Docs: Fix typo 'UIR' should be 'URI'

Bug: NA
Change-Id: I5882a47ba1e1c4a799f02b500d55b46b735b96c3
diff --git a/3_software/ b/3_software/
index 66f3ee5..50c8fbe 100644
--- a/3_software/
+++ b/3_software/
@@ -294,8 +294,8 @@
 as implemented by the Package Manager in the upstream Android Open Source
 *   [C-0-5] MUST attempt validation of the intent filters during the installation of
-the application and set all successfully validated UIR intent filters as
-default app handlers for their UIRs.
+the application and set all successfully validated URI intent filters as
+default app handlers for their URIs.
 *   MAY set specific URI intent filters as default app handlers for their URIs,
 if they are successfully verified but other candidate URI filters fail
 verification. If a device implementation does this, it MUST provide the