blob: 6a06c1bab14de11b7b60ae8ac6a790f2d2b746e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bazel
import (
// BazelTargetModuleProperties contain properties and metadata used for
// Blueprint to BUILD file conversion.
type BazelTargetModuleProperties struct {
// The Bazel rule class for this target.
Rule_class string `blueprint:"mutated"`
// The target label for the bzl file containing the definition of the rule class.
Bzl_load_location string `blueprint:"mutated"`
var productVariableSubstitutionPattern = regexp.MustCompile("%(d|s)")
// Label is used to represent a Bazel compatible Label. Also stores the original
// bp text to support string replacement.
type Label struct {
// The string representation of a Bazel target label. This can be a relative
// or fully qualified label. These labels are used for generating BUILD
// files with bp2build.
Label string
// The original Soong/Blueprint module name that the label was derived from.
// This is used for replacing references to the original name with the new
// label, for example in genrule cmds.
// While there is a reversible 1:1 mapping from the module name to Bazel
// label with bp2build that could make computing the original module name
// from the label automatic, it is not the case for handcrafted targets,
// where modules can have a custom label mapping through the { bazel_module:
// { label: <label> } } property.
// With handcrafted labels, those modules don't go through bp2build
// conversion, but relies on handcrafted targets in the source tree.
OriginalModuleName string
// LabelList is used to represent a list of Bazel labels.
type LabelList struct {
Includes []Label
Excludes []Label
func (ll *LabelList) Equals(other LabelList) bool {
if len(ll.Includes) != len(other.Includes) || len(ll.Excludes) != len(other.Excludes) {
return false
for i, _ := range ll.Includes {
if ll.Includes[i] != other.Includes[i] {
return false
for i, _ := range ll.Excludes {
if ll.Excludes[i] != other.Excludes[i] {
return false
return true
func (ll *LabelList) IsNil() bool {
return ll.Includes == nil && ll.Excludes == nil
func (ll *LabelList) deepCopy() LabelList {
return LabelList{
Includes: ll.Includes[:],
Excludes: ll.Excludes[:],
// uniqueParentDirectories returns a list of the unique parent directories for
// all files in ll.Includes.
func (ll *LabelList) uniqueParentDirectories() []string {
dirMap := map[string]bool{}
for _, label := range ll.Includes {
dirMap[filepath.Dir(label.Label)] = true
dirs := []string{}
for dir := range dirMap {
dirs = append(dirs, dir)
return dirs
// Append appends the fields of other labelList to the corresponding fields of ll.
func (ll *LabelList) Append(other LabelList) {
if len(ll.Includes) > 0 || len(other.Includes) > 0 {
ll.Includes = append(ll.Includes, other.Includes...)
if len(ll.Excludes) > 0 || len(other.Excludes) > 0 {
ll.Excludes = append(other.Excludes, other.Excludes...)
// UniqueSortedBazelLabels takes a []Label and deduplicates the labels, and returns
// the slice in a sorted order.
func UniqueSortedBazelLabels(originalLabels []Label) []Label {
uniqueLabelsSet := make(map[Label]bool)
for _, l := range originalLabels {
uniqueLabelsSet[l] = true
var uniqueLabels []Label
for l, _ := range uniqueLabelsSet {
uniqueLabels = append(uniqueLabels, l)
sort.SliceStable(uniqueLabels, func(i, j int) bool {
return uniqueLabels[i].Label < uniqueLabels[j].Label
return uniqueLabels
func FirstUniqueBazelLabels(originalLabels []Label) []Label {
var labels []Label
found := make(map[Label]bool, len(originalLabels))
for _, l := range originalLabels {
if _, ok := found[l]; ok {
labels = append(labels, l)
found[l] = true
return labels
func FirstUniqueBazelLabelList(originalLabelList LabelList) LabelList {
var uniqueLabelList LabelList
uniqueLabelList.Includes = FirstUniqueBazelLabels(originalLabelList.Includes)
uniqueLabelList.Excludes = FirstUniqueBazelLabels(originalLabelList.Excludes)
return uniqueLabelList
func UniqueSortedBazelLabelList(originalLabelList LabelList) LabelList {
var uniqueLabelList LabelList
uniqueLabelList.Includes = UniqueSortedBazelLabels(originalLabelList.Includes)
uniqueLabelList.Excludes = UniqueSortedBazelLabels(originalLabelList.Excludes)
return uniqueLabelList
// Subtract needle from haystack
func SubtractStrings(haystack []string, needle []string) []string {
// This is really a set
needleMap := make(map[string]bool)
for _, s := range needle {
needleMap[s] = true
var strings []string
for _, s := range haystack {
if exclude := needleMap[s]; !exclude {
strings = append(strings, s)
return strings
// Subtract needle from haystack
func SubtractBazelLabels(haystack []Label, needle []Label) []Label {
// This is really a set
needleMap := make(map[Label]bool)
for _, s := range needle {
needleMap[s] = true
var labels []Label
for _, label := range haystack {
if exclude := needleMap[label]; !exclude {
labels = append(labels, label)
return labels
// Appends two LabelLists, returning the combined list.
func AppendBazelLabelLists(a LabelList, b LabelList) LabelList {
var result LabelList
result.Includes = append(a.Includes, b.Includes...)
result.Excludes = append(a.Excludes, b.Excludes...)
return result
// Subtract needle from haystack
func SubtractBazelLabelList(haystack LabelList, needle LabelList) LabelList {
var result LabelList
result.Includes = SubtractBazelLabels(haystack.Includes, needle.Includes)
// NOTE: Excludes are intentionally not subtracted
result.Excludes = haystack.Excludes
return result
type Attribute interface {
HasConfigurableValues() bool
type labelSelectValues map[string]*Label
type configurableLabels map[ConfigurationAxis]labelSelectValues
func (cl configurableLabels) setValueForAxis(axis ConfigurationAxis, config string, value *Label) {
if cl[axis] == nil {
cl[axis] = make(labelSelectValues)
cl[axis][config] = value
// Represents an attribute whose value is a single label
type LabelAttribute struct {
Value *Label
ConfigurableValues configurableLabels
// HasConfigurableValues returns whether there are configurable values set for this label.
func (la LabelAttribute) HasConfigurableValues() bool {
return len(la.ConfigurableValues) > 0
// SetValue sets the base, non-configured value for the Label
func (la *LabelAttribute) SetValue(value Label) {
la.SetSelectValue(NoConfigAxis, "", value)
// SetSelectValue set a value for a bazel select for the given axis, config and value.
func (la *LabelAttribute) SetSelectValue(axis ConfigurationAxis, config string, value Label) {
switch axis.configurationType {
case noConfig:
la.Value = &value
case arch, os, osArch, productVariables:
if la.ConfigurableValues == nil {
la.ConfigurableValues = make(configurableLabels)
la.ConfigurableValues.setValueForAxis(axis, config, &value)
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized ConfigurationAxis %s", axis))
// SelectValue gets a value for a bazel select for the given axis and config.
func (la *LabelAttribute) SelectValue(axis ConfigurationAxis, config string) Label {
switch axis.configurationType {
case noConfig:
return *la.Value
case arch, os, osArch, productVariables:
return *la.ConfigurableValues[axis][config]
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized ConfigurationAxis %s", axis))
// SortedConfigurationAxes returns all the used ConfigurationAxis in sorted order.
func (la *LabelAttribute) SortedConfigurationAxes() []ConfigurationAxis {
keys := make([]ConfigurationAxis, 0, len(la.ConfigurableValues))
for k := range la.ConfigurableValues {
keys = append(keys, k)
sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool { return keys[i].less(keys[j]) })
return keys
type configToBools map[string]bool
func (ctb configToBools) setValue(config string, value *bool) {
if value == nil {
if _, ok := ctb[config]; ok {
delete(ctb, config)
ctb[config] = *value
type configurableBools map[ConfigurationAxis]configToBools
func (cb configurableBools) setValueForAxis(axis ConfigurationAxis, config string, value *bool) {
if cb[axis] == nil {
cb[axis] = make(configToBools)
cb[axis].setValue(config, value)
// BoolAttribute represents an attribute whose value is a single bool but may be configurable..
type BoolAttribute struct {
Value *bool
ConfigurableValues configurableBools
// HasConfigurableValues returns whether there are configurable values for this attribute.
func (ba BoolAttribute) HasConfigurableValues() bool {
return len(ba.ConfigurableValues) > 0
// SetSelectValue sets value for the given axis/config.
func (ba *BoolAttribute) SetSelectValue(axis ConfigurationAxis, config string, value *bool) {
switch axis.configurationType {
case noConfig:
ba.Value = value
case arch, os, osArch, productVariables:
if ba.ConfigurableValues == nil {
ba.ConfigurableValues = make(configurableBools)
ba.ConfigurableValues.setValueForAxis(axis, config, value)
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized ConfigurationAxis %s", axis))
// SelectValue gets the value for the given axis/config.
func (ba BoolAttribute) SelectValue(axis ConfigurationAxis, config string) *bool {
switch axis.configurationType {
case noConfig:
return ba.Value
case arch, os, osArch, productVariables:
if v, ok := ba.ConfigurableValues[axis][config]; ok {
return &v
} else {
return nil
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized ConfigurationAxis %s", axis))
// SortedConfigurationAxes returns all the used ConfigurationAxis in sorted order.
func (ba *BoolAttribute) SortedConfigurationAxes() []ConfigurationAxis {
keys := make([]ConfigurationAxis, 0, len(ba.ConfigurableValues))
for k := range ba.ConfigurableValues {
keys = append(keys, k)
sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool { return keys[i].less(keys[j]) })
return keys
// labelListSelectValues supports config-specific label_list typed Bazel attribute values.
type labelListSelectValues map[string]LabelList
func (ll labelListSelectValues) appendSelects(other labelListSelectValues) {
for k, v := range other {
l := ll[k]
ll[k] = l
// HasConfigurableValues returns whether there are configurable values within this set of selects.
func (ll labelListSelectValues) HasConfigurableValues() bool {
for _, v := range ll {
if v.Includes != nil {
return true
return false
// LabelListAttribute is used to represent a list of Bazel labels as an
// attribute.
type LabelListAttribute struct {
// The non-configured attribute label list Value. Required.
Value LabelList
// The configured attribute label list Values. Optional
// a map of independent configurability axes
ConfigurableValues configurableLabelLists
// If true, differentiate between "nil" and "empty" list. nil means that
// this attribute should not be specified at all, and "empty" means that
// the attribute should be explicitly specified as an empty list.
// This mode facilitates use of attribute defaults: an empty list should
// override the default.
ForceSpecifyEmptyList bool
type configurableLabelLists map[ConfigurationAxis]labelListSelectValues
func (cll configurableLabelLists) setValueForAxis(axis ConfigurationAxis, config string, list LabelList) {
if list.IsNil() {
if _, ok := cll[axis][config]; ok {
delete(cll[axis], config)
if cll[axis] == nil {
cll[axis] = make(labelListSelectValues)
cll[axis][config] = list
func (cll configurableLabelLists) Append(other configurableLabelLists) {
for axis, otherSelects := range other {
selects := cll[axis]
if selects == nil {
selects = make(labelListSelectValues, len(otherSelects))
cll[axis] = selects
// MakeLabelListAttribute initializes a LabelListAttribute with the non-arch specific value.
func MakeLabelListAttribute(value LabelList) LabelListAttribute {
return LabelListAttribute{
Value: value,
ConfigurableValues: make(configurableLabelLists),
func (lla *LabelListAttribute) SetValue(list LabelList) {
lla.SetSelectValue(NoConfigAxis, "", list)
// SetSelectValue set a value for a bazel select for the given axis, config and value.
func (lla *LabelListAttribute) SetSelectValue(axis ConfigurationAxis, config string, list LabelList) {
switch axis.configurationType {
case noConfig:
lla.Value = list
case arch, os, osArch, productVariables:
if lla.ConfigurableValues == nil {
lla.ConfigurableValues = make(configurableLabelLists)
lla.ConfigurableValues.setValueForAxis(axis, config, list)
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized ConfigurationAxis %s", axis))
// SelectValue gets a value for a bazel select for the given axis and config.
func (lla *LabelListAttribute) SelectValue(axis ConfigurationAxis, config string) LabelList {
switch axis.configurationType {
case noConfig:
return lla.Value
case arch, os, osArch, productVariables:
return lla.ConfigurableValues[axis][config]
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized ConfigurationAxis %s", axis))
// SortedConfigurationAxes returns all the used ConfigurationAxis in sorted order.
func (lla *LabelListAttribute) SortedConfigurationAxes() []ConfigurationAxis {
keys := make([]ConfigurationAxis, 0, len(lla.ConfigurableValues))
for k := range lla.ConfigurableValues {
keys = append(keys, k)
sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool { return keys[i].less(keys[j]) })
return keys
// Append all values, including os and arch specific ones, from another
// LabelListAttribute to this LabelListAttribute.
func (lla *LabelListAttribute) Append(other LabelListAttribute) {
if lla.ForceSpecifyEmptyList && !other.Value.IsNil() {
lla.Value.Includes = []Label{}
if lla.ConfigurableValues == nil {
lla.ConfigurableValues = make(configurableLabelLists)
// HasConfigurableValues returns true if the attribute contains axis-specific label list values.
func (lla LabelListAttribute) HasConfigurableValues() bool {
return len(lla.ConfigurableValues) > 0
// IsEmpty returns true if the attribute has no values under any configuration.
func (lla LabelListAttribute) IsEmpty() bool {
if len(lla.Value.Includes) > 0 {
return false
for axis, _ := range lla.ConfigurableValues {
if lla.ConfigurableValues[axis].HasConfigurableValues() {
return false
return true
// ResolveExcludes handles excludes across the various axes, ensuring that items are removed from
// the base value and included in default values as appropriate.
func (lla *LabelListAttribute) ResolveExcludes() {
for axis, configToLabels := range lla.ConfigurableValues {
baseLabels := lla.Value.deepCopy()
for config, val := range configToLabels {
// Exclude config-specific excludes from base value
lla.Value = SubtractBazelLabelList(lla.Value, LabelList{Includes: val.Excludes})
// add base values to config specific to add labels excluded by others in this axis
// then remove all config-specific excludes
allLabels := baseLabels.deepCopy()
lla.ConfigurableValues[axis][config] = SubtractBazelLabelList(allLabels, LabelList{Includes: val.Excludes})
// After going through all configs, delete the duplicates in the config
// values that are already in the base Value.
for config, val := range configToLabels {
lla.ConfigurableValues[axis][config] = SubtractBazelLabelList(val, lla.Value)
// Now that the Value list is finalized for this axis, compare it with the original
// list, and put the difference into the default condition for the axis.
lla.ConfigurableValues[axis][ConditionsDefaultConfigKey] = SubtractBazelLabelList(baseLabels, lla.Value)
// if everything ends up without includes, just delete the axis
if !lla.ConfigurableValues[axis].HasConfigurableValues() {
delete(lla.ConfigurableValues, axis)
// OtherModuleContext is a limited context that has methods with information about other modules.
type OtherModuleContext interface {
ModuleFromName(name string) (blueprint.Module, bool)
OtherModuleType(m blueprint.Module) string
OtherModuleName(m blueprint.Module) string
OtherModuleDir(m blueprint.Module) string
ModuleErrorf(fmt string, args ...interface{})
// LabelMapper is a function that takes a OtherModuleContext and returns a (potentially changed)
// label and whether it was changed.
type LabelMapper func(OtherModuleContext, string) (string, bool)
// LabelPartition contains descriptions of a partition for labels
type LabelPartition struct {
// Extensions to include in this partition
Extensions []string
// LabelMapper is a function that can map a label to a new label, and indicate whether to include
// the mapped label in the partition
LabelMapper LabelMapper
// Whether to store files not included in any other partition in a group of LabelPartitions
// Only one partition in a group of LabelPartitions can enabled Keep_remainder
Keep_remainder bool
// LabelPartitions is a map of partition name to a LabelPartition describing the elements of the
// partition
type LabelPartitions map[string]LabelPartition
// filter returns a pointer to a label if the label should be included in the partition or nil if
// not.
func (lf LabelPartition) filter(ctx OtherModuleContext, label Label) *Label {
if lf.LabelMapper != nil {
if newLabel, changed := lf.LabelMapper(ctx, label.Label); changed {
return &Label{newLabel, label.OriginalModuleName}
for _, ext := range lf.Extensions {
if strings.HasSuffix(label.Label, ext) {
return &label
return nil
// PartitionToLabelListAttribute is map of partition name to a LabelListAttribute
type PartitionToLabelListAttribute map[string]LabelListAttribute
type partitionToLabelList map[string]*LabelList
func (p partitionToLabelList) appendIncludes(partition string, label Label) {
if _, ok := p[partition]; !ok {
p[partition] = &LabelList{}
p[partition].Includes = append(p[partition].Includes, label)
func (p partitionToLabelList) excludes(partition string, excludes []Label) {
if _, ok := p[partition]; !ok {
p[partition] = &LabelList{}
p[partition].Excludes = excludes
// PartitionLabelListAttribute partitions a LabelListAttribute into the requested partitions
func PartitionLabelListAttribute(ctx OtherModuleContext, lla *LabelListAttribute, partitions LabelPartitions) PartitionToLabelListAttribute {
ret := PartitionToLabelListAttribute{}
var partitionNames []string
// Stored as a pointer to distinguish nil (no remainder partition) from empty string partition
var remainderPartition *string
for p, f := range partitions {
partitionNames = append(partitionNames, p)
if f.Keep_remainder {
if remainderPartition != nil {
panic("only one partition can store the remainder")
// If we take the address of p in a loop, we'll end up with the last value of p in
// remainderPartition, we want the requested partition
capturePartition := p
remainderPartition = &capturePartition
partitionLabelList := func(axis ConfigurationAxis, config string) {
value := lla.SelectValue(axis, config)
partitionToLabels := partitionToLabelList{}
for _, item := range value.Includes {
wasFiltered := false
var inPartition *string
for partition, f := range partitions {
filtered := f.filter(ctx, item)
if filtered == nil {
// did not match this filter, keep looking
wasFiltered = true
partitionToLabels.appendIncludes(partition, *filtered)
// don't need to check other partitions if this filter used the item,
// continue checking if mapped to another name
if *filtered == item {
if inPartition != nil {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("%q was found in multiple partitions: %q, %q", item.Label, *inPartition, partition)
capturePartition := partition
inPartition = &capturePartition
// if not specified in a partition, add to remainder partition if one exists
if !wasFiltered && remainderPartition != nil {
partitionToLabels.appendIncludes(*remainderPartition, item)
// ensure empty lists are maintained
if value.Excludes != nil {
for _, partition := range partitionNames {
partitionToLabels.excludes(partition, value.Excludes)
for partition, list := range partitionToLabels {
val := ret[partition]
(&val).SetSelectValue(axis, config, *list)
ret[partition] = val
partitionLabelList(NoConfigAxis, "")
for axis, configToList := range lla.ConfigurableValues {
for config, _ := range configToList {
partitionLabelList(axis, config)
return ret
// StringListAttribute corresponds to the string_list Bazel attribute type with
// support for additional metadata, like configurations.
type StringListAttribute struct {
// The base value of the string list attribute.
Value []string
// The configured attribute label list Values. Optional
// a map of independent configurability axes
ConfigurableValues configurableStringLists
type configurableStringLists map[ConfigurationAxis]stringListSelectValues
func (csl configurableStringLists) Append(other configurableStringLists) {
for axis, otherSelects := range other {
selects := csl[axis]
if selects == nil {
selects = make(stringListSelectValues, len(otherSelects))
csl[axis] = selects
func (csl configurableStringLists) setValueForAxis(axis ConfigurationAxis, config string, list []string) {
if csl[axis] == nil {
csl[axis] = make(stringListSelectValues)
csl[axis][config] = list
type stringListSelectValues map[string][]string
func (sl stringListSelectValues) appendSelects(other stringListSelectValues) {
for k, v := range other {
sl[k] = append(sl[k], v...)
func (sl stringListSelectValues) hasConfigurableValues(other stringListSelectValues) bool {
for _, val := range sl {
if len(val) > 0 {
return true
return false
// MakeStringListAttribute initializes a StringListAttribute with the non-arch specific value.
func MakeStringListAttribute(value []string) StringListAttribute {
// NOTE: These strings are not necessarily unique or sorted.
return StringListAttribute{
Value: value,
ConfigurableValues: make(configurableStringLists),
// HasConfigurableValues returns true if the attribute contains axis-specific string_list values.
func (sla StringListAttribute) HasConfigurableValues() bool {
return len(sla.ConfigurableValues) > 0
// Append appends all values, including os and arch specific ones, from another
// StringListAttribute to this StringListAttribute
func (sla *StringListAttribute) Append(other StringListAttribute) {
sla.Value = append(sla.Value, other.Value...)
if sla.ConfigurableValues == nil {
sla.ConfigurableValues = make(configurableStringLists)
// SetSelectValue set a value for a bazel select for the given axis, config and value.
func (sla *StringListAttribute) SetSelectValue(axis ConfigurationAxis, config string, list []string) {
switch axis.configurationType {
case noConfig:
sla.Value = list
case arch, os, osArch, productVariables:
if sla.ConfigurableValues == nil {
sla.ConfigurableValues = make(configurableStringLists)
sla.ConfigurableValues.setValueForAxis(axis, config, list)
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized ConfigurationAxis %s", axis))
// SelectValue gets a value for a bazel select for the given axis and config.
func (sla *StringListAttribute) SelectValue(axis ConfigurationAxis, config string) []string {
switch axis.configurationType {
case noConfig:
return sla.Value
case arch, os, osArch, productVariables:
return sla.ConfigurableValues[axis][config]
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized ConfigurationAxis %s", axis))
// SortedConfigurationAxes returns all the used ConfigurationAxis in sorted order.
func (sla *StringListAttribute) SortedConfigurationAxes() []ConfigurationAxis {
keys := make([]ConfigurationAxis, 0, len(sla.ConfigurableValues))
for k := range sla.ConfigurableValues {
keys = append(keys, k)
sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool { return keys[i].less(keys[j]) })
return keys
// DeduplicateAxesFromBase ensures no duplication of items between the no-configuration value and
// configuration-specific values. For example, if we would convert this StringListAttribute as:
// ["a", "b", "c"] + select({
// "//condition:one": ["a", "d"],
// "//conditions:default": [],
// })
// after this function, we would convert this StringListAttribute as:
// ["a", "b", "c"] + select({
// "//condition:one": ["d"],
// "//conditions:default": [],
// })
func (sla *StringListAttribute) DeduplicateAxesFromBase() {
base := sla.Value
for axis, configToList := range sla.ConfigurableValues {
for config, list := range configToList {
remaining := SubtractStrings(list, base)
if len(remaining) == 0 {
delete(sla.ConfigurableValues[axis], config)
} else {
sla.ConfigurableValues[axis][config] = remaining
// TryVariableSubstitution, replace string substitution formatting within each string in slice with
// Starlark string.format compatible tag for productVariable.
func TryVariableSubstitutions(slice []string, productVariable string) ([]string, bool) {
ret := make([]string, 0, len(slice))
changesMade := false
for _, s := range slice {
newS, changed := TryVariableSubstitution(s, productVariable)
ret = append(ret, newS)
changesMade = changesMade || changed
return ret, changesMade
// TryVariableSubstitution, replace string substitution formatting within s with Starlark
// string.format compatible tag for productVariable.
func TryVariableSubstitution(s string, productVariable string) (string, bool) {
sub := productVariableSubstitutionPattern.ReplaceAllString(s, "$("+productVariable+")")
return sub, s != sub