Merge "Refactor python rules"
diff --git a/apex/apex.go b/apex/apex.go
index 9485a4b..ad7da27 100644
--- a/apex/apex.go
+++ b/apex/apex.go
@@ -1657,7 +1657,7 @@
 	return newApexFile(ctx, fileToCopy, androidMkModuleName, dirInApex, nativeSharedLib, rustm)
-func apexFileForPyBinary(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, py *python.Module) apexFile {
+func apexFileForPyBinary(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, py *python.PythonBinaryModule) apexFile {
 	dirInApex := "bin"
 	fileToCopy := py.HostToolPath().Path()
 	return newApexFile(ctx, fileToCopy, py.BaseModuleName(), dirInApex, pyBinary, py)
@@ -2147,7 +2147,7 @@
 			case *cc.Module:
 				vctx.filesInfo = append(vctx.filesInfo, apexFileForExecutable(ctx, ch))
 				return true // track transitive dependencies
-			case *python.Module:
+			case *python.PythonBinaryModule:
 				if ch.HostToolPath().Valid() {
 					vctx.filesInfo = append(vctx.filesInfo, apexFileForPyBinary(ctx, ch))
diff --git a/python/Android.bp b/python/Android.bp
index e49fa6a..4584f1e 100644
--- a/python/Android.bp
+++ b/python/Android.bp
@@ -11,11 +11,10 @@
     srcs: [
-        "androidmk.go",
+        "bp2build.go",
-        "installer.go",
diff --git a/python/androidmk.go b/python/androidmk.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dc4713..0000000
--- a/python/androidmk.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package python
-import (
-	"path/filepath"
-	"strings"
-	"android/soong/android"
-type subAndroidMkProvider interface {
-	AndroidMk(*Module, *android.AndroidMkEntries)
-func (p *Module) subAndroidMk(entries *android.AndroidMkEntries, obj interface{}) {
-	if p.subAndroidMkOnce == nil {
-		p.subAndroidMkOnce = make(map[subAndroidMkProvider]bool)
-	}
-	if androidmk, ok := obj.(subAndroidMkProvider); ok {
-		if !p.subAndroidMkOnce[androidmk] {
-			p.subAndroidMkOnce[androidmk] = true
-			androidmk.AndroidMk(p, entries)
-		}
-	}
-func (p *Module) AndroidMkEntries() []android.AndroidMkEntries {
-	entries := android.AndroidMkEntries{OutputFile: p.installSource}
-	p.subAndroidMk(&entries, p.installer)
-	return []android.AndroidMkEntries{entries}
-func (p *binaryDecorator) AndroidMk(base *Module, entries *android.AndroidMkEntries) {
-	entries.Class = "EXECUTABLES"
-	entries.ExtraEntries = append(entries.ExtraEntries,
-		func(ctx android.AndroidMkExtraEntriesContext, entries *android.AndroidMkEntries) {
-			entries.AddCompatibilityTestSuites(p.binaryProperties.Test_suites...)
-		})
-	base.subAndroidMk(entries, p.pythonInstaller)
-func (p *testDecorator) AndroidMk(base *Module, entries *android.AndroidMkEntries) {
-	entries.Class = "NATIVE_TESTS"
-	entries.ExtraEntries = append(entries.ExtraEntries,
-		func(ctx android.AndroidMkExtraEntriesContext, entries *android.AndroidMkEntries) {
-			entries.AddCompatibilityTestSuites(p.binaryDecorator.binaryProperties.Test_suites...)
-			if p.testConfig != nil {
-				entries.SetString("LOCAL_FULL_TEST_CONFIG", p.testConfig.String())
-			}
-			entries.SetBoolIfTrue("LOCAL_DISABLE_AUTO_GENERATE_TEST_CONFIG", !BoolDefault(p.binaryProperties.Auto_gen_config, true))
-			entries.AddStrings("LOCAL_TEST_DATA", android.AndroidMkDataPaths(
-			p.testProperties.Test_options.SetAndroidMkEntries(entries)
-		})
-	base.subAndroidMk(entries, p.binaryDecorator.pythonInstaller)
-func (installer *pythonInstaller) AndroidMk(base *Module, entries *android.AndroidMkEntries) {
-	entries.Required = append(entries.Required, "libc++")
-	entries.ExtraEntries = append(entries.ExtraEntries,
-		func(ctx android.AndroidMkExtraEntriesContext, entries *android.AndroidMkEntries) {
-			path, file := filepath.Split(installer.path.String())
-			stem := strings.TrimSuffix(file, filepath.Ext(file))
-			entries.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_SUFFIX", filepath.Ext(file))
-			entries.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_PATH", path)
-			entries.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_STEM", stem)
-			entries.AddStrings("LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES", installer.androidMkSharedLibs...)
-			entries.SetBool("LOCAL_CHECK_ELF_FILES", false)
-		})
diff --git a/python/binary.go b/python/binary.go
index 670e0d3..95eb2c6 100644
--- a/python/binary.go
+++ b/python/binary.go
@@ -18,11 +18,12 @@
 import (
+	"path/filepath"
+	"strings"
+	""
-	"android/soong/bazel"
-	""
 func init() {
@@ -33,63 +34,6 @@
 	ctx.RegisterModuleType("python_binary_host", PythonBinaryHostFactory)
-type bazelPythonBinaryAttributes struct {
-	Main           *bazel.Label
-	Srcs           bazel.LabelListAttribute
-	Deps           bazel.LabelListAttribute
-	Python_version *string
-	Imports        bazel.StringListAttribute
-func pythonBinaryBp2Build(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, m *Module) {
-	// TODO(b/182306917): this doesn't fully handle all nested props versioned
-	// by the python version, which would have been handled by the version split
-	// mutator. This is sufficient for very simple python_binary_host modules
-	// under Bionic.
-	py3Enabled := proptools.BoolDefault(, false)
-	py2Enabled := proptools.BoolDefault(, false)
-	var python_version *string
-	if py3Enabled && py2Enabled {
-		panic(fmt.Errorf(
-			"error for '%s' module: bp2build's python_binary_host converter does not support "+
-				"converting a module that is enabled for both Python 2 and 3 at the same time.", m.Name()))
-	} else if py2Enabled {
-		python_version = &pyVersion2
-	} else {
-		// do nothing, since python_version defaults to PY3.
-	}
-	baseAttrs := m.makeArchVariantBaseAttributes(ctx)
-	attrs := &bazelPythonBinaryAttributes{
-		Main:           nil,
-		Srcs:           baseAttrs.Srcs,
-		Deps:           baseAttrs.Deps,
-		Python_version: python_version,
-		Imports:        baseAttrs.Imports,
-	}
-	for _, propIntf := range m.GetProperties() {
-		if props, ok := propIntf.(*BinaryProperties); ok {
-			// main is optional.
-			if props.Main != nil {
-				main := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrcSingle(ctx, *props.Main)
-				attrs.Main = &main
-				break
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	props := bazel.BazelTargetModuleProperties{
-		// Use the native py_binary rule.
-		Rule_class: "py_binary",
-	}
-	ctx.CreateBazelTargetModule(props, android.CommonAttributes{
-		Name: m.Name(),
-		Data: baseAttrs.Data,
-	}, attrs)
 type BinaryProperties struct {
 	// the name of the source file that is the main entry point of the program.
 	// this file must also be listed in srcs.
@@ -118,52 +62,61 @@
 	Auto_gen_config *bool
-type binaryDecorator struct {
+type PythonBinaryModule struct {
+	PythonLibraryModule
 	binaryProperties BinaryProperties
-	*pythonInstaller
+	// (.intermediate) module output path as installation source.
+	installSource android.Path
+	// Final installation path.
+	installedDest android.Path
+	androidMkSharedLibs []string
+var _ android.AndroidMkEntriesProvider = (*PythonBinaryModule)(nil)
+var _ android.Module = (*PythonBinaryModule)(nil)
 type IntermPathProvider interface {
 	IntermPathForModuleOut() android.OptionalPath
-func NewBinary(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported) (*Module, *binaryDecorator) {
-	module := newModule(hod, android.MultilibFirst)
-	decorator := &binaryDecorator{pythonInstaller: NewPythonInstaller("bin", "")}
-	module.bootstrapper = decorator
-	module.installer = decorator
-	return module, decorator
+func NewBinary(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported) *PythonBinaryModule {
+	return &PythonBinaryModule{
+		PythonLibraryModule: *newModule(hod, android.MultilibFirst),
+	}
 func PythonBinaryHostFactory() android.Module {
-	module, _ := NewBinary(android.HostSupported)
-	android.InitBazelModule(module)
-	return module.init()
+	return NewBinary(android.HostSupported).init()
-func (binary *binaryDecorator) autorun() bool {
-	return BoolDefault(binary.binaryProperties.Autorun, true)
+func (p *PythonBinaryModule) init() android.Module {
+	p.AddProperties(&, &p.protoProperties)
+	p.AddProperties(&p.binaryProperties)
+	android.InitAndroidArchModule(p, p.hod, p.multilib)
+	android.InitDefaultableModule(p)
+	android.InitBazelModule(p)
+	return p
-func (binary *binaryDecorator) bootstrapperProps() []interface{} {
-	return []interface{}{&binary.binaryProperties}
+func (p *PythonBinaryModule) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
+	p.PythonLibraryModule.GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx)
+	p.buildBinary(ctx)
+	p.installedDest = ctx.InstallFile(installDir(ctx, "bin", "", ""),
+		p.installSource.Base(), p.installSource)
-func (binary *binaryDecorator) bootstrap(ctx android.ModuleContext, actualVersion string,
-	embeddedLauncher bool, srcsPathMappings []pathMapping, srcsZip android.Path,
-	depsSrcsZips android.Paths) android.OptionalPath {
+func (p *PythonBinaryModule) buildBinary(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
+	depsSrcsZips := p.collectPathsFromTransitiveDeps(ctx)
 	main := ""
-	if binary.autorun() {
-		main = binary.getPyMainFile(ctx, srcsPathMappings)
+	if p.autorun() {
+		main = p.getPyMainFile(ctx, p.srcsPathMappings)
 	var launcherPath android.OptionalPath
+	embeddedLauncher := p.isEmbeddedLauncherEnabled()
 	if embeddedLauncher {
 		ctx.VisitDirectDepsWithTag(launcherTag, func(m android.Module) {
 			if provider, ok := m.(IntermPathProvider); ok {
@@ -175,15 +128,137 @@
-	binFile := registerBuildActionForParFile(ctx, embeddedLauncher, launcherPath,
-		binary.getHostInterpreterName(ctx, actualVersion),
-		main, binary.getStem(ctx), append(android.Paths{srcsZip}, depsSrcsZips...))
+	p.installSource = registerBuildActionForParFile(ctx, embeddedLauncher, launcherPath,
+		p.getHostInterpreterName(ctx,,
+		main, p.getStem(ctx), append(android.Paths{p.srcsZip}, depsSrcsZips...))
-	return android.OptionalPathForPath(binFile)
+	var sharedLibs []string
+	// if embedded launcher is enabled, we need to collect the shared library dependencies of the
+	// launcher
+	for _, dep := range ctx.GetDirectDepsWithTag(launcherSharedLibTag) {
+		sharedLibs = append(sharedLibs, ctx.OtherModuleName(dep))
+	}
+	p.androidMkSharedLibs = sharedLibs
+func (p *PythonBinaryModule) AndroidMkEntries() []android.AndroidMkEntries {
+	entries := android.AndroidMkEntries{OutputFile: android.OptionalPathForPath(p.installSource)}
+	entries.Class = "EXECUTABLES"
+	entries.ExtraEntries = append(entries.ExtraEntries,
+		func(ctx android.AndroidMkExtraEntriesContext, entries *android.AndroidMkEntries) {
+			entries.AddCompatibilityTestSuites(p.binaryProperties.Test_suites...)
+		})
+	entries.Required = append(entries.Required, "libc++")
+	entries.ExtraEntries = append(entries.ExtraEntries,
+		func(ctx android.AndroidMkExtraEntriesContext, entries *android.AndroidMkEntries) {
+			path, file := filepath.Split(p.installedDest.String())
+			stem := strings.TrimSuffix(file, filepath.Ext(file))
+			entries.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_SUFFIX", filepath.Ext(file))
+			entries.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_PATH", path)
+			entries.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_STEM", stem)
+			entries.AddStrings("LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES", p.androidMkSharedLibs...)
+			entries.SetBool("LOCAL_CHECK_ELF_FILES", false)
+		})
+	return []android.AndroidMkEntries{entries}
+func (p *PythonBinaryModule) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
+	p.PythonLibraryModule.DepsMutator(ctx)
+	versionVariation := []blueprint.Variation{
+		{"python_version",},
+	}
+	// If this module will be installed and has an embedded launcher, we need to add dependencies for:
+	//   * standard library
+	//   * launcher
+	//   * shared dependencies of the launcher
+	if p.isEmbeddedLauncherEnabled() {
+		var stdLib string
+		var launcherModule string
+		// Add launcher shared lib dependencies. Ideally, these should be
+		// derived from the `shared_libs` property of the launcher. However, we
+		// cannot read the property at this stage and it will be too late to add
+		// dependencies later.
+		launcherSharedLibDeps := []string{
+			"libsqlite",
+		}
+		// Add launcher-specific dependencies for bionic
+		if ctx.Target().Os.Bionic() {
+			launcherSharedLibDeps = append(launcherSharedLibDeps, "libc", "libdl", "libm")
+		}
+		if ctx.Target().Os == android.LinuxMusl && !ctx.Config().HostStaticBinaries() {
+			launcherSharedLibDeps = append(launcherSharedLibDeps, "libc_musl")
+		}
+		switch {
+		case pyVersion2:
+			stdLib = "py2-stdlib"
+			launcherModule = "py2-launcher"
+			if p.autorun() {
+				launcherModule = "py2-launcher-autorun"
+			}
+			launcherSharedLibDeps = append(launcherSharedLibDeps, "libc++")
+		case pyVersion3:
+			stdLib = "py3-stdlib"
+			launcherModule = "py3-launcher"
+			if p.autorun() {
+				launcherModule = "py3-launcher-autorun"
+			}
+			if ctx.Config().HostStaticBinaries() && ctx.Target().Os == android.LinuxMusl {
+				launcherModule += "-static"
+			}
+			if ctx.Device() {
+				launcherSharedLibDeps = append(launcherSharedLibDeps, "liblog")
+			}
+		default:
+			panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown Python Actual_version: %q for module: %q.",
+, ctx.ModuleName()))
+		}
+		ctx.AddVariationDependencies(versionVariation, pythonLibTag, stdLib)
+		ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(ctx.Target().Variations(), launcherTag, launcherModule)
+		ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(ctx.Target().Variations(), launcherSharedLibTag, launcherSharedLibDeps...)
+	}
+// HostToolPath returns a path if appropriate such that this module can be used as a host tool,
+// fulfilling the android.HostToolProvider interface.
+func (p *PythonBinaryModule) HostToolPath() android.OptionalPath {
+	// TODO: This should only be set when building host binaries -- tests built for device would be
+	// setting this incorrectly.
+	return android.OptionalPathForPath(p.installedDest)
+// OutputFiles returns output files based on given tag, returns an error if tag is unsupported.
+func (p *PythonBinaryModule) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) {
+	switch tag {
+	case "":
+		return android.Paths{p.installSource}, nil
+	default:
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported module reference tag %q", tag)
+	}
+func (p *PythonBinaryModule) isEmbeddedLauncherEnabled() bool {
+	return Bool(
+func (b *PythonBinaryModule) autorun() bool {
+	return BoolDefault(b.binaryProperties.Autorun, true)
 // get host interpreter name.
-func (binary *binaryDecorator) getHostInterpreterName(ctx android.ModuleContext,
+func (p *PythonBinaryModule) getHostInterpreterName(ctx android.ModuleContext,
 	actualVersion string) string {
 	var interp string
 	switch actualVersion {
@@ -200,13 +275,13 @@
 // find main program path within runfiles tree.
-func (binary *binaryDecorator) getPyMainFile(ctx android.ModuleContext,
+func (p *PythonBinaryModule) getPyMainFile(ctx android.ModuleContext,
 	srcsPathMappings []pathMapping) string {
 	var main string
-	if String(binary.binaryProperties.Main) == "" {
+	if String(p.binaryProperties.Main) == "" {
 		main = ctx.ModuleName() + pyExt
 	} else {
-		main = String(binary.binaryProperties.Main)
+		main = String(p.binaryProperties.Main)
 	for _, path := range srcsPathMappings {
@@ -219,11 +294,21 @@
 	return ""
-func (binary *binaryDecorator) getStem(ctx android.ModuleContext) string {
+func (p *PythonBinaryModule) getStem(ctx android.ModuleContext) string {
 	stem := ctx.ModuleName()
-	if String(binary.binaryProperties.Stem) != "" {
-		stem = String(binary.binaryProperties.Stem)
+	if String(p.binaryProperties.Stem) != "" {
+		stem = String(p.binaryProperties.Stem)
-	return stem + String(binary.binaryProperties.Suffix)
+	return stem + String(p.binaryProperties.Suffix)
+func installDir(ctx android.ModuleContext, dir, dir64, relative string) android.InstallPath {
+	if ctx.Arch().ArchType.Multilib == "lib64" && dir64 != "" {
+		dir = dir64
+	}
+	if !ctx.Host() && ctx.Config().HasMultilibConflict(ctx.Arch().ArchType) {
+		dir = filepath.Join(dir, ctx.Arch().ArchType.String())
+	}
+	return android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, dir, relative)
diff --git a/python/bp2build.go b/python/bp2build.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdac2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/bp2build.go
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+// Copyright 2023 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package python
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"strings"
+	""
+	"android/soong/android"
+	"android/soong/bazel"
+type bazelPythonLibraryAttributes struct {
+	Srcs         bazel.LabelListAttribute
+	Deps         bazel.LabelListAttribute
+	Imports      bazel.StringListAttribute
+	Srcs_version *string
+type bazelPythonProtoLibraryAttributes struct {
+	Deps bazel.LabelListAttribute
+type baseAttributes struct {
+	// TODO(b/200311466): Probably not translate b/c Bazel has no good equiv
+	//Pkg_path    bazel.StringAttribute
+	// TODO: Related to Pkg_bath and similarLy gated
+	//Is_internal bazel.BoolAttribute
+	// Combines Srcs and Exclude_srcs
+	Srcs bazel.LabelListAttribute
+	Deps bazel.LabelListAttribute
+	// Combines Data and Java_data (invariant)
+	Data    bazel.LabelListAttribute
+	Imports bazel.StringListAttribute
+func (m *PythonLibraryModule) makeArchVariantBaseAttributes(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) baseAttributes {
+	var attrs baseAttributes
+	archVariantBaseProps := m.GetArchVariantProperties(ctx, &BaseProperties{})
+	for axis, configToProps := range archVariantBaseProps {
+		for config, props := range configToProps {
+			if baseProps, ok := props.(*BaseProperties); ok {
+				attrs.Srcs.SetSelectValue(axis, config,
+					android.BazelLabelForModuleSrcExcludes(ctx, baseProps.Srcs, baseProps.Exclude_srcs))
+				attrs.Deps.SetSelectValue(axis, config,
+					android.BazelLabelForModuleDeps(ctx, baseProps.Libs))
+				data := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx, baseProps.Data)
+				data.Append(android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx, baseProps.Java_data))
+				attrs.Data.SetSelectValue(axis, config, data)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	partitionedSrcs := bazel.PartitionLabelListAttribute(ctx, &attrs.Srcs, bazel.LabelPartitions{
+		"proto": android.ProtoSrcLabelPartition,
+		"py":    bazel.LabelPartition{Keep_remainder: true},
+	})
+	attrs.Srcs = partitionedSrcs["py"]
+	if !partitionedSrcs["proto"].IsEmpty() {
+		protoInfo, _ := android.Bp2buildProtoProperties(ctx, &m.ModuleBase, partitionedSrcs["proto"])
+		protoLabel := bazel.Label{Label: ":" + protoInfo.Name}
+		pyProtoLibraryName := m.Name() + "_py_proto"
+		ctx.CreateBazelTargetModule(bazel.BazelTargetModuleProperties{
+			Rule_class:        "py_proto_library",
+			Bzl_load_location: "//build/bazel/rules/python:py_proto.bzl",
+		}, android.CommonAttributes{
+			Name: pyProtoLibraryName,
+		}, &bazelPythonProtoLibraryAttributes{
+			Deps: bazel.MakeSingleLabelListAttribute(protoLabel),
+		})
+		attrs.Deps.Add(bazel.MakeLabelAttribute(":" + pyProtoLibraryName))
+	}
+	// Bazel normally requires `import` statements in
+	// python code, but with soong you can directly import modules from libraries.
+	// Add "imports" attributes to the bazel library so it matches soong's behavior.
+	imports := "."
+	if != nil {
+		// TODO(b/215119317) This is a hack to handle the fact that we don't convert
+		// pkg_path properly right now. If the folder structure that contains this
+		// Android.bp file matches pkg_path, we can set imports to an appropriate
+		// number of ../..s to emulate moving the files under a pkg_path folder.
+		pkg_path := filepath.Clean(*
+		if strings.HasPrefix(pkg_path, "/") {
+			ctx.ModuleErrorf("pkg_path cannot start with a /: %s", pkg_path)
+		}
+		if !strings.HasSuffix(ctx.ModuleDir(), "/"+pkg_path) && ctx.ModuleDir() != pkg_path {
+			ctx.ModuleErrorf("Currently, bp2build only supports pkg_paths that are the same as the folders the Android.bp file is in. pkg_path: %s, module directory: %s", pkg_path, ctx.ModuleDir())
+		}
+		numFolders := strings.Count(pkg_path, "/") + 1
+		dots := make([]string, numFolders)
+		for i := 0; i < numFolders; i++ {
+			dots[i] = ".."
+		}
+		imports = strings.Join(dots, "/")
+	}
+	attrs.Imports = bazel.MakeStringListAttribute([]string{imports})
+	return attrs
+func pythonLibBp2Build(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, m *PythonLibraryModule) {
+	// TODO(b/182306917): this doesn't fully handle all nested props versioned
+	// by the python version, which would have been handled by the version split
+	// mutator. This is sufficient for very simple python_library modules under
+	// Bionic.
+	py3Enabled := proptools.BoolDefault(, true)
+	py2Enabled := proptools.BoolDefault(, false)
+	var python_version *string
+	if py2Enabled && !py3Enabled {
+		python_version = &pyVersion2
+	} else if !py2Enabled && py3Enabled {
+		python_version = &pyVersion3
+	} else if !py2Enabled && !py3Enabled {
+		ctx.ModuleErrorf("bp2build converter doesn't understand having neither py2 nor py3 enabled")
+	} else {
+		// do nothing, since python_version defaults to PY2ANDPY3
+	}
+	baseAttrs := m.makeArchVariantBaseAttributes(ctx)
+	attrs := &bazelPythonLibraryAttributes{
+		Srcs:         baseAttrs.Srcs,
+		Deps:         baseAttrs.Deps,
+		Srcs_version: python_version,
+		Imports:      baseAttrs.Imports,
+	}
+	props := bazel.BazelTargetModuleProperties{
+		// Use the native py_library rule.
+		Rule_class: "py_library",
+	}
+	ctx.CreateBazelTargetModule(props, android.CommonAttributes{
+		Name: m.Name(),
+		Data: baseAttrs.Data,
+	}, attrs)
+type bazelPythonBinaryAttributes struct {
+	Main           *bazel.Label
+	Srcs           bazel.LabelListAttribute
+	Deps           bazel.LabelListAttribute
+	Python_version *string
+	Imports        bazel.StringListAttribute
+func pythonBinaryBp2Build(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, m *PythonBinaryModule) {
+	// TODO(b/182306917): this doesn't fully handle all nested props versioned
+	// by the python version, which would have been handled by the version split
+	// mutator. This is sufficient for very simple python_binary_host modules
+	// under Bionic.
+	py3Enabled := proptools.BoolDefault(, false)
+	py2Enabled := proptools.BoolDefault(, false)
+	var python_version *string
+	if py3Enabled && py2Enabled {
+		panic(fmt.Errorf(
+			"error for '%s' module: bp2build's python_binary_host converter does not support "+
+				"converting a module that is enabled for both Python 2 and 3 at the same time.", m.Name()))
+	} else if py2Enabled {
+		python_version = &pyVersion2
+	} else {
+		// do nothing, since python_version defaults to PY3.
+	}
+	baseAttrs := m.makeArchVariantBaseAttributes(ctx)
+	attrs := &bazelPythonBinaryAttributes{
+		Main:           nil,
+		Srcs:           baseAttrs.Srcs,
+		Deps:           baseAttrs.Deps,
+		Python_version: python_version,
+		Imports:        baseAttrs.Imports,
+	}
+	for _, propIntf := range m.GetProperties() {
+		if props, ok := propIntf.(*BinaryProperties); ok {
+			// main is optional.
+			if props.Main != nil {
+				main := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrcSingle(ctx, *props.Main)
+				attrs.Main = &main
+				break
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	props := bazel.BazelTargetModuleProperties{
+		// Use the native py_binary rule.
+		Rule_class: "py_binary",
+	}
+	ctx.CreateBazelTargetModule(props, android.CommonAttributes{
+		Name: m.Name(),
+		Data: baseAttrs.Data,
+	}, attrs)
+func (p *PythonLibraryModule) ConvertWithBp2build(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) {
+	pythonLibBp2Build(ctx, p)
+func (p *PythonBinaryModule) ConvertWithBp2build(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) {
+	pythonBinaryBp2Build(ctx, p)
+func (p *PythonTestModule) ConvertWithBp2build(_ android.TopDownMutatorContext) {
+	// Tests are currently unsupported
diff --git a/python/installer.go b/python/installer.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 396f036..0000000
--- a/python/installer.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package python
-import (
-	"path/filepath"
-	"android/soong/android"
-// This file handles installing python executables into their final location
-type installLocation int
-const (
-	InstallInData installLocation = iota
-type pythonInstaller struct {
-	dir      string
-	dir64    string
-	relative string
-	path android.InstallPath
-	androidMkSharedLibs []string
-func NewPythonInstaller(dir, dir64 string) *pythonInstaller {
-	return &pythonInstaller{
-		dir:   dir,
-		dir64: dir64,
-	}
-var _ installer = (*pythonInstaller)(nil)
-func (installer *pythonInstaller) installDir(ctx android.ModuleContext) android.InstallPath {
-	dir := installer.dir
-	if ctx.Arch().ArchType.Multilib == "lib64" && installer.dir64 != "" {
-		dir = installer.dir64
-	}
-	if !ctx.Host() && ctx.Config().HasMultilibConflict(ctx.Arch().ArchType) {
-		dir = filepath.Join(dir, ctx.Arch().ArchType.String())
-	}
-	return android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, dir, installer.relative)
-func (installer *pythonInstaller) install(ctx android.ModuleContext, file android.Path) {
-	installer.path = ctx.InstallFile(installer.installDir(ctx), file.Base(), file)
-func (installer *pythonInstaller) setAndroidMkSharedLibs(sharedLibs []string) {
-	installer.androidMkSharedLibs = sharedLibs
diff --git a/python/library.go b/python/library.go
index df92df4..7cdb80b 100644
--- a/python/library.go
+++ b/python/library.go
@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@
 import (
-	"android/soong/bazel"
-	""
 func init() {
@@ -33,66 +30,9 @@
 func PythonLibraryHostFactory() android.Module {
-	module := newModule(android.HostSupported, android.MultilibFirst)
-	android.InitBazelModule(module)
-	return module.init()
-type bazelPythonLibraryAttributes struct {
-	Srcs         bazel.LabelListAttribute
-	Deps         bazel.LabelListAttribute
-	Imports      bazel.StringListAttribute
-	Srcs_version *string
-type bazelPythonProtoLibraryAttributes struct {
-	Deps bazel.LabelListAttribute
-func pythonLibBp2Build(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, m *Module) {
-	// TODO(b/182306917): this doesn't fully handle all nested props versioned
-	// by the python version, which would have been handled by the version split
-	// mutator. This is sufficient for very simple python_library modules under
-	// Bionic.
-	py3Enabled := proptools.BoolDefault(, true)
-	py2Enabled := proptools.BoolDefault(, false)
-	var python_version *string
-	if py2Enabled && !py3Enabled {
-		python_version = &pyVersion2
-	} else if !py2Enabled && py3Enabled {
-		python_version = &pyVersion3
-	} else if !py2Enabled && !py3Enabled {
-		ctx.ModuleErrorf("bp2build converter doesn't understand having neither py2 nor py3 enabled")
-	} else {
-		// do nothing, since python_version defaults to PY2ANDPY3
-	}
-	baseAttrs := m.makeArchVariantBaseAttributes(ctx)
-	attrs := &bazelPythonLibraryAttributes{
-		Srcs:         baseAttrs.Srcs,
-		Deps:         baseAttrs.Deps,
-		Srcs_version: python_version,
-		Imports:      baseAttrs.Imports,
-	}
-	props := bazel.BazelTargetModuleProperties{
-		// Use the native py_library rule.
-		Rule_class: "py_library",
-	}
-	ctx.CreateBazelTargetModule(props, android.CommonAttributes{
-		Name: m.Name(),
-		Data: baseAttrs.Data,
-	}, attrs)
+	return newModule(android.HostSupported, android.MultilibFirst).init()
 func PythonLibraryFactory() android.Module {
-	module := newModule(android.HostAndDeviceSupported, android.MultilibBoth)
-	android.InitBazelModule(module)
-	return module.init()
+	return newModule(android.HostAndDeviceSupported, android.MultilibBoth).init()
diff --git a/python/python.go b/python/python.go
index 24e1bb2..2b71e83 100644
--- a/python/python.go
+++ b/python/python.go
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
-	"android/soong/bazel"
@@ -122,26 +120,13 @@
 	Embedded_launcher *bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
-type baseAttributes struct {
-	// TODO(b/200311466): Probably not translate b/c Bazel has no good equiv
-	//Pkg_path    bazel.StringAttribute
-	// TODO: Related to Pkg_bath and similarLy gated
-	//Is_internal bazel.BoolAttribute
-	// Combines Srcs and Exclude_srcs
-	Srcs bazel.LabelListAttribute
-	Deps bazel.LabelListAttribute
-	// Combines Data and Java_data (invariant)
-	Data    bazel.LabelListAttribute
-	Imports bazel.StringListAttribute
 // Used to store files of current module after expanding dependencies
 type pathMapping struct {
 	dest string
 	src  android.Path
-type Module struct {
+type PythonLibraryModule struct {
@@ -153,16 +138,6 @@
 	hod      android.HostOrDeviceSupported
 	multilib android.Multilib
-	// interface used to bootstrap .par executable when embedded_launcher is true
-	// this should be set by Python modules which are runnable, e.g. binaries and tests
-	// bootstrapper might be nil (e.g. Python library module).
-	bootstrapper bootstrapper
-	// interface that implements functions required for installation
-	// this should be set by Python modules which are runnable, e.g. binaries and tests
-	// installer might be nil (e.g. Python library module).
-	installer installer
 	// the Python files of current module after expanding source dependencies.
 	// pathMapping: <dest: runfile_path, src: source_path>
 	srcsPathMappings []pathMapping
@@ -173,110 +148,16 @@
 	// the zip filepath for zipping current module source/data files.
 	srcsZip android.Path
-	// dependency modules' zip filepath for zipping current module source/data files.
-	depsSrcsZips android.Paths
-	// (.intermediate) module output path as installation source.
-	installSource android.OptionalPath
-	// Map to ensure sub-part of the AndroidMk for this module is only added once
-	subAndroidMkOnce map[subAndroidMkProvider]bool
 // newModule generates new Python base module
-func newModule(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported, multilib android.Multilib) *Module {
-	return &Module{
+func newModule(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported, multilib android.Multilib) *PythonLibraryModule {
+	return &PythonLibraryModule{
 		hod:      hod,
 		multilib: multilib,
-func (m *Module) makeArchVariantBaseAttributes(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) baseAttributes {
-	var attrs baseAttributes
-	archVariantBaseProps := m.GetArchVariantProperties(ctx, &BaseProperties{})
-	for axis, configToProps := range archVariantBaseProps {
-		for config, props := range configToProps {
-			if baseProps, ok := props.(*BaseProperties); ok {
-				attrs.Srcs.SetSelectValue(axis, config,
-					android.BazelLabelForModuleSrcExcludes(ctx, baseProps.Srcs, baseProps.Exclude_srcs))
-				attrs.Deps.SetSelectValue(axis, config,
-					android.BazelLabelForModuleDeps(ctx, baseProps.Libs))
-				data := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx, baseProps.Data)
-				data.Append(android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx, baseProps.Java_data))
-				attrs.Data.SetSelectValue(axis, config, data)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	partitionedSrcs := bazel.PartitionLabelListAttribute(ctx, &attrs.Srcs, bazel.LabelPartitions{
-		"proto": android.ProtoSrcLabelPartition,
-		"py":    bazel.LabelPartition{Keep_remainder: true},
-	})
-	attrs.Srcs = partitionedSrcs["py"]
-	if !partitionedSrcs["proto"].IsEmpty() {
-		protoInfo, _ := android.Bp2buildProtoProperties(ctx, &m.ModuleBase, partitionedSrcs["proto"])
-		protoLabel := bazel.Label{Label: ":" + protoInfo.Name}
-		pyProtoLibraryName := m.Name() + "_py_proto"
-		ctx.CreateBazelTargetModule(bazel.BazelTargetModuleProperties{
-			Rule_class:        "py_proto_library",
-			Bzl_load_location: "//build/bazel/rules/python:py_proto.bzl",
-		}, android.CommonAttributes{
-			Name: pyProtoLibraryName,
-		}, &bazelPythonProtoLibraryAttributes{
-			Deps: bazel.MakeSingleLabelListAttribute(protoLabel),
-		})
-		attrs.Deps.Add(bazel.MakeLabelAttribute(":" + pyProtoLibraryName))
-	}
-	// Bazel normally requires `import` statements in
-	// python code, but with soong you can directly import modules from libraries.
-	// Add "imports" attributes to the bazel library so it matches soong's behavior.
-	imports := "."
-	if != nil {
-		// TODO(b/215119317) This is a hack to handle the fact that we don't convert
-		// pkg_path properly right now. If the folder structure that contains this
-		// Android.bp file matches pkg_path, we can set imports to an appropriate
-		// number of ../..s to emulate moving the files under a pkg_path folder.
-		pkg_path := filepath.Clean(*
-		if strings.HasPrefix(pkg_path, "/") {
-			ctx.ModuleErrorf("pkg_path cannot start with a /: %s", pkg_path)
-		}
-		if !strings.HasSuffix(ctx.ModuleDir(), "/"+pkg_path) && ctx.ModuleDir() != pkg_path {
-			ctx.ModuleErrorf("Currently, bp2build only supports pkg_paths that are the same as the folders the Android.bp file is in. pkg_path: %s, module directory: %s", pkg_path, ctx.ModuleDir())
-		}
-		numFolders := strings.Count(pkg_path, "/") + 1
-		dots := make([]string, numFolders)
-		for i := 0; i < numFolders; i++ {
-			dots[i] = ".."
-		}
-		imports = strings.Join(dots, "/")
-	}
-	attrs.Imports = bazel.MakeStringListAttribute([]string{imports})
-	return attrs
-// bootstrapper interface should be implemented for runnable modules, e.g. binary and test
-type bootstrapper interface {
-	bootstrapperProps() []interface{}
-	bootstrap(ctx android.ModuleContext, ActualVersion string, embeddedLauncher bool,
-		srcsPathMappings []pathMapping, srcsZip android.Path,
-		depsSrcsZips android.Paths) android.OptionalPath
-	autorun() bool
-// installer interface should be implemented for installable modules, e.g. binary and test
-type installer interface {
-	install(ctx android.ModuleContext, path android.Path)
-	setAndroidMkSharedLibs(sharedLibs []string)
 // interface implemented by Python modules to provide source and data mappings and zip to python
 // modules that depend on it
 type pythonDependency interface {
@@ -286,37 +167,31 @@
 // getSrcsPathMappings gets this module's path mapping of src source path : runfiles destination
-func (p *Module) getSrcsPathMappings() []pathMapping {
+func (p *PythonLibraryModule) getSrcsPathMappings() []pathMapping {
 	return p.srcsPathMappings
 // getSrcsPathMappings gets this module's path mapping of data source path : runfiles destination
-func (p *Module) getDataPathMappings() []pathMapping {
+func (p *PythonLibraryModule) getDataPathMappings() []pathMapping {
 	return p.dataPathMappings
 // getSrcsZip returns the filepath where the current module's source/data files are zipped.
-func (p *Module) getSrcsZip() android.Path {
+func (p *PythonLibraryModule) getSrcsZip() android.Path {
 	return p.srcsZip
-var _ pythonDependency = (*Module)(nil)
+func (p *PythonLibraryModule) getBaseProperties() *BaseProperties {
+	return &
-var _ android.AndroidMkEntriesProvider = (*Module)(nil)
+var _ pythonDependency = (*PythonLibraryModule)(nil)
-func (p *Module) init(additionalProps ...interface{}) android.Module {
+func (p *PythonLibraryModule) init() android.Module {
 	p.AddProperties(&, &p.protoProperties)
-	// Add additional properties for bootstrapping/installation
-	// This is currently tied to the bootstrapper interface;
-	// however, these are a combination of properties for the installation and bootstrapping of a module
-	if p.bootstrapper != nil {
-		p.AddProperties(p.bootstrapper.bootstrapperProps()...)
-	}
 	android.InitAndroidArchModule(p, p.hod, p.multilib)
+	android.InitBazelModule(p)
 	return p
@@ -350,24 +225,29 @@
 	internalPath         = "internal"
+type basePropertiesProvider interface {
+	getBaseProperties() *BaseProperties
 // versionSplitMutator creates version variants for modules and appends the version-specific
 // properties for a given variant to the properties in the variant module
 func versionSplitMutator() func(android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
 	return func(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
-		if base, ok := mctx.Module().(*Module); ok {
-			versionNames := []string{}
+		if base, ok := mctx.Module().(basePropertiesProvider); ok {
+			props := base.getBaseProperties()
+			var versionNames []string
 			// collect version specific properties, so that we can merge version-specific properties
 			// into the module's overall properties
-			versionProps := []VersionProperties{}
+			var versionProps []VersionProperties
 			// PY3 is first so that we alias the PY3 variant rather than PY2 if both
 			// are available
-			if proptools.BoolDefault(, true) {
+			if proptools.BoolDefault(props.Version.Py3.Enabled, true) {
 				versionNames = append(versionNames, pyVersion3)
-				versionProps = append(versionProps,
+				versionProps = append(versionProps, props.Version.Py3)
-			if proptools.BoolDefault(, false) {
+			if proptools.BoolDefault(props.Version.Py2.Enabled, false) {
 				versionNames = append(versionNames, pyVersion2)
-				versionProps = append(versionProps,
+				versionProps = append(versionProps, props.Version.Py2)
 			modules := mctx.CreateLocalVariations(versionNames...)
 			// Alias module to the first variant
@@ -376,9 +256,10 @@
 			for i, v := range versionNames {
 				// set the actual version for Python module.
-				modules[i].(*Module).properties.Actual_version = v
+				newProps := modules[i].(basePropertiesProvider).getBaseProperties()
+				newProps.Actual_version = v
 				// append versioned properties for the Python module to the overall properties
-				err := proptools.AppendMatchingProperties([]interface{}{&modules[i].(*Module).properties}, &versionProps[i], nil)
+				err := proptools.AppendMatchingProperties([]interface{}{newProps}, &versionProps[i], nil)
 				if err != nil {
@@ -387,38 +268,6 @@
-// HostToolPath returns a path if appropriate such that this module can be used as a host tool,
-// fulfilling HostToolProvider interface.
-func (p *Module) HostToolPath() android.OptionalPath {
-	if p.installer != nil {
-		if bin, ok := p.installer.(*binaryDecorator); ok {
-			// TODO: This should only be set when building host binaries -- tests built for device would be
-			// setting this incorrectly.
-			return android.OptionalPathForPath(bin.path)
-		}
-	}
-	return android.OptionalPath{}
-// OutputFiles returns output files based on given tag, returns an error if tag is unsupported.
-func (p *Module) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) {
-	switch tag {
-	case "":
-		if outputFile := p.installSource; outputFile.Valid() {
-			return android.Paths{outputFile.Path()}, nil
-		}
-		return android.Paths{}, nil
-	default:
-		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported module reference tag %q", tag)
-	}
-func (p *Module) isEmbeddedLauncherEnabled() bool {
-	return p.installer != nil && Bool(
 func anyHasExt(paths []string, ext string) bool {
 	for _, p := range paths {
 		if filepath.Ext(p) == ext {
@@ -429,7 +278,7 @@
 	return false
-func (p *Module) anySrcHasExt(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, ext string) bool {
+func (p *PythonLibraryModule) anySrcHasExt(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, ext string) bool {
 	return anyHasExt(, ext)
@@ -437,7 +286,7 @@
 //   - handles proto dependencies,
 //   - if required, specifies launcher and adds launcher dependencies,
 //   - applies python version mutations to Python dependencies
-func (p *Module) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
+func (p *PythonLibraryModule) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
 	android.ProtoDeps(ctx, &p.protoProperties)
 	versionVariation := []blueprint.Variation{
@@ -452,111 +301,15 @@
 	// Add python library dependencies for this python version variation
 	ctx.AddVariationDependencies(versionVariation, pythonLibTag, android.LastUniqueStrings(
-	// If this module will be installed and has an embedded launcher, we need to add dependencies for:
-	//   * standard library
-	//   * launcher
-	//   * shared dependencies of the launcher
-	if p.installer != nil && p.isEmbeddedLauncherEnabled() {
-		var stdLib string
-		var launcherModule string
-		// Add launcher shared lib dependencies. Ideally, these should be
-		// derived from the `shared_libs` property of the launcher. However, we
-		// cannot read the property at this stage and it will be too late to add
-		// dependencies later.
-		launcherSharedLibDeps := []string{
-			"libsqlite",
-		}
-		// Add launcher-specific dependencies for bionic
-		if ctx.Target().Os.Bionic() {
-			launcherSharedLibDeps = append(launcherSharedLibDeps, "libc", "libdl", "libm")
-		}
-		if ctx.Target().Os == android.LinuxMusl && !ctx.Config().HostStaticBinaries() {
-			launcherSharedLibDeps = append(launcherSharedLibDeps, "libc_musl")
-		}
-		switch {
-		case pyVersion2:
-			stdLib = "py2-stdlib"
-			launcherModule = "py2-launcher"
-			if p.bootstrapper.autorun() {
-				launcherModule = "py2-launcher-autorun"
-			}
-			launcherSharedLibDeps = append(launcherSharedLibDeps, "libc++")
-		case pyVersion3:
-			stdLib = "py3-stdlib"
-			launcherModule = "py3-launcher"
-			if p.bootstrapper.autorun() {
-				launcherModule = "py3-launcher-autorun"
-			}
-			if ctx.Config().HostStaticBinaries() && ctx.Target().Os == android.LinuxMusl {
-				launcherModule += "-static"
-			}
-			if ctx.Device() {
-				launcherSharedLibDeps = append(launcherSharedLibDeps, "liblog")
-			}
-		default:
-			panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown Python Actual_version: %q for module: %q.",
-, ctx.ModuleName()))
-		}
-		ctx.AddVariationDependencies(versionVariation, pythonLibTag, stdLib)
-		ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(ctx.Target().Variations(), launcherTag, launcherModule)
-		ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(ctx.Target().Variations(), launcherSharedLibTag, launcherSharedLibDeps...)
-	}
 	// Emulate the data property for java_data but with the arch variation overridden to "common"
 	// so that it can point to java modules.
 	javaDataVariation := []blueprint.Variation{{"arch", android.Common.String()}}
 	ctx.AddVariationDependencies(javaDataVariation, javaDataTag,
-func (p *Module) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
-	p.generatePythonBuildActions(ctx)
-	// Only Python binary and test modules have non-empty bootstrapper.
-	if p.bootstrapper != nil {
-		// if the module is being installed, we need to collect all transitive dependencies to embed in
-		// the final par
-		p.collectPathsFromTransitiveDeps(ctx)
-		// bootstrap the module, including resolving main file, getting launcher path, and
-		// registering actions to build the par file
-		// bootstrap returns the binary output path
-		p.installSource = p.bootstrapper.bootstrap(ctx,,
-			p.isEmbeddedLauncherEnabled(), p.srcsPathMappings, p.srcsZip, p.depsSrcsZips)
-	}
-	// Only Python binary and test modules have non-empty installer.
-	if p.installer != nil {
-		var sharedLibs []string
-		// if embedded launcher is enabled, we need to collect the shared library depenendencies of the
-		// launcher
-		for _, dep := range ctx.GetDirectDepsWithTag(launcherSharedLibTag) {
-			sharedLibs = append(sharedLibs, ctx.OtherModuleName(dep))
-		}
-		p.installer.setAndroidMkSharedLibs(sharedLibs)
-		// Install the par file from installSource
-		if p.installSource.Valid() {
-			p.installer.install(ctx, p.installSource.Path())
-		}
-	}
-// generatePythonBuildActions performs build actions common to all Python modules
-func (p *Module) generatePythonBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
+// GenerateAndroidBuildActions performs build actions common to all Python modules
+func (p *PythonLibraryModule) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
 	expandedSrcs := android.PathsForModuleSrcExcludes(ctx,,
-	requiresSrcs := true
-	if p.bootstrapper != nil && !p.bootstrapper.autorun() {
-		requiresSrcs = false
-	}
-	if len(expandedSrcs) == 0 && requiresSrcs {
-		ctx.ModuleErrorf("doesn't have any source files!")
-	}
 	// expand data files from "data" property.
 	expandedData := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx,
@@ -607,7 +360,7 @@
 // For this module, generate unique pathMappings: <dest: runfiles_path, src: source_path>
 // for python/data files expanded from properties.
-func (p *Module) genModulePathMappings(ctx android.ModuleContext, pkgPath string,
+func (p *PythonLibraryModule) genModulePathMappings(ctx android.ModuleContext, pkgPath string,
 	expandedSrcs, expandedData android.Paths) {
 	// fetch <runfiles_path, source_path> pairs from "src" and "data" properties to
 	// check current module duplicates.
@@ -642,7 +395,7 @@
 // createSrcsZip registers build actions to zip current module's sources and data.
-func (p *Module) createSrcsZip(ctx android.ModuleContext, pkgPath string) android.Path {
+func (p *PythonLibraryModule) createSrcsZip(ctx android.ModuleContext, pkgPath string) android.Path {
 	relativeRootMap := make(map[string]android.Paths)
 	pathMappings := append(p.srcsPathMappings, p.dataPathMappings...)
@@ -654,13 +407,8 @@
 		if path.src.Ext() == protoExt {
 			protoSrcs = append(protoSrcs, path.src)
 		} else {
-			var relativeRoot string
-			relativeRoot = strings.TrimSuffix(path.src.String(), path.src.Rel())
-			if v, found := relativeRootMap[relativeRoot]; found {
-				relativeRootMap[relativeRoot] = append(v, path.src)
-			} else {
-				relativeRootMap[relativeRoot] = android.Paths{path.src}
-			}
+			relativeRoot := strings.TrimSuffix(path.src.String(), path.src.Rel())
+			relativeRootMap[relativeRoot] = append(relativeRootMap[relativeRoot], path.src)
 	var zips android.Paths
@@ -736,30 +484,20 @@
-// isPythonLibModule returns whether the given module is a Python library Module or not
+// isPythonLibModule returns whether the given module is a Python library PythonLibraryModule or not
 func isPythonLibModule(module blueprint.Module) bool {
-	if m, ok := module.(*Module); ok {
-		return m.isLibrary()
+	if _, ok := module.(*PythonLibraryModule); ok {
+		if _, ok := module.(*PythonBinaryModule); !ok {
+			return true
+		}
 	return false
-// This is distinguished by the fact that Python libraries are not installable, while other Python
-// modules are.
-func (p *Module) isLibrary() bool {
-	// Python library has no bootstrapper or installer
-	return p.bootstrapper == nil && p.installer == nil
-func (p *Module) isBinary() bool {
-	_, ok := p.bootstrapper.(*binaryDecorator)
-	return ok
 // collectPathsFromTransitiveDeps checks for source/data files for duplicate paths
 // for module and its transitive dependencies and collects list of data/source file
 // zips for transitive dependencies.
-func (p *Module) collectPathsFromTransitiveDeps(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
+func (p *PythonLibraryModule) collectPathsFromTransitiveDeps(ctx android.ModuleContext) android.Paths {
 	// fetch <runfiles_path, source_path> pairs from "src" and "data" properties to
 	// check duplicates.
 	destToPySrcs := make(map[string]string)
@@ -773,6 +511,8 @@
 	seen := make(map[android.Module]bool)
+	var result android.Paths
 	// visit all its dependencies in depth first.
 	ctx.WalkDeps(func(child, parent android.Module) bool {
 		// we only collect dependencies tagged as python library deps
@@ -801,10 +541,11 @@
 				checkForDuplicateOutputPath(ctx, destToPyData,
 					path.dest, path.src.String(), ctx.ModuleName(), ctx.OtherModuleName(child))
-			p.depsSrcsZips = append(p.depsSrcsZips, dep.getSrcsZip())
+			result = append(result, dep.getSrcsZip())
 		return true
+	return result
 // chckForDuplicateOutputPath checks whether outputPath has already been included in map m, which
@@ -825,18 +566,10 @@
 // InstallInData returns true as Python is not supported in the system partition
-func (p *Module) InstallInData() bool {
+func (p *PythonLibraryModule) InstallInData() bool {
 	return true
-func (p *Module) ConvertWithBp2build(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) {
-	if p.isLibrary() {
-		pythonLibBp2Build(ctx, p)
-	} else if p.isBinary() {
-		pythonBinaryBp2Build(ctx, p)
-	}
 var Bool = proptools.Bool
 var BoolDefault = proptools.BoolDefault
 var String = proptools.String
diff --git a/python/python_test.go b/python/python_test.go
index 42a1ffb..6f4223a 100644
--- a/python/python_test.go
+++ b/python/python_test.go
@@ -312,10 +312,6 @@
 					srcsZip: "out/soong/.intermediates/dir/bin/PY3/",
-					depsSrcsZips: []string{
-						"out/soong/.intermediates/dir/lib5/PY3/",
-						"out/soong/.intermediates/dir/lib6/PY3/",
-					},
@@ -346,17 +342,17 @@
 			for _, e := range d.expectedBinaries {
 				t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
-					expectModule(t, result.TestContext,, e.actualVersion, e.srcsZip, e.pyRunfiles, e.depsSrcsZips)
+					expectModule(t, result.TestContext,, e.actualVersion, e.srcsZip, e.pyRunfiles)
-func expectModule(t *testing.T, ctx *android.TestContext, name, variant, expectedSrcsZip string, expectedPyRunfiles, expectedDepsSrcsZips []string) {
+func expectModule(t *testing.T, ctx *android.TestContext, name, variant, expectedSrcsZip string, expectedPyRunfiles []string) {
 	module := ctx.ModuleForTests(name, variant)
-	base, baseOk := module.Module().(*Module)
+	base, baseOk := module.Module().(*PythonLibraryModule)
 	if !baseOk {
 		t.Fatalf("%s is not Python module!", name)
@@ -369,8 +365,6 @@
 	android.AssertDeepEquals(t, "pyRunfiles", expectedPyRunfiles, actualPyRunfiles)
 	android.AssertPathRelativeToTopEquals(t, "srcsZip", expectedSrcsZip, base.srcsZip)
-	android.AssertPathsRelativeToTopEquals(t, "depsSrcsZips", expectedDepsSrcsZips, base.depsSrcsZips)
 func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
diff --git a/python/test.go b/python/test.go
index fc5c211..fb8e918 100644
--- a/python/test.go
+++ b/python/test.go
@@ -32,6 +32,20 @@
 	ctx.RegisterModuleType("python_test", PythonTestFactory)
+func NewTest(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported) *PythonTestModule {
+	return &PythonTestModule{PythonBinaryModule: *NewBinary(hod)}
+func PythonTestHostFactory() android.Module {
+	return NewTest(android.HostSupportedNoCross).init()
+func PythonTestFactory() android.Module {
+	module := NewTest(android.HostAndDeviceSupported)
+	module.multilib = android.MultilibBoth
+	return module.init()
 type TestProperties struct {
 	// the name of the test configuration (for example "AndroidTest.xml") that should be
 	// installed with the module.
@@ -52,76 +66,79 @@
 	Test_options android.CommonTestOptions
-type testDecorator struct {
-	*binaryDecorator
+type PythonTestModule struct {
+	PythonBinaryModule
 	testProperties TestProperties
-	testConfig android.Path
-	data []android.DataPath
+	testConfig     android.Path
+	data           []android.DataPath
-func (test *testDecorator) bootstrapperProps() []interface{} {
-	return append(test.binaryDecorator.bootstrapperProps(), &test.testProperties)
+func (p *PythonTestModule) init() android.Module {
+	p.AddProperties(&, &p.protoProperties)
+	p.AddProperties(&p.binaryProperties)
+	p.AddProperties(&p.testProperties)
+	android.InitAndroidArchModule(p, p.hod, p.multilib)
+	android.InitDefaultableModule(p)
+	android.InitBazelModule(p)
+	if p.hod == android.HostSupportedNoCross && p.testProperties.Test_options.Unit_test == nil {
+		p.testProperties.Test_options.Unit_test = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
+	}
+	return p
-func (test *testDecorator) install(ctx android.ModuleContext, file android.Path) {
-	test.testConfig = tradefed.AutoGenTestConfig(ctx, tradefed.AutoGenTestConfigOptions{
-		TestConfigProp:         test.testProperties.Test_config,
-		TestConfigTemplateProp: test.testProperties.Test_config_template,
-		TestSuites:             test.binaryDecorator.binaryProperties.Test_suites,
-		AutoGenConfig:          test.binaryDecorator.binaryProperties.Auto_gen_config,
+func (p *PythonTestModule) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
+	// We inherit from only the library's GenerateAndroidBuildActions, and then
+	// just use buildBinary() so that the binary is not installed into the location
+	// it would be for regular binaries.
+	p.PythonLibraryModule.GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx)
+	p.buildBinary(ctx)
+	p.testConfig = tradefed.AutoGenTestConfig(ctx, tradefed.AutoGenTestConfigOptions{
+		TestConfigProp:         p.testProperties.Test_config,
+		TestConfigTemplateProp: p.testProperties.Test_config_template,
+		TestSuites:             p.binaryProperties.Test_suites,
+		AutoGenConfig:          p.binaryProperties.Auto_gen_config,
 		DeviceTemplate:         "${PythonBinaryHostTestConfigTemplate}",
 		HostTemplate:           "${PythonBinaryHostTestConfigTemplate}",
-	test.binaryDecorator.pythonInstaller.dir = "nativetest"
-	test.binaryDecorator.pythonInstaller.dir64 = "nativetest64"
+	p.installedDest = ctx.InstallFile(installDir(ctx, "nativetest", "nativetest64", ctx.ModuleName()), p.installSource.Base(), p.installSource)
-	test.binaryDecorator.pythonInstaller.relative = ctx.ModuleName()
-	test.binaryDecorator.pythonInstaller.install(ctx, file)
-	dataSrcPaths := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, test.testProperties.Data)
-	for _, dataSrcPath := range dataSrcPaths {
- = append(, android.DataPath{SrcPath: dataSrcPath})
+	for _, dataSrcPath := range android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, p.testProperties.Data) {
+ = append(, android.DataPath{SrcPath: dataSrcPath})
 	// Emulate the data property for java_data dependencies.
 	for _, javaData := range ctx.GetDirectDepsWithTag(javaDataTag) {
 		for _, javaDataSrcPath := range android.OutputFilesForModule(ctx, javaData, "") {
- = append(, android.DataPath{SrcPath: javaDataSrcPath})
+ = append(, android.DataPath{SrcPath: javaDataSrcPath})
-func NewTest(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported) *Module {
-	module, binary := NewBinary(hod)
-	binary.pythonInstaller = NewPythonInstaller("nativetest", "nativetest64")
-	test := &testDecorator{binaryDecorator: binary}
-	if hod == android.HostSupportedNoCross && test.testProperties.Test_options.Unit_test == nil {
-		test.testProperties.Test_options.Unit_test = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
+func (p *PythonTestModule) AndroidMkEntries() []android.AndroidMkEntries {
+	entriesList := p.PythonBinaryModule.AndroidMkEntries()
+	if len(entriesList) != 1 {
+		panic("Expected 1 entry")
+	entries := &entriesList[0]
-	module.bootstrapper = test
-	module.installer = test
+	entries.Class = "NATIVE_TESTS"
-	return module
+	entries.ExtraEntries = append(entries.ExtraEntries,
+		func(ctx android.AndroidMkExtraEntriesContext, entries *android.AndroidMkEntries) {
+			//entries.AddCompatibilityTestSuites(p.binaryProperties.Test_suites...)
+			if p.testConfig != nil {
+				entries.SetString("LOCAL_FULL_TEST_CONFIG", p.testConfig.String())
+			}
-func PythonTestHostFactory() android.Module {
-	module := NewTest(android.HostSupportedNoCross)
+			entries.SetBoolIfTrue("LOCAL_DISABLE_AUTO_GENERATE_TEST_CONFIG", !BoolDefault(p.binaryProperties.Auto_gen_config, true))
-	return module.init()
+			entries.AddStrings("LOCAL_TEST_DATA", android.AndroidMkDataPaths(
-func PythonTestFactory() android.Module {
-	module := NewTest(android.HostAndDeviceSupported)
-	module.multilib = android.MultilibBoth
+			p.testProperties.Test_options.SetAndroidMkEntries(entries)
+		})
-	return module.init()
+	return entriesList