blob: 96400241e12b23e7308f380377fb695b988352d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file implements the logic of bpfix and also provides a programmatic interface
package bpfix
import (
// Reformat takes a blueprint file as a string and returns a formatted version
func Reformat(input string) (string, error) {
tree, err := parse("<string>", bytes.NewBufferString(input))
if err != nil {
return "", err
res, err := parser.Print(tree)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(res), nil
// A FixRequest specifies the details of which fixes to apply to an individual file
// A FixRequest doesn't specify whether to do a dry run or where to write the results; that's in cmd/bpfix.go
type FixRequest struct {
steps []FixStep
type FixStepsExtension struct {
Name string
Steps []FixStep
type FixStep struct {
Name string
Fix func(f *Fixer) error
var fixStepsExtensions = []*FixStepsExtension(nil)
func RegisterFixStepExtension(extension *FixStepsExtension) {
fixStepsExtensions = append(fixStepsExtensions, extension)
var fixSteps = []FixStep{
Name: "simplifyKnownRedundantVariables",
Fix: runPatchListMod(simplifyKnownPropertiesDuplicatingEachOther),
Name: "rewriteIncorrectAndroidmkPrebuilts",
Fix: rewriteIncorrectAndroidmkPrebuilts,
Name: "rewriteCtsModuleTypes",
Fix: rewriteCtsModuleTypes,
Name: "rewriteIncorrectAndroidmkAndroidLibraries",
Fix: rewriteIncorrectAndroidmkAndroidLibraries,
Name: "rewriteTestModuleTypes",
Fix: rewriteTestModuleTypes,
Name: "rewriteAndroidmkJavaLibs",
Fix: rewriteAndroidmkJavaLibs,
Name: "rewriteJavaStaticLibs",
Fix: rewriteJavaStaticLibs,
Name: "rewritePrebuiltEtc",
Fix: rewriteAndroidmkPrebuiltEtc,
Name: "mergeMatchingModuleProperties",
Fix: runPatchListMod(mergeMatchingModuleProperties),
Name: "reorderCommonProperties",
Fix: runPatchListMod(reorderCommonProperties),
Name: "removeTags",
Fix: runPatchListMod(removeTags),
Name: "rewriteAndroidTest",
Fix: rewriteAndroidTest,
Name: "rewriteAndroidAppImport",
Fix: rewriteAndroidAppImport,
Name: "removeEmptyLibDependencies",
Fix: removeEmptyLibDependencies,
Name: "removeHidlInterfaceTypes",
Fix: removeHidlInterfaceTypes,
Name: "removeSoongConfigBoolVariable",
Fix: removeSoongConfigBoolVariable,
Name: "removePdkProperty",
Fix: runPatchListMod(removePdkProperty),
func NewFixRequest() FixRequest {
return FixRequest{}
func (r FixRequest) AddAll() (result FixRequest) {
result.steps = append([]FixStep(nil), r.steps...)
result.steps = append(result.steps, fixSteps...)
for _, extension := range fixStepsExtensions {
result.steps = append(result.steps, extension.Steps...)
return result
func (r FixRequest) AddBase() (result FixRequest) {
result.steps = append([]FixStep(nil), r.steps...)
result.steps = append(result.steps, fixSteps...)
return result
func (r FixRequest) AddMatchingExtensions(pattern string) (result FixRequest) {
result.steps = append([]FixStep(nil), r.steps...)
for _, extension := range fixStepsExtensions {
if match, _ := filepath.Match(pattern, extension.Name); match {
result.steps = append(result.steps, extension.Steps...)
return result
type Fixer struct {
tree *parser.File
func (f Fixer) Tree() *parser.File {
return f.tree
func NewFixer(tree *parser.File) *Fixer {
fixer := &Fixer{tree}
// make a copy of the tree
return fixer
// Fix repeatedly applies the fixes listed in the given FixRequest to the given File
// until there is no fix that affects the tree
func (f *Fixer) Fix(config FixRequest) (*parser.File, error) {
prevIdentifier, err := f.fingerprint()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
maxNumIterations := 20
i := 0
for {
err = f.fixTreeOnce(config)
newIdentifier, err := f.fingerprint()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if bytes.Equal(newIdentifier, prevIdentifier) {
prevIdentifier = newIdentifier
// any errors from a previous iteration generally get thrown away and overwritten by errors on the next iteration
// detect infinite loop
if i >= maxNumIterations {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Applied fixes %d times and yet the tree continued to change. Is there an infinite loop?", i)
return f.tree, err
// returns a unique identifier for the given tree that can be used to determine whether the tree changed
func (f *Fixer) fingerprint() (fingerprint []byte, err error) {
bytes, err := parser.Print(f.tree)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return bytes, nil
func (f *Fixer) reparse() ([]byte, error) {
buf, err := parser.Print(f.tree)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newTree, err := parse(f.tree.Name, bytes.NewReader(buf))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f.tree = newTree
return buf, nil
func parse(name string, r io.Reader) (*parser.File, error) {
tree, errs := parser.Parse(name, r, parser.NewScope(nil))
if errs != nil {
s := "parse error: "
for _, err := range errs {
s += "\n" + err.Error()
return nil, errors.New(s)
return tree, nil
func (f *Fixer) fixTreeOnce(config FixRequest) error {
for _, fix := range config.steps {
err := fix.Fix(f)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func simplifyKnownPropertiesDuplicatingEachOther(mod *parser.Module, buf []byte, patchList *parser.PatchList) error {
// remove from local_include_dirs anything in export_include_dirs
return removeMatchingModuleListProperties(mod, patchList,
"export_include_dirs", "local_include_dirs")
func rewriteIncorrectAndroidmkPrebuilts(f *Fixer) error {
for _, def := range f.tree.Defs {
mod, ok := def.(*parser.Module)
if !ok {
if mod.Type != "java_import" {
host, _ := getLiteralBoolPropertyValue(mod, "host")
if host {
mod.Type = "java_import_host"
removeProperty(mod, "host")
srcs, ok := getLiteralListProperty(mod, "srcs")
if !ok {
if len(srcs.Values) == 0 {
src, ok := srcs.Values[0].(*parser.String)
if !ok {
switch filepath.Ext(src.Value) {
case ".jar":
renameProperty(mod, "srcs", "jars")
case ".aar":
renameProperty(mod, "srcs", "aars")
mod.Type = "android_library_import"
// An android_library_import doesn't get installed, so setting "installable = false" isn't supported
removeProperty(mod, "installable")
return nil
func rewriteCtsModuleTypes(f *Fixer) error {
for _, def := range f.tree.Defs {
mod, ok := def.(*parser.Module)
if !ok {
if mod.Type != "cts_support_package" && mod.Type != "cts_package" &&
mod.Type != "cts_target_java_library" &&
mod.Type != "cts_host_java_library" {
var defStr string
switch mod.Type {
case "cts_support_package":
mod.Type = "android_test_helper_app"
defStr = "cts_support_defaults"
case "cts_package":
mod.Type = "android_test"
defStr = "cts_defaults"
case "cts_target_java_library":
mod.Type = "java_library"
defStr = "cts_defaults"
case "cts_host_java_library":
mod.Type = "java_library_host"
defStr = "cts_defaults"
defaults := &parser.Property{
Name: "defaults",
Value: &parser.List{
Values: []parser.Expression{
Value: defStr,
mod.Properties = append(mod.Properties, defaults)
return nil
func rewriteIncorrectAndroidmkAndroidLibraries(f *Fixer) error {
for _, def := range f.tree.Defs {
mod, ok := def.(*parser.Module)
if !ok {
if !strings.HasPrefix(mod.Type, "java_") && !strings.HasPrefix(mod.Type, "android_") {
hasAndroidLibraries := hasNonEmptyLiteralListProperty(mod, "android_libs")
hasStaticAndroidLibraries := hasNonEmptyLiteralListProperty(mod, "android_static_libs")
hasResourceDirs := hasNonEmptyLiteralListProperty(mod, "resource_dirs")
if hasAndroidLibraries || hasStaticAndroidLibraries || hasResourceDirs {
if mod.Type == "java_library_static" || mod.Type == "java_library" {
mod.Type = "android_library"
if mod.Type == "java_import" && !hasStaticAndroidLibraries {
removeProperty(mod, "android_static_libs")
// These may conflict with existing libs and static_libs properties, but the
// mergeMatchingModuleProperties pass will fix it.
renameProperty(mod, "shared_libs", "libs")
renameProperty(mod, "android_libs", "libs")
renameProperty(mod, "android_static_libs", "static_libs")
return nil
// rewriteTestModuleTypes looks for modules that are identifiable as tests but for which Make doesn't have a separate
// module class, and moves them to the appropriate Soong module type.
func rewriteTestModuleTypes(f *Fixer) error {
for _, def := range f.tree.Defs {
mod, ok := def.(*parser.Module)
if !ok {
if !strings.HasPrefix(mod.Type, "java_") && !strings.HasPrefix(mod.Type, "android_") {
hasInstrumentationFor := hasNonEmptyLiteralStringProperty(mod, "instrumentation_for")
tags, _ := getLiteralListPropertyValue(mod, "tags")
var hasTestsTag bool
for _, tag := range tags {
if tag == "tests" {
hasTestsTag = true
isTest := hasInstrumentationFor || hasTestsTag
if isTest {
switch mod.Type {
case "android_app":
mod.Type = "android_test"
case "android_app_import":
mod.Type = "android_test_import"
case "java_library", "java_library_installable":
mod.Type = "java_test"
case "java_library_host":
mod.Type = "java_test_host"
return nil
// rewriteJavaStaticLibs rewrites java_library_static into java_library
func rewriteJavaStaticLibs(f *Fixer) error {
for _, def := range f.tree.Defs {
mod, ok := def.(*parser.Module)
if !ok {
if mod.Type == "java_library_static" {
mod.Type = "java_library"
return nil
// rewriteAndroidmkJavaLibs rewrites java_library_installable into java_library plus installable: true
func rewriteAndroidmkJavaLibs(f *Fixer) error {
for _, def := range f.tree.Defs {
mod, ok := def.(*parser.Module)
if !ok {
if mod.Type != "java_library_installable" {
mod.Type = "java_library"
_, hasInstallable := mod.GetProperty("installable")
if !hasInstallable {
prop := &parser.Property{
Name: "installable",
Value: &parser.Bool{
Value: true,
mod.Properties = append(mod.Properties, prop)
return nil
// Helper function to get the value of a string-valued property in a given compound property.
func getStringProperty(prop *parser.Property, fieldName string) string {
if propsAsMap, ok := prop.Value.(*parser.Map); ok {
for _, propField := range propsAsMap.Properties {
if fieldName == propField.Name {
if propFieldAsString, ok := propField.Value.(*parser.String); ok {
return propFieldAsString.Value
} else {
return ""
return ""
// Set the value of the given attribute to the error message
func indicateAttributeError(mod *parser.Module, attributeName string, format string, a ...interface{}) error {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)
mod.Properties = append(mod.Properties, &parser.Property{
Name: attributeName,
Value: &parser.String{Value: "ERROR: " + msg},
return errors.New(msg)
// If a variable is LOCAL_MODULE, get its value from the 'name' attribute.
// This handles the statement
// which occurs often.
func resolveLocalModule(mod *parser.Module, val parser.Expression) parser.Expression {
if varLocalName, ok := val.(*parser.Variable); ok {
if varLocalName.Name == "LOCAL_MODULE" {
if v, ok := getLiteralStringProperty(mod, "name"); ok {
return v
return val
// etcPrebuiltModuleUpdate contains information on updating certain parts of a defined module such as:
// * changing the module type from prebuilt_etc to a different one
// * stripping the prefix of the install path based on the module type
// * appending additional boolean properties to the prebuilt module
type etcPrebuiltModuleUpdate struct {
// The prefix of the install path defined in local_module_path. The prefix is removed from local_module_path
// before setting the 'filename' attribute.
prefix string
// There is only one prebuilt module type in makefiles. In Soong, there are multiple versions of
// prebuilts based on local_module_path. By default, it is "prebuilt_etc" if modType is blank. An
// example is if the local_module_path contains $(TARGET_OUT)/usr/share, the module type is
// considered as prebuilt_usr_share.
modType string
// Additional boolean attributes to be added in the prebuilt module. Each added boolean attribute
// has a value of true.
flags []string
func (f etcPrebuiltModuleUpdate) update(m *parser.Module, path string) bool {
updated := false
if path == f.prefix {
updated = true
} else if trimmedPath := strings.TrimPrefix(path, f.prefix+"/"); trimmedPath != path {
m.Properties = append(m.Properties, &parser.Property{
Name: "relative_install_path",
Value: &parser.String{Value: trimmedPath},
updated = true
if updated {
for _, flag := range f.flags {
m.Properties = append(m.Properties, &parser.Property{Name: flag, Value: &parser.Bool{Value: true, Token: "true"}})
if f.modType != "" {
m.Type = f.modType
return updated
var localModuleUpdate = map[string][]etcPrebuiltModuleUpdate{
"HOST_OUT": {{prefix: "/etc", modType: "prebuilt_etc_host"}, {prefix: "/usr/share", modType: "prebuilt_usr_share_host"}},
"PRODUCT_OUT": {{prefix: "/system/etc"}, {prefix: "/vendor/etc", flags: []string{"proprietary"}}},
"TARGET_OUT": {{prefix: "/usr/share", modType: "prebuilt_usr_share"}, {prefix: "/fonts", modType: "prebuilt_font"},
{prefix: "/etc/firmware", modType: "prebuilt_firmware"}, {prefix: "/vendor/firmware", modType: "prebuilt_firmware", flags: []string{"proprietary"}},
{prefix: "/etc"}},
"TARGET_OUT_ETC": {{prefix: "/firmware", modType: "prebuilt_firmware"}, {prefix: ""}},
"TARGET_OUT_PRODUCT": {{prefix: "/etc", flags: []string{"product_specific"}}, {prefix: "/fonts", modType: "prebuilt_font", flags: []string{"product_specific"}}},
"TARGET_OUT_PRODUCT_ETC": {{prefix: "", flags: []string{"product_specific"}}},
"TARGET_OUT_ODM": {{prefix: "/etc", flags: []string{"device_specific"}}},
"TARGET_OUT_SYSTEM_EXT": {{prefix: "/etc", flags: []string{"system_ext_specific"}}},
"TARGET_OUT_SYSTEM_EXT_ETC": {{prefix: "", flags: []string{"system_ext_specific"}}},
"TARGET_OUT_VENDOR": {{prefix: "/etc", flags: []string{"proprietary"}}, {prefix: "/firmware", modType: "prebuilt_firmware", flags: []string{"proprietary"}}},
"TARGET_OUT_VENDOR_ETC": {{prefix: "", flags: []string{"proprietary"}}},
"TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT": {{prefix: "/system/etc", flags: []string{"recovery"}}},
// rewriteAndroidPrebuiltEtc fixes prebuilt_etc rule
func rewriteAndroidmkPrebuiltEtc(f *Fixer) error {
for _, def := range f.tree.Defs {
mod, ok := def.(*parser.Module)
if !ok {
if mod.Type != "prebuilt_etc" && mod.Type != "prebuilt_etc_host" {
// 'srcs' --> 'src' conversion
convertToSingleSource(mod, "src")
renameProperty(mod, "sub_dir", "relative_install_dir")
// The rewriter converts LOCAL_MODULE_PATH attribute into a struct attribute
// 'local_module_path'. Analyze its contents and create the correct sub_dir:,
// filename: and boolean attributes combination
const local_module_path = "local_module_path"
if prop_local_module_path, ok := mod.GetProperty(local_module_path); ok {
removeProperty(mod, local_module_path)
prefixVariableName := getStringProperty(prop_local_module_path, "var")
if moduleUpdates, ok := localModuleUpdate[prefixVariableName]; ok {
path := getStringProperty(prop_local_module_path, "fixed")
updated := false
for i := 0; i < len(moduleUpdates) && !updated; i++ {
updated = moduleUpdates[i].update(mod, path)
if !updated {
expectedPrefices := ""
sep := ""
for _, moduleUpdate := range moduleUpdates {
expectedPrefices += sep
sep = ", "
expectedPrefices += moduleUpdate.prefix
return indicateAttributeError(mod, "filename",
"LOCAL_MODULE_PATH value under $(%s) should start with %s", prefixVariableName, expectedPrefices)
} else {
return indicateAttributeError(mod, "filename", "Cannot handle $(%s) for the prebuilt_etc", prefixVariableName)
return nil
func rewriteAndroidTest(f *Fixer) error {
for _, def := range f.tree.Defs {
mod, ok := def.(*parser.Module)
if !ok {
// The definition is not a module.
if mod.Type != "android_test" && mod.Type != "android_test_helper_app" {
// The module is not an android_test or android_test_helper_app.
// The rewriter converts LOCAL_MODULE_PATH attribute into a struct attribute
// 'local_module_path'. For the android_test module, it should be $(TARGET_OUT_DATA_APPS),
// that is, `local_module_path: { var: "TARGET_OUT_DATA_APPS"}`
// 1. if the `key: val` pair matches, (key is `local_module_path`,
// and val is `{ var: "TARGET_OUT_DATA_APPS"}`), this property is removed;
// 2. o/w, an error msg is thrown.
const local_module_path = "local_module_path"
if prop_local_module_path, ok := mod.GetProperty(local_module_path); ok {
removeProperty(mod, local_module_path)
prefixVariableName := getStringProperty(prop_local_module_path, "var")
path := getStringProperty(prop_local_module_path, "fixed")
if prefixVariableName == "TARGET_OUT_DATA_APPS" && path == "" {
return indicateAttributeError(mod, "filename",
"Only LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(TARGET_OUT_DATA_APPS) is allowed for the %s", mod.Type)
return nil
func rewriteAndroidAppImport(f *Fixer) error {
for _, def := range f.tree.Defs {
mod, ok := def.(*parser.Module)
if !(ok && mod.Type == "android_app_import") {
// 'srcs' --> 'apk' conversion
convertToSingleSource(mod, "apk")
// Handle special certificate value, "PRESIGNED".
if cert, ok := mod.GetProperty("certificate"); ok {
if certStr, ok := cert.Value.(*parser.String); ok {
if certStr.Value == "PRESIGNED" {
removeProperty(mod, "certificate")
prop := &parser.Property{
Name: "presigned",
Value: &parser.Bool{
Value: true,
mod.Properties = append(mod.Properties, prop)
return nil
func RewriteRuntimeResourceOverlay(f *Fixer) error {
for _, def := range f.tree.Defs {
mod, ok := def.(*parser.Module)
if !(ok && mod.Type == "runtime_resource_overlay") {
// runtime_resource_overlays are always product specific in Make.
if _, ok := mod.GetProperty("product_specific"); !ok {
prop := &parser.Property{
Name: "product_specific",
Value: &parser.Bool{
Value: true,
mod.Properties = append(mod.Properties, prop)
return nil
// Removes library dependencies which are empty (and restricted from usage in Soong)
func removeEmptyLibDependencies(f *Fixer) error {
emptyLibraries := []string{
relevantFields := []string{
for _, def := range f.tree.Defs {
mod, ok := def.(*parser.Module)
if !ok {
for _, field := range relevantFields {
listValue, ok := getLiteralListProperty(mod, field)
if !ok {
newValues := []parser.Expression{}
for _, v := range listValue.Values {
stringValue, ok := v.(*parser.String)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Expecting string for %s.%s fields", mod.Type, field)
if inList(stringValue.Value, emptyLibraries) {
newValues = append(newValues, stringValue)
if len(newValues) == 0 && len(listValue.Values) != 0 {
removeProperty(mod, field)
} else {
listValue.Values = newValues
return nil
// Removes hidl_interface 'types' which are no longer needed
func removeHidlInterfaceTypes(f *Fixer) error {
for _, def := range f.tree.Defs {
mod, ok := def.(*parser.Module)
if !(ok && mod.Type == "hidl_interface") {
removeProperty(mod, "types")
return nil
func removeSoongConfigBoolVariable(f *Fixer) error {
found := map[string]bool{}
newDefs := make([]parser.Definition, 0, len(f.tree.Defs))
for _, def := range f.tree.Defs {
if mod, ok := def.(*parser.Module); ok && mod.Type == "soong_config_bool_variable" {
if name, ok := getLiteralStringPropertyValue(mod, "name"); ok {
found[name] = true
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Found soong_config_bool_variable without a name")
} else {
newDefs = append(newDefs, def)
f.tree.Defs = newDefs
if len(found) == 0 {
return nil
return runPatchListMod(func(mod *parser.Module, buf []byte, patchList *parser.PatchList) error {
if mod.Type != "soong_config_module_type" {
return nil
variables, ok := getLiteralListProperty(mod, "variables")
if !ok {
return nil
boolValues := strings.Builder{}
empty := true
for _, item := range variables.Values {
nameValue, ok := item.(*parser.String)
if !ok {
empty = false
if found[nameValue.Value] {
patchList.Add(item.Pos().Offset, item.End().Offset+2, "")
} else {
empty = false
if empty {
*patchList = parser.PatchList{}
prop, _ := mod.GetProperty("variables")
patchList.Add(prop.Pos().Offset, prop.End().Offset+2, "")
if boolValues.Len() == 0 {
return nil
boolVariables, ok := getLiteralListProperty(mod, "bool_variables")
if ok {
patchList.Add(boolVariables.RBracePos.Offset, boolVariables.RBracePos.Offset, ","+boolValues.String())
} else {
patchList.Add(variables.RBracePos.Offset+2, variables.RBracePos.Offset+2,
fmt.Sprintf(`bool_variables: [%s],`, boolValues.String()))
return nil
return nil
// Converts the default source list property, 'srcs', to a single source property with a given name.
// "LOCAL_MODULE" reference is also resolved during the conversion process.
func convertToSingleSource(mod *parser.Module, srcPropertyName string) {
if srcs, ok := mod.GetProperty("srcs"); ok {
if srcList, ok := srcs.Value.(*parser.List); ok {
removeProperty(mod, "srcs")
if len(srcList.Values) == 1 {
mod.Properties = append(mod.Properties,
Name: srcPropertyName,
NamePos: srcs.NamePos,
ColonPos: srcs.ColonPos,
Value: resolveLocalModule(mod, srcList.Values[0])})
} else if len(srcList.Values) > 1 {
indicateAttributeError(mod, srcPropertyName, "LOCAL_SRC_FILES should contain at most one item")
} else if _, ok = srcs.Value.(*parser.Variable); ok {
removeProperty(mod, "srcs")
mod.Properties = append(mod.Properties,
&parser.Property{Name: srcPropertyName,
NamePos: srcs.NamePos,
ColonPos: srcs.ColonPos,
Value: resolveLocalModule(mod, srcs.Value)})
} else {
renameProperty(mod, "srcs", "apk")
func runPatchListMod(modFunc func(mod *parser.Module, buf []byte, patchlist *parser.PatchList) error) func(*Fixer) error {
return func(f *Fixer) error {
// Make sure all the offsets are accurate
buf, err := f.reparse()
if err != nil {
return err
var patchlist parser.PatchList
for _, def := range f.tree.Defs {
mod, ok := def.(*parser.Module)
if !ok {
err := modFunc(mod, buf, &patchlist)
if err != nil {
return err
newBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)
err = patchlist.Apply(bytes.NewReader(buf), newBuf)
if err != nil {
return err
// Save a copy of the buffer to print for errors below
bufCopy := append([]byte(nil), newBuf.Bytes()...)
newTree, err := parse(f.tree.Name, newBuf)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse: %v\nBuffer:\n%s", err, string(bufCopy))
f.tree = newTree
return nil
var commonPropertyPriorities = []string{
func reorderCommonProperties(mod *parser.Module, buf []byte, patchlist *parser.PatchList) error {
if len(mod.Properties) == 0 {
return nil
pos := mod.LBracePos.Offset + 1
stage := ""
for _, name := range commonPropertyPriorities {
idx := propertyIndex(mod.Properties, name)
if idx == -1 {
if idx == 0 {
err := patchlist.Add(pos, pos, stage)
if err != nil {
return err
stage = ""
pos = mod.Properties[0].End().Offset + 1
mod.Properties = mod.Properties[1:]
prop := mod.Properties[idx]
mod.Properties = append(mod.Properties[:idx], mod.Properties[idx+1:]...)
stage += string(buf[prop.Pos().Offset : prop.End().Offset+1])
err := patchlist.Add(prop.Pos().Offset, prop.End().Offset+2, "")
if err != nil {
return err
if stage != "" {
err := patchlist.Add(pos, pos, stage)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func removeTags(mod *parser.Module, buf []byte, patchlist *parser.PatchList) error {
prop, ok := mod.GetProperty("tags")
if !ok {
return nil
list, ok := prop.Value.(*parser.List)
if !ok {
return nil
replaceStr := ""
for _, item := range list.Values {
str, ok := item.(*parser.String)
if !ok {
replaceStr += fmt.Sprintf("// ERROR: Unable to parse tag %q\n", item)
switch str.Value {
case "optional":
case "debug":
replaceStr += `// WARNING: Module tags are not supported in Soong.
// Add this module to PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG in your product file if you want to
// force installation for -userdebug and -eng builds.
case "eng":
replaceStr += `// WARNING: Module tags are not supported in Soong.
// Add this module to PRODUCT_PACKAGES_ENG in your product file if you want to
// force installation for -eng builds.
case "tests":
switch {
case strings.Contains(mod.Type, "cc_test"),
strings.Contains(mod.Type, "cc_library_static"),
strings.Contains(mod.Type, "java_test"),
mod.Type == "android_test",
mod.Type == "android_test_import":
case strings.Contains(mod.Type, "cc_lib"):
replaceStr += `// WARNING: Module tags are not supported in Soong.
// To make a shared library only for tests, use the "cc_test_library" module
// type. If you don't use gtest, set "gtest: false".
case strings.Contains(mod.Type, "cc_bin"):
replaceStr += `// WARNING: Module tags are not supported in Soong.
// For native test binaries, use the "cc_test" module type. Some differences:
// - If you don't use gtest, set "gtest: false"
// - Binaries will be installed into /data/nativetest[64]/<name>/<name>
// - Both 32 & 64 bit versions will be built (as appropriate)
case strings.Contains(mod.Type, "java_lib"):
replaceStr += `// WARNING: Module tags are not supported in Soong.
// For JUnit or similar tests, use the "java_test" module type. A dependency on
// Junit will be added by default, if it is using some other runner, set "junit: false".
case mod.Type == "android_app":
replaceStr += `// WARNING: Module tags are not supported in Soong.
// For JUnit or instrumentataion app tests, use the "android_test" module type.
replaceStr += `// WARNING: Module tags are not supported in Soong.
// In most cases, tests are now identified by their module type:
// cc_test, java_test, python_test
replaceStr += fmt.Sprintf("// WARNING: Unknown module tag %q\n", str.Value)
return patchlist.Add(prop.Pos().Offset, prop.End().Offset+2, replaceStr)
func removePdkProperty(mod *parser.Module, buf []byte, patchlist *parser.PatchList) error {
prop, ok := mod.GetProperty("product_variables")
if !ok {
return nil
propMap, ok := prop.Value.(*parser.Map)
if !ok {
return nil
pdkProp, ok := propMap.GetProperty("pdk")
if !ok {
return nil
if len(propMap.Properties) > 1 {
return patchlist.Add(pdkProp.Pos().Offset, pdkProp.End().Offset+2, "")
return patchlist.Add(prop.Pos().Offset, prop.End().Offset+2, "")
func mergeMatchingModuleProperties(mod *parser.Module, buf []byte, patchlist *parser.PatchList) error {
return mergeMatchingProperties(&mod.Properties, buf, patchlist)
func mergeMatchingProperties(properties *[]*parser.Property, buf []byte, patchlist *parser.PatchList) error {
seen := make(map[string]*parser.Property)
for i := 0; i < len(*properties); i++ {
property := (*properties)[i]
if prev, exists := seen[property.Name]; exists {
err := mergeProperties(prev, property, buf, patchlist)
if err != nil {
return err
*properties = append((*properties)[:i], (*properties)[i+1:]...)
} else {
seen[property.Name] = property
if mapProperty, ok := property.Value.(*parser.Map); ok {
err := mergeMatchingProperties(&mapProperty.Properties, buf, patchlist)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func mergeProperties(a, b *parser.Property, buf []byte, patchlist *parser.PatchList) error {
// The value of one of the properties may be a variable reference with no type assigned
// Bail out in this case. Soong will notice duplicate entries and will tell to merge them.
if _, isVar := a.Value.(*parser.Variable); isVar {
return nil
if _, isVar := b.Value.(*parser.Variable); isVar {
return nil
if a.Value.Type() != b.Value.Type() {
return fmt.Errorf("type mismatch when merging properties %q: %s and %s", a.Name, a.Value.Type(), b.Value.Type())
switch a.Value.Type() {
case parser.StringType:
return fmt.Errorf("conflicting definitions of string property %q", a.Name)
case parser.ListType:
return mergeListProperties(a, b, buf, patchlist)
return nil
func mergeListProperties(a, b *parser.Property, buf []byte, patchlist *parser.PatchList) error {
aval, oka := a.Value.(*parser.List)
bval, okb := b.Value.(*parser.List)
if !oka || !okb {
// Merging expressions not supported yet
return nil
s := string(buf[bval.LBracePos.Offset+1 : bval.RBracePos.Offset])
if bval.LBracePos.Line != bval.RBracePos.Line {
if s[0] != '\n' {
panic("expected \n")
// If B is a multi line list, skip the first "\n" in case A already has a trailing "\n"
s = s[1:]
if aval.LBracePos.Line == aval.RBracePos.Line {
// A is a single line list with no trailing comma
if len(aval.Values) > 0 {
s = "," + s
err := patchlist.Add(aval.RBracePos.Offset, aval.RBracePos.Offset, s)
if err != nil {
return err
err = patchlist.Add(b.NamePos.Offset, b.End().Offset+2, "")
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// removes from <items> every item present in <removals>
func filterExpressionList(patchList *parser.PatchList, items *parser.List, removals *parser.List) {
writeIndex := 0
for _, item := range items.Values {
included := true
for _, removal := range removals.Values {
equal, err := parser.ExpressionsAreSame(item, removal)
if err != nil {
if equal {
included = false
if included {
items.Values[writeIndex] = item
} else {
patchList.Add(item.Pos().Offset, item.End().Offset+2, "")
items.Values = items.Values[:writeIndex]
// Remove each modules[i].Properties[<legacyName>][j] that matches a modules[i].Properties[<canonicalName>][k]
func removeMatchingModuleListProperties(mod *parser.Module, patchList *parser.PatchList, canonicalName string, legacyName string) error {
legacyProp, ok := mod.GetProperty(legacyName)
if !ok {
return nil
legacyList, ok := legacyProp.Value.(*parser.List)
if !ok || len(legacyList.Values) == 0 {
return nil
canonicalList, ok := getLiteralListProperty(mod, canonicalName)
if !ok {
return nil
localPatches := parser.PatchList{}
filterExpressionList(&localPatches, legacyList, canonicalList)
if len(legacyList.Values) == 0 {
patchList.Add(legacyProp.Pos().Offset, legacyProp.End().Offset+2, "")
} else {
for _, p := range localPatches {
patchList.Add(p.Start, p.End, p.Replacement)
return nil
func hasNonEmptyLiteralListProperty(mod *parser.Module, name string) bool {
list, found := getLiteralListProperty(mod, name)
return found && len(list.Values) > 0
func hasNonEmptyLiteralStringProperty(mod *parser.Module, name string) bool {
s, found := getLiteralStringPropertyValue(mod, name)
return found && len(s) > 0
func getLiteralListProperty(mod *parser.Module, name string) (list *parser.List, found bool) {
prop, ok := mod.GetProperty(name)
if !ok {
return nil, false
list, ok = prop.Value.(*parser.List)
return list, ok
func getLiteralListPropertyValue(mod *parser.Module, name string) (list []string, found bool) {
listValue, ok := getLiteralListProperty(mod, name)
if !ok {
return nil, false
for _, v := range listValue.Values {
stringValue, ok := v.(*parser.String)
if !ok {
return nil, false
list = append(list, stringValue.Value)
return list, true
func getLiteralStringProperty(mod *parser.Module, name string) (s *parser.String, found bool) {
prop, ok := mod.GetProperty(name)
if !ok {
return nil, false
s, ok = prop.Value.(*parser.String)
return s, ok
func getLiteralStringPropertyValue(mod *parser.Module, name string) (s string, found bool) {
stringValue, ok := getLiteralStringProperty(mod, name)
if !ok {
return "", false
return stringValue.Value, true
func getLiteralBoolProperty(mod *parser.Module, name string) (b *parser.Bool, found bool) {
prop, ok := mod.GetProperty(name)
if !ok {
return nil, false
b, ok = prop.Value.(*parser.Bool)
return b, ok
func getLiteralBoolPropertyValue(mod *parser.Module, name string) (s bool, found bool) {
boolValue, ok := getLiteralBoolProperty(mod, name)
if !ok {
return false, false
return boolValue.Value, true
func propertyIndex(props []*parser.Property, propertyName string) int {
for i, prop := range props {
if prop.Name == propertyName {
return i
return -1
func renameProperty(mod *parser.Module, from, to string) {
for _, prop := range mod.Properties {
if prop.Name == from {
prop.Name = to
func removeProperty(mod *parser.Module, propertyName string) {
newList := make([]*parser.Property, 0, len(mod.Properties))
for _, prop := range mod.Properties {
if prop.Name != propertyName {
newList = append(newList, prop)
mod.Properties = newList
func inList(s string, list []string) bool {
for _, v := range list {
if s == v {
return true
return false