blob: 0bb1a816e933803ba7d1ca7be4262efe29a5f338 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package config
import (
var (
darwinCflags = []string{
// Workaround differences in inttypes.h between host and target.
//See bug 12708004.
"-isysroot ${macSdkRoot}",
darwinLdflags = []string{
"-isysroot ${macSdkRoot}",
darwinSupportedSdkVersions = []string{
darwinAvailableLibraries = append(
}, "-l"),
"-framework AppKit",
"-framework CoreFoundation",
"-framework Foundation",
"-framework IOKit",
"-framework Security",
"-framework SystemConfiguration",
const (
darwinGccVersion = "4.2.1"
func init() {
pctx.VariableFunc("macSdkRoot", func(ctx android.PackageVarContext) string {
return getMacTools(ctx).sdkRoot
pctx.StaticVariable("macMinVersion", "10.13")
pctx.VariableFunc("MacArPath", func(ctx android.PackageVarContext) string {
return getMacTools(ctx).arPath
pctx.VariableFunc("MacStripPath", func(ctx android.PackageVarContext) string {
return getMacTools(ctx).stripPath
pctx.VariableFunc("MacToolPath", func(ctx android.PackageVarContext) string {
return getMacTools(ctx).toolPath
pctx.StaticVariable("DarwinGccVersion", darwinGccVersion)
pctx.StaticVariable("DarwinGccTriple", "i686-apple-darwin11")
pctx.StaticVariable("DarwinCflags", strings.Join(darwinCflags, " "))
pctx.StaticVariable("DarwinLdflags", strings.Join(darwinLdflags, " "))
pctx.StaticVariable("DarwinLldflags", strings.Join(darwinLdflags, " "))
pctx.StaticVariable("DarwinYasmFlags", "-f macho -m amd64")
type macPlatformTools struct {
once sync.Once
err error
sdkRoot string
arPath string
stripPath string
toolPath string
var macTools = &macPlatformTools{}
func getMacTools(ctx android.PackageVarContext) *macPlatformTools {
macTools.once.Do(func() {
xcrunTool := "/usr/bin/xcrun"
xcrun := func(args ...string) string {
if macTools.err != nil {
return ""
bytes, err := exec.Command(xcrunTool, args...).Output()
if err != nil {
macTools.err = fmt.Errorf("xcrun %q failed with: %q", args, err)
return ""
return strings.TrimSpace(string(bytes))
xcrunSdk := func(arg string) string {
if selected := ctx.Config().Getenv("MAC_SDK_VERSION"); selected != "" {
if !inList(selected, darwinSupportedSdkVersions) {
macTools.err = fmt.Errorf("MAC_SDK_VERSION %s isn't supported: %q", selected, darwinSupportedSdkVersions)
return ""
return xcrun("--sdk", "macosx"+selected, arg)
for _, sdk := range darwinSupportedSdkVersions {
bytes, err := exec.Command(xcrunTool, "--sdk", "macosx"+sdk, arg).Output()
if err == nil {
return strings.TrimSpace(string(bytes))
macTools.err = fmt.Errorf("Could not find a supported mac sdk: %q", darwinSupportedSdkVersions)
return ""
macTools.sdkRoot = xcrunSdk("--show-sdk-path")
macTools.arPath = xcrun("--find", "ar")
macTools.stripPath = xcrun("--find", "strip")
macTools.toolPath = filepath.Dir(xcrun("--find", "ld"))
if macTools.err != nil {
ctx.Errorf("%q", macTools.err)
return macTools
type toolchainDarwin struct {
cFlags, ldFlags string
func (t *toolchainDarwin) Name() string {
return "x86_64"
func (t *toolchainDarwin) GccRoot() string {
return "${config.DarwinGccRoot}"
func (t *toolchainDarwin) GccTriple() string {
return "${config.DarwinGccTriple}"
func (t *toolchainDarwin) GccVersion() string {
return darwinGccVersion
func (t *toolchainDarwin) IncludeFlags() string {
return ""
func (t *toolchainDarwin) ClangTriple() string {
return "x86_64-apple-darwin"
func (t *toolchainDarwin) Cflags() string {
return "${config.DarwinCflags}"
func (t *toolchainDarwin) Cppflags() string {
return ""
func (t *toolchainDarwin) Ldflags() string {
return "${config.DarwinLdflags}"
func (t *toolchainDarwin) Lldflags() string {
return "${config.DarwinLldflags}"
func (t *toolchainDarwin) YasmFlags() string {
return "${config.DarwinYasmFlags}"
func (t *toolchainDarwin) ShlibSuffix() string {
return ".dylib"
func (t *toolchainDarwin) AvailableLibraries() []string {
return darwinAvailableLibraries
func (t *toolchainDarwin) ToolPath() string {
return "${config.MacToolPath}"
var toolchainDarwinSingleton Toolchain = &toolchainDarwin{}
func darwinToolchainFactory(arch android.Arch) Toolchain {
return toolchainDarwinSingleton
func init() {
registerToolchainFactory(android.Darwin, android.X86_64, darwinToolchainFactory)