpi != INVALID_DENSITY_DPI) {
commandBuilder.append(" --ei density_dpi ").append(densityDpi);
commandBuilder.append(" --ei count ").append(displayCount);
commandBuilder.append(" --ez can_show_with_insecure_keyguard ")
commandBuilder.append(" --ez public_display ").append(publicDisplay);
commandBuilder.append(" --ez resize_display ").append(resizeDisplay);
if (launchActivity != null) {
commandBuilder.append(" --es launch_target_activity ").append(launchActivity);
return commandBuilder.toString();
private static String getDestroyVirtualDisplayCommand() {
return getAmStartCmd(VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_ACTIVITY) + " -f 0x20000000" +
" --es command destroy_display";
private static String getSimulateDisplayCommand(int densityDpi) {
return "settings put global overlay_display_devices 1024x768/" + densityDpi;
private static String getDestroySimulatedDisplayCommand() {
return "settings delete global overlay_display_devices";
/** Wait for provided number of displays and report their configurations. */
ReportedDisplays getDisplayStateAfterChange(int expectedDisplayCount)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
ReportedDisplays ds = getDisplaysStates();
int retriesLeft = 5;
while (!ds.isValidState(expectedDisplayCount) && retriesLeft-- > 0) {
log("***Waiting for the correct number of displays...");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
ds = getDisplaysStates();
return ds;
/** Checks if the device supports multi-display. */
boolean supportsMultiDisplay() throws Exception {
return hasDeviceFeature("");