blob: e5214dfc8c7de13c7cf857cd54e2f82d3e33ed9b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Verify that one set of hidden API flags is a subset of another."""
import argparse
import csv
import sys
from itertools import chain
from signature_trie import signature_trie
def dict_reader(csvfile):
return csv.DictReader(
csvfile, delimiter=",", quotechar="|", fieldnames=["signature"])
def read_flag_trie_from_file(file):
with open(file, "r") as stream:
return read_flag_trie_from_stream(stream)
def read_flag_trie_from_stream(stream):
trie = signature_trie()
reader = dict_reader(stream)
for row in reader:
signature = row["signature"]
trie.add(signature, row)
return trie
def extract_subset_from_monolithic_flags_as_dict_from_file(
monolithicTrie, patternsFile):
"""Extract a subset of flags from the dict of monolithic flags.
:param monolithicFlagsDict: the dict containing all the monolithic flags.
:param patternsFile: a file containing a list of signature patterns that
define the subset.
:return: the dict from signature to row.
with open(patternsFile, "r") as stream:
return extract_subset_from_monolithic_flags_as_dict_from_stream(
monolithicTrie, stream)
def extract_subset_from_monolithic_flags_as_dict_from_stream(
monolithicTrie, stream):
"""Extract a subset of flags from the trie of monolithic flags.
:param monolithicTrie: the trie containing all the monolithic flags.
:param stream: a stream containing a list of signature patterns that define
the subset.
:return: the dict from signature to row.
dict_signature_to_row = {}
for pattern in stream:
pattern = pattern.rstrip()
rows = monolithicTrie.get_matching_rows(pattern)
for row in rows:
signature = row["signature"]
dict_signature_to_row[signature] = row
return dict_signature_to_row
def read_signature_csv_from_stream_as_dict(stream):
"""Read the csv contents from the stream into a dict.
The first column is assumed to be the signature and used as the
The whole row is stored as the value.
:param stream: the csv contents to read
:return: the dict from signature to row.
dict_signature_to_row = {}
reader = dict_reader(stream)
for row in reader:
signature = row["signature"]
dict_signature_to_row[signature] = row
return dict_signature_to_row
def read_signature_csv_from_file_as_dict(csvFile):
"""Read the csvFile into a dict.
The first column is assumed to be the signature and used as the
The whole row is stored as the value.
:param csvFile: the csv file to read
:return: the dict from signature to row.
with open(csvFile, "r") as f:
return read_signature_csv_from_stream_as_dict(f)
def compare_signature_flags(monolithicFlagsDict, modularFlagsDict):
"""Compare the signature flags between the two dicts.
:param monolithicFlagsDict: the dict containing the subset of the monolithic
flags that should be equal to the modular flags.
:param modularFlagsDict:the dict containing the flags produced by a single
bootclasspath_fragment module.
:return: list of mismatches., each mismatch is a tuple where the first item
is the signature, and the second and third items are lists of the flags from
modular dict, and monolithic dict respectively.
mismatchingSignatures = []
# Create a sorted set of all the signatures from both the monolithic and
# modular dicts.
allSignatures = sorted(
set(chain(monolithicFlagsDict.keys(), modularFlagsDict.keys())))
for signature in allSignatures:
monolithicRow = monolithicFlagsDict.get(signature, {})
monolithicFlags = monolithicRow.get(None, [])
if signature in modularFlagsDict:
modularRow = modularFlagsDict.get(signature, {})
modularFlags = modularRow.get(None, [])
modularFlags = ["blocked"]
if monolithicFlags != modularFlags:
(signature, modularFlags, monolithicFlags))
return mismatchingSignatures
def main(argv):
args_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Verify that sets of hidden API flags are each a subset of "
"the monolithic flag file.")
args_parser.add_argument("monolithicFlags", help="The monolithic flag file")
help="Flags produced by individual bootclasspath_fragment modules")
args = args_parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
# Read in all the flags into the trie
monolithicFlagsPath = args.monolithicFlags
monolithicTrie = read_flag_trie_from_file(monolithicFlagsPath)
# For each subset specified on the command line, create dicts for the flags
# provided by the subset and the corresponding flags from the complete set
# of flags and compare them.
failed = False
for modularPair in args.modularFlags:
parts = modularPair.split(":")
modularFlagsPath = parts[0]
modularPatternsPath = parts[1]
modularFlagsDict = read_signature_csv_from_file_as_dict(
monolithicFlagsSubsetDict = \
monolithicTrie, modularPatternsPath)
mismatchingSignatures = compare_signature_flags(
monolithicFlagsSubsetDict, modularFlagsDict)
if mismatchingSignatures:
failed = True
print("ERROR: Hidden API flags are inconsistent:")
print("< " + modularFlagsPath)
print("> " + monolithicFlagsPath)
for mismatch in mismatchingSignatures:
signature = mismatch[0]
print("< " + ",".join([signature] + mismatch[1]))
print("> " + ",".join([signature] + mismatch[2]))
if failed:
if __name__ == "__main__":