Ensure mutators used in tests are in the same order as at runtime

This change uses the order in which mutators are registered at runtime
to define the order in which mutators must be registered in tests to
improve test reliability and prevent issues like bug 181974714.

Generally, it simply sorts the test mutators into the same order as
used at runtime. However, if the test includes a mutator that is not
used at runtime then it cannot sort them because it does not have
enough information to know where it should appear in that order. So,
instead it simply checks the order and makes sure that it matches.

Allowing relationships between mutators to be explicitly defined, e.g.
mutator X should come after mutator Y but before mutator A would fix
that information gap and allow them to be sorted but that is outside
the scope of this piece of work.

The code here is written generically for a sortableComponent as
follow up changes will sort singletons and pre-singletons in the same

Bug: 181953909
Test: m nothing
Change-Id: Ib7d421f578e25f6dccaaff4f73b69838d1b54b00
diff --git a/android/testing.go b/android/testing.go
index b134eae..d68d626 100644
--- a/android/testing.go
+++ b/android/testing.go
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+	"sync"
@@ -96,6 +97,9 @@
 	preArch, preDeps, postDeps, finalDeps           []RegisterMutatorFunc
 	bp2buildPreArch, bp2buildDeps, bp2buildMutators []RegisterMutatorFunc
 	NameResolver                                    *NameResolver
+	// The order in which the mutators will be run in this test context; for debugging.
+	mutatorOrder []string
 func (ctx *TestContext) PreArchMutators(f RegisterMutatorFunc) {
@@ -140,11 +144,214 @@
 	ctx.bp2buildDeps = append(ctx.bp2buildDeps, f)
+// registeredComponentOrder defines the order in which a sortableComponent type is registered at
+// runtime and provides support for reordering the components registered for a test in the same
+// way.
+type registeredComponentOrder struct {
+	// The name of the component type, used for error messages.
+	componentType string
+	// The names of the registered components in the order in which they were registered.
+	namesInOrder []string
+	// Maps from the component name to its position in the runtime ordering.
+	namesToIndex map[string]int
+	// A function that defines the order between two named components that can be used to sort a slice
+	// of component names into the same order as they appear in namesInOrder.
+	less func(string, string) bool
+// registeredComponentOrderFromExistingOrder takes an existing slice of sortableComponents and
+// creates a registeredComponentOrder that contains a less function that can be used to sort a
+// subset of that list of names so it is in the same order as the original sortableComponents.
+func registeredComponentOrderFromExistingOrder(componentType string, existingOrder sortableComponents) registeredComponentOrder {
+	// Only the names from the existing order are needed for this so create a list of component names
+	// in the correct order.
+	namesInOrder := componentsToNames(existingOrder)
+	// Populate the map from name to position in the list.
+	nameToIndex := make(map[string]int)
+	for i, n := range namesInOrder {
+		nameToIndex[n] = i
+	}
+	// A function to use to map from a name to an index in the original order.
+	indexOf := func(name string) int {
+		index, ok := nameToIndex[name]
+		if !ok {
+			// Should never happen as tests that use components that are not known at runtime do not sort
+			// so should never use this function.
+			panic(fmt.Errorf("internal error: unknown %s %q should be one of %s", componentType, name, strings.Join(namesInOrder, ", ")))
+		}
+		return index
+	}
+	// The less function.
+	less := func(n1, n2 string) bool {
+		i1 := indexOf(n1)
+		i2 := indexOf(n2)
+		return i1 < i2
+	}
+	return registeredComponentOrder{
+		componentType: componentType,
+		namesInOrder:  namesInOrder,
+		namesToIndex:  nameToIndex,
+		less:          less,
+	}
+// componentsToNames maps from the slice of components to a slice of their names.
+func componentsToNames(components sortableComponents) []string {
+	names := make([]string, len(components))
+	for i, c := range components {
+		names[i] = c.componentName()
+	}
+	return names
+// enforceOrdering enforces the supplied components are in the same order as is defined in this
+// object.
+// If the supplied components contains any components that are not registered at runtime, i.e. test
+// specific components, then it is impossible to sort them into an order that both matches the
+// runtime and also preserves the implicit ordering defined in the test. In that case it will not
+// sort the components, instead it will just check that the components are in the correct order.
+// Otherwise, this will sort the supplied components in place.
+func (o *registeredComponentOrder) enforceOrdering(components sortableComponents) {
+	// Check to see if the list of components contains any components that are
+	// not registered at runtime.
+	var unknownComponents []string
+	testOrder := componentsToNames(components)
+	for _, name := range testOrder {
+		if _, ok := o.namesToIndex[name]; !ok {
+			unknownComponents = append(unknownComponents, name)
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	// If the slice contains some unknown components then it is not possible to
+	// sort them into an order that matches the runtime while also preserving the
+	// order expected from the test, so in that case don't sort just check that
+	// the order of the known mutators does match.
+	if len(unknownComponents) > 0 {
+		// Check order.
+		o.checkTestOrder(testOrder, unknownComponents)
+	} else {
+		// Sort the components.
+		sort.Slice(components, func(i, j int) bool {
+			n1 := components[i].componentName()
+			n2 := components[j].componentName()
+			return o.less(n1, n2)
+		})
+	}
+// checkTestOrder checks that the supplied testOrder matches the one defined by this object,
+// panicking if it does not.
+func (o *registeredComponentOrder) checkTestOrder(testOrder []string, unknownComponents []string) {
+	lastMatchingTest := -1
+	matchCount := 0
+	// Take a copy of the runtime order as it is modified during the comparison.
+	runtimeOrder := append([]string(nil), o.namesInOrder...)
+	componentType := o.componentType
+	for i, j := 0, 0; i < len(testOrder) && j < len(runtimeOrder); {
+		test := testOrder[i]
+		runtime := runtimeOrder[j]
+		if test == runtime {
+			testOrder[i] = test + fmt.Sprintf(" <-- matched with runtime %s %d", componentType, j)
+			runtimeOrder[j] = runtime + fmt.Sprintf(" <-- matched with test %s %d", componentType, i)
+			lastMatchingTest = i
+			i += 1
+			j += 1
+			matchCount += 1
+		} else if _, ok := o.namesToIndex[test]; !ok {
+			// The test component is not registered globally so assume it is the correct place, treat it
+			// as having matched and skip it.
+			i += 1
+			matchCount += 1
+		} else {
+			// Assume that the test list is in the same order as the runtime list but the runtime list
+			// contains some components that are not present in the tests. So, skip the runtime component
+			// to try and find the next one that matches the current test component.
+			j += 1
+		}
+	}
+	// If every item in the test order was either test specific or matched one in the runtime then
+	// it is in the correct order. Otherwise, it was not so fail.
+	if matchCount != len(testOrder) {
+		// The test component names were not all matched with a runtime component name so there must
+		// either be a component present in the test that is not present in the runtime or they must be
+		// in the wrong order.
+		testOrder[lastMatchingTest+1] = testOrder[lastMatchingTest+1] + " <--- unmatched"
+		panic(fmt.Errorf("the tests uses test specific components %q and so cannot be automatically sorted."+
+			" Unfortunately it uses %s components in the wrong order.\n"+
+			"test order:\n    %s\n"+
+			"runtime order\n    %s\n",
+			SortedUniqueStrings(unknownComponents),
+			componentType,
+			strings.Join(testOrder, "\n    "),
+			strings.Join(runtimeOrder, "\n    ")))
+	}
+// registrationSorter encapsulates the information needed to ensure that the test mutators are
+// registered, and thereby executed, in the same order as they are at runtime.
+// It MUST be populated lazily AFTER all package initialization has been done otherwise it will
+// only define the order for a subset of all the registered build components that are available for
+// the packages being tested.
+// e.g if this is initialized during say the cc package initialization then any tests run in the
+// java package will not sort build components registered by the java package's init() functions.
+type registrationSorter struct {
+	// Used to ensure that this is only created once.
+	once sync.Once
+	// The order of mutators
+	mutatorOrder registeredComponentOrder
+// populate initializes this structure from globally registered build components.
+// Only the first call has any effect.
+func (s *registrationSorter) populate() {
+	s.once.Do(func() {
+		// Created an ordering from the globally registered mutators.
+		globallyRegisteredMutators := collateGloballyRegisteredMutators()
+		s.mutatorOrder = registeredComponentOrderFromExistingOrder("mutator", globallyRegisteredMutators)
+	})
+// Provides support for enforcing the same order in which build components are registered globally
+// to the order in which they are registered during tests.
+// MUST only be accessed via the globallyRegisteredComponentsOrder func.
+var globalRegistrationSorter registrationSorter
+// globallyRegisteredComponentsOrder returns the globalRegistrationSorter after ensuring it is
+// correctly populated.
+func globallyRegisteredComponentsOrder() *registrationSorter {
+	globalRegistrationSorter.populate()
+	return &globalRegistrationSorter
 func (ctx *TestContext) Register() {
+	globalOrder := globallyRegisteredComponentsOrder()
 	mutators := collateRegisteredMutators(ctx.preArch, ctx.preDeps, ctx.postDeps, ctx.finalDeps)
+	// Ensure that the mutators used in the test are in the same order as they are used at runtime.
+	globalOrder.mutatorOrder.enforceOrdering(mutators)
 	ctx.RegisterSingletonType("env", EnvSingleton)
+	// Save the mutator order away to make it easy to access while debugging.
+	ctx.mutatorOrder = globalOrder.mutatorOrder.namesInOrder
 // RegisterForBazelConversion prepares a test context for bp2build conversion.