blob: f13659a6d7c22829a7846319a5e591cfc5f45691 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package android
import (
func init() {
func RegisterApexContributionsBuildComponents(ctx RegistrationContext) {
ctx.RegisterModuleType("apex_contributions", apexContributionsFactory)
ctx.RegisterSingletonModuleType("all_apex_contributions", allApexContributionsFactory)
type apexContributions struct {
properties contributionProps
type contributionProps struct {
// Name of the mainline module
Api_domain *string
// A list of module names that should be used when this contribution
// is selected via product_config
// The name should be explicit (foo or prebuilt_foo)
Contents []string
func (m *apexContributions) ApiDomain() string {
return proptools.String(
func (m *apexContributions) Contents() []string {
// apex_contributions contains a list of module names (source or
// prebuilt) belonging to the mainline module
// An apex can have multiple apex_contributions modules
// with different combinations of source or prebuilts, but only one can be
// selected via product_config.
func apexContributionsFactory() Module {
module := &apexContributions{}
return module
// This module type does not have any build actions.
// It provides metadata that is used in post-deps mutator phase for source vs
// prebuilts selection.
func (m *apexContributions) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx ModuleContext) {
// A container for apex_contributions.
// Based on product_config, it will create a dependency on the selected
// apex_contributions per mainline module
type allApexContributions struct {
func allApexContributionsFactory() SingletonModule {
module := &allApexContributions{}
return module
type apexContributionsDepTag struct {
var (
acDepTag = apexContributionsDepTag{}
// Creates a dep to each selected apex_contributions
func (a *allApexContributions) DepsMutator(ctx BottomUpMutatorContext) {
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), acDepTag, ctx.Config().AllApexContributions()...)
// Set PrebuiltSelectionInfoProvider in post deps phase
func (a *allApexContributions) SetPrebuiltSelectionInfoProvider(ctx BaseModuleContext) {
addContentsToProvider := func(p *PrebuiltSelectionInfoMap, m *apexContributions) {
for _, content := range m.Contents() {
if !ctx.OtherModuleExists(content) && !ctx.Config().AllowMissingDependencies() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("%s listed in apex_contributions %s does not exist\n", content, m.Name())
pi := &PrebuiltSelectionInfo{
baseModuleName: RemoveOptionalPrebuiltPrefix(content),
selectedModuleName: content,
metadataModuleName: m.Name(),
apiDomain: m.ApiDomain(),
p.Add(ctx, pi)
p := PrebuiltSelectionInfoMap{}
ctx.VisitDirectDepsWithTag(acDepTag, func(child Module) {
if m, ok := child.(*apexContributions); ok {
addContentsToProvider(&p, m)
} else {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("%s is not an apex_contributions module\n", child.Name())
ctx.SetProvider(PrebuiltSelectionInfoProvider, p)
// A provider containing metadata about whether source or prebuilt should be used
// This provider will be used in prebuilt_select mutator to redirect deps
var PrebuiltSelectionInfoProvider = blueprint.NewMutatorProvider(PrebuiltSelectionInfoMap{}, "prebuilt_select")
// Map of baseModuleName to the selected source or prebuilt
type PrebuiltSelectionInfoMap map[string]PrebuiltSelectionInfo
// Add a new entry to the map with some validations
func (pm *PrebuiltSelectionInfoMap) Add(ctx BaseModuleContext, p *PrebuiltSelectionInfo) {
if p == nil {
// Do not allow dups. If the base module (without the prebuilt_) has been added before, raise an exception.
if old, exists := (*pm)[p.baseModuleName]; exists {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("Cannot use Soong module: %s from apex_contributions: %s because it has been added previously as: %s from apex_contributions: %s\n",
p.selectedModuleName, p.metadataModuleName, old.selectedModuleName, old.metadataModuleName,
(*pm)[p.baseModuleName] = *p
type PrebuiltSelectionInfo struct {
// e.g. libc
baseModuleName string
// e.g. (libc|prebuilt_libc)
selectedModuleName string
// Name of the apex_contributions module
metadataModuleName string
// e.g.
apiDomain string
// Returns true if `name` is explicitly requested using one of the selected
// apex_contributions metadata modules.
func (p *PrebuiltSelectionInfoMap) IsSelected(baseModuleName, name string) bool {
if i, exists := (*p)[baseModuleName]; exists {
return i.selectedModuleName == name
} else {
return false
// This module type does not have any build actions.
func (a *allApexContributions) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx ModuleContext) {
func (a *allApexContributions) GenerateSingletonBuildActions(ctx SingletonContext) {