blob: 2e7832e196b2a17857c69b739694a65575d71318 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package config
import (
var (
// Some clang-tidy checks have bugs or don't work for Android.
// They are disabled here, overriding any locally selected checks.
globalNoCheckList = []string{
// many local projects enable cert-* checks, which
// trigger bugprone-reserved-identifier.
// http://b/153757728
// http://b/193716442
// Too many existing functions trigger this rule, and fixing it requires large code
// refactoring. The cost of maintaining this tidy rule outweighs the benefit it brings.
// http://b/216364337 - TODO: Follow-up after compiler update to
// disable or fix individual instances.
// http://b/241125373
// http://b/265438407
// http://b/285005947
// Some clang-tidy checks are included in some tidy_checks_as_errors lists,
// but not all warnings are fixed/suppressed yet. These checks are not
// disabled in the TidyGlobalNoChecks list, so we can see them and fix/suppress them.
globalNoErrorCheckList = []string{
// http://b/241997913
// http://b/155034972
// http://b/155034563
// http://b/241819232
extraArgFlags = []string{
// We might be using the static analyzer through clang tidy.
// A recent change in clang-tidy (r328258) enabled destructor inlining, which
// appears to cause a number of false positives. Until that's resolved, this turns
// off the effects of r328258.
func init() {
// The global default tidy checks should include clang-tidy
// default checks and tested groups, but exclude known noisy checks.
// See
exportedVars.ExportVariableConfigMethod("TidyDefaultGlobalChecks", func(config android.Config) string {
if override := config.Getenv("DEFAULT_GLOBAL_TIDY_CHECKS"); override != "" {
return override
checks := strings.Join([]string{
// Select only google-* checks that do not have thousands of warnings.
// Add more such checks when we clean up source code.
// "google-build-using-namespace",
// "google-default-arguments",
// "google-explicit-constructor",
// "google-global-names-in-headers",
// "google-runtime-int",
// the following groups are not in clang-tidy default checks.
// -altera-*
// -cppcoreguidelines-*
// -darwin-*
// -fuchsia-*
// -hicpp-*
// -llvm-*
// -llvmlibc-*
// -modernize-*
// -mpi-*
// -objc-*
// -readability-*
// -zircon-*
}, ",")
// clang-analyzer-* checks are slow for large files, but we have TIDY_TIMEOUT to
// limit clang-tidy runtime. We allow clang-tidy default clang-analyzer-* checks,
// and add it explicitly when CLANG_ANALYZER_CHECKS is set.
// The insecureAPI.DeprecatedOrUnsafeBufferHandling warning does not apply to Android.
if config.IsEnvTrue("CLANG_ANALYZER_CHECKS") {
checks += ",clang-analyzer-*,-clang-analyzer-security.insecureAPI.DeprecatedOrUnsafeBufferHandling"
} else {
checks += ",-clang-analyzer-security.insecureAPI.DeprecatedOrUnsafeBufferHandling"
return checks
// The external and vendor projects do not run clang-tidy unless TIDY_EXTERNAL_VENDOR is set.
// We do not add "-*" to the check list to avoid suppressing the check list in .clang-tidy config files.
// There are too many clang-tidy warnings in external and vendor projects, so we only
// enable some google checks for these projects. Users can add more checks locally with the
// "tidy_checks" list in .bp files, or the "Checks" list in .clang-tidy config files.
exportedVars.ExportVariableConfigMethod("TidyExternalVendorChecks", func(config android.Config) string {
if override := config.Getenv("DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_VENDOR_TIDY_CHECKS"); override != "" {
return override
return strings.Join([]string{
}, ",")
exportedVars.ExportVariableFuncVariable("TidyGlobalNoChecks", func() string {
return strings.Join(globalNoCheckList, ",")
exportedVars.ExportVariableFuncVariable("TidyGlobalNoErrorChecks", func() string {
return strings.Join(globalNoErrorCheckList, ",")
exportedVars.ExportStringListStaticVariable("TidyExtraArgFlags", extraArgFlags)
// To reduce duplicate warnings from the same header files,
// header-filter will contain only the module directory and
// those specified by DEFAULT_TIDY_HEADER_DIRS.
exportedVars.ExportVariableConfigMethod("TidyDefaultHeaderDirs", func(config android.Config) string {
return config.Getenv("DEFAULT_TIDY_HEADER_DIRS")
// Use WTIH_TIDY_FLAGS to pass extra global default clang-tidy flags.
exportedVars.ExportVariableConfigMethod("TidyWithTidyFlags", func(config android.Config) string {
return config.Getenv("WITH_TIDY_FLAGS")
type PathBasedTidyCheck struct {
PathPrefix string
Checks string
const tidyDefault = "${config.TidyDefaultGlobalChecks}"
const tidyExternalVendor = "${config.TidyExternalVendorChecks}"
const tidyDefaultNoAnalyzer = "${config.TidyDefaultGlobalChecks},-clang-analyzer-*"
// This is a map of local path prefixes to the set of default clang-tidy checks
// to be used. This is like android.IsThirdPartyPath, but with more patterns.
// The last matched local_path_prefix should be the most specific to be used.
var DefaultLocalTidyChecks = []PathBasedTidyCheck{
{"external/", tidyExternalVendor},
{"frameworks/compile/mclinker/", tidyExternalVendor},
{"hardware/", tidyExternalVendor},
{"hardware/google/", tidyDefault},
{"hardware/interfaces/", tidyDefault},
{"hardware/ril/", tidyDefault},
{"hardware/libhardware", tidyDefault}, // all 'hardware/libhardware*'
{"vendor/", tidyExternalVendor},
{"vendor/google", tidyDefault}, // all 'vendor/google*'
{"vendor/google/external/", tidyExternalVendor},
{"vendor/google_arc/libs/org.chromium.arc.mojom", tidyExternalVendor},
{"vendor/google_devices/", tidyExternalVendor}, // many have vendor code
var reversedDefaultLocalTidyChecks = reverseTidyChecks(DefaultLocalTidyChecks)
func reverseTidyChecks(in []PathBasedTidyCheck) []PathBasedTidyCheck {
ret := make([]PathBasedTidyCheck, len(in))
for i, check := range in {
ret[len(in)-i-1] = check
return ret
func TidyChecksForDir(dir string) string {
dir = dir + "/"
for _, pathCheck := range reversedDefaultLocalTidyChecks {
if strings.HasPrefix(dir, pathCheck.PathPrefix) {
return pathCheck.Checks
return tidyDefault
func neverTidyForDir(dir string) bool {
// This function can be extended if tidy needs to be disabled for more directories.
return strings.HasPrefix(dir, "external/grpc-grpc")
func NoClangTidyForDir(allowExternalVendor bool, dir string) bool {
// Tidy can be disable for a module in dir, if the dir is "neverTidyForDir",
// or if it belongs to external|vendor and !allowExternalVendor.
// This function depends on TidyChecksForDir, which selects tidyExternalVendor
// checks for external/vendor projects.
return neverTidyForDir(dir) ||
(!allowExternalVendor && TidyChecksForDir(dir) == tidyExternalVendor)
// Returns a globally disabled tidy checks, overriding locally selected checks.
func TidyGlobalNoChecks() string {
if len(globalNoCheckList) > 0 {
return ",${config.TidyGlobalNoChecks}"
return ""
// Returns a globally allowed/no-error tidy checks, appended to -warnings-as-errors.
func TidyGlobalNoErrorChecks() string {
if len(globalNoErrorCheckList) > 0 {
return ",${config.TidyGlobalNoErrorChecks}"
return ""
func TidyExtraArgFlags() []string {
return extraArgFlags
func TidyFlagsForSrcFile(srcFile android.Path, flags string) string {
// Disable clang-analyzer-* checks globally for generated source files
// because some of them are too huge. Local .bp files can add wanted
// clang-analyzer checks through the tidy_checks property.
// Need to do this patch per source file, because some modules
// have both generated and organic source files.
if _, ok := srcFile.(android.WritablePath); ok {
if strings.Contains(flags, tidyDefault) {
return strings.ReplaceAll(flags, tidyDefault, tidyDefaultNoAnalyzer)
return flags
var (
removedCFlags = regexp.MustCompile(" -fsanitize=[^ ]*memtag-[^ ]* ")
func TidyReduceCFlags(flags string) string {
return removedCFlags.ReplaceAllString(flags, " ")