Use stubs from .txt files for hiddenapi

Hiddenapi processing uses the stub libraries to determine the api
surface boundaries. Use JavaLibraryName function to redirect the usage
of stubs from .txt files based on config.

This should be a no-op for now.

Bug: 271443071
Test: go test ./java
Change-Id: I1ed3ab2485c903bc57f627dc1acf1a3fbc0a3c4d
diff --git a/java/bootclasspath_fragment.go b/java/bootclasspath_fragment.go
index c07a94a..f692563 100644
--- a/java/bootclasspath_fragment.go
+++ b/java/bootclasspath_fragment.go
@@ -499,6 +499,8 @@
 		for _, apiScope := range hiddenAPISdkLibrarySupportedScopes {
 			// Add a dependency onto a possibly scope specific stub library.
 			scopeSpecificDependency := apiScope.scopeSpecificStubModule(ctx, additionalStubModule)
+			// Use JavaApiLibraryName function to be redirected to stubs generated from .txt if applicable
+			scopeSpecificDependency = android.JavaApiLibraryName(ctx.Config(), scopeSpecificDependency)
 			tag := hiddenAPIStubsDependencyTag{apiScope: apiScope, fromAdditionalDependency: true}
 			ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, tag, scopeSpecificDependency)
diff --git a/java/sdk_library.go b/java/sdk_library.go
index 5477ed6..103f1ac 100644
--- a/java/sdk_library.go
+++ b/java/sdk_library.go
@@ -1267,7 +1267,10 @@
 func (module *SdkLibrary) ComponentDepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
 	for _, apiScope := range module.getGeneratedApiScopes(ctx) {
 		// Add dependencies to the stubs library
-		ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, apiScope.stubsTag, module.stubsLibraryModuleName(apiScope))
+		stubModuleName := module.stubsLibraryModuleName(apiScope)
+		// Use JavaApiLibraryName function to be redirected to stubs generated from .txt if applicable
+		stubModuleName = android.JavaApiLibraryName(ctx.Config(), stubModuleName)
+		ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, apiScope.stubsTag, stubModuleName)
 		// Add a dependency on the stubs source in order to access both stubs source and api information.
 		ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, apiScope.stubsSourceAndApiTag, module.stubsSourceModuleName(apiScope))