blob: 899ab5da51ca338d372f8c5fb48c38c92ccedd64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package build
import (
soong_metrics_proto "android/soong/ui/metrics/metrics_proto"
// This uses Android.bp files and various tools to generate <builddir>/
// However, the execution of <builddir>/ happens later in build/soong/ui/build/build.go#Build()
// We want to rely on as few prebuilts as possible, so there is some bootstrapping here.
// "Microfactory" is a tool for compiling Go code. We use it to build two other tools:
// - minibp, used to generate files. This is really build/blueprint/bootstrap/command.go#Main()
// - bpglob, used during incremental builds to identify files in a glob that have changed
// In reality, several files are generated and/or used during the bootstrapping and build process.
// See build/blueprint/bootstrap/doc.go for more information.
func runSoong(ctx Context, config Config) {
ctx.BeginTrace(metrics.RunSoong, "soong")
defer ctx.EndTrace()
// Use an anonymous inline function for tracing purposes (this pattern is used several times below).
func() {
ctx.BeginTrace(metrics.RunSoong, "blueprint bootstrap")
defer ctx.EndTrace()
// Use validations to depend on tests.
args := []string{"-n"}
if !config.skipSoongTests {
// Run tests.
args = append(args, "-t")
cmd := Command(ctx, config, "blueprint bootstrap", "build/blueprint/bootstrap.bash", args...)
cmd.Environment.Set("BLUEPRINTDIR", "./build/blueprint")
cmd.Environment.Set("BOOTSTRAP", "./build/blueprint/bootstrap.bash")
cmd.Environment.Set("BUILDDIR", config.SoongOutDir())
cmd.Environment.Set("GOROOT", "./"+filepath.Join("prebuilts/go", config.HostPrebuiltTag()))
cmd.Environment.Set("BLUEPRINT_LIST_FILE", filepath.Join(config.FileListDir(), "Android.bp.list"))
cmd.Environment.Set("NINJA_BUILDDIR", config.OutDir())
cmd.Environment.Set("SRCDIR", ".")
cmd.Environment.Set("TOPNAME", "Android.bp")
cmd.Sandbox = soongSandbox
func() {
ctx.BeginTrace(metrics.RunSoong, "environment check")
defer ctx.EndTrace()
envFile := filepath.Join(config.SoongOutDir(), ".soong.environment")
envTool := filepath.Join(config.SoongOutDir(), ".bootstrap/bin/soong_env")
if _, err := os.Stat(envFile); err == nil {
if _, err := os.Stat(envTool); err == nil {
cmd := Command(ctx, config, "soong_env", envTool, envFile)
cmd.Sandbox = soongSandbox
var buf strings.Builder
cmd.Stdout = &buf
cmd.Stderr = &buf
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
ctx.Verboseln("soong_env failed, forcing manifest regeneration")
if buf.Len() > 0 {
} else {
ctx.Verboseln("Missing soong_env tool, forcing manifest regeneration")
} else if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
ctx.Fatalf("Failed to stat %f: %v", envFile, err)
var cfg microfactory.Config
cfg.Map("", "build/blueprint")
cfg.TrimPath = absPath(ctx, ".")
func() {
ctx.BeginTrace(metrics.RunSoong, "minibp")
defer ctx.EndTrace()
minibp := filepath.Join(config.SoongOutDir(), ".minibootstrap/minibp")
if _, err := microfactory.Build(&cfg, minibp, ""); err != nil {
ctx.Fatalln("Failed to build minibp:", err)
func() {
ctx.BeginTrace(metrics.RunSoong, "bpglob")
defer ctx.EndTrace()
bpglob := filepath.Join(config.SoongOutDir(), ".minibootstrap/bpglob")
if _, err := microfactory.Build(&cfg, bpglob, ""); err != nil {
ctx.Fatalln("Failed to build bpglob:", err)
ninja := func(name, file string) {
ctx.BeginTrace(metrics.RunSoong, name)
defer ctx.EndTrace()
fifo := filepath.Join(config.OutDir(), ".ninja_fifo")
nr := status.NewNinjaReader(ctx, ctx.Status.StartTool(), fifo)
defer nr.Close()
cmd := Command(ctx, config, "soong "+name,
"-d", "keepdepfile",
"-d", "stats",
"-o", "usesphonyoutputs=yes",
"-o", "preremoveoutputs=yes",
"-w", "dupbuild=err",
"-w", "outputdir=err",
"-w", "missingoutfile=err",
"-j", strconv.Itoa(config.Parallel()),
"--frontend_file", fifo,
"-f", filepath.Join(config.SoongOutDir(), file))
// For Bazel mixed builds.
cmd.Environment.Set("BAZEL_PATH", "./tools/bazel")
cmd.Environment.Set("BAZEL_HOME", filepath.Join(config.BazelOutDir(), "bazelhome"))
cmd.Environment.Set("BAZEL_OUTPUT_BASE", filepath.Join(config.BazelOutDir(), "output"))
cmd.Environment.Set("BAZEL_WORKSPACE", absPath(ctx, "."))
cmd.Environment.Set("BAZEL_METRICS_DIR", config.BazelMetricsDir())
cmd.Environment.Set("SOONG_SANDBOX_SOONG_BUILD", "true")
cmd.Sandbox = soongSandbox
// This build generates .bootstrap/, which is used in the next step.
ninja("minibootstrap", ".minibootstrap/")
// This build generates <builddir>/, which is used later by build/soong/ui/build/build.go#Build().
ninja("bootstrap", ".bootstrap/")
var soongBuildMetrics *soong_metrics_proto.SoongBuildMetrics
if shouldCollectBuildSoongMetrics(config) {
soongBuildMetrics := loadSoongBuildMetrics(ctx, config)
logSoongBuildMetrics(ctx, soongBuildMetrics)
distGzipFile(ctx, config, config.SoongNinjaFile(), "soong")
if !config.SkipKati() {
distGzipFile(ctx, config, config.SoongAndroidMk(), "soong")
distGzipFile(ctx, config, config.SoongMakeVarsMk(), "soong")
if shouldCollectBuildSoongMetrics(config) && ctx.Metrics != nil {
func shouldCollectBuildSoongMetrics(config Config) bool {
// Do not collect metrics protobuf if the soong_build binary ran as the bp2build converter.
return config.Environment().IsFalse("GENERATE_BAZEL_FILES")
func loadSoongBuildMetrics(ctx Context, config Config) *soong_metrics_proto.SoongBuildMetrics {
soongBuildMetricsFile := filepath.Join(config.OutDir(), "soong", "soong_build_metrics.pb")
buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(soongBuildMetricsFile)
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Failed to load %s: %s", soongBuildMetricsFile, err)
soongBuildMetrics := &soong_metrics_proto.SoongBuildMetrics{}
err = proto.Unmarshal(buf, soongBuildMetrics)
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Failed to unmarshal %s: %s", soongBuildMetricsFile, err)
return soongBuildMetrics
func logSoongBuildMetrics(ctx Context, metrics *soong_metrics_proto.SoongBuildMetrics) {
ctx.Verbosef("soong_build metrics:")
ctx.Verbosef(" modules: %v", metrics.GetModules())
ctx.Verbosef(" variants: %v", metrics.GetVariants())
ctx.Verbosef(" max heap size: %v MB", metrics.GetMaxHeapSize()/1e6)
ctx.Verbosef(" total allocation count: %v", metrics.GetTotalAllocCount())
ctx.Verbosef(" total allocation size: %v MB", metrics.GetTotalAllocSize()/1e6)