Fix check-boot-jars when a boot jar is provided by prebuilt

Previously, when a boot jar was provided by a java_sdk_library_import
module the check-boot-jars check failed because the file it depended on
was not available. In an incremental build the build failed due to the
file in the out directory not having a rule to generate it.

That was because the module was named prebuilt_<module>.<apex> instead
of <module>.<apex>. This was fixed by simply removing prebuilt_ prefix
from the name if it was present.

After fixing that the check-boot-jars still did not work properly
because it was expecting a jar file containing .class files but instead
was given a jar file containing .dex files which meant the check did
not work properly.

This was fixed by defining a new ApexDependency interface for use by
the apex/apex.go code to use instead of java.Dependency for generating
the androidmk entries. The *SdkLibraryImport type then implemented
those, by delegating to the implementation library.

Bug: 158304459
Bug: 159112414
Test: m check-boot-jars
      m checkbuild
	  manual inspection of the .jar file used by check-boot-jars to
	  ensure it contained .class files and not .dex files.
Change-Id: I545c5c9072dd472337d2f9b4dfdf08f53c981662
diff --git a/apex/androidmk.go b/apex/androidmk.go
index 91a405c..4dd14d8 100644
--- a/apex/androidmk.go
+++ b/apex/androidmk.go
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
 			// we need to remove the suffix from LOCAL_MODULE_STEM, otherwise
 			// we will have foo.jar.jar
 			fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_MODULE_STEM :=", strings.TrimSuffix(fi.Stem(), ".jar"))
-			if javaModule, ok := fi.module.(java.Dependency); ok {
+			if javaModule, ok := fi.module.(java.ApexDependency); ok {
 				fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_SOONG_CLASSES_JAR :=", javaModule.ImplementationAndResourcesJars()[0].String())
 				fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_SOONG_HEADER_JAR :=", javaModule.HeaderJars()[0].String())
 			} else {
diff --git a/apex/apex.go b/apex/apex.go
index ce5d663..a4af7aa 100644
--- a/apex/apex.go
+++ b/apex/apex.go
@@ -1652,7 +1652,9 @@
 func apexFileForJavaLibrary(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, lib javaDependency, module android.Module) apexFile {
 	dirInApex := "javalib"
 	fileToCopy := lib.DexJarBuildPath()
-	af := newApexFile(ctx, fileToCopy, module.Name(), dirInApex, javaSharedLib, module)
+	// Remove prebuilt_ if necessary so the source and prebuilt modules have the same name.
+	name := strings.TrimPrefix(module.Name(), "prebuilt_")
+	af := newApexFile(ctx, fileToCopy, name, dirInApex, javaSharedLib, module)
 	af.jacocoReportClassesFile = lib.JacocoReportClassesFile()
 	af.stem = lib.Stem() + ".jar"
 	return af
diff --git a/java/java.go b/java/java.go
index bd5f6b7..d7f09f9 100644
--- a/java/java.go
+++ b/java/java.go
@@ -496,11 +496,16 @@
 var _ android.OutputFileProducer = (*Module)(nil)
-type Dependency interface {
+// Methods that need to be implemented for a module that is added to apex java_libs property.
+type ApexDependency interface {
 	HeaderJars() android.Paths
+	ImplementationAndResourcesJars() android.Paths
+type Dependency interface {
+	ApexDependency
 	ImplementationJars() android.Paths
 	ResourceJars() android.Paths
-	ImplementationAndResourcesJars() android.Paths
 	DexJarBuildPath() android.Path
 	DexJarInstallPath() android.Path
 	AidlIncludeDirs() android.Paths
diff --git a/java/sdk_library.go b/java/sdk_library.go
index 503ad59..e83ec0e 100644
--- a/java/sdk_library.go
+++ b/java/sdk_library.go
@@ -1999,6 +1999,26 @@
 	return module.BaseModuleName()
+var _ ApexDependency = (*SdkLibraryImport)(nil)
+// to satisfy java.ApexDependency interface
+func (module *SdkLibraryImport) HeaderJars() android.Paths {
+	if module.implLibraryModule == nil {
+		return nil
+	} else {
+		return module.implLibraryModule.HeaderJars()
+	}
+// to satisfy java.ApexDependency interface
+func (module *SdkLibraryImport) ImplementationAndResourcesJars() android.Paths {
+	if module.implLibraryModule == nil {
+		return nil
+	} else {
+		return module.implLibraryModule.ImplementationAndResourcesJars()
+	}
 // java_sdk_library_xml