blob: 5235c9ef4ef02c3edbcf1720cde1f3796478c151 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package sdk
import (
var pctx = android.NewPackageContext("android/soong/sdk")
// generatedFile abstracts operations for writing contents into a file and emit a build rule
// for the file.
type generatedFile struct {
path android.OutputPath
content strings.Builder
func newGeneratedFile(ctx android.ModuleContext, name string) *generatedFile {
return &generatedFile{
path: android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, name).OutputPath,
func (gf *generatedFile) printfln(format string, args ...interface{}) {
// ninja consumes newline characters in rspfile_content. Prevent it by
// escaping the backslash in the newline character. The extra backshash
// is removed when the rspfile is written to the actual script file
fmt.Fprintf(&(gf.content), format+"\\n", args...)
func (gf *generatedFile) build(pctx android.PackageContext, ctx android.BuilderContext, implicits android.Paths) {
rb := android.NewRuleBuilder()
// convert \\n to \n
Text("| sed 's/\\\\n/\\n/g' >").Output(gf.path)
Text("chmod a+x").Output(gf.path)
rb.Build(pctx, ctx, gf.path.Base(), "Build "+gf.path.Base())
func (s *sdk) javaMemberNames(ctx android.ModuleContext) []string {
result := []string{}
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(m android.Module) {
if _, ok := m.(*java.Library); ok {
result = append(result, m.Name())
return result
// buildAndroidBp creates the blueprint file that defines prebuilt modules for each of
// the SDK members, and the sdk_snapshot module for the specified version
func (s *sdk) buildAndroidBp(ctx android.ModuleContext, version string) android.OutputPath {
bp := newGeneratedFile(ctx, "blueprint-"+version+".sh")
makePrebuiltName := func(name string) string {
return ctx.ModuleName() + "_" + name + string(android.SdkVersionSeparator) + version
javaLibs := s.javaMemberNames(ctx)
for _, name := range javaLibs {
prebuiltName := makePrebuiltName(name)
jar := filepath.Join("java", name, "stub.jar")
bp.printfln("java_import {")
bp.printfln(" name: %q,", prebuiltName)
bp.printfln(" jars: [%q],", jar)
bp.printfln(" sdk_member_name: %q,", name)
// This module is for the case when the source tree for the unversioned module
// doesn't exist (i.e. building in an unbundled tree). "prefer:" is set to false
// so that this module does not eclipse the unversioned module if it exists.
bp.printfln("java_import {")
bp.printfln(" name: %q,", name)
bp.printfln(" jars: [%q],", jar)
bp.printfln(" prefer: false,")
// TODO(jiyong): emit cc_prebuilt_library_shared for the native libs
bp.printfln("sdk_snapshot {")
bp.printfln(" name: %q,", ctx.ModuleName()+string(android.SdkVersionSeparator)+version)
bp.printfln(" java_libs: [")
for _, n := range javaLibs {
bp.printfln(" %q,", makePrebuiltName(n))
bp.printfln(" ],")
// TODO(jiyong): emit native_shared_libs
bp.printfln(""), ctx, nil)
return bp.path
func (s *sdk) buildScript(ctx android.ModuleContext, version string) android.OutputPath {
sh := newGeneratedFile(ctx, "update_prebuilt-"+version+".sh")
snapshotRoot := filepath.Join(ctx.ModuleDir(), version)
aidlIncludeDir := filepath.Join(snapshotRoot, "aidl")
javaStubsDir := filepath.Join(snapshotRoot, "java")
sh.printfln("echo Updating snapshot of %s in %s", ctx.ModuleName(), snapshotRoot)
sh.printfln("pushd $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP > /dev/null")
sh.printfln("rm -rf %s", snapshotRoot)
sh.printfln("mkdir -p %s", aidlIncludeDir)
sh.printfln("mkdir -p %s", javaStubsDir)
// TODO(jiyong): mkdir the 'native' dir
var implicits android.Paths
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(m android.Module) {
if javaLib, ok := m.(*java.Library); ok {
headerJars := javaLib.HeaderJars()
if len(headerJars) != 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("there must be only one header jar from %q", m.Name()))
implicits = append(implicits, headerJars...)
exportedAidlIncludeDirs := javaLib.AidlIncludeDirs()
for _, dir := range exportedAidlIncludeDirs {
// Using tar to copy with the directory structure
// TODO(jiyong): copy parcelable declarations only
sh.printfln("find %s -name \"*.aidl\" | tar cf - -T - | (cd %s; tar xf -)",
dir.String(), aidlIncludeDir)
copiedHeaderJar := filepath.Join(javaStubsDir, m.Name(), "stub.jar")
sh.printfln("mkdir -p $(dirname %s) && cp %s %s",
copiedHeaderJar, headerJars[0].String(), copiedHeaderJar)
// TODO(jiyong): emit the commands for copying the headers and stub libraries for native libs
bp := s.buildAndroidBp(ctx, version)
implicits = append(implicits, bp)
sh.printfln("cp %s %s", bp.String(), filepath.Join(snapshotRoot, "Android.bp"))
sh.printfln("popd > /dev/null")
sh.printfln("rm -- \"$0\"") // self deleting so that stale script is not used
sh.printfln("echo Done"), ctx, implicits)
return sh.path
func (s *sdk) buildSnapshotGenerationScripts(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
if s.snapshot() {
// we don't need a script for sdk_snapshot.. as they are frozen
// script to update the 'current' snapshot
s.updateScript = s.buildScript(ctx, "current")
versions := s.frozenVersions(ctx)
newVersion := "1"
if len(versions) >= 1 {
lastVersion := versions[len(versions)-1]
lastVersionNum, err := strconv.Atoi(lastVersion)
if err != nil {
newVersion = strconv.Itoa(lastVersionNum + 1)
// script to create a new frozen version of snapshot
s.freezeScript = s.buildScript(ctx, newVersion)
func (s *sdk) androidMkEntriesForScript() android.AndroidMkEntries {
if s.snapshot() {
// we don't need a script for sdk_snapshot.. as they are frozen
return android.AndroidMkEntries{}
entries := android.AndroidMkEntries{
Class: "FAKE",
// TODO(jiyong): remove this? but androidmk.go expects OutputFile to be specified anyway
OutputFile: android.OptionalPathForPath(s.updateScript),
Include: "$(BUILD_SYSTEM)/",
ExtraEntries: []android.AndroidMkExtraEntriesFunc{
func(entries *android.AndroidMkEntries) {
s.updateScript.String(), s.freezeScript.String())
ExtraFooters: []android.AndroidMkExtraFootersFunc{
func(w io.Writer, name, prefix, moduleDir string, entries *android.AndroidMkEntries) {
fmt.Fprintln(w, " touch $@")
fmt.Fprintln(w, " echo ##################################################")
fmt.Fprintln(w, " echo To update current SDK: execute", s.updateScript.String())
fmt.Fprintln(w, " echo To freeze current SDK: execute", s.freezeScript.String())
fmt.Fprintln(w, " echo ##################################################")
return entries