blob: b6d0d2747efcefdd21bcac84d3e893d8d35d070c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package build
import (
smpb "android/soong/ui/metrics/metrics_proto"
type Config struct{ *configImpl }
type configImpl struct {
// Some targets that are implemented in soong_build
// (bp2build, json-module-graph) are not here and have their own bits below.
arguments []string
goma bool
environ *Environment
distDir string
buildDateTime string
// From the arguments
parallel int
keepGoing int
verbose bool
checkbuild bool
dist bool
jsonModuleGraph bool
bp2build bool
queryview bool
soongDocs bool
skipConfig bool
skipKati bool
skipKatiNinja bool
skipSoong bool
skipNinja bool
skipSoongTests bool
// From the product config
katiArgs []string
ninjaArgs []string
katiSuffix string
targetDevice string
targetDeviceDir string
sandboxConfig *SandboxConfig
// Autodetected
totalRAM uint64
brokenDupRules bool
brokenUsesNetwork bool
brokenNinjaEnvVars []string
pathReplaced bool
useBazel bool
// During Bazel execution, Bazel cannot write outside OUT_DIR.
// So if DIST_DIR is set to an external dir (outside of OUT_DIR), we need to rig it temporarily and then migrate files at the end of the build.
riggedDistDirForBazel string
// Set by multiproduct_kati
emptyNinjaFile bool
metricsUploader string
const srcDirFileCheck = "build/soong/root.bp"
var buildFiles = []string{"", "Android.bp"}
type BuildAction uint
const (
// Builds all of the modules and their dependencies of a specified directory, relative to the root
// directory of the source tree.
// Builds all of the modules and their dependencies of a list of specified directories. All specified
// directories are relative to the root directory of the source tree.
// Build a list of specified modules. If none was specified, simply build the whole source tree.
type bazelBuildMode int
// Bazel-related build modes.
const (
// Don't use bazel at all.
noBazel bazelBuildMode = iota
// Generate synthetic build files and incorporate these files into a build which
// partially uses Bazel. Build metadata may come from Android.bp or BUILD files.
// checkTopDir validates that the current directory is at the root directory of the source tree.
func checkTopDir(ctx Context) {
if _, err := os.Stat(srcDirFileCheck); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
ctx.Fatalf("Current working directory must be the source tree. %q not found.", srcDirFileCheck)
ctx.Fatalln("Error verifying tree state:", err)
func NewConfig(ctx Context, args ...string) Config {
ret := &configImpl{
environ: OsEnvironment(),
sandboxConfig: &SandboxConfig{},
// Default matching ninja
ret.parallel = runtime.NumCPU() + 2
ret.keepGoing = 1
ret.totalRAM = detectTotalRAM(ctx)
ret.parseArgs(ctx, args)
// Make sure OUT_DIR is set appropriately
if outDir, ok := ret.environ.Get("OUT_DIR"); ok {
ret.environ.Set("OUT_DIR", filepath.Clean(outDir))
} else {
outDir := "out"
if baseDir, ok := ret.environ.Get("OUT_DIR_COMMON_BASE"); ok {
if wd, err := os.Getwd(); err != nil {
ctx.Fatalln("Failed to get working directory:", err)
} else {
outDir = filepath.Join(baseDir, filepath.Base(wd))
ret.environ.Set("OUT_DIR", outDir)
if distDir, ok := ret.environ.Get("DIST_DIR"); ok {
ret.distDir = filepath.Clean(distDir)
} else {
ret.distDir = filepath.Join(ret.OutDir(), "dist")
if srcDirIsWritable, ok := ret.environ.Get("BUILD_BROKEN_SRC_DIR_IS_WRITABLE"); ok {
ret.sandboxConfig.SetSrcDirIsRO(srcDirIsWritable == "false")
// We're already using it
// We should never use GOROOT/GOPATH from the shell environment
// These should only come from Soong, not the environment.
// Used by the goma compiler wrapper, but should only be set by
// gomacc
// We handle this above
// This is handled above too, and set for individual commands later
// Variables that have caused problems in the past
// Drop make flags
// Set in, reset in makefiles
// Set by, but shouldn't be used inside the build because is optional
if ret.UseGoma() || ret.ForceUseGoma() {
ctx.Println("Goma for Android has been deprecated and replaced with RBE. See go/rbe_for_android for instructions on how to use RBE.")
ctx.Fatalln("USE_GOMA / FORCE_USE_GOMA flag is no longer supported.")
// Tell python not to spam the source tree with .pyc files.
tmpDir := absPath(ctx, ret.TempDir())
ret.environ.Set("TMPDIR", tmpDir)
// Always set ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH so that ASAN-based tools can symbolize any crashes
symbolizerPath := filepath.Join("prebuilts/clang/host", ret.HostPrebuiltTag(),
ret.environ.Set("ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH", absPath(ctx, symbolizerPath))
// Precondition: the current directory is the top of the source tree
srcDir := absPath(ctx, ".")
if strings.ContainsRune(srcDir, ' ') {
ctx.Println("You are building in a directory whose absolute path contains a space character:")
ctx.Printf("%q\n", srcDir)
ctx.Fatalln("Directory names containing spaces are not supported")
ret.metricsUploader = GetMetricsUploader(srcDir, ret.environ)
if outDir := ret.OutDir(); strings.ContainsRune(outDir, ' ') {
ctx.Println("The absolute path of your output directory ($OUT_DIR) contains a space character:")
ctx.Printf("%q\n", outDir)
ctx.Fatalln("Directory names containing spaces are not supported")
if distDir := ret.RealDistDir(); strings.ContainsRune(distDir, ' ') {
ctx.Println("The absolute path of your dist directory ($DIST_DIR) contains a space character:")
ctx.Printf("%q\n", distDir)
ctx.Fatalln("Directory names containing spaces are not supported")
// Configure Java-related variables, including adding it to $PATH
java8Home := filepath.Join("prebuilts/jdk/jdk8", ret.HostPrebuiltTag())
java9Home := filepath.Join("prebuilts/jdk/jdk9", ret.HostPrebuiltTag())
java11Home := filepath.Join("prebuilts/jdk/jdk11", ret.HostPrebuiltTag())
javaHome := func() string {
if override, ok := ret.environ.Get("OVERRIDE_ANDROID_JAVA_HOME"); ok {
return override
if toolchain11, ok := ret.environ.Get("EXPERIMENTAL_USE_OPENJDK11_TOOLCHAIN"); ok && toolchain11 != "true" {
ctx.Fatalln("The environment variable EXPERIMENTAL_USE_OPENJDK11_TOOLCHAIN is no longer supported. An OpenJDK 11 toolchain is now the global default.")
return java11Home
absJavaHome := absPath(ctx, javaHome)
newPath := []string{filepath.Join(absJavaHome, "bin")}
if path, ok := ret.environ.Get("PATH"); ok && path != "" {
newPath = append(newPath, path)
ret.environ.Set("JAVA_HOME", absJavaHome)
ret.environ.Set("ANDROID_JAVA_HOME", javaHome)
ret.environ.Set("ANDROID_JAVA8_HOME", java8Home)
ret.environ.Set("ANDROID_JAVA9_HOME", java9Home)
ret.environ.Set("ANDROID_JAVA11_HOME", java11Home)
ret.environ.Set("PATH", strings.Join(newPath, string(filepath.ListSeparator)))
outDir := ret.OutDir()
buildDateTimeFile := filepath.Join(outDir, "build_date.txt")
if buildDateTime, ok := ret.environ.Get("BUILD_DATETIME"); ok && buildDateTime != "" {
ret.buildDateTime = buildDateTime
} else {
ret.buildDateTime = strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
ret.environ.Set("BUILD_DATETIME_FILE", buildDateTimeFile)
if ret.UseRBE() {
for k, v := range getRBEVars(ctx, Config{ret}) {
ret.environ.Set(k, v)
bpd := ret.BazelMetricsDir()
if err := os.RemoveAll(bpd); err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Unable to remove bazel profile directory %q: %v", bpd, err)
ret.useBazel = ret.environ.IsEnvTrue("USE_BAZEL")
if ret.UseBazel() {
if err := os.MkdirAll(bpd, 0777); err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Failed to create bazel profile directory %q: %v", bpd, err)
if ret.UseBazel() {
ret.riggedDistDirForBazel = filepath.Join(ret.OutDir(), "dist")
} else {
// Not rigged
ret.riggedDistDirForBazel = ret.distDir
c := Config{ret}
storeConfigMetrics(ctx, c)
return c
// NewBuildActionConfig returns a build configuration based on the build action. The arguments are
// processed based on the build action and extracts any arguments that belongs to the build action.
func NewBuildActionConfig(action BuildAction, dir string, ctx Context, args ...string) Config {
return NewConfig(ctx, getConfigArgs(action, dir, ctx, args)...)
// storeConfigMetrics selects a set of configuration information and store in
// the metrics system for further analysis.
func storeConfigMetrics(ctx Context, config Config) {
if ctx.Metrics == nil {
s := &smpb.SystemResourceInfo{
TotalPhysicalMemory: proto.Uint64(config.TotalRAM()),
AvailableCpus: proto.Int32(int32(runtime.NumCPU())),
func buildConfig(config Config) *smpb.BuildConfig {
c := &smpb.BuildConfig{
ForceUseGoma: proto.Bool(config.ForceUseGoma()),
UseGoma: proto.Bool(config.UseGoma()),
UseRbe: proto.Bool(config.UseRBE()),
BazelAsNinja: proto.Bool(config.UseBazel()),
BazelMixedBuild: proto.Bool(config.bazelBuildMode() == mixedBuild),
c.Targets = append(c.Targets, config.arguments...)
return c
// getConfigArgs processes the command arguments based on the build action and creates a set of new
// arguments to be accepted by Config.
func getConfigArgs(action BuildAction, dir string, ctx Context, args []string) []string {
// The next block of code verifies that the current directory is the root directory of the source
// tree. It then finds the relative path of dir based on the root directory of the source tree
// and verify that dir is inside of the source tree.
topDir, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Error retrieving top directory: %v", err)
dir, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(dir)
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Unable to evaluate symlink of %s: %v", dir, err)
dir, err = filepath.Abs(dir)
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Unable to find absolute path %s: %v", dir, err)
relDir, err := filepath.Rel(topDir, dir)
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Unable to find relative path %s of %s: %v", relDir, topDir, err)
// If there are ".." in the path, it's not in the source tree.
if strings.Contains(relDir, "..") {
ctx.Fatalf("Directory %s is not under the source tree %s", dir, topDir)
configArgs := args[:]
// If the arguments contains GET-INSTALL-PATH, change the target name prefix from MODULES-IN- to
// GET-INSTALL-PATH-IN- to extract the installation path instead of building the modules.
targetNamePrefix := "MODULES-IN-"
if inList("GET-INSTALL-PATH", configArgs) {
targetNamePrefix = "GET-INSTALL-PATH-IN-"
configArgs = removeFromList("GET-INSTALL-PATH", configArgs)
var targets []string
switch action {
// No additional processing is required when building a list of specific modules or all modules.
// If dir is the root source tree, all the modules are built of the source tree are built so
// no need to find the build file.
if topDir == dir {
buildFile := findBuildFile(ctx, relDir)
if buildFile == "" {
ctx.Fatalf("Build file not found for %s directory", relDir)
targets = []string{convertToTarget(filepath.Dir(buildFile), targetNamePrefix)}
newConfigArgs, dirs := splitArgs(configArgs)
configArgs = newConfigArgs
targets = getTargetsFromDirs(ctx, relDir, dirs, targetNamePrefix)
// Tidy only override all other specified targets.
tidyOnly := os.Getenv("WITH_TIDY_ONLY")
if tidyOnly == "true" || tidyOnly == "1" {
configArgs = append(configArgs, "tidy_only")
} else {
configArgs = append(configArgs, targets...)
return configArgs
// convertToTarget replaces "/" to "-" in dir and pre-append the targetNamePrefix to the target name.
func convertToTarget(dir string, targetNamePrefix string) string {
return targetNamePrefix + strings.ReplaceAll(dir, "/", "-")
// hasBuildFile returns true if dir contains an Android build file.
func hasBuildFile(ctx Context, dir string) bool {
for _, buildFile := range buildFiles {
_, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(dir, buildFile))
if err == nil {
return true
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
ctx.Fatalf("Error retrieving the build file stats: %v", err)
return false
// findBuildFile finds a build file (makefile or blueprint file) by looking if there is a build file
// in the current and any sub directory of dir. If a build file is not found, traverse the path
// up by one directory and repeat again until either a build file is found or reached to the root
// source tree. The returned filename of build file is "". If one was not found, a blank
// string is returned.
func findBuildFile(ctx Context, dir string) string {
// If the string is empty or ".", assume it is top directory of the source tree.
if dir == "" || dir == "." {
return ""
found := false
for buildDir := dir; buildDir != "."; buildDir = filepath.Dir(buildDir) {
err := filepath.Walk(buildDir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if found {
return filepath.SkipDir
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
for _, buildFile := range buildFiles {
if info.Name() == buildFile {
found = true
return filepath.SkipDir
return nil
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Error finding Android build file: %v", err)
if found {
return filepath.Join(buildDir, "")
return ""
// splitArgs iterates over the arguments list and splits into two lists: arguments and directories.
func splitArgs(args []string) (newArgs []string, dirs []string) {
specialArgs := map[string]bool{
"showcommands": true,
"snod": true,
"dist": true,
"checkbuild": true,
newArgs = []string{}
dirs = []string{}
for _, arg := range args {
// It's a dash argument if it starts with "-" or it's a key=value pair, it's not a directory.
if strings.IndexRune(arg, '-') == 0 || strings.IndexRune(arg, '=') != -1 {
newArgs = append(newArgs, arg)
if _, ok := specialArgs[arg]; ok {
newArgs = append(newArgs, arg)
dirs = append(dirs, arg)
return newArgs, dirs
// getTargetsFromDirs iterates over the dirs list and creates a list of targets to build. If a
// directory from the dirs list does not exist, a fatal error is raised. relDir is related to the
// source root tree where the build action command was invoked. Each directory is validated if the
// build file can be found and follows the format "dir1:target1,target2,...". Target is optional.
func getTargetsFromDirs(ctx Context, relDir string, dirs []string, targetNamePrefix string) (targets []string) {
for _, dir := range dirs {
// The directory may have specified specific modules to build. ":" is the separator to separate
// the directory and the list of modules.
s := strings.Split(dir, ":")
l := len(s)
if l > 2 { // more than one ":" was specified.
ctx.Fatalf("%s not in proper directory:target1,target2,... format (\":\" was specified more than once)", dir)
dir = filepath.Join(relDir, s[0])
if _, err := os.Stat(dir); err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("couldn't find directory %s", dir)
// Verify that if there are any targets specified after ":". Each target is separated by ",".
var newTargets []string
if l == 2 && s[1] != "" {
newTargets = strings.Split(s[1], ",")
if inList("", newTargets) {
ctx.Fatalf("%s not in proper directory:target1,target2,... format", dir)
// If there are specified targets to build in dir, an android build file must exist for the one
// shot build. For the non-targets case, find the appropriate build file and build all the
// modules in dir (or the closest one in the dir path).
if len(newTargets) > 0 {
if !hasBuildFile(ctx, dir) {
ctx.Fatalf("Couldn't locate a build file from %s directory", dir)
} else {
buildFile := findBuildFile(ctx, dir)
if buildFile == "" {
ctx.Fatalf("Build file not found for %s directory", dir)
newTargets = []string{convertToTarget(filepath.Dir(buildFile), targetNamePrefix)}
targets = append(targets, newTargets...)
return targets
func (c *configImpl) parseArgs(ctx Context, args []string) {
for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
arg := strings.TrimSpace(args[i])
if arg == "showcommands" {
c.verbose = true
} else if arg == "--empty-ninja-file" {
c.emptyNinjaFile = true
} else if arg == "--skip-ninja" {
c.skipNinja = true
} else if arg == "--skip-make" {
// TODO(ccross): deprecate this, it has confusing behaviors. It doesn't run kati,
// but it does run a Kati ninja file if the .kati_enabled marker file was created
// by a previous build.
c.skipConfig = true
c.skipKati = true
} else if arg == "--skip-kati" {
// TODO: remove --skip-kati once module builds have been migrated to --song-only
c.skipKati = true
} else if arg == "--soong-only" {
c.skipKati = true
c.skipKatiNinja = true
} else if arg == "--config-only" {
c.skipKati = true
c.skipKatiNinja = true
c.skipSoong = true
} else if arg == "--skip-config" {
c.skipConfig = true
} else if arg == "--skip-soong-tests" {
c.skipSoongTests = true
} else if len(arg) > 0 && arg[0] == '-' {
parseArgNum := func(def int) int {
if len(arg) > 2 {
p, err := strconv.ParseUint(arg[2:], 10, 31)
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Failed to parse %q: %v", arg, err)
return int(p)
} else if i+1 < len(args) {
p, err := strconv.ParseUint(args[i+1], 10, 31)
if err == nil {
return int(p)
return def
if len(arg) > 1 && arg[1] == 'j' {
c.parallel = parseArgNum(c.parallel)
} else if len(arg) > 1 && arg[1] == 'k' {
c.keepGoing = parseArgNum(0)
} else {
ctx.Fatalln("Unknown option:", arg)
} else if k, v, ok := decodeKeyValue(arg); ok && len(k) > 0 {
if k == "OUT_DIR" {
ctx.Fatalln("OUT_DIR may only be set in the environment, not as a command line option.")
c.environ.Set(k, v)
} else if arg == "dist" {
c.dist = true
} else if arg == "json-module-graph" {
c.jsonModuleGraph = true
} else if arg == "bp2build" {
c.bp2build = true
} else if arg == "queryview" {
c.queryview = true
} else if arg == "soong_docs" {
c.soongDocs = true
} else {
if arg == "checkbuild" {
c.checkbuild = true
c.arguments = append(c.arguments, arg)
func (c *configImpl) configureLocale(ctx Context) {
cmd := Command(ctx, Config{c}, "locale", "locale", "-a")
output, err := cmd.Output()
var locales []string
if err == nil {
locales = strings.Split(string(output), "\n")
} else {
// If we're unable to list the locales, let's assume en_US.UTF-8
locales = []string{"en_US.UTF-8"}
ctx.Verbosef("Failed to list locales (%q), falling back to %q", err, locales)
// gettext uses LANGUAGE, which is passed directly through
// For LANG and LC_*, only preserve the evaluated version of
userLang := ""
if lc_all, ok := c.environ.Get("LC_ALL"); ok {
userLang = lc_all
} else if lc_messages, ok := c.environ.Get("LC_MESSAGES"); ok {
userLang = lc_messages
} else if lang, ok := c.environ.Get("LANG"); ok {
userLang = lang
if userLang != "" {
c.environ.Set("LC_MESSAGES", userLang)
// The for LANG, use C.UTF-8 if it exists (Debian currently, proposed
// for others)
if inList("C.UTF-8", locales) {
c.environ.Set("LANG", "C.UTF-8")
} else if inList("C.utf8", locales) {
// These normalize to the same thing
c.environ.Set("LANG", "C.UTF-8")
} else if inList("en_US.UTF-8", locales) {
c.environ.Set("LANG", "en_US.UTF-8")
} else if inList("en_US.utf8", locales) {
// These normalize to the same thing
c.environ.Set("LANG", "en_US.UTF-8")
} else {
ctx.Fatalln("System doesn't support either C.UTF-8 or en_US.UTF-8")
func (c *configImpl) Environment() *Environment {
return c.environ
func (c *configImpl) Arguments() []string {
return c.arguments
func (c *configImpl) SoongBuildInvocationNeeded() bool {
if len(c.Arguments()) > 0 {
// Explicit targets requested that are not special targets like b2pbuild
// or the JSON module graph
return true
if !c.JsonModuleGraph() && !c.Bp2Build() && !c.Queryview() && !c.SoongDocs() {
// Command line was empty, the default Ninja target is built
return true
// bp2build + dist may be used to dist bp2build logs but does not require SoongBuildInvocation
if c.Dist() && !c.Bp2Build() {
return true
// doesn't need to be generated
return false
func (c *configImpl) OutDir() string {
if outDir, ok := c.environ.Get("OUT_DIR"); ok {
return outDir
return "out"
func (c *configImpl) DistDir() string {
if c.UseBazel() {
return c.riggedDistDirForBazel
} else {
return c.distDir
func (c *configImpl) RealDistDir() string {
return c.distDir
func (c *configImpl) NinjaArgs() []string {
if c.skipKati {
return c.arguments
return c.ninjaArgs
func (c *configImpl) BazelOutDir() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "bazel")
func (c *configImpl) SoongOutDir() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "soong")
func (c *configImpl) PrebuiltOS() string {
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "linux":
return "linux-x86"
case "darwin":
return "darwin-x86"
panic("Unknown GOOS")
func (c *configImpl) HostToolDir() string {
if c.SkipKatiNinja() {
return filepath.Join(c.SoongOutDir(), "host", c.PrebuiltOS(), "bin")
} else {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "host", c.PrebuiltOS(), "bin")
func (c *configImpl) NamedGlobFile(name string) string {
return shared.JoinPath(c.SoongOutDir(), "globs-"+name+".ninja")
func (c *configImpl) UsedEnvFile(tag string) string {
return shared.JoinPath(c.SoongOutDir(), usedEnvFile+"."+tag)
func (c *configImpl) Bp2BuildMarkerFile() string {
return shared.JoinPath(c.SoongOutDir(), "bp2build_workspace_marker")
func (c *configImpl) SoongDocsHtml() string {
return shared.JoinPath(c.SoongOutDir(), "docs/soong_build.html")
func (c *configImpl) QueryviewMarkerFile() string {
return shared.JoinPath(c.SoongOutDir(), "queryview.marker")
func (c *configImpl) ModuleGraphFile() string {
return shared.JoinPath(c.SoongOutDir(), "module-graph.json")
func (c *configImpl) TempDir() string {
return shared.TempDirForOutDir(c.SoongOutDir())
func (c *configImpl) FileListDir() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), ".module_paths")
func (c *configImpl) KatiSuffix() string {
if c.katiSuffix != "" {
return c.katiSuffix
panic("SetKatiSuffix has not been called")
// Checkbuild returns true if "checkbuild" was one of the build goals, which means that the
// user is interested in additional checks at the expense of build time.
func (c *configImpl) Checkbuild() bool {
return c.checkbuild
func (c *configImpl) Dist() bool {
return c.dist
func (c *configImpl) JsonModuleGraph() bool {
return c.jsonModuleGraph
func (c *configImpl) Bp2Build() bool {
return c.bp2build
func (c *configImpl) Queryview() bool {
return c.queryview
func (c *configImpl) SoongDocs() bool {
return c.soongDocs
func (c *configImpl) IsVerbose() bool {
return c.verbose
func (c *configImpl) SkipKati() bool {
return c.skipKati
func (c *configImpl) SkipKatiNinja() bool {
return c.skipKatiNinja
func (c *configImpl) SkipSoong() bool {
return c.skipSoong
func (c *configImpl) SkipNinja() bool {
return c.skipNinja
func (c *configImpl) SetSkipNinja(v bool) {
c.skipNinja = v
func (c *configImpl) SkipConfig() bool {
return c.skipConfig
func (c *configImpl) TargetProduct() string {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("TARGET_PRODUCT"); ok {
return v
panic("TARGET_PRODUCT is not defined")
func (c *configImpl) TargetDevice() string {
return c.targetDevice
func (c *configImpl) SetTargetDevice(device string) {
c.targetDevice = device
func (c *configImpl) TargetBuildVariant() string {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT"); ok {
return v
panic("TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT is not defined")
func (c *configImpl) KatiArgs() []string {
return c.katiArgs
func (c *configImpl) Parallel() int {
return c.parallel
func (c *configImpl) HighmemParallel() int {
if i, ok := c.environ.GetInt("NINJA_HIGHMEM_NUM_JOBS"); ok {
return i
const minMemPerHighmemProcess = 8 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
parallel := c.Parallel()
if c.UseRemoteBuild() {
// Ninja doesn't support nested pools, and when remote builds are enabled the total ninja parallelism
// is set very high (i.e. 500). Using a large value here would cause the total number of running jobs
// to be the sum of the sizes of the local and highmem pools, which will cause extra CPU contention.
// Return 1/16th of the size of the local pool, rounding up.
return (parallel + 15) / 16
} else if c.totalRAM == 0 {
// Couldn't detect the total RAM, don't restrict highmem processes.
return parallel
} else if c.totalRAM <= 16*1024*1024*1024 {
// Less than 16GB of ram, restrict to 1 highmem processes
return 1
} else if c.totalRAM <= 32*1024*1024*1024 {
// Less than 32GB of ram, restrict to 2 highmem processes
return 2
} else if p := int(c.totalRAM / minMemPerHighmemProcess); p < parallel {
// If less than 8GB total RAM per process, reduce the number of highmem processes
return p
// No restriction on highmem processes
return parallel
func (c *configImpl) TotalRAM() uint64 {
return c.totalRAM
// ForceUseGoma determines whether we should override Goma deprecation
// and use Goma for the current build or not.
func (c *configImpl) ForceUseGoma() bool {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("FORCE_USE_GOMA"); ok {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if v != "" && v != "false" {
return true
return false
func (c *configImpl) UseGoma() bool {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("USE_GOMA"); ok {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if v != "" && v != "false" {
return true
return false
func (c *configImpl) StartGoma() bool {
if !c.UseGoma() {
return false
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("NOSTART_GOMA"); ok {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if v != "" && v != "false" {
return false
return true
func (c *configImpl) UseRBE() bool {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("USE_RBE"); ok {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if v != "" && v != "false" {
return true
return false
func (c *configImpl) UseBazel() bool {
return c.useBazel
func (c *configImpl) bazelBuildMode() bazelBuildMode {
if c.Environment().IsEnvTrue("USE_BAZEL_ANALYSIS") {
return mixedBuild
} else {
return noBazel
func (c *configImpl) StartRBE() bool {
if !c.UseRBE() {
return false
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("NOSTART_RBE"); ok {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if v != "" && v != "false" {
return false
return true
func (c *configImpl) rbeLogDir() string {
for _, f := range []string{"RBE_log_dir", "FLAG_log_dir"} {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get(f); ok {
return v
if c.Dist() {
return c.LogsDir()
return c.OutDir()
func (c *configImpl) rbeStatsOutputDir() string {
for _, f := range []string{"RBE_output_dir", "FLAG_output_dir"} {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get(f); ok {
return v
return c.rbeLogDir()
func (c *configImpl) rbeLogPath() string {
for _, f := range []string{"RBE_log_path", "FLAG_log_path"} {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get(f); ok {
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("text://%v/reproxy_log.txt", c.rbeLogDir())
func (c *configImpl) rbeExecRoot() string {
for _, f := range []string{"RBE_exec_root", "FLAG_exec_root"} {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get(f); ok {
return v
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return ""
return wd
func (c *configImpl) rbeDir() string {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("RBE_DIR"); ok {
return v
return "prebuilts/remoteexecution-client/live/"
func (c *configImpl) rbeReproxy() string {
for _, f := range []string{"RBE_re_proxy", "FLAG_re_proxy"} {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get(f); ok {
return v
return filepath.Join(c.rbeDir(), "reproxy")
func (c *configImpl) rbeAuth() (string, string) {
credFlags := []string{"use_application_default_credentials", "use_gce_credentials", "credential_file"}
for _, cf := range credFlags {
for _, f := range []string{"RBE_" + cf, "FLAG_" + cf} {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get(f); ok {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if v != "" && v != "false" && v != "0" {
return "RBE_" + cf, v
return "RBE_use_application_default_credentials", "true"
func (c *configImpl) UseRemoteBuild() bool {
return c.UseGoma() || c.UseRBE()
// RemoteParallel controls how many remote jobs (i.e., commands which contain
// gomacc) are run in parallel. Note the parallelism of all other jobs is
// still limited by Parallel()
func (c *configImpl) RemoteParallel() int {
if !c.UseRemoteBuild() {
return 0
if i, ok := c.environ.GetInt("NINJA_REMOTE_NUM_JOBS"); ok {
return i
return 500
func (c *configImpl) SetKatiArgs(args []string) {
c.katiArgs = args
func (c *configImpl) SetNinjaArgs(args []string) {
c.ninjaArgs = args
func (c *configImpl) SetKatiSuffix(suffix string) {
c.katiSuffix = suffix
func (c *configImpl) LastKatiSuffixFile() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "last_kati_suffix")
func (c *configImpl) HasKatiSuffix() bool {
return c.katiSuffix != ""
func (c *configImpl) KatiEnvFile() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "env"+c.KatiSuffix()+".sh")
func (c *configImpl) KatiBuildNinjaFile() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "build"+c.KatiSuffix()+katiBuildSuffix+".ninja")
func (c *configImpl) KatiPackageNinjaFile() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "build"+c.KatiSuffix()+katiPackageSuffix+".ninja")
func (c *configImpl) SoongNinjaFile() string {
return filepath.Join(c.SoongOutDir(), "")
func (c *configImpl) CombinedNinjaFile() string {
if c.katiSuffix == "" {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "")
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "combined"+c.KatiSuffix()+".ninja")
func (c *configImpl) SoongAndroidMk() string {
return filepath.Join(c.SoongOutDir(), "Android-"+c.TargetProduct()+".mk")
func (c *configImpl) SoongMakeVarsMk() string {
return filepath.Join(c.SoongOutDir(), "make_vars-"+c.TargetProduct()+".mk")
func (c *configImpl) ProductOut() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "target", "product", c.TargetDevice())
func (c *configImpl) DevicePreviousProductConfig() string {
return filepath.Join(c.ProductOut(), "")
func (c *configImpl) KatiPackageMkDir() string {
return filepath.Join(c.ProductOut(), "obj", "CONFIG", "kati_packaging")
func (c *configImpl) hostOutRoot() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "host")
func (c *configImpl) HostOut() string {
return filepath.Join(c.hostOutRoot(), c.HostPrebuiltTag())
// This probably needs to be multi-valued, so not exporting it for now
func (c *configImpl) hostCrossOut() string {
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
return filepath.Join(c.hostOutRoot(), "windows-x86")
} else {
return ""
func (c *configImpl) HostPrebuiltTag() string {
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
return "linux-x86"
} else if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
return "darwin-x86"
} else {
panic("Unsupported OS")
func (c *configImpl) PrebuiltBuildTool(name string) string {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("SANITIZE_HOST"); ok {
if sanitize := strings.Fields(v); inList("address", sanitize) {
asan := filepath.Join("prebuilts/build-tools", c.HostPrebuiltTag(), "asan/bin", name)
if _, err := os.Stat(asan); err == nil {
return asan
return filepath.Join("prebuilts/build-tools", c.HostPrebuiltTag(), "bin", name)
func (c *configImpl) SetBuildBrokenDupRules(val bool) {
c.brokenDupRules = val
func (c *configImpl) BuildBrokenDupRules() bool {
return c.brokenDupRules
func (c *configImpl) SetBuildBrokenUsesNetwork(val bool) {
c.brokenUsesNetwork = val
func (c *configImpl) BuildBrokenUsesNetwork() bool {
return c.brokenUsesNetwork
func (c *configImpl) SetBuildBrokenNinjaUsesEnvVars(val []string) {
c.brokenNinjaEnvVars = val
func (c *configImpl) BuildBrokenNinjaUsesEnvVars() []string {
return c.brokenNinjaEnvVars
func (c *configImpl) SetTargetDeviceDir(dir string) {
c.targetDeviceDir = dir
func (c *configImpl) TargetDeviceDir() string {
return c.targetDeviceDir
func (c *configImpl) BuildDateTime() string {
return c.buildDateTime
func (c *configImpl) MetricsUploaderApp() string {
return c.metricsUploader
// LogsDir returns the absolute path to the logs directory where build log and
// metrics files are located. By default, the logs directory is the out
// directory. If the argument dist is specified, the logs directory
// is <dist_dir>/logs.
func (c *configImpl) LogsDir() string {
dir := c.OutDir()
if c.Dist() {
// Always write logs to the real dist dir, even if Bazel is using a rigged dist dir for other files
dir = filepath.Join(c.RealDistDir(), "logs")
absDir, err := filepath.Abs(dir)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nError making log dir '%s' absolute: %s\n", dir, err.Error())
return absDir
// BazelMetricsDir returns the <logs dir>/bazel_metrics directory
// where the bazel profiles are located.
func (c *configImpl) BazelMetricsDir() string {
return filepath.Join(c.LogsDir(), "bazel_metrics")
func (c *configImpl) SetEmptyNinjaFile(v bool) {
c.emptyNinjaFile = v
func (c *configImpl) EmptyNinjaFile() bool {
return c.emptyNinjaFile
func GetMetricsUploader(topDir string, env *Environment) string {
if p, ok := env.Get("METRICS_UPLOADER"); ok {
metricsUploader := filepath.Join(topDir, p)
if _, err := os.Stat(metricsUploader); err == nil {
return metricsUploader
return ""