blob: 72e0fbdf5a9c43dd9c4969cf8d9357476e570ddf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
const (
// The default `load` preamble for every generated BUILD file.
soongModuleLoad = `package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
load("//:soong_module.bzl", "soong_module")
// A macro call in the BUILD file representing a Soong module, with space
// for expanding more attributes.
soongModuleTarget = `soong_module(
name = "%s",
module_name = "%s",
module_type = "%s",
module_variant = "%s",
module_deps = %s,
// A simple provider to mark and differentiate Soong module rule shims from
// regular Bazel rules. Every Soong module rule shim returns a
// SoongModuleInfo provider, and can only depend on rules returning
// SoongModuleInfo in the `module_deps` attribute.
providersBzl = `SoongModuleInfo = provider(
fields = {
"name": "Name of module",
"type": "Type of module",
"variant": "Variant of module",
// The soong_module rule implementation in a .bzl file.
soongModuleBzl = `
load(":providers.bzl", "SoongModuleInfo")
def _generic_soong_module_impl(ctx):
return [
name = ctx.attr.module_name,
type = ctx.attr.module_type,
variant = ctx.attr.module_variant,
generic_soong_module = rule(
implementation = _generic_soong_module_impl,
attrs = {
"module_name": attr.string(mandatory = True),
"module_type": attr.string(mandatory = True),
"module_variant": attr.string(),
"module_deps": attr.label_list(providers = [SoongModuleInfo]),
soong_module_rule_map = {
_SUPPORTED_TYPES = ["bool", "int", "string"]
def _is_supported_type(value):
if type(value) in _SUPPORTED_TYPES:
return True
elif type(value) == "list":
supported = True
for v in value:
supported = supported and type(v) in _SUPPORTED_TYPES
return supported
return False
# soong_module is a macro that supports arbitrary kwargs, and uses module_type to
# expand to the right underlying shim.
def soong_module(name, module_type, **kwargs):
soong_module_rule = soong_module_rule_map.get(module_type)
if soong_module_rule == None:
# This module type does not have an existing rule to map to, so use the
# generic_soong_module rule instead.
name = name,
module_type = module_type,
module_name = kwargs.pop("module_name", ""),
module_variant = kwargs.pop("module_variant", ""),
module_deps = kwargs.pop("module_deps", []),
supported_kwargs = dict()
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if _is_supported_type(value):
supported_kwargs[key] = value
name = name,
// A rule shim for representing a Soong module type and its properties.
moduleRuleShim = `
def _%[1]s_impl(ctx):
return [SoongModuleInfo()]
%[1]s = rule(
implementation = _%[1]s_impl,
attrs = %[2]s
var (
// An allowlist of prop types that are surfaced from module props to rule
// attributes. (nested) dictionaries are notably absent here, because while
// Soong supports multi value typed and nested dictionaries, Bazel's rule
// attr() API supports only single-level string_dicts.
allowedPropTypes = map[string]bool{
"int": true, // e.g. 42
"bool": true, // e.g. True
"string_list": true, // e.g. ["a", "b"]
"string": true, // e.g. "a"
// TODO(b/166563303): Specific properties of some module types aren't
// recognized by the documentation generator. As a workaround, hardcode a
// mapping of the module type to prop name to prop type here, and ultimately
// fix the documentation generator to also parse these properties correctly.
additionalPropTypes = map[string]map[string]string{
// sdk and module_exports props are created at runtime using reflection.
// bpdocs isn't wired up to read runtime generated structs.
"sdk": {
"java_header_libs": "string_list",
"java_sdk_libs": "string_list",
"java_system_modules": "string_list",
"native_header_libs": "string_list",
"native_libs": "string_list",
"native_objects": "string_list",
"native_shared_libs": "string_list",
"native_static_libs": "string_list",
"module_exports": {
"java_libs": "string_list",
"java_tests": "string_list",
"native_binaries": "string_list",
"native_shared_libs": "string_list",
// Certain module property names are blocklisted/ignored here, for the reasons commented.
ignoredPropNames = map[string]bool{
"name": true, // redundant, since this is explicitly generated for every target
"from": true, // reserved keyword
"in": true, // reserved keyword
"arch": true, // interface prop type is not supported yet.
"multilib": true, // interface prop type is not supported yet.
"target": true, // interface prop type is not supported yet.
"visibility": true, // Bazel has native visibility semantics. Handle later.
"features": true, // There is already a built-in attribute 'features' which cannot be overridden.
func targetNameWithVariant(c *blueprint.Context, logicModule blueprint.Module) string {
name := ""
if c.ModuleSubDir(logicModule) != "" {
// TODO(b/162720883): Figure out a way to drop the "--" variant suffixes.
name = c.ModuleName(logicModule) + "--" + c.ModuleSubDir(logicModule)
} else {
name = c.ModuleName(logicModule)
return strings.Replace(name, "//", "", 1)
func qualifiedTargetLabel(c *blueprint.Context, logicModule blueprint.Module) string {
return "//" +
packagePath(c, logicModule) +
":" +
targetNameWithVariant(c, logicModule)
func packagePath(c *blueprint.Context, logicModule blueprint.Module) string {
return filepath.Dir(c.BlueprintFile(logicModule))
func escapeString(s string) string {
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\\", "\\\\")
return strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\"", "\\\"")
func makeIndent(indent int) string {
if indent < 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("indent column cannot be less than 0, but got %d", indent))
return strings.Repeat(" ", indent)
// prettyPrint a property value into the equivalent Starlark representation
// recursively.
func prettyPrint(propertyValue reflect.Value, indent int) (string, error) {
if isZero(propertyValue) {
// A property value being set or unset actually matters -- Soong does set default
// values for unset properties, like system_shared_libs = ["libc", "libm", "libdl"] at
// In Bazel-parlance, we would use "attr.<type>(default = <default value>)" to set the default
// value of unset attributes.
return "", nil
var ret string
switch propertyValue.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
ret = fmt.Sprintf("\"%v\"", escapeString(propertyValue.String()))
case reflect.Bool:
ret = strings.Title(fmt.Sprintf("%v", propertyValue.Interface()))
case reflect.Int, reflect.Uint, reflect.Int64:
ret = fmt.Sprintf("%v", propertyValue.Interface())
case reflect.Ptr:
return prettyPrint(propertyValue.Elem(), indent)
case reflect.Slice:
ret = "[\n"
for i := 0; i < propertyValue.Len(); i++ {
indexedValue, err := prettyPrint(propertyValue.Index(i), indent+1)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if indexedValue != "" {
ret += makeIndent(indent + 1)
ret += indexedValue
ret += ",\n"
ret += makeIndent(indent)
ret += "]"
case reflect.Struct:
ret = "{\n"
// Sort and print the struct props by the key.
structProps := extractStructProperties(propertyValue, indent)
for _, k := range android.SortedStringKeys(structProps) {
ret += makeIndent(indent + 1)
ret += fmt.Sprintf("%q: %s,\n", k, structProps[k])
ret += makeIndent(indent)
ret += "}"
case reflect.Interface:
// TODO(b/164227191): implement pretty print for interfaces.
// Interfaces are used for for arch, multilib and target properties.
return "", nil
return "", fmt.Errorf(
"unexpected kind for property struct field: %s", propertyValue.Kind())
return ret, nil
// Converts a reflected property struct value into a map of property names and property values,
// which each property value correctly pretty-printed and indented at the right nest level,
// since property structs can be nested. In Starlark, nested structs are represented as nested
// dicts:
func extractStructProperties(structValue reflect.Value, indent int) map[string]string {
if structValue.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Expected a reflect.Struct type, but got %s", structValue.Kind()))
ret := map[string]string{}
structType := structValue.Type()
for i := 0; i < structValue.NumField(); i++ {
field := structType.Field(i)
if field.PkgPath != "" {
// Skip unexported fields. Some properties are
// internal to Soong only, and these fields do not have PkgPath.
if proptools.HasTag(field, "blueprint", "mutated") {
fieldValue := structValue.Field(i)
if isZero(fieldValue) {
// Ignore zero-valued fields
propertyName := proptools.PropertyNameForField(field.Name)
prettyPrintedValue, err := prettyPrint(fieldValue, indent+1)
if err != nil {
"Error while parsing property: %q. %s",
if prettyPrintedValue != "" {
ret[propertyName] = prettyPrintedValue
return ret
func isStructPtr(t reflect.Type) bool {
return t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct
// Generically extract module properties and types into a map, keyed by the module property name.
func extractModuleProperties(aModule android.Module) map[string]string {
ret := map[string]string{}
// Iterate over this android.Module's property structs.
for _, properties := range aModule.GetProperties() {
propertiesValue := reflect.ValueOf(properties)
// Check that propertiesValue is a pointer to the Properties struct, like
// *cc.BaseLinkerProperties or *java.CompilerProperties.
// propertiesValue can also be type-asserted to the structs to
// manipulate internal props, if needed.
if isStructPtr(propertiesValue.Type()) {
structValue := propertiesValue.Elem()
for k, v := range extractStructProperties(structValue, 0) {
ret[k] = v
} else {
"properties must be a pointer to a struct, got %T",
return ret
// FIXME(b/168089390): In Bazel, rules ending with "_test" needs to be marked as
// testonly = True, forcing other rules that depend on _test rules to also be
// marked as testonly = True. This semantic constraint is not present in Soong.
// To work around, rename "*_test" rules to "*_test_".
func canonicalizeModuleType(moduleName string) string {
if strings.HasSuffix(moduleName, "_test") {
return moduleName + "_"
return moduleName
type RuleShim struct {
// The rule class shims contained in a bzl file. e.g. ["cc_object", "cc_library", ..]
rules []string
// The generated string content of the bzl file.
content string
// Create <module>.bzl containing Bazel rule shims for every module type available in Soong and
// user-specified Go plugins.
// This function reuses documentation generation APIs to ensure parity between modules-as-docs
// and modules-as-code, including the names and types of module properties.
func createRuleShims(packages []*bpdoc.Package) (map[string]RuleShim, error) {
var propToAttr func(prop bpdoc.Property, propName string) string
propToAttr = func(prop bpdoc.Property, propName string) string {
// dots are not allowed in Starlark attribute names. Substitute them with double underscores.
propName = strings.ReplaceAll(propName, ".", "__")
if !shouldGenerateAttribute(propName) {
return ""
// Canonicalize and normalize module property types to Bazel attribute types
starlarkAttrType := prop.Type
if starlarkAttrType == "list of strings" {
starlarkAttrType = "string_list"
} else if starlarkAttrType == "int64" {
starlarkAttrType = "int"
} else if starlarkAttrType == "" {
var attr string
for _, nestedProp := range prop.Properties {
nestedAttr := propToAttr(nestedProp, propName+"__"+nestedProp.Name)
if nestedAttr != "" {
// TODO(b/167662930): Fix nested props resulting in too many attributes.
// Let's still generate these, but comment them out.
attr += "# " + nestedAttr
return attr
if !allowedPropTypes[starlarkAttrType] {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf(" %q: attr.%s(),\n", propName, starlarkAttrType)
ruleShims := map[string]RuleShim{}
for _, pkg := range packages {
content := "load(\":providers.bzl\", \"SoongModuleInfo\")\n"
bzlFileName := strings.ReplaceAll(pkg.Path, "android/soong/", "")
bzlFileName = strings.ReplaceAll(bzlFileName, ".", "_")
bzlFileName = strings.ReplaceAll(bzlFileName, "/", "_")
rules := []string{}
for _, moduleTypeTemplate := range moduleTypeDocsToTemplates(pkg.ModuleTypes) {
attrs := `{
"module_name": attr.string(mandatory = True),
"module_variant": attr.string(),
"module_deps": attr.label_list(providers = [SoongModuleInfo]),
for _, prop := range moduleTypeTemplate.Properties {
attrs += propToAttr(prop, prop.Name)
for propName, propType := range additionalPropTypes[moduleTypeTemplate.Name] {
attrs += fmt.Sprintf(" %q: attr.%s(),\n", propName, propType)
attrs += " },"
rule := canonicalizeModuleType(moduleTypeTemplate.Name)
content += fmt.Sprintf(moduleRuleShim, rule, attrs)
rules = append(rules, rule)
ruleShims[bzlFileName] = RuleShim{content: content, rules: rules}
return ruleShims, nil
func createBazelOverlay(ctx *android.Context, bazelOverlayDir string) error {
blueprintCtx := ctx.Context
blueprintCtx.VisitAllModules(func(module blueprint.Module) {
buildFile, err := buildFileForModule(blueprintCtx, module)
if err != nil {
buildFile.Write([]byte(generateSoongModuleTarget(blueprintCtx, module) + "\n\n"))
if err := writeReadOnlyFile(bazelOverlayDir, "WORKSPACE", ""); err != nil {
return err
if err := writeReadOnlyFile(bazelOverlayDir, "BUILD", ""); err != nil {
return err
if err := writeReadOnlyFile(bazelOverlayDir, "providers.bzl", providersBzl); err != nil {
return err
packages, err := getPackages(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
ruleShims, err := createRuleShims(packages)
if err != nil {
return err
for bzlFileName, ruleShim := range ruleShims {
if err := writeReadOnlyFile(bazelOverlayDir, bzlFileName+".bzl", ruleShim.content); err != nil {
return err
return writeReadOnlyFile(bazelOverlayDir, "soong_module.bzl", generateSoongModuleBzl(ruleShims))
// Generate the content of soong_module.bzl with the rule shim load statements
// and mapping of module_type to rule shim map for every module type in Soong.
func generateSoongModuleBzl(bzlLoads map[string]RuleShim) string {
var loadStmts string
var moduleRuleMap string
for bzlFileName, ruleShim := range bzlLoads {
loadStmt := "load(\"//:"
loadStmt += bzlFileName
loadStmt += ".bzl\""
for _, rule := range ruleShim.rules {
loadStmt += fmt.Sprintf(", %q", rule)
moduleRuleMap += " \"" + rule + "\": " + rule + ",\n"
loadStmt += ")\n"
loadStmts += loadStmt
return fmt.Sprintf(soongModuleBzl, loadStmts, moduleRuleMap)
func shouldGenerateAttribute(prop string) bool {
return !ignoredPropNames[prop]
// props is an unsorted map. This function ensures that
// the generated attributes are sorted to ensure determinism.
func propsToAttributes(props map[string]string) string {
var attributes string
for _, propName := range android.SortedStringKeys(props) {
if shouldGenerateAttribute(propName) {
attributes += fmt.Sprintf(" %s = %s,\n", propName, props[propName])
return attributes
// Convert a module and its deps and props into a Bazel macro/rule
// representation in the BUILD file.
func generateSoongModuleTarget(
blueprintCtx *blueprint.Context,
module blueprint.Module) string {
var props map[string]string
if aModule, ok := module.(android.Module); ok {
props = extractModuleProperties(aModule)
attributes := propsToAttributes(props)
// TODO(b/163018919): DirectDeps can have duplicate (module, variant)
// items, if the modules are added using different DependencyTag. Figure
// out the implications of that.
depLabels := map[string]bool{}
blueprintCtx.VisitDirectDeps(module, func(depModule blueprint.Module) {
depLabels[qualifiedTargetLabel(blueprintCtx, depModule)] = true
depLabelList := "[\n"
for depLabel, _ := range depLabels {
depLabelList += fmt.Sprintf(" %q,\n", depLabel)
depLabelList += " ]"
return fmt.Sprintf(
targetNameWithVariant(blueprintCtx, module),
func buildFileForModule(ctx *blueprint.Context, module blueprint.Module) (*os.File, error) {
// Create nested directories for the BUILD file
dirPath := filepath.Join(bazelOverlayDir, packagePath(ctx, module))
if _, err := os.Stat(dirPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
os.MkdirAll(dirPath, os.ModePerm)
// Open the file for appending, and create it if it doesn't exist
f, err := os.OpenFile(
filepath.Join(dirPath, "BUILD.bazel"),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If the file is empty, add the load statement for the `soong_module` rule
fi, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if fi.Size() == 0 {
f.Write([]byte(soongModuleLoad + "\n"))
return f, nil
// The overlay directory should be read-only, sufficient for bazel query. The files
// are not intended to be edited by end users.
func writeReadOnlyFile(dir string, baseName string, content string) error {
pathToFile := filepath.Join(bazelOverlayDir, baseName)
// 0444 is read-only
return ioutil.WriteFile(pathToFile, []byte(content), 0444)
func isZero(value reflect.Value) bool {
switch value.Kind() {
case reflect.Func, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice:
return value.IsNil()
case reflect.Array:
valueIsZero := true
for i := 0; i < value.Len(); i++ {
valueIsZero = valueIsZero && isZero(value.Index(i))
return valueIsZero
case reflect.Struct:
valueIsZero := true
for i := 0; i < value.NumField(); i++ {
if value.Field(i).CanSet() {
valueIsZero = valueIsZero && isZero(value.Field(i))
return valueIsZero
case reflect.Ptr:
if !value.IsNil() {
return isZero(reflect.Indirect(value))
} else {
return true
zeroValue := reflect.Zero(value.Type())
result := value.Interface() == zeroValue.Interface()
return result