blob: 92135c64a4a9e0f1c522d9468ba65143b0a123b1 [file] [log] [blame]
package cquery
import (
var (
GetOutputFiles = &getOutputFilesRequestType{}
GetCcInfo = &getCcInfoType{}
type CcInfo struct {
OutputFiles []string
CcObjectFiles []string
CcStaticLibraryFiles []string
Includes []string
SystemIncludes []string
// Archives owned by the current target (not by its dependencies). These will
// be a subset of OutputFiles. (or static libraries, this will be equal to OutputFiles,
// but general cc_library will also have dynamic libraries in output files).
RootStaticArchives []string
type getOutputFilesRequestType struct{}
// Name returns a string name for this request type. Such request type names must be unique,
// and must only consist of alphanumeric characters.
func (g getOutputFilesRequestType) Name() string {
return "getOutputFiles"
// StarlarkFunctionBody returns a starlark function body to process this request type.
// The returned string is the body of a Starlark function which obtains
// all request-relevant information about a target and returns a string containing
// this information.
// The function should have the following properties:
// - `target` is the only parameter to this function (a configured target).
// - The return value must be a string.
// - The function body should not be indented outside of its own scope.
func (g getOutputFilesRequestType) StarlarkFunctionBody() string {
return "return ', '.join([f.path for f in target.files.to_list()])"
// ParseResult returns a value obtained by parsing the result of the request's Starlark function.
// The given rawString must correspond to the string output which was created by evaluating the
// Starlark given in StarlarkFunctionBody.
func (g getOutputFilesRequestType) ParseResult(rawString string) []string {
return splitOrEmpty(rawString, ", ")
type getCcInfoType struct{}
// Name returns a string name for this request type. Such request type names must be unique,
// and must only consist of alphanumeric characters.
func (g getCcInfoType) Name() string {
return "getCcInfo"
// StarlarkFunctionBody returns a starlark function body to process this request type.
// The returned string is the body of a Starlark function which obtains
// all request-relevant information about a target and returns a string containing
// this information.
// The function should have the following properties:
// - `target` is the only parameter to this function (a configured target).
// - The return value must be a string.
// - The function body should not be indented outside of its own scope.
func (g getCcInfoType) StarlarkFunctionBody() string {
return `
outputFiles = [f.path for f in target.files.to_list()]
includes = providers(target)["CcInfo"].compilation_context.includes.to_list()
system_includes = providers(target)["CcInfo"].compilation_context.system_includes.to_list()
ccObjectFiles = []
staticLibraries = []
rootStaticArchives = []
linker_inputs = providers(target)["CcInfo"].linking_context.linker_inputs.to_list()
for linker_input in linker_inputs:
for library in linker_input.libraries:
for object in library.objects:
ccObjectFiles += [object.path]
if library.static_library:
if linker_input.owner == target.label:
returns = [
return "|".join([", ".join(r) for r in returns])`
// ParseResult returns a value obtained by parsing the result of the request's Starlark function.
// The given rawString must correspond to the string output which was created by evaluating the
// Starlark given in StarlarkFunctionBody.
func (g getCcInfoType) ParseResult(rawString string) (CcInfo, error) {
var outputFiles []string
var ccObjects []string
splitString := strings.Split(rawString, "|")
if expectedLen := 6; len(splitString) != expectedLen {
return CcInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("Expected %d items, got %q", expectedLen, splitString)
outputFilesString := splitString[0]
ccStaticLibrariesString := splitString[1]
ccObjectsString := splitString[2]
outputFiles = splitOrEmpty(outputFilesString, ", ")
ccStaticLibraries := splitOrEmpty(ccStaticLibrariesString, ", ")
ccObjects = splitOrEmpty(ccObjectsString, ", ")
includes := splitOrEmpty(splitString[3], ", ")
systemIncludes := splitOrEmpty(splitString[4], ", ")
rootStaticArchives := splitOrEmpty(splitString[5], ", ")
return CcInfo{
OutputFiles: outputFiles,
CcObjectFiles: ccObjects,
CcStaticLibraryFiles: ccStaticLibraries,
Includes: includes,
SystemIncludes: systemIncludes,
RootStaticArchives: rootStaticArchives,
}, nil
// splitOrEmpty is a modification of strings.Split() that returns an empty list
// if the given string is empty.
func splitOrEmpty(s string, sep string) []string {
if len(s) < 1 {
return []string{}
} else {
return strings.Split(s, sep)