blob: 6160506b0c0707c5c3104583ef14e7399df91a89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package android
import (
type OncePer struct {
values sync.Map
valuesLock sync.Mutex
// Once computes a value the first time it is called with a given key per OncePer, and returns the
// value without recomputing when called with the same key. key must be hashable.
func (once *OncePer) Once(key interface{}, value func() interface{}) interface{} {
// Fast path: check if the key is already in the map
if v, ok := once.values.Load(key); ok {
return v
// Slow path: lock so that we don't call the value function twice concurrently
defer once.valuesLock.Unlock()
// Check again with the lock held
if v, ok := once.values.Load(key); ok {
return v
// Still not in the map, call the value function and store it
v := value()
once.values.Store(key, v)
return v
// Get returns the value previously computed with Once for a given key. If Once has not been called for the given
// key Get will panic.
func (once *OncePer) Get(key interface{}) interface{} {
v, ok := once.values.Load(key)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Get() called before Once()"))
return v
// OnceStringSlice is the same as Once, but returns the value cast to a []string
func (once *OncePer) OnceStringSlice(key interface{}, value func() []string) []string {
return once.Once(key, func() interface{} { return value() }).([]string)
// OnceStringSlice is the same as Once, but returns two values cast to []string
func (once *OncePer) Once2StringSlice(key interface{}, value func() ([]string, []string)) ([]string, []string) {
type twoStringSlice [2][]string
s := once.Once(key, func() interface{} {
var s twoStringSlice
s[0], s[1] = value()
return s
return s[0], s[1]
// OnceKey is an opaque type to be used as the key in calls to Once.
type OnceKey struct {
key interface{}
// NewOnceKey returns an opaque OnceKey object for the provided key. Two calls to NewOnceKey with the same key string
// DO NOT produce the same OnceKey object.
func NewOnceKey(key string) OnceKey {
return OnceKey{&key}
// NewCustomOnceKey returns an opaque OnceKey object for the provided key. The key can be any type that is valid as the
// key in a map, i.e. comparable. Two calls to NewCustomOnceKey with key values that compare equal will return OnceKey
// objects that access the same value stored with Once.
func NewCustomOnceKey(key interface{}) OnceKey {
return OnceKey{key}