blob: b675f1710bad410d69209da359cee779cc86ee64 [file] [log] [blame]
package cquery
import (
var (
GetOutputFiles = &getOutputFilesRequestType{}
GetPythonBinary = &getPythonBinaryRequestType{}
GetCcInfo = &getCcInfoType{}
GetApexInfo = &getApexInfoType{}
GetCcUnstrippedInfo = &getCcUnstippedInfoType{}
type CcInfo struct {
OutputFiles []string
CcObjectFiles []string
CcSharedLibraryFiles []string
CcStaticLibraryFiles []string
Includes []string
SystemIncludes []string
Headers []string
// Archives owned by the current target (not by its dependencies). These will
// be a subset of OutputFiles. (or static libraries, this will be equal to OutputFiles,
// but general cc_library will also have dynamic libraries in output files).
RootStaticArchives []string
// Dynamic libraries (.so files) created by the current target. These will
// be a subset of OutputFiles. (or shared libraries, this will be equal to OutputFiles,
// but general cc_library will also have dynamic libraries in output files).
RootDynamicLibraries []string
TidyFiles []string
TocFile string
UnstrippedOutput string
type getOutputFilesRequestType struct{}
type getPythonBinaryRequestType struct{}
// Name returns a string name for this request type. Such request type names must be unique,
// and must only consist of alphanumeric characters.
func (g getOutputFilesRequestType) Name() string {
return "getOutputFiles"
// StarlarkFunctionBody returns a starlark function body to process this request type.
// The returned string is the body of a Starlark function which obtains
// all request-relevant information about a target and returns a string containing
// this information.
// The function should have the following properties:
// - `target` is the only parameter to this function (a configured target).
// - The return value must be a string.
// - The function body should not be indented outside of its own scope.
func (g getOutputFilesRequestType) StarlarkFunctionBody() string {
return "return ', '.join([f.path for f in target.files.to_list()])"
// ParseResult returns a value obtained by parsing the result of the request's Starlark function.
// The given rawString must correspond to the string output which was created by evaluating the
// Starlark given in StarlarkFunctionBody.
func (g getOutputFilesRequestType) ParseResult(rawString string) []string {
return splitOrEmpty(rawString, ", ")
// Name returns a string name for this request type. Such request type names must be unique,
// and must only consist of alphanumeric characters.
func (g getPythonBinaryRequestType) Name() string {
return "getPythonBinary"
// StarlarkFunctionBody returns a starlark function body to process this request type.
// The returned string is the body of a Starlark function which obtains
// all request-relevant information about a target and returns a string containing
// this information.
// The function should have the following properties:
// - `target` is the only parameter to this function (a configured target).
// - The return value must be a string.
// - The function body should not be indented outside of its own scope.
func (g getPythonBinaryRequestType) StarlarkFunctionBody() string {
return "return providers(target)['FilesToRunProvider'].executable.path"
// ParseResult returns a value obtained by parsing the result of the request's Starlark function.
// The given rawString must correspond to the string output which was created by evaluating the
// Starlark given in StarlarkFunctionBody.
func (g getPythonBinaryRequestType) ParseResult(rawString string) string {
return rawString
type getCcInfoType struct{}
// Name returns a string name for this request type. Such request type names must be unique,
// and must only consist of alphanumeric characters.
func (g getCcInfoType) Name() string {
return "getCcInfo"
// StarlarkFunctionBody returns a starlark function body to process this request type.
// The returned string is the body of a Starlark function which obtains
// all request-relevant information about a target and returns a string containing
// this information.
// The function should have the following properties:
// - `target` is the only parameter to this function (a configured target).
// - The return value must be a string.
// - The function body should not be indented outside of its own scope.
func (g getCcInfoType) StarlarkFunctionBody() string {
return `
outputFiles = [f.path for f in target.files.to_list()]
cc_info = providers(target)["CcInfo"]
includes = cc_info.compilation_context.includes.to_list()
system_includes = cc_info.compilation_context.system_includes.to_list()
headers = [f.path for f in cc_info.compilation_context.headers.to_list()]
ccObjectFiles = []
staticLibraries = []
rootStaticArchives = []
linker_inputs = cc_info.linking_context.linker_inputs.to_list()
static_info_tag = "//build/bazel/rules/cc:cc_library_static.bzl%CcStaticLibraryInfo"
if static_info_tag in providers(target):
static_info = providers(target)[static_info_tag]
ccObjectFiles = [f.path for f in static_info.objects]
rootStaticArchives = [static_info.root_static_archive.path]
for linker_input in linker_inputs:
for library in linker_input.libraries:
for object in library.objects:
ccObjectFiles += [object.path]
if library.static_library:
if linker_input.owner == target.label:
sharedLibraries = []
rootSharedLibraries = []
shared_info_tag = "//build/bazel/rules/cc:cc_library_shared.bzl%CcSharedLibraryOutputInfo"
unstripped_tag = "//build/bazel/rules/cc:stripped_cc_common.bzl%CcUnstrippedInfo"
unstripped = ""
if shared_info_tag in providers(target):
shared_info = providers(target)[shared_info_tag]
path = shared_info.output_file.path
rootSharedLibraries += [path]
unstripped = path
if unstripped_tag in providers(target):
unstripped = providers(target)[unstripped_tag].unstripped.path
for linker_input in linker_inputs:
for library in linker_input.libraries:
if library.dynamic_library:
path = library.dynamic_library.path
if linker_input.owner == target.label:
toc_file = ""
toc_file_tag = "//build/bazel/rules/cc:generate_toc.bzl%CcTocInfo"
if toc_file_tag in providers(target):
toc_file = providers(target)[toc_file_tag].toc.path
# NOTE: It's OK if there's no ToC, as Soong just uses it for optimization
tidy_files = []
p = providers(target)
clang_tidy_info = p.get("//build/bazel/rules/cc:clang_tidy.bzl%ClangTidyInfo")
if clang_tidy_info:
tidy_files = [v.path for v in clang_tidy_info.tidy_files.to_list()]
return json_encode({
"OutputFiles": outputFiles,
"CcObjectFiles": ccObjectFiles,
"CcSharedLibraryFiles": sharedLibraries,
"CcStaticLibraryFiles": staticLibraries,
"Includes": includes,
"SystemIncludes": system_includes,
"Headers": headers,
"RootStaticArchives": rootStaticArchives,
"RootDynamicLibraries": rootSharedLibraries,
"TidyFiles": tidy_files,
"TocFile": toc_file,
"UnstrippedOutput": unstripped,
// ParseResult returns a value obtained by parsing the result of the request's Starlark function.
// The given rawString must correspond to the string output which was created by evaluating the
// Starlark given in StarlarkFunctionBody.
func (g getCcInfoType) ParseResult(rawString string) (CcInfo, error) {
var ccInfo CcInfo
if err := parseJson(rawString, &ccInfo); err != nil {
return ccInfo, err
return ccInfo, nil
// Query Bazel for the artifacts generated by the apex modules.
type getApexInfoType struct{}
// Name returns a string name for this request type. Such request type names must be unique,
// and must only consist of alphanumeric characters.
func (g getApexInfoType) Name() string {
return "getApexInfo"
// StarlarkFunctionBody returns a starlark function body to process this request type.
// The returned string is the body of a Starlark function which obtains
// all request-relevant information about a target and returns a string containing
// this information. The function should have the following properties:
// - `target` is the only parameter to this function (a configured target).
// - The return value must be a string.
// - The function body should not be indented outside of its own scope.
func (g getApexInfoType) StarlarkFunctionBody() string {
return `info = providers(target)["//build/bazel/rules/apex:apex.bzl%ApexInfo"]
bundle_key_info = info.bundle_key_info
container_key_info = info.container_key_info
return json_encode({
"signed_output": info.signed_output.path,
"unsigned_output": info.unsigned_output.path,
"provides_native_libs": [str(lib) for lib in info.provides_native_libs],
"requires_native_libs": [str(lib) for lib in info.requires_native_libs],
"bundle_key_info": [bundle_key_info.public_key.path, bundle_key_info.private_key.path],
"container_key_info": [container_key_info.pem.path, container_key_info.pk8.path, container_key_info.key_name],
"package_name": info.package_name,
"symbols_used_by_apex": info.symbols_used_by_apex.path,
"java_symbols_used_by_apex": info.java_symbols_used_by_apex.path,
"backing_libs": info.backing_libs.path,
"bundle_file": info.base_with_config_zip.path,
"installed_files": info.installed_files.path,
type ApexInfo struct {
SignedOutput string `json:"signed_output"`
UnsignedOutput string `json:"unsigned_output"`
ProvidesLibs []string `json:"provides_native_libs"`
RequiresLibs []string `json:"requires_native_libs"`
BundleKeyInfo []string `json:"bundle_key_info"`
ContainerKeyInfo []string `json:"container_key_info"`
PackageName string `json:"package_name"`
SymbolsUsedByApex string `json:"symbols_used_by_apex"`
JavaSymbolsUsedByApex string `json:"java_symbols_used_by_apex"`
BackingLibs string `json:"backing_libs"`
BundleFile string `json:"bundle_file"`
InstalledFiles string `json:"installed_files"`
// ParseResult returns a value obtained by parsing the result of the request's Starlark function.
// The given rawString must correspond to the string output which was created by evaluating the
// Starlark given in StarlarkFunctionBody.
func (g getApexInfoType) ParseResult(rawString string) (ApexInfo, error) {
var info ApexInfo
err := parseJson(rawString, &info)
return info, err
// getCcUnstrippedInfoType implements cqueryRequest interface. It handles the
// interaction with `bazel cquery` to retrieve CcUnstrippedInfo provided
// by the` cc_binary` and `cc_shared_library` rules.
type getCcUnstippedInfoType struct{}
func (g getCcUnstippedInfoType) Name() string {
return "getCcUnstrippedInfo"
func (g getCcUnstippedInfoType) StarlarkFunctionBody() string {
return `unstripped_tag = "//build/bazel/rules/cc:stripped_cc_common.bzl%CcUnstrippedInfo"
p = providers(target)
output_path = target.files.to_list()[0].path
unstripped = output_path
if unstripped_tag in p:
unstripped = p[unstripped_tag].unstripped.files.to_list()[0].path
return json_encode({
"OutputFile": output_path,
"UnstrippedOutput": unstripped,
// ParseResult returns a value obtained by parsing the result of the request's Starlark function.
// The given rawString must correspond to the string output which was created by evaluating the
// Starlark given in StarlarkFunctionBody.
func (g getCcUnstippedInfoType) ParseResult(rawString string) (CcUnstrippedInfo, error) {
var info CcUnstrippedInfo
err := parseJson(rawString, &info)
return info, err
type CcUnstrippedInfo struct {
OutputFile string
UnstrippedOutput string
// splitOrEmpty is a modification of strings.Split() that returns an empty list
// if the given string is empty.
func splitOrEmpty(s string, sep string) []string {
if len(s) < 1 {
return []string{}
} else {
return strings.Split(s, sep)
// parseJson decodes json string into the fields of the receiver.
// Unknown attribute name causes panic.
func parseJson(jsonString string, info interface{}) error {
decoder := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(jsonString))
decoder.DisallowUnknownFields() //useful to detect typos, e.g. in unit tests
err := decoder.Decode(info)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse cquery result '%s': %s", jsonString, err)
return nil