CDD: Recommend metadata encryption

- Tighten the security.

Bug: 73662717
Test: Compiled and inspected HTML
Change-Id: Ib2be403ef2db8525c9ad579a289eca79132696e9
diff --git a/9_security-model/ b/9_security-model/
index 8a14713..e72355b 100644
--- a/9_security-model/
+++ b/9_security-model/
@@ -68,6 +68,9 @@
    *    [C-1-11] MUST use the mandatorily supported ciphers, key lengths and
    modes by default.
+*    [C-SR] Are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to encrypt file system metadata, such as
+file sizes, ownership, modes, and Extended attributes (xattrs), with a key
+cryptographically bound to the device's hardware root of trust.
 *    SHOULD make preloaded essential apps (e.g. Alarm, Phone, Messenger)
 Direct Boot aware.